Thursday, 2017-06-01

openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add untrusted-projects ansible test
jeblairSpamapS: it looked like "from . import paths" wasn't working out (i don't think "." in that context means what we hoped).  so i pushed a new patchset to change 468208 with a variant on that approach based on an idea mordred had.  i managed to get it to pass the tests in the following change locally.  [cc pabelanger]00:14
jeblairjlk: i'm past eod and zonked (see above brain teaser), i'll have to look at that tomorrow, sorry00:15
tobiashdo some of you also encounter this one on executor restart?04:21
tobiashdo you consider this as a bug in my service file (missing delete as pre-start) or the executor (should handle pre-existing ansible pycache)?04:32
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement a static driver for Nodepool
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Extend Nodepool configuration syntax to support multiple drivers
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Collect request handling implementation in an OpenStack driver
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Abstract Nodepool provider management code
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Abstract Nodepool request handling code
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add support for custom ssh port
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement an OpenContainer driver
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mordredtobiash: oh wow fun10:14
tobiashmordred: so should I fix the executor or my systemd service file? ;)10:23
mordredtobiash: I don't know - but I think the executor - I'm confused as to why copytree can't handle it10:25
mordredtobiash: oh! ... ignore= can take a callable that takes as an argument the list of things in the dir copytree is visiting and returns ones to ignore10:27
mordredtobiash: so def _ignore(dir, files): if "__pycache__" in files: return ["__pycache__"] else: return [] and copytree(ignore=_ignore) should probably do the trick, yeah?10:28
mordredsince we don't really want to copy __pycache__ files10:29
tobiashmordred: thanks, will try that out10:32
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
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pabelangerjeblair: SpamapS: thanks, going to debug bwrap failure this morning. Not sure why job is currently failing12:02
Shrewsi was hitting that pycache thing yesterday during streamer testing13:01
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SpamapSpabelanger: sweet thanks14:16
* SpamapS is just catching up with backscroll from yesterday14:16
SpamapSjeblair: ACK, I saw the patches you and mordred made just now. I'm not sure I understand where the pythonpatch change comes in, but I'm glad we're making progress.14:17
mordredSpamapS: basically - copy not just each of the plugin dirs, but copy the whole zuul/ansible tree, and put it in a zuul dir with a - then put the dir containing that zuul dir into PYTHONPATH so that the path lookups work - without needing to copy any more data than we're copying now14:29
mordredSpamapS: since there isn't anything in zuul/ansible other than dirs we copy anyway - its the same amount of copying - but we don't want to copy the _entire_ zuul tree cause that _is_ more things to copy14:31
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SpamapSmordred: so the thing I think I was missing was the PYTHONPATH change14:39
mordredalthough my fix of the pep8 failure sure did not go well :)14:56
mordredoh - that's ust the setuptools/six issue14:57
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jeblairmordred, SpamapS: ah, i botched the rework of the zuul.ansible change anyway.  fixing.16:11
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add untrusted-projects ansible test
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove source from reporter
jeblairmordred: want to +3 which you previously reviewed?16:24
jeblairSpamapS, mordred, pabelanger: the bwrap changes all pass tests now!16:25
jeblairi'm just going to fix my -1 on 453851 since SpamapS is conferencing16:25
pabelangerjeblair: thanks for looking into the test16:26
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add untrusted-projects ansible test
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for bwrap
mordredjeblair: done16:27
mordredjeblair: do you think it's worth checking to see if a PYTHONPATH exists and appending to it if it does?16:27
jeblairmordred: hrm, that does seem like the polite thing to do16:28
jeblairmordred: adding that now16:28
mordredjeblair: env_copy['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.sep.join(['self.executor_server.ansible_dir'] + [env_copy.get('PYTHONPATH')]) shouldn't be _terrible_16:28
jlkjeblair: looking at  and from your advice yesterday, couldn't this just check change.project.connection_name  and self.connection.connection_name ?16:31
jeblairmordred: it's separated by ':' right?16:31
mordredjeblair: yah. well - or os.path.pathsep possibly16:32
mordredjeblair: I'm not sure it it's separated by somethign else on non-linux -but we liely have other issues there anyway16:33
mordredso I doubt os.path.pathsep will be the thing that kills us :)16:33
jeblairmordred: ah yeah, so os.path.pathsep.16:34
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add untrusted-projects ansible test
jeblairmordred: i had already typed ':'16:35
jeblairmeh, i'll change it16:35
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make zuul ansible dir self-contained
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add untrusted-projects ansible test
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only report to gerrit if the action is from gerrit
jeblairjlk: yeah, i've been trying to wrap my head around that -- i think the canonical name is desired over the connection name there because in the use case tobiash was referencing in earlier comments, the user actually wants it to report to a connection other than the source connection for the change.16:38
jeblairjlk: the use case is basically to report to gerrit as a different user than you might normally use16:38
jeblairjlk: so it's using the fact that multiple connections might have the same canonical name to do that.  tbh, i'm not sure that's entirely going to hold up.16:39
jlkyeah, that makes it weird if I've got multiple tenants connected to public github16:39
jlkthey're all going to share the same canonical URL, but I don't necessarily want them cross-talking16:40
jeblairjlk: i expect the tenants will all share the same connection though16:40
jlkmaybe tenant was the wrong word there16:40
jlkIf I have multiple connections to public github16:40
jlkmaybe I wouldn't?16:40
jlkBut I might if they need to have different trigger / report / require / reject16:41
jlkmaybe I'm overthinking this16:41
jeblairjlk: all of those should be able to happen with one connection.  normally a zuul install would have one connection to each server (one gerrit, one github, etc).  only reason to have more than one for a given server is to use a new set of credentials (ie, if you wanted your zuul to present as two separate github apps).16:43
jlkyeah, or one as an app, and one as a distinct user16:44
jeblairoh you know what, i think that check may actually just want to check the *hostname* not the *canonical_hostname*.16:44
jeblairwhat we're looking for in that change is "if i report to, is it going to understand this change"16:44
jeblairlemme etherpad this16:45
tobiashjeblair: yes, this is a quite nice summary of the intent of that change16:51
tobiashso my personal use case was to separate different gerrits from each other16:52
tobiashfor this the connection name would be sufficient16:52
tobiashbut in the tests there is also the use case to have the source in one connection and reporting to a different connection to the same gerrit16:52
tobiashI personally don't have the latter use case but as there is a test case for that I thought comparing the host names would enable my use case and also the already existing test case16:53
jeblairtobiash: yeah, and i think the actual hostname (vs canonical hostname, which may be different) should work for your case as well, right?16:55
tobiashjeblair: I think so16:55
tobiashisn't the canonical hostname the fqdn?16:55
tobiashso my intent was to identify the same gerrit by using the real dns name of the gerrit (aka
mordredtobiash: canoncal_hostname is the fdqn of the place from which git repos are known to be located16:57
jeblairtobiash: that's the "hostname".  the "canonical_hostname" might be that, or something completely different.  canonical_hostname is there so that we know what to call the repos when we put them on disk.16:57
mordredtobiash: so, for openstack, it's ""16:58
jeblairright, so that people writing golang import lines can say ""16:58
mordredI agree, I think hostname should work for tobiash use case16:59
jeblairbut now that i've dug into this further, i think either one will work just as well.  maybe we should leave it as canonical_hostname for now and see if there are problems.  :)16:59
tobiashseems that I misunderstood the canonical hostname...16:59
jeblairtobiash: it defaults to the fqdn if you don't set it to anything else17:00
tobiashok, rtfm helps...17:01
tobiashthat comes from the connection config17:01
jeblairi think the thing that's been confusing me is that we haven't really explored whether or why someone might have 2 connections to the same server and set either the same or different canonical_hostnames for them.17:01
tobiashso I really meant the hostname17:01
jeblairjlk: the approach in 469297 lgtm17:05
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Case sensitive label matching in canMerge
tobiashI don't know when you are planning the gerrit update to 2.13. We did in march and it broke our gate. This is my proposed fix ^^^17:07
mordredjeblair: I agree with your confusion17:08
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Case sensitive label matching in canMerge
jlkjeblair: re 469297 okay. I'm chasing down an issue now where the zuul trigger is instantiated wrong, and the "connection" attribute is being set to a list (the config) rather than the real connection object.17:09
pabelangerI've +3'd to zuulv3-dev.o.o to fix our apache index.html.17:14
pabelangerI've also applied the change manually since puppet doesn't run on the server17:15
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pabelangerwould it be possible to append a build ID to our logging? Trying to follow along which playbook is running for which job is a little confusing in executor-debug.log17:18
pabelangerDEBUG zuul.AnsibleJob currently, hoping we could DEBUG zuul.AnsibleJob.<job id>17:19
jlkoooooh poop.17:20
jeblairpabelanger: you may be interested in reviewing
jlkjeblair: looking at
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Do not merge
pabelangerjeblair: ty looking17:22
jlkjeblair: It looks like a zuul trigger will happen for a gerrit change. I think my change will block that from going through. But still digging.17:22
jlk2017-06-01 17:22:37,881 zuul.IndependentPipelineManager  DEBUG    Filter <ZuulEventFilter types: parent-change-enqueued pipelines: gate> skipped for change <Change 0x7ff594139b50 1,1> due to mismatched connections17:23
jlkyeah damn.17:23
jeblairjlk: there's a zuul requirement filter?17:24
jlkYeah it's a zuul event filter17:24
jeblairjlk: oh! you did trigger filters too, i didn't notice that17:24
jlkwas that too far?17:25
jlkbut this isn't a trigger filter, it's an event filter17:25
jlka pipeline requirement17:25
jeblairthat looks like a trigger filter, which is an event filter17:26
pabelangerjeblair: looks exactly what I was hoping for. +2 but left a question17:26
jeblair(vs a requirement filter, which is a ref filter)17:26
jlkI'm so confused :)17:26
jlkI thought a trigger filter was something like 'require-approval:'17:27
jeblairwe're making new things! :)17:27
jeblairjlk: i think the difference is positive vs negative matching.  with EventFilters, which are created by triggers, if any one matches, the event matches and we enqueue the change.17:27
jlkmy original intent was to prevent a github connection change from being blocked by a gerrit connection pipeline requirement.17:28
jeblairjlk: with RefFilters, which are created by require/reject pipeline requirements, we want them all to match.17:28
jlkI may have gone too far and touched on the trigger filters17:28
tobiashgate failed here with some unrelated error:
tobiashshall I recheck?17:29
jeblairjlk: right, i think you only need the change on line 293, not line 127  of zuul/manager/__init__.py17:29
jeblairtobiash: yeah, that's showing up *a lot*.  i was just starting to look into it.  Shrews, have you gotten anywhere with that?17:30
jlkfor my own brain meat, what's the right term for a requirement expressed at the pipeline level vs a requirement expressed at the trigger level, vs just a regular old trigger criteria?17:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix bad text wrap in status page
tobiashjeblair: ok17:31
jeblairjlk: i think 'trigger requirement' and 'trigger criteria' are really the same thing.  that may be the point of confusion.  when you're adding an approval requirement to a trigger, you're not implicitly adding a pipeline requirement, you're just saying, for this trigger to fire, this has to be met.  that naturally already works with cross-connection changes since a gerrit change will never fire the github trigger.  and that's okay, because it ...17:33
jeblair... might fire the gerrit trigger that immediately follows and still end up in the pipeline.17:33
Shrewsjeblair: no. Failed to reproduce on all my local runs. SpamapS says it's similar to the FD issue he's been chasing.17:33
jeblairShrews: i managed to repro locally in a tight loop of single foreground runs with: while ttrun -epy27 tests.unit.test_log_streamer; do echo ok; don17:34
jeblairShrews: i managed to repro locally in a tight loop of single foreground runs with: while ttrun -epy27 tests.unit.test_log_streamer; do echo ok; done17:34
jeblairShrews: it took a little while to hit though17:34
jlkokay. It's just that trigger requirements are a bit "special" because some of them require deeper knowledge of the change in question, knowledge that isn't necessarily available in the raw event content.17:34
Shrewsjeblair: hmm, I did something similar17:34
ShrewsWill keep poking17:35
jeblairjlk: yep.  i think it's okay for a github trigger event filter to say "i can't evaluate this, return False"17:35
jlklike the event content could just be a "recheck" comment, but to trigger, the change requires that there be a certain approval level on the change.17:35
jlkI've got a test, where a job is clearly executing, but self.builds and self.history are both empty lists.17:43
jlkaaaand I've just found another bug :/17:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Whitelist pydevd debug threads
jlkjeblair: interesting question, how do you report on a ref-updated type event, given that there is no change associated with it? How would you report success/failure?17:52
SpamapSjlk: email?17:53
SpamapSlike, statically configured address, SMTP Reporter?17:53
SpamapSYou'd define it in the job17:54
jlka pipeline runs many projects through, you'd think the email target would be project or job specific.17:54
jlkoh can you define that in the job?17:54
SpamapSGood point17:55
SpamapSI think that's in pipeline config.17:55
SpamapSseems like it might be useful to be able to vary reporter config in jobs17:56
SpamapSThis kind of goes to the same problem of being able to communicate job results to zuul and/or next jobs17:57
jlkah solved first issue. Don't use noop job if you want something to actually hit self.builds or self.history17:59
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle change related reqs on push like events
jlkjeblair: ^^ is now ready for real reviews.18:36
Shrewsjeblair: i'm well over 1000 runs of that test now, still haven't hit it18:59
Shrewsheh, figures. failure at run 128419:03
openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove pipeline argument from various report fncts
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Case sensitive label matching
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix tests for "Case sensitive label matching"
tobiashDue to a behavior change in gerrit 2.13 review and submit does not work if the casing of the label is not the same as configured in gerrit19:42
tobiashthe above patches remove case conversion for the labels in zuul so this issue can be solved19:43
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix tests for "Case sensitive label matching"
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix tests for "Case sensitive label matching"
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix log streamer closing
Shrewsjeblair: that ^^^ should cover the random fail. I'm still not sure exactly why the socket is sometimes already closed.19:57
pabelangerzuul question, why if a job is running and has a depends-on patch that is reuploaded, that job reports: This change depends on a change that failed to merge.20:13
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mordredjeblair: we missed Zuul's birthday on Monday!20:59
mordredjeblair: Date:   Tue May 29 14:49:32 2012 -070020:59
mordred    Initial commit.20:59
SpamapSman, we're such a-holes21:01
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mordredSpamapS: ikr?21:12
mordredjlk, SpamapS: re: ref-updated events - there have been a few requests in openstack land from folks who want a specific job to emails results to a specific place, but they do not want to define a whole new pipeline21:13
mordredso maybe there's a thing we should think about21:14
mordredjlk, SpamapS: OTOH, I was also thinking that, at least with github, github allows you to leave arbitrary comments on files in a repo21:14
mordredso maybe the github plugin could have the ability to leave ref-updated comments on the commit - or even in-line ones if we got fancy21:15
mordred <-- at bottom, example of leaving a comment on a specific commit21:16
SpamapSthat's interesting21:20
jlkyeah that's... interesting21:25
jlkanother "extension" to the git standard21:25
jlkIn Github you can also set a status on any commit object, it is not tied to a pull request21:35
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jeblairmordred: were you planning on continuing review of 469595-468564?21:46
jeblairShrews: re 469989 -- if we get an error from shutdown, do we not want to run close?21:47
Shrewsjeblair: the error comes from shutdown when it's already closed21:48
jeblairShrews: gotcha21:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix log streamer closing
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix fake gearman py3 bug and re-enable sched tests
mordredjeblair: yes!22:17
mordredjeblair: I kinda feel like we should have a tool that makes little javascript slideshows like the zuul demo given a test case22:23
mordredjeblair: I don't actually want to write that, mind you22:23
jeblairthat would be nice :)22:23
jeblairif we do something for the status page, we could automatically derive it from the tests22:24
mordredjeblair: zomg. a view of the status page for a given change or pipeline that would be animated like the slideshow22:25
mordredwould be fun to put on a really big monitor22:25
mordredlittle boxes floating down to little branch tips22:26
jeblairmordred: the idea that someone might do that someday is actually why the canvas animation has an object model that matches zuul's.  :)22:32
mordredjeblair: :)22:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Extend job list when inheriting jobs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Enable test_project_override
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Enable test_periodic
SpamapSyou guys are making my presentation brain explode with desire23:01
mordredSpamapS: ikr?23:02
SpamapSFYI, Zookeeper CVE .. CVE-2017-5637
SpamapS"The wchp/wchc four letter words can be exploited in a DOS attack on the23:07
SpamapSZK client port - typically 2181.23:07
SpamapSjeblair: so, 453851, how do we get that one reviewed and approved, given that I wrote most of it but you uploaded the null driver fix?23:12
jlkin v3 land, when somebody pushes a change to a config repo, is zuul supposed to "notice" this and reconfigure?23:20
pabelangeruntrusted yes23:22
pabelangertrusted you need to reload zuul23:23
pabelangerjlk: you mean zuul.yaml right?23:24
pabelangernow you have me thinking23:25
pabelangerfor openstack-infra, we have only added projects to our zuul.yaml in a config repo.  I do know you need to have the projects in the tenant before you can add them to zuul.yaml otherwise zuul -1 as a configuration error23:27
pabelangerbut, being trusted jobs, zuul will only notice them after they merge, zuul should reconfigure automatically23:28
pabelangerbut jeblair knows best23:28
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