Wednesday, 2017-01-18

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jeblairis anyone else interested in reviewing the nodepool changes for zuul, or should i just go ahead and merge them?  that's the stack that starts at 413296 and runs through 41747116:52
SpamapSjeblair: I can take a gander, if nothing else so I can learn :)16:56
jeblairSpamapS: thanks :)16:56
Shrewsjeblair: think i already covered the ones with ZK interaction, but i'll double check16:57
SpamapSjeblair: is 413296 the only thing holding the stack back?16:58
jeblairShrews: yeah, i think i see your name on most of those, except maybe a few near the end?16:58
mordredjeblair: oh - crap - sorry - reviewing now17:02
jeblairSpamapS: well it looks like this:
jeblairSpamapS: so yes, but only the next 3 after it have been approved17:02
mordredjeblair: did you see Shrews comment in ? (it can be fixed in a followup)17:04
jeblairmordred: i have not, thx17:04
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix copyright date in test_nodepool
* SpamapS is learning stuff17:07
Shrewsjeblair: did you mean for returnNodeSet() to *always* update the node?17:08
Shrewsjeblair: seems like you'd only do that if you set state to 'used'17:08
jeblairShrews: agreed -- i can't think of a reason to store the node if the state didn't update.  i should move it into that conditional block.17:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add FakeNodepool test fixture
jeblairShrews: i'm going make a followup for that17:11
jeblairShrews: ha!  it's already fixed in a later patch :)17:11
Shrewsjeblair: that's fine. already left a -1, but cores can ignore that17:11
Shrewsjeblair: ah, well i'll change my vote then17:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race condition in test_success_url
jeblairShrews: the next patch, in fact17:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Improve test output
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add a test printHistory function
jeblairi responded in a comment on 416739 for the record17:13
SpamapSleft a comment on 413296 .. just wondering if FakeNodepool should use a different request root.17:17
SpamapS(just to avoid accidental test suite interaction with real nodepools)17:17
mordredjeblair: also - comments from Shrews there. just want to make sure you saw them17:19
jeblairSpamapS: yes indeed!  that all runs under a zookeeper test fixture with a chroot set, so there shouldn't be any leakage outside the test fixture's root17:20
jeblairmordred: thx17:22
SpamapSI didn't notice the test fixture chroot. mmmkay.17:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Spell NodeSet consistently
Shrewsjeblair: ahhhh, 422128 silences my OCD alarm17:29
* Shrews hits snooze17:29
jeblairSpamapS: it's here:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add nodepool test class
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jeblairmordred, Shrews, SpamapS: are you finished reviewing or should i wait longer?18:11
SpamapSjeblair: oh, I gave up when things started merging. Sorry.18:13
SpamapSIt just convinced me I need to do a bit more formal educating of myself on the nuts and bolts of nodepool18:13
jeblairSpamapS: you may be interested in the flip side of the process happening in 42148518:16
mordredjeblair: k. stack looks good - I think there's a couple of places that need a +A to be triggered18:22
jeblairmordred: thanks... if no one objects i'll pull the trigger on any remaining around 19:0018:24
Shrewsjeblair: yeah done18:27
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jlkjeblair: More questions on pipeline and trigger requirements. I'm looking at the pipline  and the test that uses it
jlkjeblair: specifically,
jlkjeblair: I don't understand, from the requirement of username: jenkins and verified [1,2] why a +2 vote from non-jenkins allows the pipeline to trigger19:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Re-submit node requests on ZooKeeper disconnect
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Copy nodeset when making node requests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Lock nodes when nodepool request is fulfilled
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Mark nodes as 'in-use' before launching jobs
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jeblairjlk: basically, the trigger requirement specifies characteristics of the triggering event.  in this case, only that the event is 'comment-added'.  the pipeline requirement specifies characteristics of the change itself regardless of the event, in this case, that it have a positive approval from jenkins.19:28
jlkjeblair: right, so19:28
jlkjeblair: comment-added is potentially triggering, that's fine19:29
jlkbut it's a new PR, and the only comment added was a 'nobody' +2 approval19:29
jlkyet the test things that it should meet the requirements, which is a jenkins 1, or 219:29
jlkso how does 'nobody' +2 meet that?19:29
mordredjlk: right before the nobody +2 it has a jenkins verify +119:32
mordredjlk: line 241-24619:32
jlkmordred: that's the A change, not the B change19:33
jlkline 248 starts a whole new change19:33
jeblairhrm, yeah, i don't immediately see the answer.  :)19:33
jlklike, are tests passing, but the code is broken?19:33
mordredjlk: yes - I can see that now19:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Return nodes after use
jlkor are the test broken in someway that allows them to pass, but the code is doing the right thing?19:34
jlk(more  likely the latter than the former)19:34
jeblairand it's interesting that both variants pass (the 'pipeline' variant of the test as well as the 'trigger' variant)19:35
mordredoh - wait - look at the self.history counts19:35
jlkmaybe the comments are wrong19:35
jeblairmordred, jlk: yeah, i think that's it :)19:35
jlkand history is still 1, from the previous jobs19:35
jlkso history hasn't increased yet, until line 25619:36
mordredyup. it doesn't actually get enqueued until the jenkins comment19:36
jeblairright, history is persistent throughout the test.19:36
jlkokay, whew!19:36
jeblairpoorly tested comments ;)19:36
mordredI think the comments there could improve :)19:36
jlkrelated, in 2.5, looks like the requirements are pretty hardcoded into the model, and they're just gerrit things. Adding new github things is going to be.. challenging.19:37
jlkIn v3, is this more modular and able to be defined by the connection?19:37
jeblairjlk: not yet, but i think it should be.19:37
jeblairjlk: want to make a story for that?  it could be built on top of 41855419:38
* jlk looks19:38
jeblairthere's also a 'ChangeMatcher' class that a lot of this stuff is starting to be derived from, so that could be a good base for the interface19:39
jeblairdrivers could define matchers which can be attached either to pipelines or triggers19:40
jlkis that a storyboard or a review?19:40
jeblairoh sorry19:40
jeblairthat's a change in gerrit19:41
jeblairi don't think there's an existing story related to this19:41
jeblairi was thinking ahead to implementation :)19:41
jlkso should I toss this up as a story then?19:42
jeblairjlk: yes please19:42
jlkcan do19:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Cancel/return nodepool requests on job cancel
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Remove unused clasess from
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Remove excess printing from stats test
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Verify nodes and requests are not leaked
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Use constants for state names
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Handle nodepool allocation failure
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix copyright date in test_nodepool
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Spell NodeSet consistently
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add --fake command line option to builder
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add files for zuul-nodepool integration test
jeblairShrews: ^22:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add nodepool integration test script
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add nodepool integration test script
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add nodepool integration test script
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add nodepool integration test script
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jlkjeblair: question, is there any way at all to have one pipeline success be a potential trigger for another pipeline? Some internal way of signaling that "since this pipeline finished, maybe try that one too?"23:54
jlkjeblair: instead of looping through the external connection service?23:54

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