Friday, 2021-11-12

opendevreviewLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: [TRAIN-ONLY] Add a new upgrade task for some services
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opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Require Ceph network parameters to be passed to deployed_ceph playbook
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Require Ceph network parameters to be passed to deployed_ceph playbook
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Require Ceph network parameters to be passed to deployed_ceph playbook
opendevreviewlikui proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Replace deprecated assertEquals
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Support custom network names with deployed ceph
opendevreviewChris Stone proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Adding allow-remove-essential for ubuntu grub install.
opendevreviewChris Stone proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Adding allow-remove-essential for ubuntu grub removal.
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Support custom network names with deployed ceph
opendevreviewRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove explicit set for whole_disk_image: true
opendevreviewRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Do not use whole_disk_image for libvirt image upload
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Deactivate LV's before disconnecting nbd device
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Make KillMode configurable for service units
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use whole_disk_images if this is passed through job vars
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Add designate dashboard to the horizon container
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/ussuri: [EL8] Add nodejs:14 module stream
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Fix logic related to CinderEtcdLocalConnect parameter
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use a designate specific directory for the bind persistent storage
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [Pure Storage] Add new FlashArray Cinder driver params
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [ovn] Deleting ovn agents during scale down tasks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Explicitly point undercloud instead of localhost
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Wallaby and older: Remove heat-dashboard parameters from local_settings
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opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: [workaround]Set permission for /dev/pts/ptmx to 666
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Tenguchandankumar: I probably won't be able to provide an actual fix before my PTO for -^^  :((07:05
chandankumarTengu: no problem, I am going on PTO from today for approx 2 weeks.07:06
Tenguthere are too many things in there, and not converging to the same issue in the end.07:06
Tenguchandankumar: ah, same. 2 weeks.07:06
Tengulet the CI burn :D07:06
chandankumaryes, 07:06
chandankumarTengu: enjoy your well deserved vacations :-)07:06
Tenguchandankumar: same for you :)07:07
Tenguchandankumar: over my PTO, I'll probably get a cs9 env in order to be able to better track that issue.07:20
Tengua matter of reinstalling one of my small NUC on CS9 in order to get the proper containers in my local registry (also a way to test things on the tcib side), and add support for cs9 virtual machines to my lab.07:21
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove explicit set for whole_disk_image: true
chandankumarTengu: need your vote here
Tengulet's push it!07:45
chandankumarTengu: thank you :-)07:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: Remove entry for Queens
Tenguyay! my lab is back up! pffff.07:53
Tengustill in BIOS mode for the OC node, but at least, I can deploy an overcloud again.07:53
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-common master: CI task for execution of all packaged validations
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Expanding parser actions to allow for multiple key-value pairs
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: Adapt standalone-upgrade to run tripleo operator
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/victoria: DNM: Test standalone-upgrade job.
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Tenguis there anyone knowing how to build the libguestfs appliance? the latest one is about 2y old, and doesn't allow to run cs9 VM on a cs8 hypervisor...09:40
Tenguamoralej: any idea? not sure if you were the one providing a quick build at Red Hat lately -^^  (used by bandini for the first tests)09:41
amoralejykarel|lunch created one lastly with cs9 and had discussions to have it upstream09:41
amoralejlemme check09:41
Tenguah :)09:42
Tenguyeah, I wasn't sure anymore about who did it. I had you and a couple of names in mind09:42
Tenguamoralej: is it "stable" enough so that I can link it in tripleo-lab?09:45
amoralejiirc, we have been using internally on ci09:46
amoralejlemme check09:46
TenguI've used it as well, yeah. and PIDONE for their tests. just wondering about the link itself actually :)09:46
Tengucan't we get the libguestfs maintainer to push an actual official build?09:46
TenguI see an @redhat mail address there.09:46
amoralejthat's what we should try09:47
amoralejyes, it's rh guy09:47
amoralejlet me see what they use to report issues09:47
Tenguseems to still be with us.09:47
Tengugithub at least09:47
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Tengulemme push an issue there in order to get an official appliance build09:48
amoralejthere is irc channel in liber09:49
Tenguah, it's pointing on freenode on the web page09:49
Tengu  let's see.09:51
amoralejin the meanwhile we may look for a better place to store that appliance09:53
amoralejthis is to be used in tripleo jobs?09:54
amoralejor for developers?09:54
Tenguso, tripleo-lab is for devs09:54
Tenguamoralej: may rdo host it somewhere?09:56
amoralejwe may push it to or images.rdoproject.org09:57
amoraleji like the images one09:57
Tengueitherway would be cool - though temporary, but I can manage that part easily.09:57
Tenguyup. makes more sense on images09:57
Tengusince it's related to.... images.09:57
amoralejyes :D09:58
Tengu'k. time to rework my cs9 support - now that there are easy-to-access qcow2.09:58
amoralejthat's for undercloud image build, righ?09:58
Tenguamoralej: in my case, it's for a bit more09:59
Tengutripleo-lab indeed edits the UC image (before it gets deployed) in order to inject keys, passwords and some other things; but it also allows to edit the OC image before pushing them, also in order to update, inject key, password and so on09:59
Tengubut the appliance itself is indeed for the UC - once the UC is deployed, I install the OS version of libguestfs, so I'm all good.10:00
Tengusouds perfect!10:01
Tenguamoralej: wondering if a mirror wouldn't be nice?10:01
Tenguso that it gets updated when an official one is pushed - no need to update the link :)10:02
amoralejofficial ones will have new version10:04
amoralejso i guess we'll neeed to update it anyway10:04
amoraleji'm checking if appliances are distributed in rpms10:04
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opendevreviewSandeep Yadav proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Adding temporary workaround for libvirt-failures
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-common master: False positive checks for component jobs
opendevreviewSandeep Yadav proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Adding temporary workaround for libvirt-failures
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opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Make inventory file writable
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ykarelTengu, seems you got the needed appliance, just for reference libguestfs-make-fixed-appliance --xz was used to generate that10:39
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Fix libvirt/qemu logs location
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/victoria: Fix libvirt/qemu logs location
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Fix libvirt/qemu logs location
Tenguykarel: ah, thanks11:02
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opendevreviewSandeep Yadav proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Adding temporary workaround for libvirt-failures
Tengufmount[m], gfidente, fultonj hello there! fyi, in the following days tripleo-lab should be able to support cs9 VMs. working on that, I'll take some time during my PTO to make actually happen.11:19
gfidenteTengu++ nice11:19
Tengunow that things a re bit better..11:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Add note about update converge being removed
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Wire up centos9 master buildimage jobs for check and gate
fmountTengu: great news, thanks!! :D11:44
fmountTengu: fwiw we have repos for Ceph and cephadm builds, we should be able to deploy a ceph cluster :D11:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Explicitly define infra_image in containers.conf
Tengufmount: cool! :)11:56
Tengufmount: just fighting with the guestfs appliance, but... yeah, should be fine at some point.11:57
Tengujust a matter of slaping it around with some big trouts, and all should come in place :)11:57
Tenguamoralej: ah, Rich answered, there's a fc applance available now!11:58
Tenguamoralej: (ping ykarel )11:59
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Tenguit doesn't seem to work.12:07
Tenguah. it does work. I just have to take the qcow2, not its checksum file XD12:22
Tenguwoohoo! I apparently have my first cs9 VM running :). The undercloud! let's see how it goes.12:24
rlandy|ruckhjensas:  hello ...
rlandy|ruckstill with modify-image failures12:27
Tengufmount: [CentOS-9 - stack@undercloud ~]$   \o/ UC running on a cs8 hypervisor!12:27
rlandy|ruckhjensas: ^^ failing on 'raw'12:28
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hjensasrlandy|ruck: looking12:33
hjensasrlandy|ruck: looks like exact same issue. Are we sure openstack-tripleo-common-16.2.1-0.20211109153012.2b4dd66.el8.noarch contains the fix?12:36
rlandy|ruckhjensas: ok - dlrn is stuck12:37
rlandy|ruckhjensas: working with infra on that12:37
rlandy|ruckhjensas: let me get back to you - sorry12:37
hjensasrlandy|ruck: so, I checked package python3-tripleo-common-16.2.1-0.20211109153012.2b4dd66.el8.noarch contains tripleo-mount-image - I checked and the fix is not there. So I guess we need a promotion of sorts.12:40
rlandy|ruckhjensas: dlrn needs to build it12:40
rlandy|ruckcurrent and consistent are old here12:41
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update project personas policies in custom neutron policy
Tengurlandy|ruck: hello there! not sure if you can help me - but do you know where the CentOS-Stream-9-* repositories come from in the CI? for instance:
Tengurlandy|ruck: trying to get things square in tripleo-lab, hitting some issues right now with potential missing packages from the default repos I have in the official qcow212:47
rlandy|ruckTengu: getting12:47
rlandy|ruckwe were trying to use mirrored content12:47
Tenguoh, ok12:47
rlandy|ruckproduction composes are more stable12:47
Tengugot it. ok12:49
TenguI'll do some hacky-hacky in tripleo-lab to get the same repos.12:49
Tengunot that hard.12:49
rlandy|ruckTengu: those might change up12:50
rlandy|ruckwhen we get mirrored content stable12:50
Tengurlandy|ruck: 'k. tripleo-lab supports injecting custom repos.12:51
TenguI'll just tweak things a bit.12:51
rlandy|ruckTengu: note the rate of change on - expect instability12:51
dviroeldvd: hi, wrt - are you working on this atm? if no, do you mind if I update the patch?12:52
Tengurlandy|ruck: sure. well, I'm just pushing some basis and trying to not kill everything :).12:53
Tengurlandy|ruck: but being able to start the VM is already a good step here.12:54
rlandy|ruckTengu: " trying to not kill everything" is a good first step :)12:59
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fmountTengu: also, if you want to inject the c9 pacific repos, we have this atm:
fmounts/pacific/ceph pacific13:01
Tengufmount: ah, also: I'll try to get around that uefi things for the VMs - for now the OC VMs are still in BIOS mode. it works, but.... not ideal.13:02
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rlandy|ruckTengu: you can keep an eye on
jpodivinI have a question. Is there a away to test changes in branchless repo using environment with branched release? Because as far as I can tell, the will skip building all changes that are not in a named branch>  13:05
Tengurlandy|ruck: not really - I'll be on PTO for the 2 next weeks ^^'13:05
rlandy|ruckjust for your fyi13:05
Tengulemme connect to jira.13:06
Tenguah, it wasn't a question - more a source of info - sorry! multiplexing has its limits apparently :)13:06
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opendevreviewJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Skip Heat pod container image pull for default ephemeral heat images
fultonjTengu: Thank you. Don't be afarid to use those big trouts. I hope it doesn't get in the way of your PTO.13:26
Tengufultonj: should be fine. Since I'm able to start the VM, most of the work is done. I'm just hitting an "old" issue with the custom_repositories being pushed on both the nat-vm and the undercloud - guess it's time to make things a bit better.13:27
Tengu(or to hit the nmcli thing... meh)13:29
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opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: Spec to improve containerized Apache WSGI footprint
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dvddviroel, please go ahead13:53
dvddviroel, I mostly had this to pass that error in my test, honestly I'm not sure if we should just look if it's a list and get first, or we need to understand why the tht  is returning a list in the case of undercloud13:54
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ci master: [workaround]Set permission for /dev/pts/ptmx to 666
dviroeldvd: ok, i'll update and bring attention to this point too14:25
dviroeldvd: oh. just saw your comment, tks14:26
migarciahey, gate pipeline is refusing to run again on this change:
migarciacan someone remove workflow+1 and add it back to see if it unsticks?14:26
dvddviroel, if you figure that one out, I'd be curious. I tried to figure it out originally when I hit this issue and it's not very clear14:26
dvddviroel, I think this is where the flatten should go:
dviroeldvd: ack, thanks, will check that14:30
opendevreviewSofer Athlan-Guyot proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: [WIP][update] Include tobiko test for functional testing during update.
opendevreviewamolkahat proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] Testing sc10 jobs with nested virt
opendevreviewamolkahat proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] Testing sc10 jobs with nested virt
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/wallaby: [Pure Storage] Add new params for FlashArray Cinder driver
opendevreviewDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make PingTestGatewayIPsMap a map of flatten lists
opendevreviewSandeep Yadav proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: [DNM] whole_disk_images: false
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rlandy|ruckjust FYI .. if you are looking for your recently merged change - dlrn on master is down15:59
rlandy|rucklast built package was 2021-11-09 16:06:2016:00
rlandy|ruckinfra is working on it16:00
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rlandy|ruckdlrn is back16:41
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opendevreviewDavid Vallee Delisle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Flattening the gateway ip list
opendevreviewSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: [Train-only] Add sleep after docker restart
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opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/wallaby: [Pure Storage] Add new params for FlashArray Cinder driver
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/wallaby: [Pure Storage] Add new params for FlashArray Cinder driver
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/wallaby: [EL8] Add nodejs:14 module stream
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/wallaby: [Pure Storage] Add new params for FlashArray Cinder driver
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opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: [Pure Storage] Add new FlashArray Cinder driver params
opendevreviewJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use for ephemeral Heat server instead of ctlplane ip
opendevreviewJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add ephemeral Heat entry to clouds.yaml
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opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Support custom network names with deployed ceph
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Add an API config image heat variable
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: bnr Configure ReaR to restore with ironic
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: [ovn] Deleting ovn agents during scale down tasks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make PingTestGatewayIPsMap a map of flatten lists
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