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openstackgerrit | RedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: GATE CHECK for quickstart-extras https://review.openstack.org/560445 | 00:00 |
openstackgerrit | RedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: GATE CHECK for TripleO https://review.openstack.org/604298 | 00:00 |
openstackgerrit | RedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: GATE CHECK for TripleO https://review.openstack.org/604293 | 00:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: pip-and-virtualenv : only remove system files on centos https://review.openstack.org/633141 | 00:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten database service MySQL Client https://review.openstack.org/626760 | 00:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix repo configuration https://review.openstack.org/633527 | 00:17 |
openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Make container build job voting https://review.openstack.org/634060 | 00:17 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 00:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix repo configuration https://review.openstack.org/633527 | 00:28 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 01:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Make python uploader the default https://review.openstack.org/616019 | 01:54 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do external deploy tasks via localhost ssh https://review.openstack.org/632214 | 01:55 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Revert "mistral-executor: bind-mount /var/lib/containers" https://review.openstack.org/632593 | 01:56 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Don't mount docker.sock in the mistral-executor container https://review.openstack.org/632810 | 01:57 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Remove docker/podman from mistral-executor https://review.openstack.org/632806 | 02:01 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Remove python-notario package from mistral-executor image https://review.openstack.org/632807 | 02:01 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Export images to be served by httpd https://review.openstack.org/622628 | 02:02 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Role to install apache to serve container images https://review.openstack.org/624829 | 02:02 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP Replace docker-distribution with apache https://review.openstack.org/624830 | 02:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-pacemaker master: Initial support for properties managed by pcs 0.10 https://review.openstack.org/626005 | 02:21 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 02:46 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 02:47 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 02:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-common master: Break out tripleo-admin creation to its own role https://review.openstack.org/633827 | 04:13 |
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ska | I was able to build the overcloud but i was in the wrong directory when it tried to create *overstackrc*. Is there any way to recover that info? | 04:20 |
ska | Or do I have to rebuild ? | 04:20 |
kplant | 'openstack overcloud deploy' outputs to . and not ~ ?? | 04:26 |
ska | kplant: AFAICT yes. | 04:27 |
kplant | oof | 04:27 |
ska | I got a permission denied right in my face. | 04:27 |
ska | Well at least it built without serious issue. | 04:28 |
kplant | sudo find / -name '*overcloudrc*' and hope for the best? | 04:28 |
kplant | idk it makes more than one copy | 04:28 |
ska | No dice.. no file. | 04:29 |
ska | Is there some way to rebuild overcloud? | 04:29 |
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kplant | you can run the deploy command again | 04:44 |
kplant | with the same exact parameters and it shouldn't alter the overcloud | 04:44 |
ska | Do I need to fiddle with any of the already-deployed overstack nodes? | 04:45 |
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ska | Or remove the xisting stack? | 04:46 |
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kplant | nope, it will see them as existing and skip some steps | 04:46 |
ska | cool. I try the same command again. This time in $HOME | 04:46 |
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jaosorior | Good morning folks! | 05:09 |
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ykarel | ska, kplant there is a command to create overcloudrc: openstack overcloud credentials | 05:28 |
kplant | ^ ah, that's convenient | 05:29 |
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Tengu | hello there :) | 05:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Rabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Add stop_grace_period for heat_engine container https://review.openstack.org/634370 | 06:17 |
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openstackgerrit | yatin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Fix md5 for cirrus 3.6 image https://review.openstack.org/633941 | 06:41 |
openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: certmonger: Don't restart haproxy on cert renewal https://review.openstack.org/634371 | 06:43 |
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Tengu | jaosorior: re: logging: I think we should indeed go with the "log to file" from the container engine. Would love to make some PoC. | 06:52 |
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Tengu | that would require a "simple" change in paunch I guess. | 06:52 |
Tengu | not sure how selinux will handle that though. | 06:53 |
jaosorior | Tengu: I don't have an issue with that | 06:53 |
jaosorior | the container logging driver is configurable | 06:53 |
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jaosorior | so, no biggie | 06:53 |
jaosorior | journald... file | 06:53 |
jaosorior | whatever | 06:53 |
jaosorior | the point is to let the engine do its job | 06:53 |
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Tengu | yup | 06:53 |
Tengu | maybe even configurable in fact :D | 06:54 |
jaosorior | it usually is | 06:55 |
jaosorior | at least it was for docker | 06:55 |
Tengu | yeah, I meant "let operator configure the output" | 06:56 |
Tengu | witha default to the less invasive and troublesome - probably file. | 06:56 |
jaosorior | sounds good to me | 06:56 |
jaosorior | I did talk to some folks from the openshift logging team | 06:56 |
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jaosorior | and they did recommend us not to go for journald | 06:56 |
jaosorior | so, I'm fairly convinced of that too | 06:56 |
Tengu | podman allows to provide the log-driver and log-opt | 06:56 |
Tengu | yeah, that's one of the point raised in the ML | 06:57 |
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jaosorior | tha's alright | 06:58 |
jaosorior | * that's | 06:58 |
Tengu | :) | 06:58 |
jaosorior | bandini: any chance on getting a review for this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634221/ ? | 06:59 |
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Tengu | jaosorior: btw - any idea on "how to cleanup the firewall of an existing deploy"? my patch did the cleanup for a fresh install, but... | 07:00 |
jaosorior | but? | 07:00 |
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Tengu | existing won't be cleaned. | 07:00 |
Tengu | meaning there will be 3-4 rules causing some issues. | 07:00 |
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Tengu | no logging, world access to ssh, and useless repetitions. | 07:01 |
Tengu | *maybe* ansible "iptables" can manage that properly. | 07:01 |
Tengu | we can't really use the "flush" flag from tripleo::firewall, it will actually create very nasty issues. | 07:01 |
jaosorior | understood | 07:02 |
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jaosorior | Tengu: uhm... but in CentOS 8... would we switch to firewalld? | 07:04 |
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Tengu | no idea. I don't think so. | 07:04 |
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Tengu | at least we're linked to the puppetlabs-firewall module/config, and I didn't see any change in that lately. | 07:04 |
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Tengu | puppetlabs-firewall manages iptables, not firewalld (yay, nice name guys, really not confusing) | 07:05 |
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Tengu | brb, breakfast :). | 07:07 |
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jaosorior | marios: could you check this out if you have a chance https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634221/ ? | 07:52 |
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jaosorior | xek: I verified, and actually there wasn't a need to restart haproxy, when certmonger is tracking the external cert https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634371/ | 07:53 |
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openstackgerrit | RedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: GATE CHECK for TripleO https://review.openstack.org/604298 | 08:00 |
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marios | jaosorior: sure | 08:01 |
marios | jaosorior: i think there is a nit | 08:01 |
marios | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634221/2/files/certmonger-mysql-refresh.sh | 08:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Kamil Sambor proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Switch default neutron ML2 mechanism driver to OVN https://review.openstack.org/593056 | 08:06 |
openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Remove default post-save command from mysql https://review.openstack.org/634221 | 08:08 |
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jaosorior | marios: good catch! thanks! | 08:09 |
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jaosorior | marios: this one too, if you have time https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634371/ | 08:11 |
marios | jaosorior: ack, i was wondering where that post_save command was being set | 08:12 |
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marios | jaosorior: oh its a different on (its haproxy refresh there anyway looking) | 08:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Chandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Reuse the validate-tempest skip list in os_tempest https://review.openstack.org/634380 | 08:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do not pull image while tagging pcmk images in upgrade_tasks. https://review.openstack.org/634243 | 08:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Remove usage of target_upgrade_version. https://review.openstack.org/607525 | 08:53 |
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chkumar|ruck | quiquell|rover: cgoncalves https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1814228 please have a look at scenario 10 octavia failure | 09:08 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1814228 in tripleo "[check][scenario 10] overcloud deploy fails while adding security group rule to amphora image" [Critical,Triaged] | 09:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Remove default post-save command from mysql https://review.openstack.org/634221 | 09:14 |
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ccamacho | hey folks good morning | 09:15 |
ccamacho | quick question about these 2 repos: | 09:15 |
ccamacho | https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-ansible | 09:15 |
ccamacho | and | 09:15 |
ccamacho | https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-openstack-operations | 09:15 |
ccamacho | mostly when deciding in which repo should go which code | 09:15 |
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jaosorior | ccamacho: to be honest, I'm also kind of confused about those repos | 09:16 |
ccamacho | like tripleo-ansible is importing roles from ansible-role-openstack-operations | 09:16 |
jaosorior | chkumar|ruck: by the way, do you know what's up with tripleo-common-tempest-plugin ? | 09:16 |
ccamacho | jaosorior o/ | 09:16 |
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ccamacho | i.e. the one for restarting services | 09:16 |
openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Remove default post-save command from mysql https://review.openstack.org/634221 | 09:17 |
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jaosorior | ccamacho: might want to ask the authors in those repos | 09:17 |
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ccamacho | maybe bogdando? | 09:19 |
Tengu | sooo. either I break my undercloud, or I have a nice, clean iptables :] | 09:19 |
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bogdando | ccamacho, jaosorior: tripleo-ansible is a repo to host playbooks off tripleo_common eventually. I think that's all I know about it | 09:20 |
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bogdando | yeah, and there is operations automations playbooks developed by dpeacock and jillr IIRC | 09:20 |
bogdando | ccamacho: ^^ | 09:21 |
bogdando | I think for <= Stein we should not rely on those repos | 09:21 |
bogdando | and use the old locations for playbooks | 09:21 |
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cgoncalves | chkumar|ruck, thanks for letting me know and filling a bug report | 09:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Gael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-validations stable/rocky: Fix introspection data lookup https://review.openstack.org/634382 | 09:30 |
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xek | jaosorior, did we forget to add tripleo::redis::service_certificate and other values no our patches? | 09:31 |
jaosorior | skramaja: if you're around, can you check this out https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634371/ ? | 09:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Rico Lin proposed openstack/paunch master: Make sure we call builder apply https://review.openstack.org/634383 | 09:31 |
jaosorior | xek: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/633239/2/puppet/services/database/redis.yaml | 09:32 |
jaosorior | no | 09:32 |
jaosorior | it's there | 09:32 |
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jaosorior | xek: why? | 09:33 |
xek | jaosorior, ok, missed it | 09:33 |
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jaosorior | skramaja: could you check this out https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634371/ ? | 09:37 |
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skramaja | done jaosorior | 10:01 |
jaosorior | skramaja: thanks! | 10:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add support for native TLS encryption on NBD for disk migration https://review.openstack.org/603343 | 10:05 |
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sri_ | jaosorior, Hi quick question, while creating overcloud I've enabled the DVR "neutron-ovs-dvr.yaml" , I wanted to disable the DVR now so removing neutron-ovs-dvr.yaml from my overcloud deploy command and updating the stack will do that trick? | 10:10 |
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jaosorior | sri_: I honestly don't know... maybe? | 10:12 |
jaosorior | skramaja: ^^ | 10:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Chandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Remove telemetry from tempest skip list https://review.openstack.org/604311 | 10:14 |
sri_ | jaosorior, ack | 10:14 |
skramaja | sri_: no it will not update that particular stack, but create stacks will not be removed. if a service has to be removed, a disable stack should be added, which takes care of removing the services and its dependencies.. | 10:14 |
skramaja | *created stacks | 10:15 |
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skramaja | sri_: something like this https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/tree/stable/queens/puppet/services/disabled | 10:17 |
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sri_ | skramaja, understood. | 10:20 |
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sri_ | skramaja, I was trying to create service-type networks in DVR minimizing public IP address consumption, But I am not able connect to my floating ip network, maybe i missing something http://paste.openstack.org/show/744357/ | 10:26 |
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skramaja | sri_: i dont have much idea about it. may be try neutron channel or bcafarel or beagles would know | 10:32 |
sri_ | skramaja, ack, Thanks :) | 10:35 |
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bcafarel | sri_: I'd say yes but I really recommend to wait for beagles' answer first :) | 10:38 |
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sri_ | bcafarel, Ok I will wait for beagles, thanks :) | 10:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Kamil Sambor proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Switch default neutron ML2 mechanism driver to OVN https://review.openstack.org/593056 | 10:46 |
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timeu | Hi all, I have one question regarding predictable node placement (https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/install/advanced_deployment/node_placement.html#assign-per-node-capabilities) and replacing broken nodes: Do I have to re-tag the nodes to the last node index + 1 or can I somehow keep the mapping of baremetal node name to hypervisor name (node-4 = compute-4) | 11:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Move CI docs from contributor guide into new CI guide https://review.openstack.org/633771 | 11:44 |
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chkumar|ruck | slaweq: hello | 11:45 |
slaweq | chkumar|ruck: hi | 11:45 |
chkumar|ruck | slaweq: overcloud deply is failing while adding route to route table https://logs.rdoproject.org/45/560445/236/openstack-check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001/b5bc7e1/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/overcloud_deploy.log.txt.gz#_2019-02-01_09_40_42 | 11:46 |
chkumar|ruck | slaweq: please have a look | 11:46 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: looking | 11:48 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: where in this log is error exactly, I can't find it :/ | 11:51 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: I see "Overcloud configuration failed" with traceback | 11:52 |
slaweq | but I can't find real details of issue | 11:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-common stable/rocky: Publish a better failure message for Update Ansible https://review.openstack.org/634187 | 11:53 |
chkumar|ruck | slaweq: [WARNING] Error in 'ip route add via dev br-ex', restarting br-ex:\nUnexpected error while running command.\nCommand: /sbin/ip route add via dev br-ex\nExit code: 1\nStdout: u''\nStderr: u'Object \"route add via dev br-ex\" is unknown, try \"ip help | 11:54 |
chkumar|ruck | slaweq: in the same logs, you can see this | 11:54 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: ok, I see now | 11:56 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: let me try to deploy centos 7 vm and try that | 11:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Natal Ngétal proposed openstack/paunch master: [Configuration] Add missing py37 and corrected default envlist. https://review.openstack.org/624611 | 12:02 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add node disks validation https://review.openstack.org/604356 | 12:03 |
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chkumar|ruck | slaweq: thanks | 12:03 |
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slaweq | chkumar|ruck: that is strange, for me it works fine | 12:10 |
slaweq | chkumar|ruck: is it possible that name of device is wrong and \n is included in this name? "dev br-ex\n" | 12:10 |
slaweq | if I use wrong device name, I have error code 1 from ip route command | 12:10 |
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chkumar|ruck | quiquell|rover: ^^ | 12:10 |
* slaweq is going for lunch now | 12:11 | |
quiquell|rover | slaweq: looks liek race condition | 12:11 |
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quiquell|rover | slaweq: ovb reports 5 seconds difference | 12:11 |
quiquell|rover | slaweq: maybe we have to wait for bridge to come up here ? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-net-config/tree/os_net_config/impl_ifcfg.py#n741 | 12:11 |
quiquell|rover | slaweq: ovs -> https://logs.rdoproject.org/45/560445/236/openstack-check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001/b5bc7e1/logs/overcloud-controller-1/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log.txt.gz | 12:11 |
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quiquell|rover | 09:37:20 > added bridge | 12:12 |
quiquell|rover | slaweq: [2019/02/01 09:37:15 AM] [INFO] Running ip route add via dev br-ex | 12:12 |
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quiquell|rover | slaweq: found an issue | 12:15 |
quiquell|rover | bdrige.routes instead of rules | 12:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Quique Llorente proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Fix copypaste issue checking bridge.rules https://review.openstack.org/634399 | 12:17 |
quiquell|rover | slaweq: ^ this could be related | 12:17 |
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quiquell|rover | slaweq: maybe it's adding the rules when they are not needed | 12:17 |
quiquell|rover | Tengu: https://review.openstack.org/634399 | 12:17 |
openstackgerrit | Arx Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Reuse the validate-tempest skip list in os_tempest https://review.openstack.org/634380 | 12:18 |
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quiquell|rover | Well I am going to add a launchpad with the race condition | 12:19 |
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Tengu | quiquell|rover: "copy-paste issue" ? care to point to the faulty change in the commit message? | 12:20 |
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quiquell|rover | Tengu: yep sorry | 12:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Quique Llorente proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Checking correct flag to add rules to bridges https://review.openstack.org/634399 | 12:24 |
quiquell|rover | Tengu: now | 12:24 |
quiquell|rover | Tengu: it could be related ? | 12:24 |
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quiquell|rover | Tengu: maybe it does not have to "adding route rules for interface: br-ex" | 12:25 |
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Tengu | quiquell|rover: not sure if this one is related to the race condition. I'd look for the call to the "ip route add ..." itself in order to check if a waiting loop can be added, for example. As previously said, I'm probably not the right guy for this specific issue though | 12:26 |
quiquell|rover | will look | 12:26 |
quiquell|rover | Tengu: #openstack-network ? | 12:26 |
Tengu | quiquell|rover: probably yeah. | 12:27 |
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Tengu | ovs-related things I'd say, but... yeah. maybe beagles ? | 12:27 |
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Tengu | although he's more neutron iirc. | 12:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Quique Llorente proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Checking correct flag to add rules to bridges https://review.openstack.org/634399 | 12:30 |
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* beagles reading backlogs | 12:51 | |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 12:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 12:55 |
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beagles | sri_ regarding DVR you need to make sure your compute have the required bridging to the physical network interface for floating IP traffic. This is the most common issue really and there isn't a mechanism "boiled into" tripleo for doing this automatically because it is very specific to how the network infrastructure is setup | 12:56 |
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sri_ | beagles, I am having issues with only when i use service-type, full details http://paste.openstack.org/show/744385/ | 12:58 |
jschlueter | mandre: do we have a tripleo-common patch ... for this workaround? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634365 | 12:58 |
jschlueter | mandre: as this will break tripleo container builds but was reasonable approach to unblock the kolla gates | 12:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable dbus-broker for Fedora 29 https://review.openstack.org/634105 | 13:00 |
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beagles | sri_, ah okay - not very familiar with service types, lemme check | 13:03 |
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sri_ | beagles, ok, i was following this https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/networking-guide/config-service-subnets.html | 13:04 |
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mandre | jschlueter: nope no tripleo-common patch that I know of, I didn't realize it would break building tripleo containers | 13:05 |
mandre | jschlueter: are you taking care of it? | 13:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Cédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Clean unmanaged rules pushed by iptables-services package https://review.openstack.org/634403 | 13:08 |
Tengu | jaosorior: -^^ :) | 13:08 |
Tengu | I have something that seems to work. yay \o/ | 13:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: redis: Remove default post-save command for certmonger https://review.openstack.org/633238 | 13:12 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for redis https://review.openstack.org/633239 | 13:12 |
sri_ | beagles, in DVR environment when I create subnet on external netwrok it's consuming 6 public ips (5 floatingip_agent_gateway, 1router_gateway), I have 3 controller 2 compute nodes. that is reason I am trying to use service-type to minimize public ip consumption | 13:13 |
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jschlueter | mandre: I'll see if I can get it proposed quick before |dad_taxi duties this morning | 13:16 |
openstackgerrit | Brent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Use Octavia's project for lb security group ops https://review.openstack.org/634286 | 13:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: rabbitmq-server workaround https://review.openstack.org/634405 | 13:25 |
jschlueter | mandre: ^^ proposed now gotta run | 13:25 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: break out install-deps from quickstart.sh https://review.openstack.org/634301 | 13:25 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: use bindep to install rpm deps https://review.openstack.org/634329 | 13:27 |
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ska | ykarel: thanks.! | 13:38 |
ska | I was able to create the overcloud, how do I expose the Overcloud API to the outside network? | 13:38 |
openstackgerrit | Rafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [DNM] Attempt f28 standalone w/ pre-built containers https://review.openstack.org/634410 | 13:38 |
openstackgerrit | Rafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [DNM] Attempt f28 standalone w/ pre-built containers https://review.openstack.org/634410 | 13:40 |
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ykarel | rfolco, is hub.docker.com correct, shouldn't it be docker.io? | 13:43 |
ykarel | ska, so haven't you deployed with public networks? | 13:44 |
rfolco | ykarel, these are pre-built ones from alex... https://hub.docker.com/u/mwhahaha | 13:44 |
ykarel | rfolco, that should be just web interface i think | 13:44 |
ykarel | have you tried manual pull from that hub.docker.com | 13:45 |
rfolco | ykarel, you're probably right, I'll test and change | 13:46 |
ykarel | rfolco, sudo docker pull hub.docker.com/mwhahaha/fedora-binary-base:testing vs sudo docker pull docker.io/mwhahaha/fedora-binary-base:testing | 13:47 |
ska | ykarel: Im not sure what that question means exactly. Each node in overcloud has a 2 nics: one on provisioning network, and one on the public network (via kvm's br0 bridge). | 13:47 |
ykarel | you also need to adjust test | 13:47 |
ykarel | ska, so you can do source overcloudrc and use it | 13:47 |
ska | Yes but probably only from the undercloud .. | 13:48 |
ska | The overcloudrc refers to addresses in the provisioning network (which is not routable). | 13:48 |
rfolco | ykarel, you mean the tag ... yeah, thanks, will do | 13:48 |
ykarel | rfolco, yes | 13:49 |
ykarel | because current-tripleo do not exist, which is the default | 13:49 |
ykarel | ska, so you can check, openstack endpoint list to be sure if public endpoints are created or not | 13:49 |
ykarel | then comes the second point how can u access from outside | 13:50 |
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ska | ykarel: Is there a way to automate that during overcloud deploy? Otherwise https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/9/html/director_installation_and_usage/chap-performing_tasks_after_overcloud_creation#sect-Creating_the_Overcloud_External_Network ? | 13:52 |
ykarel | ska, ^^ are neutron networks which will be used for creating vms on overcloud, but u were talking about accessing API | 13:53 |
galaxyyahoo | Hello, can I build openshift containers (docker.io/openshift/origin-ansible etc) based on centos image? I tied to use kolla project, but it can`t do it. | 13:56 |
openstackgerrit | Martin Schuppert proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Run nova_statedir_owner on every run https://review.openstack.org/634413 | 13:57 |
ska | Ah.. I'm a bit lost then. I logged into the controller and see it configured the external Nic, netstat doesn't show anything listening on that IP . | 13:57 |
galaxyyahoo | I can`t build tripleorocky/coreos-kube-rbac-proxy tripleorocky/coreos-kube-state-metrics:v1.3.1 too | 13:58 |
openstackgerrit | Rafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [DNM] Attempt f28 standalone w/ pre-built containers https://review.openstack.org/634410 | 13:58 |
kplant | is it normal for the VIPs to drop off br-ctlplane on the undercloud after a 'systemctl restart network'? | 14:00 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 14:00 |
beagles | sri_, haven't forgotten about you - I'm going to discuss with my neutron colleagues. Waiting for our DVR internals expert to be available | 14:01 |
sri_ | beagles, thanks you :) | 14:02 |
sri_ | thank* | 14:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP: Split upgrade_tasks.yaml per step tasks. https://review.openstack.org/628522 | 14:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 14:19 |
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ska | So I'm a bit confuse about the Overcloud access. Is the overcloud deploy *supposed* to setup some sort of external API port-forwarding? | 14:23 |
ska | Or is the intention to do everything from the provisioning network? | 14:23 |
sri_ | ska, did you provide templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml while creating overcloud ? | 14:24 |
openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Remove usage of target_upgrade_version. https://review.openstack.org/607525 | 14:25 |
ska | sri_: No I did not know to do such. | 14:26 |
sri_ | ska, then all endpoints we will created on provisioning network | 14:26 |
ska | sri_: is there a good doc on that.? | 14:26 |
sri_ | ska, https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/install/advanced_deployment/network_isolation.html | 14:27 |
bogdando | jaosorior hi, WDYT of https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1788138/comments/5? | 14:27 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1788138 in tripleo "Align/fix tht containerized services' mismatching bind mounts for config data vs puppet-generated one" [High,Triaged] | 14:27 |
bogdando | shall we switch it all to /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated? | 14:27 |
bogdando | or fix puppet to produce those IdM configs at the hosts /etc paths?.. so confusing | 14:28 |
bogdando | (see internal rhos-dev for details) | 14:29 |
ska | sri_ is it possible to re-deploy with that option in place? | 14:29 |
sri_ | ska, I am not sure that will work, I would suggest you to create a new stack | 14:31 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Revert the cireport to python2 https://review.openstack.org/634418 | 14:32 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Sync the cireport with the latest job/projects https://review.openstack.org/634420 | 14:34 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix reviewday report customization on tripleo.org https://review.openstack.org/634421 | 14:36 |
jaosorior | bogdando: unsure about the context | 14:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Sync projects for tripleo.org reviews https://review.openstack.org/634422 | 14:39 |
ska | sri_: Is there a way to manually add the API external access? | 14:42 |
mwhahaha | ykarel: rfolco: 2019-01-30 is the latest tag, don't use testing | 14:42 |
ykarel | mwhahaha, ack | 14:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Sorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/queens: Migrate linting to pre-commit https://review.openstack.org/634113 | 14:50 |
dprince | dpeacock: could we hold on any more of these until we land the existing flattening patches? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/626760/ | 14:52 |
dprince | mwhahaha: ^^ | 14:52 |
bogdando | jaosorior: tl;dr for the context is does puppet put those pki configs under the hosts /etc or /var/lib/puppet-generated | 14:52 |
dprince | dpeacock: that causes a bit of rebase pain for the rest of us :/ | 14:53 |
jaosorior | bogdando: but that used to be ran on the host | 14:53 |
mwhahaha | i think that's the only one that touches everything left isn't it? | 14:53 |
bogdando | and if the former, does it do that *always* or with some exceptions for the latter , like IdM | 14:53 |
dprince | mwhahaha: containers-common.yaml | 14:53 |
bogdando | sure, but which path to ship into containers? | 14:53 |
dprince | mwhahaha: and there may be more | 14:53 |
jaosorior | bogdando: certmonger runs on the host too | 14:53 |
mwhahaha | dprince: well i don't think containers-common is moving anytime soon | 14:53 |
jaosorior | why would puppet put that into /var/lib/puppet-generated? | 14:53 |
dprince | mwhahaha: some of my patches have been up for almost a month... just saying :) | 14:53 |
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bogdando | jaosorior: if we take it from /etc from host into container, but it sits under /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated | 14:54 |
dpeacock | dprince: that was the only far reaching one, and othe than pathing it's not so bad | 14:54 |
mwhahaha | dprince: well add some reviewers :D | 14:54 |
bogdando | I think that is exactly the issue Morgan describes in the ml | 14:54 |
jaosorior | bogdando: OI' | 14:54 |
dpeacock | dprince: I agree it's not pleasant (sorry) but that's partly why I wanted the filename consistent | 14:54 |
jaosorior | bogdando: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand the context | 14:54 |
dprince | its cool. I just wanted to complain about rebasing. I feel much better now | 14:55 |
dprince | dpeacock: mwhahaha ^ | 14:55 |
dpeacock | dprince: We're all going through the multi-week constant rebasing; I feel your pain and can offer you a hug as consolation? :-) | 14:55 |
mwhahaha | makes sense | 14:55 |
* dpeacock huggles dprince | 14:55 | |
jaosorior | bogdando: /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors is bind-mounted from the host; that's because I'm trying to get the containers to trust the same CAs that the host trusts | 14:55 |
bogdando | jaosorior: for some reason, I can't find the message in ml archives yet ;( and I removed the original from my mailbox | 14:55 |
bogdando | so let's wait for updates :D | 14:55 |
dpeacock | dprince: sorry, for what it's worth | 14:55 |
jaosorior | bogdando: this way we can get the containers (like keystone) to trust extra certs, like ldap; or any other service that needs to use TLS to communicate with another system; that's how we get it to work. | 14:56 |
jaosorior | bogdando: now, those manifests are run from the host | 14:56 |
bogdando | jaosorior: ok, are we 100% sure we have nothing to catchup from the /var/lib/config-data/puppet/generated//etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors ? | 14:56 |
jaosorior | so they usually don't get into /var/lib/config-data | 14:56 |
bogdando | cuz it seems IdM has some problems with that | 14:56 |
bogdando | like missing configs | 14:56 |
bogdando | ugh, I mean certs | 14:56 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: step1: flatten the neutron service configurations https://review.openstack.org/629664 | 14:56 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: step2: flatten the neutron service configurations https://review.openstack.org/630513 | 14:56 |
jaosorior | bogdando: IdM? FreeIPA? | 14:56 |
bogdando | I don't know much of details, we should ask Morgan... | 14:57 |
jaosorior | bogdando: I've actually never seen /var/lib/config-data/puppet/generated//etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors | 14:57 |
jaosorior | where does that come from? | 14:57 |
bogdando | me neither, can't find it in git histroy of tht | 14:57 |
jaosorior | and what mail/ | 14:57 |
jaosorior | ? | 14:58 |
jaosorior | bogdando: I really need more context | 14:58 |
bogdando | jaosorior: > for some reason, I can't find the message in ml archives yet ;( and I removed the original from my mailbox ^^ | 14:58 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten the manila service configurations https://review.openstack.org/633273 | 14:58 |
jaosorior | ok | 14:58 |
openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Set /var/lib/mistral/undercloud.conf vol as rw in mistral-executor. https://review.openstack.org/634425 | 14:59 |
bogdando | :) | 14:59 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten the tacker service https://review.openstack.org/633546 | 15:00 |
jaosorior | bogdando: found the mail. answering. | 15:00 |
bogdando | jaosorior: >now, those manifests are run from the host | 15:00 |
bogdando | was it another way before? | 15:00 |
bogdando | before now :) | 15:01 |
jaosorior | nope | 15:01 |
bogdando | ugh | 15:01 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten the panko service https://review.openstack.org/633568 | 15:01 |
rfolco | mwhahaha, re: tag ack | 15:01 |
bogdando | so then there is nothing to pick from /var/lib indeed | 15:01 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten the congress service https://review.openstack.org/633716 | 15:02 |
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bogdando | jaosorior: thanks! | 15:03 |
jaosorior | bogdando: thanks for bringing this up | 15:03 |
bogdando | np | 15:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP: Split upgrade_tasks.yaml per step tasks. https://review.openstack.org/628522 | 15:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/rocky: WIP: Split upgrade_tasks.yaml per step tasks. https://review.openstack.org/634428 | 15:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: WIP: Split upgrade_steps_playbook into different plays. https://review.openstack.org/632469 | 15:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Nagasai Vinaykumar Kapalavai proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: metrics_qdr: TLS support. https://review.openstack.org/631297 | 15:28 |
jaosorior | beagles: could you check this out https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634221/ ? | 15:33 |
beagles | jaosorior, ack | 15:33 |
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weshay | mwhahaha, that's good news man.. nice job | 15:43 |
openstackgerrit | Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: novnc-proxy: Remove default post-save command for certmonger https://review.openstack.org/633245 | 15:46 |
openstackgerrit | Brent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM: Testing a tripleo-common fix https://review.openstack.org/634440 | 15:47 |
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openstackgerrit | RedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: GATE CHECK for TripleO https://review.openstack.org/604298 | 16:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Natal Ngétal proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: [Core] Add limit option to manage nodes. https://review.openstack.org/634234 | 16:01 |
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mwhahaha | weshay: what's blocking promotions at the moment | 16:05 |
openstackgerrit | Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: neutron dhcpd: Add script for certmonger postsave_cmd https://review.openstack.org/634443 | 16:07 |
openstackgerrit | Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for nova-vnc-proxy https://review.openstack.org/633246 | 16:07 |
openstackgerrit | Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for neutron dhcpd https://review.openstack.org/634444 | 16:07 |
sri_ | mwhahaha, quick question, there is no support for FWaaS in tripleo right ? | 16:08 |
weshay | mwhahaha, http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/cEEjGFFmz/cockpit?orgId=1&panelId=155&fullscreen | 16:08 |
mwhahaha | sri_: yea as far as i know we don't support it | 16:08 |
sri_ | mwhahaha, ok, thanks :) | 16:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Revert "Remove placement healthcheck from overrides" https://review.openstack.org/634064 | 16:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Revert "Remove placement healthcheck from overrides" https://review.openstack.org/634064 | 16:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix repo configuration https://review.openstack.org/633527 | 16:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Enable placement-api health check https://review.openstack.org/634446 | 16:17 |
openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Make container build job voting https://review.openstack.org/634060 | 16:17 |
openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Make container build job voting https://review.openstack.org/634060 | 16:17 |
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xek | jaosorior, do we still need this https://review.openstack.org/633531 ? | 16:19 |
jaosorior | xek: yeah | 16:19 |
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jaosorior | I still think it's better to mount the whole directory instead of the individual files | 16:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TLS everywhere: Mount the whole /etc/pki/libvirt/ directory in libvirt https://review.openstack.org/633531 | 16:21 |
openstackgerrit | Martin Schuppert proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Catch directories we can not change ownership https://review.openstack.org/634448 | 16:21 |
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jschlueter | mwhahaha, mandre: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634432/ just proposed to kolla, dropping msgpack explicit installation as it should come in via oslo-serialization which is called out explicitly | 16:37 |
jschlueter | mwhahaha, mandre: if that is clean we can drop msgpack alltogether from tripleo-common as well | 16:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: noop package installation inside docker_puppet_apply.sh https://review.openstack.org/632574 | 16:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Sorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix py3 compatibility on cireports https://review.openstack.org/634452 | 16:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Sorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix py3 compatibility on cireports https://review.openstack.org/634452 | 16:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: rabbitmq-server workaround https://review.openstack.org/634405 | 16:59 |
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zbr|ssbarnea | jfrancoa: ccamacho: backport linting fix on upgrades fixed: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634113/3 | 17:02 |
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mandre | jschlueter: I need to revive change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/581380/ where I removed a ton of stuff in addition to msgpack-python | 17:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Jill Rouleau proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten ceilometer service configuration https://review.openstack.org/633617 | 17:12 |
jschlueter | mandre: yea | 17:13 |
openstackgerrit | David Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten database service MySQL Server https://review.openstack.org/633980 | 17:13 |
jschlueter | mandre: I was going to just wittle away at small bits that I can verify as no-op and watch for fallout | 17:13 |
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jschlueter | mandre: I'd almost split into 2 patches ... one to trim down over-specified deps/packages | 17:14 |
jschlueter | and a seperate one for adjusting which in where ... | 17:15 |
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mandre | jschlueter: yeah that would be the right thing to do, I'll take care of it next week | 17:16 |
jschlueter | mandre: ack | 17:16 |
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jschlueter | mandre: I was working through things from a perspective of what showed up in overrides first for cleanup | 17:17 |
openstackgerrit | Sorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix py3 compatibility on cireports https://review.openstack.org/634452 | 17:17 |
jschlueter | or oddities | 17:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 17:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:23 |
openstackgerrit | David Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten database service MySQL Server https://review.openstack.org/633980 | 17:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Set pacemaker cluster_members_addr https://review.openstack.org/633578 | 17:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 17:32 |
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ska | Is there a heat service on Overcloud? | 17:32 |
EvilienM | ska: you can have it but not byd efault | 17:36 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 17:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:40 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:48 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 17:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 17:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 18:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 18:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 18:04 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 18:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 18:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 18:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Remove default post-save command from mysql https://review.openstack.org/634221 | 18:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/queens: Migrate linting to pre-commit https://review.openstack.org/634113 | 18:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: drop python-crypto changes from overrides https://review.openstack.org/634465 | 18:19 |
ska | If i have 2 nics in overcloud, and one of them is configured to be external, how do I tell triple0 to expose its services (like 5000 and 80) to the external via the network.yaml? | 18:24 |
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jaosorior | mwhahaha: could we merge this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/625692/ ? | 18:27 |
mwhahaha | jaosorior: no one answer my question about novajoin | 18:28 |
mwhahaha | jaosorior: there is no stable branches for novajoin, so are we bumping all versions (where is the rdo patch) | 18:28 |
jaosorior | mwhahaha: yeah, it's branchless | 18:28 |
mwhahaha | right | 18:28 |
mwhahaha | but we generally pin a version at the end of the cycle | 18:28 |
mwhahaha | so | 18:28 |
mwhahaha | where did we undo that to get the required change | 18:29 |
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jaosorior | mwhahaha: well, thajt used to be tracked in rdoinfo | 18:31 |
jaosorior | and the change was there... but it seems rdo.yml has changed | 18:31 |
jaosorior | trying to find the hashes now | 18:31 |
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mwhahaha | it looks like we've bumped it to 1.0.22 | 18:31 |
mwhahaha | so if that has the patch then yes we can merge it | 18:32 |
mwhahaha | at least for rocky/queens | 18:32 |
mwhahaha | k it looks like we have the version | 18:32 |
jaosorior | 1.0.22 is the release where we added support for compact services in multiple metadata entries | 18:33 |
mwhahaha | https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/17858/ | 18:33 |
mwhahaha | just needed someone to actually point to that | 18:33 |
mwhahaha | :D | 18:33 |
jaosorior | mwhahaha: understood | 18:34 |
jaosorior | and thanks for checking too | 18:35 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: include bindep install https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 18:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: rabbitmq-server workaround https://review.openstack.org/634405 | 19:04 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: use bindep to install rpm deps https://review.openstack.org/634329 | 19:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: rabbitmq-server workaround https://review.openstack.org/634405 | 19:10 |
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jidar | I'm trying to understand the relionship between roles and flavors, what I can't seem to figure out is how a role defines the flavor in any way, from the docs: The control flavor defines the hardware profile for nodes to use as controllers. You assign this flavor to the Controller role so the director can decide which nodes to use. | 19:17 |
jidar | the closest thing I see is - tags: in the role | 19:17 |
jidar | but tags doesn't seem like the right answer here | 19:18 |
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jidar | are things like "OvercloudHorizonFlavor:" just parsed based on the first/last parts of the name? /Overcloud(\w+)Flavor/ and then that matches up with the role ` ?- name:` | 19:22 |
jidar | woops, role `- name:` ? | 19:22 |
jidar | as another example, the controller role makes no mention of "control" yet that's somehow tied to the flavor/profile | 19:24 |
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mwhahaha | Overcloud<role>Flavor | 19:49 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Move UpgradeInitCommand and UpgradeInitCommonCommand to run by Ansible https://review.openstack.org/632108 | 19:49 |
mwhahaha | so if you have that role in your deployment e.g. HorizonCount: 1, it would look for your OvercloudHorizonFlavor to put the system on | 19:49 |
jidar | when I tried to do that I got this as a warning: WARNING: Following parameters are defined but not used in plan. Could be possible that parameter is valid but currently not used. OvercloudCephAllFlavor, DockerMysqlClientConfigImage, DockerCephDaemonImage, OvercloudControllerNoCephFlavor, CephAllCount, ControllerNoCephCount | 19:51 |
jidar | I'm trying to use ControllerNoCeph and CephAll as roles | 19:52 |
jidar | this was the node-info I was using that gave the above warning: https://gist.github.com/ebab7109463c12af4052c725eaac7dd3 | 19:52 |
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mwhahaha | that warning is misleading | 19:53 |
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mwhahaha | i would ignore that part | 19:53 |
jidar | alright, let me try a deploy again with those set | 19:53 |
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jidar | (they had been missing up until I changed the params in that gist) | 19:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Ronelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: DNM: Design new role for zuul-based reproducer https://review.openstack.org/631067 | 20:08 |
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ska | sri_: does tripleo build those template yaml files? | 20:10 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: break out install-deps from quickstart.sh https://review.openstack.org/634301 | 20:29 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: use bindep to install rpm deps https://review.openstack.org/634329 | 20:30 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use tripleo-quickstart's install-deps functions to install deps. https://review.openstack.org/634353 | 20:37 |
openstackgerrit | Alex Schultz proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use cliff autodoc generation https://review.openstack.org/523510 | 20:39 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Change featureset030 to work with ML2/OVS https://review.openstack.org/611653 | 20:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten the swift service configurations https://review.openstack.org/632545 | 20:51 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Remove usage of target_upgrade_version. https://review.openstack.org/607525 | 20:51 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add python-tripleoclient files to stdln scenarios https://review.openstack.org/634231 | 20:55 |
openstackgerrit | Ronelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: DNM: Design new role for zuul-based reproducer https://review.openstack.org/631067 | 20:58 |
weshay | mwhahaha, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634225/ | 20:58 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Make custom nameserver optional https://review.openstack.org/565839 | 21:05 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Spliting compact services in multiples lines https://review.openstack.org/625692 | 21:08 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-net-config master: Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss https://review.openstack.org/622396 | 21:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Jill Rouleau proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: step1: flatten nova service configuration https://review.openstack.org/632522 | 21:42 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - kolla_builder: buildah support https://review.openstack.org/634317 | 21:50 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP - add --use-buildah https://review.openstack.org/634322 | 21:50 |
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dprince | mwhahaha: thanks for the flattening patch reviews | 22:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Jill Rouleau proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten ceilometer service configuration https://review.openstack.org/633617 | 22:15 |
openstackgerrit | Lukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: Introduce memcached_servers and use it for keystone https://review.openstack.org/634505 | 22:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/rocky: Configure the Metadata Agent only when enable_metadata_agent is set https://review.openstack.org/632729 | 23:05 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/queens: Configure the Metadata Agent only when enable_metadata_agent is set https://review.openstack.org/632730 | 23:05 |
jidar | is the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml (copied to ~) and edited to specific vlans suppose to be enough to get those vlans enforced if later on in your deploy command you specify network isolation / network environments? The docs reference this example: https://gist.github.com/042b7982415322d5fb3a6b4e6b18d742 which I've followed like so | 23:11 |
jidar | https://gist.github.com/ff342e0cf953782fa5e92413a5afb91c what I found is that the vlans I set in network_data were ignored and "defaults" were using, vlans 10,20,30,40 etc. I'm doing another deploy where I again set the vlans in my custom-network-config.yaml to see if it makes a difference | 23:11 |
jidar | specifically I'm asking if -n network_data.yaml specified earlier in my deploy command doesn't override the values it's pulling from network-isolation/network-environment | 23:12 |
jidar | (if not, the docs should be updated) | 23:12 |
jidar | link to docs: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/13/html-single/advanced_overcloud_customization/#enabling-basic-network-isolation | 23:13 |
openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: use bindep to install rpm deps https://review.openstack.org/634329 | 23:13 |
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openstackgerrit | wes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: DNM: Design new role for zuul-based reproducer https://review.openstack.org/631067 | 23:17 |
jidar | second deploy with vlans specified in the custom-network-config works as expected.. | 23:22 |
jidar | I wonder what the point is of setting them in the network_data.yaml then | 23:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Nagasai Vinaykumar Kapalavai proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add a connector to Qpid router https://review.openstack.org/611979 | 23:47 |
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