Thursday, 2014-10-23

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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/os-cloud-config: Allow register-node to accept int for input
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tchaypogreghaynes: the issue that I patched was specific to file:/// indexes; and the issue was that it raise a file-not-found exception and not handle it - so it would abort at that point and never try the case-mangling at all00:22
greghaynestchaypo: ah00:23
greghaynesso, more bugs found!00:23
tchaypoIf we're using http:// indexes that shouldn't be a problem. I haven't looked at what it does when there are multiple indexes.00:23
greghaynesapparently there is a similar issue when using the PIP_EXTRA_INDEX00:23
tchaypoI feel like using devpi would solve *this* problem nicely00:27
tchaypobut it introduces complexity that's going to introduce other problems00:27
greghaynesI dont think it would fix this00:30
greghaynesI guess it does have a write-through ability00:30
greghaynesI was mostly put off by its complexity for what were trying to do00:30
greghaynesIt sort of seems like pypi-mirror is actually a great option for this problem00:31
greghaynesbut, it works for now so \O/00:31
tchaypoStevenK: btw, rebasing that patch sounds awesome :)00:33
StevenKtchaypo: Yes. I've started on it00:33
StevenKOh god the conflicts00:33
tchaypoStevenK: i owe you a beer00:33
tchaypoI'll grab you as many as you want on saturday week00:33
tchaypoI'm assuming you'll be turning up around midday and we'll be secreting ourselves in Koru again?00:34
StevenKSince I can't bluff myself into the qantas business lounge :-P00:34
tchaypoStevenK: the setup-neutron conflicts should be easy to deal with though, right?00:38
StevenKNot really00:38
StevenKWell, the script itself is fine, since it's gone00:38
tchaypothe script itself goes away, but00:38
StevenKIt's the callsites that are giving me grief00:38
tchaypoone thing i won't miss is waking up to disover that misty has been sleeping on my macbook and managed to turn it off00:43
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lifelesstchaypo: thats easy, get a machine with better firmware :)01:26
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tchaypoI don't think it's firmware, I think it'the easily-pressable hardware button01:28
SpamapStchaypo: thanks for handling meeting stuff yesterday. I forgot about time zone things while travelling -2 from my usual TZ01:33
greghaynesSpamapS: hey hey, wanna review some nasty code thatll help our CI a bunch?
greghaynesStevenK: you too01:34
tchaypoSpamapS: thank cinerama, she jumped in and chaired the meeting01:34
SpamapScinerama: thank you for handling meeting stuff yesterady. :-D01:34
SpamapSgreghaynes: I'm jet lagged and burnt .. will try to hit the review queue hard in the morning and I'll start w/ that one.01:35
StevenKgreghaynes: You already have one comment from me on it01:35
StevenKBesides, patch set 38 is the most recent01:35
greghaynesheh, its been a long day (resulting in a patch set 38)01:36
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Build a local pip mirror of python packages being tested
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StevenKtchaypo: Did you see your prose is on ?01:40
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Split up extracting Ironic driver_info method
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jerryzhi anyone, i have a overcloud network congested after “ heat stack-update”02:35
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:03:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1382468 in tuskar "Bad parameter exception" [Undecided,Triaged]03:00
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openstackgerritRichard Su proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Change how SELinux policies are compiled
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openstackgerritRichard Su proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Simplify keepalived custom policy
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Standarise tracing for scripts
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jerryztchaypo: delete the stack and create it again fixed the congestion. but still curious04:10
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* StevenK manages to bend jq to his will05:50
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jerryzStevenK: do you know how i could update the tftp server ip of undercloud? i created a new ctlplane network but tftp always failed, it seems that neutron dnsmasq is still using the old ip address for tftp server05:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: iso element to build bootable ISO images
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix the Fedora image download
greghaynesderekh: you see the pypi patch is ready to go (I think)?14:33
derekhgreghaynes: yup, looks ready to me, I've been sitting on the fence all morning trying to decide if its ok for me to +2 ;-)14:37
derekhany cores wanna take a look at for us?14:37
derekhits only been 8months in the queue ;-)14:38
greghaynesSo, I wonder if we want to try and do something similar for pull-tools14:38
* derekh stretches the truth a little14:39
derekhgreghaynes: what we've done will work with pull tools wouldn't it? unless I'm misunderstanding your intention14:39
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greghaynesah, it actually doesnt fix what I was thinking - I was hoping to come up with a way to do less of our git repo mgmt stuff14:41
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Move actions to the header
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add a puppet element.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add a puppet-modules element.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Remove elements/
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1382468 in tuskar "Bad parameter exception" [Undecided,Triaged]15:00
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Remove pip install --pre
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greghayneswhy is our iptables-restore call in the haproxy element15:19
* greghaynes shakes head15:19
greghaynesslagle: Did you ever look at fixing the package-installs design issues we talked about?15:25
greghaynesId be up for helping with that15:25
slaglegreghaynes: not closely. my plan is to write a spec detailing the yml format we talked about15:26
slagleshall we discuss more at summit? i could add it to the etherpad15:26
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greghaynesIf it ends up not being bing enough for an actual session thing we could also just mess with it at the hacking pods15:28
slagleyea, that's what i was figuring15:28
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greghaynesslagle: oh, youre core, derekh and I (and our CI) would be very happy if you could review
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lxslihe was almost PTL :)15:40
slaglegreghaynes: merged!15:40
lxsliah I'm too late15:40
greghaynesslagle: tyty!15:41
derekhjp_at_hp1: I want to move some things around in toci at some stage soon, do you want to rebase this first
derekhwhere was the bot telling us it merged....15:43
greghaynesRIP openstackstatus15:44
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slaglederekh: that was me all along. i used to type it in for each change15:49
slagleJenkins has submitted a change and it was merged15:50
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derekhslagle: ahh cool, so why did you stop? maybe we can talk somebody into taking over, lets discuss it at the summit15:53
* derekh adds it to the etherpad15:54
slaglei'll add it to the etherpad15:54
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NobodyCammorning TripleO :)16:45
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NobodyCamoff the wall question: is adding swift to "SEED_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS" the best way to enable swift on the seed vm?16:51
greghaynesNobodyCam: Yep, but make sure you also have rabbitmq-server in that var16:53
NobodyCamyep was just looking at boot-seed-vm16:53
NobodyCamI see that rabbit can be lost if that is set16:53
greghaynesyep :(16:53
greghaynesits a pretty bad user interface16:54
NobodyCamknowing is half the battle16:54
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use parameter constraints for image, key and flavor
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: iso element to use 'search --label' for grub
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rameshg87SpamapS: GheRivero: StevenK: request you to have a look at a very small change - addressing a small failure scenario in its previous review
SpamapSrameshg87: I'm happy to. I want to ask that you please consider the _hundreds_ of patches waiting in the queue that were submitted before yours.17:37
SpamapSrameshg87: asking for a quick review is always O-K, but please do be mindful. :)17:38
NobodyCammorning SpamapS17:39
greghaynesSpamapS: In better news, the review I was begging for got merged :)17:40
SpamapSNobodyCam: howdy17:40
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, I was actually really really really confused by it17:40
greghaynesyoure not the only one17:40
NobodyCamis tripleo-heat-templates / swift-deploy.yaml17:40
greghaynesbasically, there are about 3 pip bugs being worked around17:40
SpamapSgreghaynes: I think the commit message missed a fundamental answer to "Why is this change needed?"17:40
NobodyCamment to be used with seed?17:40
SpamapSbut somebody felt it was satisfied, so yay17:40
rameshg87SpamapS: i am sorry .. i should consider that too ..  :-)17:41
SpamapSNobodyCam: if you wanted your deploy cloud to have swift, yeah.17:41
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NobodyCamSpamapS: I'm attempting to test the IPA agent for Ironic which requires swift :)17:41
SpamapSNobodyCam: IPA needs swift?17:42
SpamapSNobodyCam: it doesn't just talk to glance?17:42
NobodyCamswitft with temp urls17:42
SpamapSah neat17:42
* SpamapS is a big fan of those17:42
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use parameter constraints for image, key and flavor
greghaynesjdob: Heyo, you around for doing the 'releases chat'17:44
greghaynesjdob: from what ive heard, basically you jsut have to git tag and push17:44
jdobgreghaynes: ya, you pretty much got it. pretty much only increment the lowest number17:44
jdobfrequently you dont need to release when git log shows nothing17:44
jdobfrom time to time has a hiccup on the tuskar project17:45
jdobonly seems to be that one17:45
greghaynesok, so it really is just git push afterwards?17:45
jdobyes, that kicks off the process17:45
jdobjust the mere existence of the tag17:45
jdobkinda cool in that respect17:46
greghaynesjdob: now, do you know who I need to poke for getting perms? SpamapS or lifeless?17:46
jdoblifeless gave me mine, not sure is SpamapS can yet (not sure if there's some sort of PTL hand off ceremony)17:46
jdobbut I vouch for you, you get the concepts :)17:47
jdobjust dont screw up the numbering and you're good to go17:47
greghaynes"Just dont screw it up"17:47
jdobfrom what I heard, the release team gets PISSED if you screw it up :)17:47
openstackgerritHaneef Ali proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install openstackclient
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jerryzeveryone, i have an overcloud stack created but some of the compute nodes stay down to the controller. btw, the time is synced.17:52
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SpamapSto do release? there's a config17:55
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SpamapSjdob: luckily we don't really work w/ the release team since we're not integrated into the release.17:55
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jdobstill doesn't hurt for me to be scared shitless of making a mistake :)17:56
SpamapSjerryz: so 'nova service-list' shows the compute nodes, but down?17:56
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SpamapSjerryz: I'd check nova-compute.log17:56
SpamapSjdob: who scares you more.. ttx or me? ;-)17:56
jerryzSpamapS: not much just logs "connected to amqp"17:57
* jdob tries to decide on the safest answer here17:57
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jdob... both?17:57
SpamapSjdob: keeping in mind, I have a green belt and I've lived in central LA before.. ;-)17:57
SpamapS_GREEN_ belt!17:57
SpamapSI've trained for _months_17:57
jdobI have a purple belt in brazilian jiu jitsu and lived in Newark, NJ, it'd be an interesting geek fight17:58
greghaynesPut it on the summit etherpad17:58
jdobour minimal training credentials and city experience puts us on similar levels17:58
jerryzSpamapS: i create  overcloud several times, this is the first time that almost half of compute nodes are down. two of them first were disabled with reason "failed to connect to libvirt"17:59
SpamapSjdob: one good trip and you win. I can't ground fight for crap.17:59
jerryzSpamapS: then i manually enabled the node, but it fell back to down state later.18:00
jdobi'm so uncoordinated that I trip a lot and end up on the ground, felt like the most natural starting point when picking a discipline :)18:00
SpamapSjerryz: very strange.18:00
* greghaynes is envisioning
SpamapSjdob: indeed. I call my kung-fu "Sloth Style"18:01
SpamapSFuturama just makes me lol18:01
SpamapSno matter what18:01
SpamapSjerryz: what OS are you running on top of?18:02
jerryzSpamapS: overcloud image is using ubuntu 14.1018:02
SpamapSjerryz: oh, why 14.10?18:02
SpamapSjerryz: that is not something any of us test.18:03
jerryzSpamapS: 14.04 actually18:04
jerryzSpamapS: will heat stack-update trigger service restarts even if nothing changed?18:05
jerryzSpamapS: i want to see if a race condition during the orchestration caused the problem.18:06
jerryzSpamapS: yeah, a stack-update indeed worked18:11
greghaynesSpamapS: os-collect-config will do a deep merge between heat_local and local collector data, correct?18:12
greghayneslike, I could inject a debug: true property into nova by writing a /v/l/o-c-c/l-d/nova file18:13
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Enable debug logging on seed via local collector
greghaynesbasically ^18:15
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lifelessgreghaynes: perms?18:25
greghayneslifeless: for pushing release tags18:26
greghaynesI think its -ptl group?18:26
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lifelessyeah, thats controlled through system-config18:29
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greghaynesWell, id like to cut the releases this week, what do I need to do to become blessed?18:31
lifelessoh, or perhaps its just in gerrit18:31
lifelessyeah just gerrit18:31
lifelesshave SpamapS add you to tripleo-ptl18:31
lifelessafter he checks you've been trained on what to do :)18:31
SpamapSgreghaynes: yes deep merge18:32
SpamapSgreghaynes: RTFM and all that.. there is specially handling for things that don't exist in later merges IIRC18:32
SpamapSright tripleo-ptl, thats the group18:32
SpamapSgreghaynes: have to step away for a few.. when I get back we can chat about releases and how to do them. :)18:33
greghaynessounds good, ty18:33
greghaynesoh! this is hilarious18:34
greghaynessomething is causing os-c-c to retrigger after its completed on my seed, I wonder if its related to me writing out data into the local data collector ;)18:34
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SpamapSgreghaynes: that would retrigger it yes18:37
SpamapSany change18:37
greghayneswell, im doing it in install.d so it should already be there... I wonder if this is a bug in os-c-c18:37
lifelessno such thing18:41
jerryzSpamapS: i was too optimistic. some of them returned to down state in a while.18:42
jerryzSpamapS: what ntp server do you use for cd cloud?18:44
jerryzSpamapS: the compute nodes keep going up and down now.18:45
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Enable debug logging on seed via local collector
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lifelessjerryz: just ntpd19:08
jerryzlifeless: i just found it is not the time that didn't sync19:10
jerryzlifeless: there are rabbitmq zombie processes19:11
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Implement a Puppet overcloud compute config
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Drive network configuration via software config
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Drive network configuration via software config
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openstackgerritErik Colnick proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable Neutron DVR support in TripleO installation
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Unset trap before dracut ramdisk build script exits
openstackgerritErik Colnick proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable Neutron DVR support in TripleO installation
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openstackgerritErik Colnick proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable Neutron DVR support in TripleO installation
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1382468 in tuskar "Bad parameter exception" [Undecided,Triaged]21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384826 in diskimage-builder "ISO image from iso element fails to boot if baremetal has /vmlinuz on a partition" [Undecided,In progress]21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384838 in tripleo "Install openstackclient " [Undecided,In progress]21:00
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tchaypogreghaynes: so just to balance my enthusiastic plugging of devpi21:45
tchaypoi discovered last week it doesn't interact nicely with pbr21:46
tchaypoby default it does "git ls-files", then moves all those files to a temporary dir, and then builds inside that - just to make sure that you're not getting your build influenced by some file that's in the directory but not added to git21:46
tchaypothis breaks pbr because when the build happens in the temp directory, pbr has no git context to look at so it can't figure out a version number21:47
tchaypothere's a --no-vcs (or something like that) flag that makes it do the build in $PWD instead though, so we can work around it - at the risk of having our builds include things that aren't in git21:47
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lifelesstchaypo: have you reported a bug ?22:02
tchaypoabout devpi?22:02
tchaypoi had a chat in channel the other day.22:02
tchaypothe consensus I got from the channel at the time was that the sdist should contain all the information you need to be able to rebuild the sdist22:03
tchaypoit shouldn't rely on git context22:03
tchaypoI *think* that pbr does end up writing data into the sdist that can be used to rebuild the sdist from itself22:03
tchaypobut until I verify that I want to hold off on the bug22:04
lifelessit does22:04
lifelessit can22:04
tchaypoah good.22:04
lifelessdevpi is not working from the sdist though, its working from git-ls22:04
tchaypoin that case my suggestion is that instead of "cp $(git-ls) $TMPDIR"22:04
tchaypoit should be "git clone $PWD $TMPDIR22:05
tchaypostill gives you a clean build, but preserves the git context22:05
tchayposlight downside is that it loses anything that's not yet committed.22:05
lifelesshow about devpi detect pbr's presence and do what folk expect ?22:06
tchaypowhat would that be?22:06
tchayporun in $PWD?22:06
lifelesspython sdist22:06
tchaypoI don't think using pbr changes taht expectation22:07
tchaypoI think people expect that all the time22:07
tchaypooh, that's the other workaround22:07
lifelessyyes but thats not what devpi is doing:)22:07
tchaypowe can "python sdist" by hand, and then "devpi upload dist/blah.tar.gz"22:07
tchayposo it's not like this is a blocker to us using devpi, it's just a thing we need to be aware of22:08
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add pointers to a sample nodes.json
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add pointers to a sample nodes.json
tchaypookay. my priority for the rest of today is putting things in boxes. I'll be summonsed if my name is abused but otherwise probably not around much until sunday22:27
tchaypooh hallelujah22:29
tchaypothe new version of iterm means i can once again use move-pane in tmux22:29
tchaypo*weeps with joy*22:29
tchaypo*goes away*22:29
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clarkbapparently greghaynes is the person to release dib this week23:55
clarkbbut he doesn't have perms to do so23:55
greghaynesA wild clarkb appears23:55
clarkbcan someone in the tripleo ptl delegation group bump his perms and I promise to make sure he does it right (at least from the infra side of things?)23:56
greghaynesclarkb: uses -infra attack23:56
clarkbits super effective23:56
clarkbSpamapS: lifeless ^23:56
clarkbSpamapS: ^^23:56

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