Wednesday, 2014-06-04

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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Fix niggles with the documentation
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Export IMAGE_ELEMENT after finding its value
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saurabhslifeless: can you suggest me something for above query00:10
greghaynesdshulyak: Im rebasing some of your haproxy patches off master to pull in some crit fixes00:10
greghaynessaurabhs: just cp in os-refresh-config00:11
greghaynesor in install.d00:11
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saurabhsfor doing a cp in os-refresh-config that file has to be on the image right? how do I get it in there, currently I was using os-apply-config but if its a jinja template then os-apply-config modifies it00:13
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Always save undercloud and overcloud password at $TRIPLEO_ROOT
greghaynessaurabhs: during install.d you should have access to the element and the chroot, you can install/cp the file from the element into the chroot then00:17
* greghaynes should probably figure out how that actually works00:17
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greghayneswe do this in elements/mariadb/install.d/10-mariadb for mysql-set-server-id.upstart00:18
saurabhsgreghaynes: thanks I will look at it00:18
saurabhsgreghaynes: so where does mysql-set-server-id.upstart come from00:20
saurabhs    install $(dirname $0)/mysql-set-server-id.upstart /etc/init/mysql-set-server-id.conf00:20
greghaynesits in that element00:20
greghaynesno its not00:21
greghaynesits in mysql-common00:21
greghaynesin install.d00:21
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tchaypojogo: any chance you have some local changes to
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lifelessok am back00:28
lifelesssaurabhs: hi00:28
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lifelesssaurabhs: what sort of data do you want to pull in00:28
lifelesssaurabhs: is it dynamic or static - does it change with configuration, or with the deploy, or with the software?00:28
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jogotchaypo: no, not really sure what happened00:30
jogoothers couldn't repreduce so maybe it was just me or something00:31
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saurabhslifeless: it will probably change per deploy but its a jinja template that will change00:34
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lifelesssaurabhs: when would it change?00:35
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saurabhslifeless: depending upon the flavor00:36
saurabhsnova flavor00:36
lifelessI'm thoroughly confused :)00:36
lifelessflavors are API defined00:36
saurabhslifeless: depending upon the flavor size of the instance we will change some values in the config which is again a jinja template00:37
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add details of which OS releases are tested in CI
lifelesssaurabhs: so I deploy a thing X, you want to change configuration within X based on the nova flavor of the machine X was deployed to ?00:38
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saurabhslifeless: yes00:39
lifelesssaurabhs: ok, so why would the template change, not the output of the template?00:39
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lifelesssaurabhs: it sounds like this is exactly what the template should be handling00:39
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saurabhslifeless: so depending upon the nova flavor of the taskmanage template would get some specific values which it self is a template that taskmanager will in turn use to configure guest agents depending upon the nova flavor specific to the guestagent00:41
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lifelesssaurabhs: what stops it being just one template ?00:42
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lifelesssaurabhs: anyhow to answer your question, run-time delivery of content can be done via00:45
lifeless - oac templates00:46
lifeless - out of band (e.g. download from a server somewhere)00:46
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lifelessthats really about it - you can trigger the latter from your agent / api service / orc script00:46
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lifelessbut it seems like you have a circuitious approach to something that would make a single simple template00:46
saurabhslifeless: what is oac template00:47
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lifelesssaurabhs: os-apply-config, the minimal template layer we use to write nova.conf etc00:48
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Clean up all outstanding ReST errors and warnings
saurabhslifeless: thanks00:48
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Clean up any existing environment first
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add custom public IP support to the undercloud.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Use seed ip instead of gateway ip for ssh-keygen.
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jogosilly question, how do I add metadata to a heat template?02:57
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lifelessjogo: what sort of metadata ?02:58
jogolifeless: I am trying to manaully exercise the basic heatworkflow that we want to exercise in large-ops02:59
jogothis is my first time using heat02:59
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:03:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325762 in tripleo "intermittent tftp issues using physical hardware" [Undecided,New]03:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326016 in tripleo "Different configuration files for different nova services are merged together not allowing to specify specific value for a specific service" [Undecided,New]03:00
jogoI was thinking for starters create a simple template with some metadata and run 'heat --debug resource-metadata'03:00
jogothen run a bunch of heat resource-metadata's in parallel03:01
jogoto get a sense of thigns03:01
lifelessjogo: ah03:01
lifelesscheckout tripleo-heat-templates03:01
jogoif that all worked I was gonna wire that into the large-ops test as a POC03:01
lifelessmake overcloud.yaml03:01
lifelesswith OVERCLOUD_SCALE=10003:02
lifelessor something03:02
lifelessthat will get you a template that is realistic03:02
jogoI was hoping for something small for starters03:02
lifelessSCALE=2 then03:02
lifelessyou'll need a template with software-config03:03
lifelessand machines03:03
lifelessand launchconfigurations03:03
lifelessit will be a lot easier to take one that has that than to start from scratch03:03
lifelessyou can dial the scale down as low as you want to make it likely to work up-front03:04
jogowould any of those work with the fake virt driver?03:04
lifelessall of them03:04
greghaynesprobably mean OVERCLOUD_COMPUTESCALE03:05
lifelessas I said, the recipe was fake virt + scaled template + the kill-heat script03:05
jogoso I want to start even smaller so I sort of understand it03:06
lifelesswell, the way I'd do it is to study the working template03:07
lifelessanyhow, metadata03:08
lifelessyou can do it via launchconfiguration or deployments of configuration03:08
lifelessand we do both03:08
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lifelessCOMMAND=ironic node-set-power-state 446b2b8c-4cb3-4058-a0fd-2efb6e1e7a31 off03:24
lifelessOUTPUT=Node 446b2b8c-4cb3-4058-a0fd-2efb6e1e7a31 is locked by host undercloud-undercloud-n3af3lhhuitr.novalocal, please retry after the current operation is completed. (HTTP 409)03:24
lifelessadam_g: IIRC we did a workaround for this ?03:24
lifelessah yes, we did, but 10 seconds apparently not enough03:25
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jogolifeless: got a simple example working. so what element of heat is falling over serving metadata?03:45
lifelessjogo: everything03:45
lifelessjogo: its hard to pinpoint, which is why we want a representative test, not a minimal test03:46
lifelessjogo: it was previously just raw performance issues, which would show up in the server and the API03:46
jogolifeless: make sense. I want to build up to learn about heat a bit03:46
lifelessa lot has improved though03:46
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openstackgerritOm Kumar proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Replacing deploy to deploy-baremetal in
openstackgerritOm Kumar proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Refactor code to select boot kernel
StevenKtchaypo: Did you see I closed this morning?03:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317749 in os-cloud-config "Documentation link is a 404" [High,Fix released]03:59
jogolifeless: just using
jogoand calling 'heat resource-metadata stack server' 50 times at once the slowest run takes 11 seconds04:00
lifelessjogo: right, so as long as it takes < 30 seconds reliably, its usable04:01
lifelessjogo: on a 24 core machine with 24 heat-engine processes04:01
lifelessjogo: oh04:02
lifelessno, that should be fine04:03
StevenKlifeless: Review of please, the docs up on docs.o.o/developer/os-cloud-config look pretty terrible04:03
lifelessits a bit of a simple template04:03
lifelessjogo: what deployment are you testing against ?04:04
jogowith fake virt backend04:06
jogoso just hit something funny04:06
jogoI get a stacktrace if I try to use the same template twice04:06
lifelesshave you deleted the stack in the interim ?04:08
lifelessThere is a deterministic named user in keystone used for the delegated access control04:09
jogoI have not deleted the other stack04:09
jogoI wanted to create two stacks04:09
jogoat once04:09
jogowith different names04:09
lifelessits more than a bit of a bug :)04:09
jogoand the same template04:09
lifelessSpamapS: do you have the bug #04:09
lifelessjogo: so AIUI if you rename the server it should be fine04:10
jogoanyway I have to head AFK for a bit04:10
jogolifeless: I don't want to have to rename the server, that is just silly04:11
jogoserver names are not unique04:11
lifelessjogo: yes, it is.04:11
lifelessjogo: but as I explained, a) its a bug, b) thats the workaround.04:11
jogoyeah that will work for now04:11
jogoso for a basic test I am thinking:04:11
jogospin up n copies of a simple template04:11
lifelessserver names should be unique, but thats a different discussion04:12
lifelessn copies of a single template is entirely uninteresting to me04:12
stevebakerlifeless: if you take the "name: Single Compute Instance" out of that template then you won't hit
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1324499 in heat "physical_resource_name of Nova server should not be overriden" [High,In progress]04:12
lifelessits worth while doing in the broad set of tests to run, but its totally different workload to the ones we need to qualify for Helion04:12
jogorun m copies of 'heat-resource-metadata' at once and see what happens (watch for timeouts)04:12
jogolifeless: true, I want to keep the size of the code to drive the test fairly small and self contained (for now) so didn't want a massive template, unless its autogenerated from something small or something04:13
lifelessjogo: well, thats what you would get if you used tripleo-heat-templates - no code to write at all04:14
lifelessjogo: git clone; make with a scale, done.04:14
jogothats a lot of complexity to add to the gate for now04:14
jogoanyway now that I got the basic thing working I will try that use case too04:15
lifelessstevebaker: thanks04:15
jogotime to go AFK for abit o/04:15
lifelessjogo: ciao04:15
lifelessstevebaker: do you need anything from me on that memoisation patch?04:16
stevebakerlifeless: a fass-forward button on the gate04:16
lifelessstevebaker: fasssssssst04:16
stevebakersigh, and a recheck bot04:17
StevenKWe're still recovering from setuptools kills the entire world04:17
StevenKcheck is down to 102, which is good.04:17
StevenKgate is 80, which isn't.04:17
lifelessI missed the setuptools excitment04:18
lifelesswhat happened ?04:18
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StevenKI spent all of Monday trying to workaround it and getting bitten in various ways04:20
lifelessnice (not)04:21
lifelessI was doing queens birtthday:)04:21
StevenKThat's this coming Monday for NSW04:23
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stevebakerlifeless: are you still having metadata polling issues on templates other than a high OVERCLOULD_COMPUTESCALE?04:27
lifelessstevebaker: we're trying to get out in front04:28
lifelessstevebaker: target scale of 2000 pollers04:28
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stevebakerlifeless: COMPUTESCALE=100 leads to a 243279 line template, there must be a better way of composing that04:33
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greghaynesThats probably the n^2 hosts: properties04:40
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stevebakerit is. I would highly recommend moving the hosts building to a single config resource rather than n deployment resources04:44
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lifelessstevebaker: like ?05:18
lifelessstevebaker: SpamapS said he thinks this is wrong ....05:18
lifelessstevebaker: personally, I'm with you05:18
lifelessgreghaynes: ^05:18
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greghaynesWell, if thats how large the file is at 100 lines, 2k is going to be a pretty big number05:21
greghayneser, at 100 hosts05:21
lifelessgreghaynes: care to do ze honours?05:23
lifelessgreghaynes: resurrect spamaps patch05:24
greghaynesah, I have this power?05:24
lifelessnow, wtf is this undercloud having instances go straight to error05:24
lifelessgreghaynes: review -d 9381705:25
* StevenK pouts at the CI failure in 9765305:25
stevebakerI commented on 93817. 243279 line overcloud.yaml vs 14596 line05:25
greghaynesoh, I am seeing the same for my undercloud05:26
lifelessgreghaynes: ruh roh05:26
greghayneswas just digging into it05:26
lifelessgreghaynes: spamaps patch may do too much05:26
lifelessbut its an example05:26
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lifelessgreghaynes: no valid host ?05:26
lifelessmy image was built a few days back05:27
lifelessmay 29th05:27
greghayneshrm. I have a fairly large patch stack going on so im kind of all over05:28
greghaynes(woo HA patches)05:28
lifelessHAundercloud ?05:28
greghaynesno, but I ran out of /var and... yea05:28
greghaynesthen my undercloud didnt come back05:29
lifelesshow did /var run out ?05:29
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greghayneswe must put images there at some point in build? I was making more overcloud nodes than normal05:30
lifeless2014-06-04 05:30:16.307 26433 DEBUG nova.scheduler.filters.ram_filter [req-9560ef14-edb1-4890-9005-8961dc1fbcc8 None] (undercloud, a5318eae-3d81-4d62-9531-e5700c71e378) ram:0 disk:0 io_ops:1 instances:1 does not have 98304 MB usable ram, it only has 0.0 MB usable ram. host_passes /opt/stack/venvs/nova/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/scheduler/filters/
StevenK/dev/mapper/sys-var    99G   11G   84G  11% /var05:30
StevenKThat's why I do that ^05:30
greghaynesyea, I had to lvextend05:31
StevenK\o/ lvm05:31
lifeless /tftproot05:31
lifelesscould be the issue05:31
StevenK /tftproot makes me sad05:31
StevenKBecause damn the FHS05:31
tchaypo says to "order your imports according to the following template", then blunders onward without providing a template.05:31
lifelessit needs to move to /mnt/stte anyhow05:31
tchaypooh no, there, sthe template, a couple of paragraphs below05:32
StevenKlifeless: Would you like me to poke at that?05:32
lifelessStevenK: sure05:33
lifelessI wonder if Ironic is exporting the wrong amount of memory05:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Fix jshint warnings
lifelessfree_ram_mb          | 4423680 / memory_mb            | 442368005:35
lifelessso it *seems* ok05:35
lifelessmemory_mb_used       | 005:35
StevenKpre-start script05:36
StevenK  mkdir -p /tftpboot05:36
* StevenK whimpers05:36
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lifelessthis might do it05:49
lifelessmemory_mb_limit = total_usable_ram_mb * ram_allocation_ratio05:49
lifelessnope, ram_allocation_ratio is 1.005:49
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lifelessgreghaynes: interesting, --num-instances 2 and I've got it spawning06:02
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lifelesscount 20 doing stuff too06:03
lifelessv odd06:03
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lifelessjml: oh hai06:06
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SpamapSlifeless: ok so the reason I think the patch I did on config vs. deployment is wrong is that it destroys composability.06:12
SpamapSlifeless: if we can pull configs from other configs, I might change my mind on that.06:12
SpamapSstevebaker: ^^06:16
SpamapSlifeless: did we redeploy the R1 jump host too?06:17
SpamapSlifeless: I can't seem to SSH to it.06:17
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SpamapSlifeless: left thoughts on
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SpamapSaha, it moved to .206:29
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lifelessSpamapS: bastion.hp1.tripleo.org06:46
lifelessSpamapS: so I don't understand in pragmatic terms what composability it affects06:46
lifelessSpamapS: we can compose deployments to bring separate keys in06:47
SpamapSexcept the structure is entirely contained in the configs06:47
lifelessbut each deployment brings its own config06:48
SpamapSso if you reference the controller IP directly in the config, you can't reuse it in a topology that has a split-out rabbitMQ server.06:48
lifeless'if the set of hosts we need to scatter-gather changes, we need a different scatter-gather expression' ?06:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fixes to swift-storage-source.yaml
SpamapSThat's obviously true.06:49
lifelessbut that seems to be the only implication from what I understand stevebaker to be suggesting06:49
SpamapSIf the set of hosts we need to scatter-gather changes, we must compose a whole new _configuration structure_.06:49
lifelessSpamapS: why? We can have as many independent configs as we want06:50
SpamapSUnless we want to play the ordering/overlay game.06:50
SpamapSlifeless: I urge you to author some templates before making assumptions about them being sane.06:50
lifelessSpamapS: uhm, I have done and do - you're not the only tht author :)06:50
SpamapSlifeless: Ok, so config objects are intended to be reusable.06:51
SpamapSbut they cease to be reusable if the reference servers.06:51
lifelessso what I think you're getting at06:52
SpamapSNow, we can make a "topologyConfig" object or something, and have that reference servers, and then just reference it in a deployment with a later lexical sort than the generic one...06:52
lifelessis that a config for Nova with a string reference to ControlPlane0 rather than an input, can only be used when ControlPlane0 is defined to something sensible06:52
SpamapSbut zomg they're already hard to understand without also having to order the deployments in your head. :-P06:53
SpamapSlifeless: precisely06:53
lifelessSpamapS: Sadly the deployment design is ordered; we should do something to make that easier to manage.06:53
lifelessSpamapS: so, I believe stevebaker in this case is suggesting that:06:53
lifelessa) we make a new config that defines hosts06:53
lifelessb) a new deployment of that06:54
lifelessc) *we do not define hosts /anywhere else/06:54
lifelessthat is, the configs are disjoint06:54
SpamapSlifeless: which is especially frustrating if you want to reference ControlPlane0 for everything except rabbit...06:54
SpamapSlifeless: yeah, basically we can have a single config that is "the topology"06:54
lifelessthat mitigates the ordering problem a bit06:55
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SpamapSIndeed. And there can still be references to those inputs in the generic configs.06:56
lifelessSpamapS: you can use a config as input to another config ?06:56
SpamapSin generic deployments, they'll be set to '*SEE TOPOLOGY*' or something.06:56
SpamapSlifeless: you can get the 'config' attribute yes06:56
SpamapSlifeless: but I am 99% sure it will always be a string06:57
lifelesshigh level06:57
lifelesswe have a fairly severe scaling issue right now06:57
lifelesswe want to get past it06:57
SpamapSYeah, are we not confident that the caching will help?06:58
lifelesscan we try to do this the right way, and if it doesn't seem tacklable in a couple days, do the thing stevebaker suggested06:58
lifelessSpamapS: n^2 >> caching06:58
SpamapSWe have a lot of plates spinning.06:58
SpamapSWorking on this means letting one fall.06:58
lifelessSpamapS: you seem worried about the long term implications of doing a short term patch06:59
SpamapSI'm convinced that it is doable in a way that won't make me wretch.06:59
lifelessSpamapS: I respect your instincts, but I'm worried about us just stopping cold06:59
SpamapSI am, however, not convinced that caching won't be a big enough win to take the pressure off.06:59
lifelessSpamapS: so I'm trying to find a balanced path that lets us move forward06:59
mariosq: gerrit apparently no longer 'times out' reviews due to inactivity. I am pretty sure this one of the things pounding our review queue. Example: - I don't think anything further is going to happen here. Should I -2 it (will that no longer be counted in review queue times?)?06:59 has some n^2 stuff in it too I think06:59
lifelessmarios: workflow -1 it07:00 has miracle whip in it07:00
clarkbno you should abandon if the change will never merge. WIP if it needs more time07:00
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lifelessmarios: -2 is 'can not merge until you change your mind'07:00
marioslifeless: right, but what clarkb said07:00
lifelessclarkb: can we abandon someone elses patch ?07:00
clarkbshould be able to as core07:01
lifelessmarios: that patch looks legitimte-but-needs-work to me, no ?07:01
SpamapS for reference ;)07:01
clarkbunless that is amagic button for me07:01
marioslifeless: well, clint and ryan say that this is already in os-svc-install (comments @ )07:01
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marioslifeless: and may 23rd is a long time ago07:01
lifelessclarkb: oh, it is there isn't it.07:01
lifelessmarios: they say 'May 9 6:34 AM07:02
lifelessThis is already in os-svc-install element via os-svc-enable, why not use that?'07:02
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lifelessmarios: which is not 'no change needed' its 'patch needs to be altered to do what it does differently'07:02
lifelessmarios: in terms of dates, summit + running around in circles fixing testbeds within HP- I rather suspect Ng would be delighted to fix the patch up07:02
marioslifeless: ok. yeah the question was also more general (trying to clean up old reviews - recheck bugs etc etc)07:03
lifelessmarios: anyhow, the protocol for removing from the dashboard is workflow -1 unless you're really sure they are not coming back / its not relevant in which case abandon. IMO.07:03
marioslifeless: i guess -1 should get the authors attention as well07:03
mariosk, thanks07:03
lifeless-2 is 'merge it over my dead body' - its sticky regardless of new uploads, so its a very big hammer.07:04
SpamapSlifeless: did you ever get the fake-backed-heat + kill-heat-via-occ thing going btw?07:04
lifelessjogo has a devstack based one07:04
lifelessI've just gotten the undercloud doing stuff now07:04
lifelessthough I suspect we're about to wedge the BMCs since we don't have the ironic IPMI rate limit patch yet.07:05
SpamapSI'd love it if hpcloud had a devstack image available publicly for devs to use.07:05
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jogoSpamapS:  I have the heat + fake backend set up, I am not suing occ just yet though07:08
lifelessmake: *** [overcloud.yaml] Error 13707:09
jogoSpamapS: what do you expect the failure mode to be? just a slow down?07:09
SpamapSjogo: exponential slow down07:10
lifelessso 100 hypervisors = 240K line template07:10
lifeless110 = 290K line template07:11
SpamapSjogo: every deployment (so ever server) will make the stack twice as slow to deploy07:11
SpamapSMaybe we should just try to fix resource groups.. ;)07:11
lifeless120=345K lines07:11
SpamapSright that is because we have every-host-references-every-host07:12
SpamapSthat single bit..07:12
SpamapSwe can put in a single config07:12
jogoSpamapS: oh good to know, I am trying the autoscaling group07:12
jogoso I can do an autoscaling group of say 100?07:13
jogoand that should slow way down?07:13
lifelessjogo: well, this is where testing the tripleo template specifically is what we /need/07:13
SpamapSlifeless: how about we just try putting the hosts thing in a single config.. leaving the rest untoutched07:13
lifelessSpamapS: thats all I *ever* suggested :)07:13
SpamapSlifeless: well I misunderstood07:13
jogolifeless: yeah, I'll save that for tmorrow07:13
lifelessSpamapS: 130 hypervisors -> 401K lines07:13
* SpamapS starts new simpler patch07:13
SpamapSlifeless: I bet its eating ridiculous amounts of RAM while running too07:14
SpamapSunless we forced cyaml07:14
lifelessSpamapS: yeah, I killed libvirt and a few other daemons trying to build a 2000 hypervisor template07:14
SpamapSgah no07:14
SpamapSlifeless: yeah we don't use libyaml07:14
SpamapSso.. purepython one...07:14
lifelessSpamapS: nah, it hadnt gotten to the yaml point07:15
lifelessits not serialisation fail07:15
lifelessits n^2 calculating the in memory structure too07:15
SpamapSwe parse nova-compute-instance.yaml over and over07:15
* SpamapS REFUSES to entertain the idea of optimizing merge.py07:16
SpamapSfix the HOTs07:16
lifelessis the FileInclude below a mergemap ?07:16
adam_goh, nice. left devtest on loop on 405, went to see aliens and came home to successful runs07:16
lifelessI'm fairly sure we don't reparse07:16
SpamapSadam_g: mostly they only come at night. Mostly.07:16
SpamapSlifeless: I hope so. :)07:17
adam_gSpamapS, the aliens or the successful devtests?07:17
lifelessSpamapS: IMBVW07:17
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SpamapSlifeless: does not matter. We should not be doing this at this scale.07:17
lifelessyou and your reasons :)07:18
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adam_glifeless, RE: locked nodes. i haven't seen that in a long time and IIRC nick reported this fixed it?
SpamapSyaml really confuses diff sometimes07:20
lifelessadam_g: saw it fairly reliably registering 46 nodes07:20
SpamapSlifeless: ^^07:20
lifelesssigh at sso handshake for plain text versions07:21
lifelessSpamapS: looks plausible07:22
SpamapSyeah I stopped using paste.o.o because it was down too often07:22
SpamapSlifeless: testing it now with COMPUTESCALE=10007:22
SpamapSwith 10 computescale it is only 4 less lines of yaml07:23
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* SpamapS fails07:24
lifelessok this is weird07:28
lifelessnova list | grep hw-t | wc -l07:28
lifelessironic node-list | grep False | wc -l07:28
lifelessbut i registered 46 before07:28
lifelessoh hmmm07:29
lifelessSpamapS: have you been on the bastion and toggling things?07:29
SpamapSlifeless: no07:29
SpamapSlifeless: I cleaned up an old nagios config that was spamming me, that is all07:29
lifeless| last_error             | During sync_power_state, max retries exceeded for node 3f9df53e-      |07:30
lifeless|                        | 5a76-47b3-a1c4-f596822bb43d, node state None does not match expected  |07:30
lifeless|                        | state 'power on'. Updating DB state to 'None' Switching node to       |07:30
lifeless|                        | maintenance mode.                                                     |07:30
SpamapSlifeless: ok I have a patch that is a significant reduction in size... but I'm worried about circular deps. Spinning up a Heat to try it out07:41
SpamapS$ wc -l 100.orig.overcloud.yaml overcloud.yaml07:42
SpamapS 243286 100.orig.overcloud.yaml07:42
SpamapS  20494 overcloud.yaml07:42
lifelessmuch better :)07:42
lifelessdevananda: filing a bug about the boot-> maintenance mode thing in Ironic07:42
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Compute all hosts matrix once
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SpamapS ... build running.. by the time I get a new devtest up it will have validated or rejected my template :-P07:46
lifelessyou should be able to just stack-update an existing devtest07:47
SpamapSlifeless: that would assume I have an existing devtest07:48
SpamapSprobably worth building a new one07:48
SpamapSI have old images07:48
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derekh_hmm, ci jobs failing all over the place for the last 8 hours08:02
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SpamapSderekh_: I've seen this twice now:08:23
SpamapS2014-06-04 08:18:08.094 | | 5953041e-d598-4a25-90f4-d80c24bb994b | undercloud-undercloud-esu4mnhbtscz | ERROR  | -          | NOSTATE     |          |08:23
SpamapSderekh_: where the undercloud node failed to even provision08:23
SpamapSlifeless: the overcloud job worked with my modified template08:23
lifelessSpamapS: \o/ ship it08:24
derekh_SpamapS: ya, running it locally now to see if I can get more details08:24
SpamapSseed logs only show his08:26
SpamapS2014-06-04 08:15:36.778 4685 WARNING nova.scheduler.driver [req-4eea42fc-e949-43c3-83ea-7a4a3c7c4de4 None] [instance: 5953041e-d598-4a25-90f4-d80c24bb994b] Setting instance to ERROR state.08:26
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SpamapSbut no reason given08:26
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mordredSpamapS: reasons are for wussies08:28
SpamapSwussies are the reason08:28
mordredwussies are in season08:28
giulivoI second SpamapS on wussies being the reason, generally speaking08:28
derekh_Jun 04 04:35:15 host-192-168-1-117 neutron-dhcp-agent[2987]: Command: ['sudo', '/usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap', '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'qdhcp-0cedc0c1-8810-4d19-b06c-3129a1b69dd4', 'ip'08:28
derekh_Jun 04 04:35:15 host-192-168-1-117 neutron-dhcp-agent[2987]: Stderr: 'Cannot open network namespace "qdhcp-0cedc0c1-8810-4d19-b06c-3129a1b69dd4": No such file or directory\n'08:28
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SpamapSderekh_: same error here actually08:30
SpamapSderekh_: so.. new neutron bug maybe?08:30
SpamapSthat would cause PXE boot error among other things08:30
SpamapS might be related08:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286209 in neutron "unhandled trace if no namespaces in metering agent" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:32
derekh_SpamapS: possibly08:33
SpamapSderekh_: if there's a race between dhcp agent and l3 agent, that might be the issue08:33
SpamapSon overclouds..08:34
SpamapSmetadata and l3 are started immediately after dhcp08:35
derekh_I don't see any neutron merges that would fit the timeline, failures seem to have started around 1 or 2 AM UTC08:35
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SpamapSon undercloud, there is no l3 or metadata agent08:35
SpamapSbut openvswitch agent starts right after dhcp08:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Temporary fix for SQLite compatibility
SpamapSI would actually expect neutron-dhcp-agent to create the netns08:37
derekh_gent.dhcp_agent Timeout: Timeout while waiting on RPC response - topic: "q-plugin", RPC method: "report_state" info: "<unknown>"08:37
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326279 in ironic "nova operations can lead to nodes entering maintenance mode" [Undecided,New]08:43
jmllifeless: hi. just lurking :)08:43
lifelessjml: :)08:43
SpamapSoh weird.. dhcp agent doesn't ensure_namespace08:43
lifelessSpamapS: ahahahahaahah BUGS08:43
SpamapSopenvswitch-agent does it I think08:43
lifelesswe need a cross service dependency I guess?08:44
SpamapSyeah we might just need to order things08:44
SpamapSand it may just be a race that got worse or something08:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add passthrough configuration glue.
mordredSpamapS: I'm going to punch you in the face08:46
mordredSpamapS: there is a class in heat I want to use ... but it's eversoslightly tied too closely to heat08:46
mordredSpamapS: so I think it would wind up being weird08:47
mordredSpamapS: which means I'm going to blame you08:47
mordredSpamapS: and punch you in the face08:47
SpamapSmordred: I'm quakin in my little space boots08:47
mordredSpamapS: OpenStackClients08:47
SpamapSmordred: oh yeah that one is nice08:47
SpamapSIt probably started out entirely generic08:48
mordredSpamapS: awesome class - because, you know, figuring out how the heck to interact with services in python is impossible08:48
SpamapSbut over time, in tree.. it rots08:48
mordredSpamapS: _get_client_option08:48
mordredis the thing that kills it08:48
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* mordred cries08:48
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mordredSpamapS: of course, I suppose I could just cut and paste it...08:49
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SpamapSmordred: that looks like it wants to be in oslo somewhere08:49
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mordredor, in python-openstacksdk08:50
SpamapSeven the _get_client_option is only tied to heat because thats where the things are defined.. but that could be entirely out of heat and still used in an identical way08:50
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SpamapSmordred: good luck with that08:51
* SpamapS puts some meat on his black eye08:51
mordredSpamapS: why would I need to pass in service_type='image' to glanceclient.Client ?08:51
mordredSpamapS: I mean, wouldn't it - you know - just be image?08:51
SpamapSmordred: soon, it will be images, templates, murano Apps.. solum "things"08:52
* mordred punches someone08:52
SpamapSderekh_: I'm going to submit a workaround patch which just makes sure ovs agent starts before dhcp agent08:53
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SpamapSderekh_: I hypothesize that this is just one of those times where something non-obvious has sped up or slowed down one of the racers and made the race less predictable.08:54
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert : Revert "Convert address to str in fixed_ip_obj.associate"
openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Updates context module from oslo-incubator
openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Updates importutils module from oslo-incubator
openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Updates gettextutils module from oslo-incubator
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ensure neutron-openvswitch-agent starts first
derekh_SpamapS: ok cool, I'm testing a revert of the only commit I see that look remotly relevant ^^ (no real reason to suspect it)08:55
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SpamapSderekh_: if 97721 passes, I'll recheck it a couple more times08:57
derekh_SpamapS: the queue is fairly short so they shouldn't be stuck in it all day08:57
derekh_SpamapS: sounds good08:57
SpamapSIndeed \o/ for that08:58
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derekh_Everybody, it would help things if you held off on pushing to gerrit while we try and get a fix through the queue08:58
SpamapSderekh_: but, don't go shoutin about it :)08:58
derekh_SpamapS: does that patch change anything?08:59
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326289 in tripleo "Failing to launch instances : Cannot open network namespace" [Undecided,New]09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1288178 in nova "Sync new policy from oslo" [High,In progress]09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325762 in tripleo "intermittent tftp issues using physical hardware" [Undecided,New]09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326016 in tripleo "Different configuration files for different nova services are merged together not allowing to specify specific value for a specific service" [Undecided,New]09:00
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derekh_SpamapS: ok, I see it, gerrit doesn't make the rename obvious09:01
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SpamapSderekh_: it doesn't?09:13
shadowerSpamapS, derekh_: in the meantime, should we just do "recheck no bug" or is this filed somewhere?09:13
derekh_shadower: its filed, one sec09:13
SpamapSIt says renamed on the summary and detail pages. :-P09:14
derekh_shadower: but don't bother rechecking until its fixed09:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326289 in tripleo "Failing to launch instances : Cannot open network namespace" [Undecided,New]09:14
shadowerderekh_: ok thanks09:15
derekh_SpamapS: ya ya09:15
SpamapSderekh_: doh, I should have referenced that09:17
SpamapSderekh_: well instead of a recheck I'll push that after it succeeds.09:17
derekh_me too ...09:18
SpamapSderekh_: if they both fix it.. I think we can land my t-i-e workaround, and push the revert back up to nova09:19
SpamapSbut I'm really skeptical of the nova revert09:19
SpamapSsince our problem is that dhcp agent fails to start09:19
giulivoanyone running on F20 and seeing this: "unsupported configuration: SATA is not supported with this QEMU binary" ?09:19
openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Rewrite nova policy to use the new changes of common policy
giulivowhich basically prevents any VM (including seed) to start?09:20
derekh_SpamapS: yup sounds good, as I say I have no reason really to suspect it just matching timelines09:20
SpamapSderekh_: should be interesting  :)09:20
* SpamapS stares at and wills it to GO FASTURRRR09:21
SpamapSsleep comes once I get a result09:21
SpamapSI can't sleep until I have data to dream on09:21
openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Rewrite policy to use the new changes of common policy
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lifelessgiulivo: thats odd :)09:30
lifelessgiulivo: but I think I've heard it before, perhaps check google?09:31
derekh_SpamapS: ok, ran it in debug mode and looks like my node is being filtered out by ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
giulivolifeless, hehe indeed, I was looking into a recent change which aimed at making the bus type configurable09:31
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert : Remove traces of now unused host capabilities from scheduler
derekh_SpamapS: so ^09:31
giulivobut doesn't seem to affect this as it was set to sata by default before that so ...09:31
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dhcp support for ramdisk element.
derekh_that one looks relevant at least :-)09:31
SpamapSderekh_: well THAT looks more likely09:31
lifelessgiulivo: we'll need to make some improvements to ironic to use arbitrary disk buses09:32
SpamapSderekh_: and I was just watching and it failed way too fast to be DHCP failing09:32
SpamapSderekh_: frustrating because I looked at that patch and it looked like it was taking nova-bm into account.09:33
giulivolifeless, I don't have much hardware to play with ironic yet though09:33
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SpamapSderekh_: I'm 99% sure that's our problem09:34
derekh_SpamapS: you did more then me so09:34
SpamapSderekh_: damn, a 'check experimental' would have revealed this I think09:34
derekh_SpamapS: ya looks likely, will propose a revert to nova if it passes09:34
SpamapSand was quite the prudent thing to do09:34
derekh_SpamapS: yup,09:34
lifelessgiulivo: hmm, applies to vms too :)09:35
SpamapSok, sleep09:35
lifelessgiulivo: its the ephemeral mapping dev name09:35
SpamapSdata received09:35
SpamapSderekh_: thanks!09:35
derekh_SpamapS: no prob09:36
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giulivolifeless, wait maybe I'm still missing some pieces of the puzzle on the topic ... if you meant to do that with VMs, how is Ironic affected by the disk bus type?09:37
lifelessgiulivo: because the bus type defines the device name09:37
lifelessand the device name is needed by the ephemeral mapping metadata09:37
giulivooh okay, that is the piece I'm missing I think ... ephemeral mapping metadata?09:38
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lifelessgiulivo: nova exports the device path that the ephemeral partition  -where we store state- is09:46
lifelesse.g. /dev/sda109:46
giulivoah, now I see that too09:48
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giulivoso that would break if we were to switch to other bus types09:48
giulivo(well, to non sdX)09:48
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Add design spec for deploy-ironic-bm element
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Separate Heat BM and VM configs for Nova-BM.
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Make a separation between --heat-env
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for ssh demon to become active
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove the tuskar-source template
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Allow users to use swift out of the box
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lifelessderekh_: hi10:38
lifelessderekh_: so, I brought up an undercloud10:38
lifelessderekh_: and am trying to identify broken machines10:39
lifelessderekh_: I've now got several stuck instancse likes 9df33a91-4be3-429c-a712-35cd60a1e10110:39
derekh_lifeless: ok, anything I can do to help?10:39
lifelessderekh_: note down the node uuids that failed, delete all the instances, poke and file bugs if they don't delete cleanly, then do a nova boot matched to capacity10:40
lifelessderekh_: there's a screen session (screen -xr to join)10:40
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lifelessderekh_: record the node uuids in the etherpad that are bad, rinse and repeat until we can reliably deploy the available non-maintenance-mode capacity10:41
lifelessderekh_: then we translate the node uuids back to IPMI addresses, and I'll get dcops tickets filed on the bad ones10:41
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lifelessderekh_: and we'll have hopefully 40 odd machines to build the cloud from10:42
lifelessderekh_: I'm going to pinch one tomorrow for load testing10:42
derekh_lifeless: cool will do10:42
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derekh_lifeless: which etherpad10:43
derekh_lifeless: ok10:43
derekh_lifeless: should I be sshing to the basion ?  what user?10:45
derekh_lifeless: got it10:45
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lifelessderekh_: stack@bastion.hp1.tripleo.org10:46
lifeless(I think I put that in the cloud admin spreadsheet FWIW)10:47
lifelessthen screen -xr10:47
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derekh_yup, I'm in, thanks10:47
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derekh_lifeless: no tables in the nova_bm db, am I looking in the wrong place10:51
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lifelessderekh_: yes :)10:52
derekh_lifeless: ok, switching to ironic mode10:52
derekh_lifeless: havn't used ironic really, so will be a bit of a learning experiance :-)10:53
lifelessoy vey :)10:54
lifelesslook at register-nodes for a primer10:54
derekh_lifeless: if your still there (or anybody else) , I think we should merge  , I'll update the bug and propose the revert to nova10:59
derekh_undercloud failed because of a net problem10:59
lifelessbut it got further ?10:59
derekh_lifeless: nope, it didn't get to the deploy phase (failed building undercloud image)11:00
derekh_lifeless: but this is the first overcloud job that has passed in about 10 hours11:00
lifelessderekh_: where was it failing without the revert?11:00
lifelessso yes, it got further ;)11:00
openstackgerritEamonn O'Toole proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add SwiftDeviceRange parameter to Swift yaml templates
derekh_lifeless: sorry yes overcloud job got further, undercloud failed for other reason11:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add revert hook point
lifelessderekh_: I agree; have +2 it11:02
derekh_lifeless: ok thanks, any other core
lifelessderekh_: you can do it11:03
derekh_lifeless: done11:03
lifelessits why we have the exceptions in the review guidelines11:03
derekh_okie dokie11:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert : Remove traces of now unused host capabilities from scheduler
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openstackgerritEamonn O'Toole proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add metadata and change swift.devices to enable zones
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openstackgerritRobert Parker proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Setup SSL for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Export IMAGE_ELEMENT after finding its value
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Deploy cloud hypervisor type
openstackgerritRobert Parker proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Setup SSL for Ceilometer
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robsparkernotify I11:39
TheJuliawin 711:40
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lifelessderekh_: with nova delete you don't need -n 111:42
lifelessit takes n-args11:42
lifelessfaster, less token creation11:42
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derekh_lifeless: ok, thanks11:43
pbelanyirdopiera: should we add the jshint test for tuskar-ui as voting to the gate? since you've fixed all issues that it had11:43
pbelanyi(and is this the right channel for tuskar-ui stuff, now that #tuskar is supposed to be dead?)11:43
rdopierapbelanyi: yeah, but I would wait a little, to see how well it handles things11:47
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pbelanyirdopiera: okay, then I'll leave the patch as it is, and change it when we see that it actually works fine11:48
rdopierapbelanyi: you could start working on a similar patch for horizon :)11:49
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pbelanyirdopiera: I already have this
pbelanyiand I want to get it through before trying to add it to infra11:51
rdopierapbelanyi: seems like Tatiana didn't see your change to the commit message11:52
pbelanyirdopiera: yeah, maybe I'll ping her, but jenkins is nacking it too :/11:53
pbelanyirdopiera: 'Requirement nodeenv not in openstack/requirements'... but then how did it work for tuskar-ui?11:56
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rdopierapbelanyi: it doesn't have that check12:00
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rdopierapbelanyi: I would ask around in #openstack-infra12:01
pbelanyirdopiera: it seems we'd have to add nodeenv to openstack/requirements
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fix incorrect indentation for bootstack_nodeid
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Allow install mariadb from RDO repository
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janghi guys12:30
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Separate Nova Compute drivers
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add nova-docker element
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Explicitly specify mysql node address
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giulivolifeless, is the purpose of REMOTE_OPERATIONS to run devtest on a system which is not the one hosting the seed/undercloud/overcloud VMs ?13:00
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openstackgerritTom Hancock proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add missing dollar
slaglegiulivo: yes. CI uses that13:17
slaglegiulivo: in theory, it should work for manual devtest runs as well, although i haven't tried it13:17
giulivoslagle, thanks! I'm trying to use it too now13:18
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giulivomanual devtest :)13:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add an overview diagram to the userguide
openstackgerritAndrea Rosa proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Specify nova configuration file with --config-dir
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StevenKjistr: Hai, do you want to +A a os-cloud-config docs change that finally passed CI?
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jistrStevenK: done. i already looked at it before but didn't +2 because it had enough of those :)13:34
StevenKjistr: Haha, thanks. :-)13:35
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dprincederekh: Are you looking into the Nova issues around the scheduler revert
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derekh_dprince: and
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326289 in tripleo "Failing to launch instances : Filter ComputeCapabilitiesFilter returned 0 hosts" [Critical,Triaged]13:45
derekh_dprince: mentioned it on #nova earlier aswell, will pop in there now again13:46
dprincederekh_: sent13:46
dprincederekh_: thanks, that was what I was looking for :)13:46
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derekh_dprince: no prob, thanks13:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/os-cloud-config: Fix niggles with the documentation
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TheJulia /win 613:52
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add svc-map element.
openstackgerritGerry Drudy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Configure passthrough in swift config files
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openstackgerritTom Hancock proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Rebuild, but dont reconfigure undercloud services
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jp_at_hpderekh_: can you be more specific about what your use case is from your comments on please?14:21
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Name disable-requiretty files uniquely
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add unit test to enforce unique file names.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Name 03-mariadb files uniquely
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Name 03-mariadb files uniquely
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add unit test to enforce unique file names.
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derekh_jp_at_hp: iirc I changed tripleo-incubator to a branch called pp , then I cherry-picked the patch into it and ran a full dev test (I forget if I did it with -c or not), if you can't reproduce it I can try set it up again and reproduce14:29
derekh_How do you put a ironic node into maintenance mode ?14:31
openstackgerritGerry Drudy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Store swift data, db & objects on /mnt filesystem
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openstackgerritGerry Drudy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Move swift logs to logs in /var/log/swift
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Compute all hosts matrix once
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326336 in diskimage-builder "Do You Know These Things About Your Babys Skin" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326337 in diskimage-builder "Skin Care Basics That Everyone" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1288178 in nova "Sync new policy from oslo" [High,In progress]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326387 in diskimage-builder "Tips For A Healthy And Shining Skin" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326391 in diskimage-builder "All Natural Skin Care Treatments For Your Particular Skin Type" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326016 in tripleo "Different configuration files for different nova services are merged together not allowing to specify specific value for a specific service" [Undecided,In progress]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326357 in diskimage-builder "Treatment Options For Skin Cancer" [Undecided,New]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326319 in diskimage-builder "Add support for deploying for ironic from baremetal node" [Undecided,New]15:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325762 in tripleo "intermittent tftp issues using physical hardware" [Undecided,New]15:00
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slaglelol, silly diskimage-builder15:01
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jp_at_hpderekh_: so it is a local branch with no remote.  So I think the change is that the best effort is applied, and otherwise we don't bail.  Sound reasonable?15:08
derekh_jp_at_hp: yup, sounds good to me, it should include the commit has at least15:11
jp_at_hpi'll take a look15:12
jp_at_hpit's a thorny problem, as it is intended more for ci bots than for transient developer scenarios15:12
jp_at_hpI think it also shows a weakness in the source-repositories input file, but that's probably for another day15:12
* derekh_ put a lot of thought into that :-(15:13
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derekh_I have a sudden urge to go out and buy some skin cream15:14
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jp_at_hpderekh_: oops - sorry !  I may be just thinking about the git case and not all of the other cases it caters for ;-)15:14
* bnemec races slagle to kill the spam bugs :-)15:15
derekh_jp_at_hp: I was only joking, its very possible I didn't think of loads of things15:15
jp_at_hpThat sounds like something I'd do - not think about things that is :D15:16
bnemecderekh_: So CI should be working again right?  Hoping I didn't just trigger a bunch of doomed rechecks...15:19
slaglebnemec: i won, but there's definitely some good info in there about skin care15:20
derekh_bnemec: yup, your good15:21
bnemecslagle: Heh15:22
bnemecderekh_: Cool, thanks15:22
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/os-collect-config: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Improve support for REMOTE_OPERATIONS in manual runs
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derekh_lifeless: 3 instance in error state, couldn't delete them (their holding 6 ironic nodes)
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326364 in ironic "Instances assosiated with multiple ironic nodes" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:42
derekh_lifeless: after debugging that for a bit I did a nova boot of 39 instances, all but 2 are finbished spawning (I suspect they'll timout)16:43
derekh_lifeless: but currently waiting that out16:43
derekh_lifeless: mainly because I couldn't figute out how to put a node into maintanance mode16:43
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d0ugaljdob: You around?16:58
openstackgerritRobert Parker proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Setting the metering secrets
openstackgerritFlint Calvin proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Setting the metering secrets
openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan (jp_at_hp) proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Create a manifest of tools pulled
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: TripleO network configuration
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Compute all hosts matrix once
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greghaynesSpamapS: What was the nova-bm fix for the overnight breakage?17:34
greghayneshaving a hard time finding in sb17:35
greghaynesoh hey, a lp bug. thats probably helpful17:36
greghaynesah, so we just have to run with revert for now?17:37
dprincecan I get some core eyes on
SpamapSgreghaynes: It will likely look a lot like the ironic fix17:37
dprince^^ super simple easy fix for the sysctl.d .conf file name17:38
SpamapSgreghaynes: <-- probably could use a patch in Nova if it isn't fixed already17:38
greghayneslooks like
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SpamapSdprince: I might let a type-o slide in this case, but not the exact opposite word. ;)17:41
greghayneshaha, I was debating whether I was going to comment on that17:42
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greghaynesglad you did instead17:42
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dprinceSpamapS: snap, prefixes... suffixes who cares!17:46
* dprince fixes it17:46
nealphlsmola: finally made it through the guantlet of tests. thanks for the took a couple more kicks to get it through.:)17:47
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Name sysctl.d files with .conf
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Update bootstack to use sysctl-set-value.
dprinceSpamapS: There were no changes on between these patchsets. The last one passed so assuming something stupid doesn't happen it should be fine. I've waited 2 months for that one so what is another day!17:51
dprinceSpamapS: thanks for reviewing those though, at least I can (almost) send them once CI passes17:54
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SpamapSdprince: yeah.. and then you get to wait 14 hours for the gate. :-P17:56
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greghaynesdprince: youre going to not like me for pointing it out with 3 +3's, but theres a typo on I left a note about18:27
greghayneser, 3 +2's18:27
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dprincegreghaynes: what can I say... I like it when my 'boots tap'18:29
greghaynesoh, thats better than what I thought. "boot stap!"18:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Setup SSL for Ceilometer
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Update bootstack to use sysctl-set-value.
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add svc-map element.
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openstackgerritMichael Tupitsyn proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Do not create admin user if it exists already
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lifelesscan someone test out with nova-bm (its a roll-forward fix for the regresssion)19:11
greghayneslol wtf, just got this in a devtest run:
greghaynesI think github is having a hard time today19:12
lifelessgreghaynes: repo has been deleted will cause that19:12
lifelessgreghaynes: or renamed19:12
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greghayneshrm, well I did get a spurious github 500 in previous run19:12
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greghayneshah, this is on a build with patch you linked ;)19:13
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devanandalifeless: on, it would be very helpful right now to know whether this is regarding the timing between ipmitool repeating/retrying the same request19:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1320513 in ironic "IPMI commands are sent / queried too fast" [High,In progress]19:24
devanandalifeless: or time between discreet requests19:24
devanandalifeless: addressing the former requires upgrading your version of ipmitool. the latter can be easily done in python19:24
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devanandalifeless: fwiw, ipmitool 1.8.11 (packaged with ubuntu 12.04) will retry a single command 16 times with an interval between 1 and 5 seconds19:26
devanandalifeless: and there is, as far as i can tell, no way to change that (besides upgrading to 1.8.12)19:26
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openstackgerritErik Colnick proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add l3-triple.filters file for tripleo installations.
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greghayneslifeless: that patch fixes the issue for me19:40
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lifelessgreghaynes: can you comment to that effect on ?19:45
lifelessgreghaynes: and then we go to #openstack-nova nd agitate for it19:45
lifelessdprince: ^19:46
dprincelifeless: ack, haven't tested it yet myself. will have a look though19:47
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lifelessdevananda: ack; uhm, since they solved it years back I'm going to go with discrete.19:47
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lifelessdevananda: and since nova-bm didn't do it either, again discrete19:47
* dprince runs check experimental on it...19:48
lifelessdprince: won't help19:48
lifelessdprince: we have a revert in toci19:48
lifelessdprince: so CI isn't blocked; the downside is that means we can't tell19:48
dprincelifeless: I think our revert is looks for the ticket? no?19:48
* dprince checks19:48
lifelessdprince: oh maybe19:48
openstackgerritJay Dobies proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Spec for Tuskar Juno REST API changes
* dprince thinks derekh is smarter than we are19:48
lifelessah nice19:49
lifelessbug.* $319:49
dprinceyep, I'll run experimental and we'll just see :)19:49
lifelessdprince: so yeah, check experimental will work19:49
lifelesswe should make temprevert echo its status more clearly19:50
SpamapSwith the f20 jobs..19:52
SpamapSis there no way to look at the journal using the logs tarballs?19:52
* SpamapS shoots systemd in the foot19:52
lifelessask lennart19:52
dprinceSpamapS: I believe derekh is going to standardize our log locations w/ some journalctl foo19:53
dprinceSpamapS: he mentioned something about it on Joe's patch for the elastic recheck stuff...19:54
SpamapSdprince: I pointed him to a way to have rsyslog pull the journal out into actual usable logs.19:54
dprinceSpamaps: send me
SpamapSdprince: done20:02
lifelessdevananda: I think a good first approximation is to stop using attempts=3, put a global tracker in place and ensure we do sleep(5) between calls to the same ipmi endpoint20:03
lifelessdevananda: tunnelling is going to be trickier to support20:03
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dprinceSpamapS: any reason not to +1 approve The dependent patch is also already a +1 right?20:10
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dprinceSpamapS: I'm fine doing it myself, just wondering why you didn't?20:10
lifelessdprince: so that nova bug20:11
lifelessdprince: we're going to need a similar change to ironic20:11
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dprincelifeless: yes, we will. Want me to pick that up? /me is only using Ironic now anyways...20:20
dprincelifeless: this is just another example of why that code belongs in Nova20:21
SpamapSI thought somebody already fixed ironic20:22
dprinceSpamapS: not sure, I didn't check. Just answering questions :)20:22
* SpamapS must go to the dentist now.. bbl20:23
lifelessah cool20:24
lifelessjust waiting on zuuuuuuuuuuuuuul20:25
jerryzlifeless: i made a few comments about progress on the infra-specs change you did.20:27
lifelessjerryz: cool20:29
jerryzlifeless: nodepool is working now , by parsing proxy info from nodepool.yaml. Jenkins could work too, but not with prefix command, but running scripts from master.20:30
dprincelifeless: The Ironic change is going to conflict with the Nova revert we are already doing as well. (this is why rolling forwards is bad sometimes... because it is everyone's race)20:31
dprincelifeless: they are in fact next to each other in the merge queue with the Ironic change landing first( 97447) and the nova change landing second (97757)20:32
lifelessdprince: the nova revert breaks the new ironic code?20:33
dprincelifeless: we can -2 one of them now... but it'll cost the merge queue which is already painful at this point20:33
lifelessdprince: or the nova roll-forward breaksthe new ironic code?20:34
dprincelifeless: I haven't confirmed that, but based on Han's assesment on the review I think yes20:34
dprincelifeless: we could just wait and see20:34
lifelessthis one - You're welcome!20:34
lifelessThis last failure looks unrelated. Haven't seen it with previous patchsets.20:34
lifeless ?20:34
openstackgerritGonĂ©ri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: indent using 4 spaces (1/3)
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326319 in diskimage-builder "Add support for deploying for ironic from baremetal node" [Undecided,New]21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326016 in tripleo "Different configuration files for different nova services are merged together not allowing to specify specific value for a specific service" [Undecided,In progress]21:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325762 in tripleo "intermittent tftp issues using physical hardware" [Undecided,New]21:00
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jogowhere does systemd log openstack logs in toci-ci21:13
jogoI can't find anything in the seed_* tarball21:14
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jogodprince: ^21:18
slaglei believe you have to run journalctl locally and point it at the journal files from the tarball21:19
slaglejournalctl --file /path/to/var/log/journal...21:19
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jogoslagle: do our CI nodes have journalctl on them?21:20
derekh_jogo: the fedora ones will21:21
slagleyes, the fedora ones21:21
jogoI am gonna leave that for a dependant patch then21:21
derekh_jogo: which run the fedora jobs so your golden21:21
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Extract upstart logs so they can be loaded into logstash
jogounless someone wants to ammend my patch to work with fedora ^21:22
derekh_jogo: I'm happy to merge that and can follow up with fedora coverage in the morning21:23
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Moving TripleO Heat Templates towards native Heat
jogoderekh_: WFM21:24
slaglederekh_: hey, do you think it's worth running journalctl --full > systemd_logs.txt just so that things are a bit easier to introspect?21:25
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derekh_slagle: I was going to do something on a unit specific basis so we would end up with a log file per unit, that way the same logstash signatures could be used21:26
slagleah, sounds good21:27
derekh_slagle: will push up a untested WIP of what I'm talking about in a few minutes, and fully test in the morning21:27
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Write log file for each systemd unit
derekh_something like that might work...21:48
lifelessderekh_: o/21:55
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derekh_lifeless: hi, sorry didn't get as far as I hoped today, kinda got stuck trying to figure out how to put a node into maintanance mode22:23
derekh_lifeless: so how does one do that /22:23
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lifelessderekh_: ironic node-update $uuid add maintenance=True, IIRC22:25
derekh_lifeless: thank, no amount of googling was helping me22:29
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lifelessStevenK: might be fun23:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326581 in tripleo "all nodes in nodes.json must be in good working order" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:32
lifelessStevenK: after we start using the os-cloud-config that is; can I help with that at all ?23:32
StevenKlifeless: Biggest blocker to a -incubator branch to switch to register-nodes from os-cloud-config is
SpamapSWom 1923:36
lifelessStevenK: I've +A but in general I'd love to see more docs on such things23:39
lifelessStevenK: folk shouldn't need to read the code to see it does filtering like that23:39
StevenKlifeless: Hm, yes, you're right, I should have added a note about it to usage.23:41
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for ssh demon to become active
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/os-cloud-config: Ignore pm_password if it's >255 characters
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