Friday, 2014-05-02

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lifelessgeerdest: - I think its a good idea to do it in undercloud too.00:01
lifelessgreghaynes: thanks for the headsup00:03
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lifelesshmm, missed the EU folk00:07
lifelessand spamaps is +000:07
lifelesswho can I pester00:07
lifelessgreghaynes: SpamapS: <- fix a critical00:08
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lifelessStevenK: so we need to figure out dinner details; 1) is tchaypo coming; 2) Lynne is available in the city @ 5pm00:47
lifelessStevenK: she liked the sound of the himalayan place, if you and sarah would be up for that again (and its open, of course)00:47
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Nasty hack to work around pip's case-sensitivity
lifelessI need to know to sms lynne details00:48
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StevenKlifeless: I'm guessing soonish?00:48
lifelessbefore 3pm I'd say but earlier better00:49
StevenKIt looks like Sarah has not reached her desk yet00:49
lifelessclarkb: is the change where clicking on a project name now takes you to the project details rather than the project review queued planned for fixing ?00:49
tchaypolifeless: StevenK has found something even more annoying that starting to talk just as noice cancelling is activated00:52
tchaypolifeless: I'm still on aware mode and he started whispering so I can only just hear him00:52
lifelessgreghaynes: is ready for a second +200:52
StevenKThat was actually thinking out loud00:52
tchayposo you're saying my headphones stop your thoughts?00:53
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StevenKtchaypo: Coincidence, not causation00:54
lifelessor is it?00:54
StevenKI say it is, so it is.00:54
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lifelessjml: poke - testtools reviews00:59
lifelessStevenK: all reviewed00:59
tchaypoI've been working on a change to cleanup-env to make it more selective - it adds the ability to only clean up a numbered environment rather than destroying everything01:01
tchaypoIt's working fine in my testing, but I'd like someone who knows about CI to take a look before it lands01:01
tchayposomeone like SpamapS would be perfect, except I don't think he's around01:02
lifelessI can look01:03
lifelessStevenK: you had a big review for me ?01:05
openstackgerritTrent Geerdes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fixing typo in comment.
StevenKlifeless: The BIG review is
* StevenK goes back to reading keystone code01:07
lifelessgreghaynes: happy with now ?01:08
morganfainbergStevenK, beware dragons >.> i mean, let me know if you have questions01:08
tchaypoTo replicate what mestery has been doing to chase I want to set up a devstack environment; but I'm wondering if it's safe to do that on my laptop, or if it's going to start a fight between devstack and devtest01:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1290486 in tripleo "neutron-openvswitch-agent does not recreate flows after ovsdb-server restarts" [Critical,In progress]01:08
lifelessmorganfainberg: oh hai01:09
morganfainberglifeless hi thar!01:09
lifelessmorganfainberg: did you see the mailing list thread I pointed you at a couple days back ?01:09
StevenKmorganfainberg: Oh, was just checking the order of arguments for keystone.endpoints.create(), nothing terrible01:09
morganfainberglifeless, i think i read it, but it's fleeting atm (been working on a lot of internal company stuff atm)01:10
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morganfainberglifeless, that was the ID vs name one, right?01:10
lifelessmorganfainberg: yes, the one where our feedback about it being a PITA and hard to use was discounted :(01:11
morganfainberglifeless, yeah let me re-read and follow back up iwth it.01:11
lifeless''openstack-dev] [Heat] [Keystone] [TripleO] Making use of domains by name - policy and API issues?01:13
morganfainberglifeless, yep have it in front of me. - i keep IRC chat logs for just that reason :)01:14
StevenK144M    irclogs01:14
StevenKMaybe I want to compress some01:14
lifelessStevenK: or buy a real hard disk?01:15
morganfainbergStevenK, 218MB here01:15
morganfainbergStevenK, but i also store my on my Google drive :)01:15
StevenKlifeless: It's a Linode. Buying a real hard disk will not help in the slightest.01:15
morganfainbergStevenK, lets me search from anywhere i have internet01:15
lifelessmorganfainberg: yeah - the thing is having someone with keystone history weigh in; clint and I are only deployers, so carry little weight.01:15
morganfainberglifeless, i'll def re-read and try and follow up with it soon01:15
morganfainbergor at least catchup with people about it in ATL01:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: no panic - it seems to have gone silent for now.01:16
lifelessI suspect SpamapS is sitting on the volcano01:16
morganfainberglifeless, hehe01:16
tchaypoI'm not sure what "sitting on the volcano" means, but I think I'm happy to remain ignorant01:17
lifelesstoo bad01:18
lifelesssupressing frustration at the disconnect01:18
lifelessStevenK: sarah is online01:22
StevenKlifeless: Yes, I did notice. :-)01:23
tchaypolifeless: I've just noticed that I forgot to mention that I'm in01:23
StevenKlifeless: Are you drowning in my horrible Python yet?01:24
lifelesslike flynn?01:24
StevenKAs in, 'in like' ?01:25
StevenKlifeless: Is that +1 to my comment, or my branch?01:29
lifelessproffalken: re-reviewed your three patches01:35
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openstackgerritTrent Geerdes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Move most undercloud params to an environment file
tchaypogeerdest: that sounds nice01:41
geerdestsounds nice isn’t +1 ;)01:42
tchaypoI've starred it to take a detailed look later :01:44
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* StevenK gets distracted by this whole section thing01:45
lifelessYou're in Glee?01:47
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lifelesstchaypo: you had a review you wanted looked at02:02
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Perform PKI initialization for a Keystone host
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add a init-keystone CLI
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Create Keystone v2 endpoint in initialize()
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tchaypolifeless waggled his finger at me02:08
tchaypoI can't wait to find out what naughty I done.02:08
lifelessSee the review :)02:09
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Perform PKI initialization for a Keystone host
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add a init-keystone CLI
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add a init-keystone CLI
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lifelessbnemec: / greghaynes: - looks simple and ready02:49
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lifelesstchaypo: have you seed  ?
tchaypolifeless: i had not03:42
stevebakerSpamapS: could you restore this change please?
stevebakerlifeless: I really need a solution for so that heat software config works again03:46
lifelessstevebaker: infra can restore arbitrary changesets I believe03:47
stevebakerlifeless: I'll ask, but I was hinting at you reconsidering your -1 ;)03:48
lifelessstevebaker: we have software config working without that03:49
lifelessstevebaker: so I'll need more data03:49
stevebakerlifeless: it affects software-config when the config script is non-json, so shell, puppet, chef, ansible, salt...03:50
stevebakerlifeless: and its a regression since writing out the configs as top-levels was a new thing03:50
lifelessstevebaker: so why are you pushing that into the space oac is reading from?03:51
stevebakerI'm not, we ignore those top-levels. It was something SpamapS added to occ for tripleo config03:51
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stevebakerlifeless: maybe the fix is to not write out the configs as top-levels if it isn't a dict03:53
lifelessstevebaker: so my concern here is that this will be indistinguishable from a bad json config03:53
lifelessstevebaker: I am not a fan of quietly hiding errors except is very constrained circumstances03:54
lifelesssince the configs for a node are user supplied, this isn't a constrained circumstance03:54
lifelessstevebaker: if we can arrange to only be supplying the json configs then thats a whole lot better03:54
lifelessstevebaker: so - does software-config know that a config is metadata vs shell ?03:55
stevebakerlifeless: the config resource has a "group" attribute which is used for this, given a value like "shell", "puppet". You could set group: tripleo and only write out top-levels in this group03:57
stevebakerlifeless: see group
lifelessstevebaker: I think that makes a lot of sense03:59
lifelessstevebaker: so an occ change to look for group= "" (backwards compat, deprecated) or "os-apply-config"03:59
stevebakeryes, except default group is "Heat::Ungrouped"04:00
stevebakerI'll whip something up04:01
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Make bootstrapping TripleO development easier.
lifelesstchaypo: configure-tripleo repushed04:03
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Specify group os-apply-config for config resources
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Tune deploy-ci-overcloud a little.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix the HP region deploy-ci-overcloud script
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add a register-nodes command and associated API
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/os-collect-config: Only top-level some deployment configs
stevebakerlifeless: ^ works for me04:37
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StevenKlifeless: You commeted on that I need to add a test for region and SSL -- er, I did?04:52
lifelessStevenK: I saw one test called ..._options04:53
lifelessStevenK: did you commit the cardinal sin of testing multiple orthogonal things at once?04:53
StevenKlifeless: So I need two tests?04:53
lifelessstevebaker: I think we need one more test for the occ patch05:00
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add NeutronControlPlaneID parameter
openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Introduce configurable virtual ip in templates
openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Pass NeutronControlPlaneID to heat stack-create
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add keepalived to overcloud, control vip to heat
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lifelessSpamapS: so hi; when you have a chance I'd like to sync on the status of graceful...05:34
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Add .gitreview.
SpamapSlifeless: state of graceful is that I got sucked into "let's make CI stop sqawking and breaking so we can focus" and haven't poked at my POC resource since my initial super hacky 20 line attempt.. which failed.05:38
lifelessSpamapS: ok05:39
lifelessSpamapS: to answer your testenv question - sure.05:39
lifelessSpamapS: more == better, just be sure to scale the test cloud too05:39
lifelesswe need num(testenvs) <= jenkins-slaves-in-active-state05:40
lifelessalso we need to add 2 more Vms to every testenvs shortly for HA05:40
SpamapSlifeless: right, we have room for 8 more jenkins slaves right now, but only room for 40 testenvs. So we could add 2 boxes and just bump quota without adding more computes.05:40
SpamapSMore to the point.. trusty rollout.05:41
lifelessgreghaynes: dprince may need active poking on that -105:41
lifelessgreghaynes: if you disagree with it, it is in your power to approve ;P05:41
lifelessSpamapS: yes indeedy05:41
lifelessSpamapS: is relevant to that05:41
SpamapSlifeless: so tripleo-cd works. But rebuild fails killed it (PXE timing out presumably because of dhcp agent issues.. not 100% sure on that)05:42
* greghaynes emails dprince05:43
lifelessgreghaynes: I updated and it passed CI05:45
lifelessSpamapS: ^ blocker for HA.05:45
greghaynesah, finally05:45
greghayneswas waiting for CI all day05:45
lifelessSpamapS: so, not sure what to suggest on the rebuild05:45
lifelessSpamapS: in principle its 'heat DWIM' but we haven't had that bunfight yet.05:46
SpamapSlifeless: for the rebuild, nova has screwed us anyway because we just lost state.. so that's the bug I reported last night05:46
lifelessSpamapS: one thing you could do is create a stack of just hypervisors and use that to bring up fresh ones05:46
lifelesswith parameters for things needed from the control plane05:47
SpamapSlifeless: Yeah I was thinking that too... just bring up a new stack with new hypervisors and scale off the old one.05:47
SpamapSthat was originally why nova-compute-instance was kept deployable standalone05:47
lifelessor you could abandon/adopt05:48
lifelesswith less resources05:48
SpamapSthats not a terrible option05:48
SpamapShave had success with it05:48
lifelessSpamapS: greghaynes: I'd also like a review timeslice on which has neither passed nor failed CI, but if there are two +2's I can recheck until we do and then +A it - fixes a critical regression05:50
SpamapSok.. time for bed here05:52
tchaypothis isn't right.05:53
tchaypoGoogle tells me it's 10:53pm in US-WEST05:53
tchaypowhy are greghaynes and SpamapS here?05:54
greghaynesI operate in GST, not PST05:54
greghaynesas StevenK put it :)05:54
tchaypo6:54am in london... same comment applies :p05:54
lifelesstchaypo: not GMT, not UTC, GST.05:55
lifelesstchaypo: Greg Standard Time05:55
tchaypovery well then. Greg has my blessing to be online whenever he damn well wants.05:55
greghaynesyep, even05:55
lifelessbnemec: <-05:59
lifelesserm who else05:59
lifelessmarios: ^06:00
lifelessrighto, time to shove off from here for now06:00
lifelessau revoir06:00
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proffalkenlifeless: thanks :)06:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/os-apply-config: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Spec to accompany systems-monitoring blueprint
proffalkenFirst! :P06:39
openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Spec to accompany systems-monitoring blueprint
proffalkengot carried away and put it in the wrong directory... :(06:42
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GheRiveromorning all07:09
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marioslifeless: sorry, missed the ping, looking07:20
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proffalkenAll: Any chance that we can get a review job that checks that scripts are using /bin/bash for the shell? On debian-derived distros, /bin/sh points to /bin/dash and therefore -o pipefail doesn't work07:31
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proffalken(see this trhead for more info:
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goneriHi, can a core take a look on to get the fix for the Debian element merged.08:39
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derekh_the CI F20 jobs is consistently failing, appears to be because of a timeout waiting for rabbit to restart one of or should fix it, lets see what CI thinks08:58
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derekh_kiall_: was that your patch ? adding "timeout 10 rabbitmqctl wait /var/run/rabbitmq/pid"09:02
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derekh_tripleo-specs docs jobs fails, needs befor we can merge anything09:19
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proffalkenIf I wanted to add a new gate/review job to tripleo-image-elements, which repo would I do it in?09:33
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proffalkenI've got two I'd like to add - the first checks that scripts use /bin/bash to avoid the pipefail errors, the second is more of a functional test to confirm that my element has installed/configured correctly09:36
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shadowerderekh_: are there any more tests to be run for or can we +A?09:38
shadower(didn't see anything in zuul but want to make sure)09:39
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jangdaily call to get another +2 +a on this: ... it's _definitely_ passed the critical point in CI now.09:41
derekh_shadower: the tripleo ci test don't run over that repository so we are good to merge09:41
shadowerderekh_: approved, thanks09:41
derekh_jang: done, thanks09:42
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jangmerci Derek.09:46
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goneriproffalken: I think you should extend bin/dib-lint first10:18
goneriproffalken: there is already a bunch of commits to extend dib-lint,n,z10:19
goneri and too10:19
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proffalkengoneri: thanks, I'll take a look now10:22
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derekh_ccorrigan: I'm guessing that was an accident
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goneriderekh_: for there is another review for the tab detection ( I071262ff9f6599548f869f5439ee127f64eeb46f ). Is that fine or should I drop the :space:?12:31
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ccorriganderekh_:  Schoolboy error on my part, second patch abandoned, original updated...12:40
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derekh_goneri: looking13:17
derekh_ccorrigan: thanks13:17
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derekh_goneri: replied, I'm still on the side of changing to " " to avoid confusion13:32
goneriderekh_: ok, perfect. give me 10 minutes to refresh the patch :)13:33
derekh_goneri: ok, thanks13:33
kiall_derekh_ / dprince - re .. Any logs etc related to the timeout? If you're hitting the timeout, something else is wrong13:36
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derekh_kiall_: yup, one sec13:37
dprincekiall_: not sure. my take is reverting this should be safe... and once we research it further we can re-add your patch as required13:37
derekh_kiall_: so F20 jobs have been failing all day
derekh_kiall_: taking one example13:38
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kiall_I'll break anyone who's running on a slow system ;) Without the wait, cluster_status returns different info during startup13:38
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derekh_Kiall: search var/log/messages for "May  2 03:06:05"13:40
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KiallI see it.. Where does F20 has the default pid file for RMQ?13:41
Kiall(Without OOO changing it..)13:41
KiallI saw something similar on ubuntu/debian, where RMQ started at boot, and `service rabbitmq-server restart`, failed to actually restart it13:42
Kiallthe bash rabbitmq-server script that wraps the erlang process got restarted, but the actual erlang process did not13:42
derekh_Kiall: looks like its the same place /var/run/rabbitmq/pid , which was created the same time erlang started, let me see how long it took13:44
KiallLooks like /run/rabbitmq/pid .. is /run a symlink/bind to /var/run on F20? (or the reverse...)13:44
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derekh_Kiall: so locally here, the timeout triggered the first time os-collect-config ran , but its was ok the second time round,13:47
derekh_Kiall: I've also submitted a patch to increase the timeout to 20 se see if that help CI13:47
Kiallderekh_: maybe the CI is just .. slow?13:47
derekh_Kiall: possibly, see see once the job runs13:47
derekh_*well see13:48
derekh_*we'll see :-)13:48
KiallEither way .. If RMQ *actually* hasn't started as against just the timeout being triggered, you have bigger issues on F20 once you try do clustering :)13:48
KiallRMQ shows very different info during started for `rabbitmqctl cluster_status`, which causes other issues in the script13:49
Kiallduring startup*13:49
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derekh_Kiall: ok, lets see what happens when it runs and if there are other problems it should become clear13:52
derekh_goneri: looking13:52
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Expose passthrough configuration in undercloud.
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openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install the "classic" icinga interface
openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install check_mk server
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openstackgerritMatthew Macdonald-Wallace proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Auto-collect local checks
proffalkenlifeless: there's a some of updates/refactoring to those patches, hope they meet your high standards! :)14:26
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ccrouchgiulivo: welcome to the tripleo effort!14:32
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Factor data out of _check_titles
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-specs: Allow additional titles + subtitles
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giulivoccrouch , hi all :)14:32
giulivowas lurking into the chan from a while now14:32
ccrouchbut now its official :-)14:33
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dprincegiulivo: welcome14:34
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derekh_giulivo: hi and welcome14:40
openstackgerritCian O'Driscoll proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test the upgrade codepath works as well.
openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: ssl: Add support for a CA Certificate
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rbrady-afkgiulivo!  Welcome!15:02
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giulivorbrady, :D15:02
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openstackgerrittherese-mchale proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use Percona Packages for Ubuntu
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: check for tab indent in files
openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Introduce configurable virtual ip in templates
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goneriderekh_: it should be fine now:
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Run pull-tools before setup-clienttools
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Openvswitch 2.1 removes openvswitch-controller
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: debian: properly deal with Debian stable/unstable
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openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ensure rabbitmq can be successfully restarted
derekh_goneri: small nit inline, then I'm happy, sorry15:45
derekh_goneri: this begs the question, how is the pep8 test passing, I don't think its searching the elements directory in CI, will fix15:46
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add passthrough configuration glue.
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: check for tab indent in files
goneriderekh_: done, I dropped the two \n15:57
derekh_goneri: forget my last comment about why pep8 is not passing, I was looking at an old version of a file with tabs15:58
goneriderekh_: this \n confusion is due to the current dib-lint. It doesn't finish with a \n and git complains about that.15:59
goneriYet another check for dib-lint? :)15:59
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derekh_goneri: sounds like it16:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Revert "RabbitMQ - Increase restart timeouts"
openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ensure rabbitmq can be successfully restarted
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derekh_jang: was that ^ the reason the timeout didn't work on fedora?16:26
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derekh_Kiall: both the revert and the increased timeout have passed CI
derekh_Kiall: the revert has merged, should we just try your patch again with a longer timeout ?16:28
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: check for tab indent in files
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: indent: search for !=4 spaces indentation
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: ensure file finish with a new line
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: ensure file finish with a new line
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: add some missing \n at end of file
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openstackgerritjan grant proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ensure rabbitmq can be successfully restarted
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jangderekh_: yes, I think it probably was16:49
jangfedora is a systemd os, isn't it?16:49
jangso, the idea in the latest version of that patch will probably need applying - I don't know the systemd equivalent, I'm afraid.16:50
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jangbut, the above patch also has the added advantage that it seems to shave about 60s off a boot on an upstart system as it doesn't muck around deciding that a misconfigured rabbit isn't going to start16:52
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jangif Dan Prince is around he can probably turn that into fedora-isms. (Apologies if you're also fedora-savvy, I lose track)16:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Install and configure NTP in undercloud/overcloud
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: check for tab indent in files
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: indent: search for !=4 spaces indentation
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: 4 spaces indent
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Eliminate 'tr' in favor of inline bash.
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: 4 spaces indent
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: indent: search for !=4 spaces indentation
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openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dib-lint: ensure file finish with a new line
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Make sure all scripts are set -e
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Check for set -o pipefail
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: set -u and -o pipefail everywhere
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Ensure scripts are set -u
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow excluding tests from certain files
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: indent: search for !=4 spaces indentation
gonerisorry for the flood :/17:26
jangif you manage to get openstackgerrit kickbanned for flooding, _then_ you need to apologise17:26
gonerihopefuly I won't have to aplogise. My rebases are finished :)17:29
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Replace nagios3 template with HOT rewrite
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Separate Heat BM and VM configs for Nova-BM.
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Move most undercloud params to an environment file
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Allows user-specified PXE timeout for overcloud
* beekneemech sets a goal in life of getting the bot kicked17:42
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Move most undercloud params to an environment file
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beekneemech/home/bnemec/tripleo/tripleo-incubator/scripts/ line 59: USE_UNDERCLOUD_UI: unbound variable17:52
beekneemechBleh, apparently devtest_variables was not run.17:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Move the testenv json file to /etc
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chuckCHi all.  I'm setting up my dev environment (all on a laptop) and would like to go with ubuntu/kvm (have Windows now). Any early advice (stuff to avoid) before I get started?17:53
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Move most undercloud params to an environment file
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beekneemechI wonder if we should re-exec devtest after updating tripleo-incubator.17:54
beekneemechI think that was my problem - devtest_variables was sourced, but it was the old version.17:55
greghaynes_yea, you have to at a minimum re-source that17:56
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greghaynes_woo for env vars as parameters :/17:57
greghaynes_chuckC: just make sure youre at least on saucy if you ubuntu17:57
SpamapSyay, we're finally seeing jobs go through zuul17:57
greghaynes_er, saucy or newer17:57
SpamapSgreghaynes_: death to the environment variables!! ;)17:58
chuckCgreghaynes: thanks, I was about to go precise18:03
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Separate Heat BM and VM configs for Nova-BM.
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Allows user-specified PXE timeout for overcloud
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Expose passthrough configuration in undercloud.
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ hostname in nova.conf
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ username in neutron.conf
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ username in nova.conf
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ userid in nova.conf
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ username in neutron.conf
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ userid in nova.conf
* SpamapS spam spam spam spam18:24
greghaynestchaypo: You looked at concoord for picking leaders right? Curious why that didnt pan out18:24
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in glance-api.conf
SpamapSgreghaynes: leader election is really hard without built in support from the state store itself. What thing are we needing a leader for?18:26
greghaynesfor the stuff currently using the os-is-bootstrap-host hack18:27
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greghaynesI suspect we were probably 'using it wrong'(TM)18:28
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in heat.conf
SpamapSgreghaynes: ah yes that18:28
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greghaynessince concoord is paxos (not multi paxos) you dont get a strong leader, but you still get consensus which should be enough to pick who performs a certain operation18:29
greghaynesor we could just use something different18:29
SpamapSIt's as important that you get "not a leader" choices too. :)18:30
SpamapSgreghaynes: is concoord unicast based?18:30
greghaynesdont think so, but no idea18:31
greghaynesnot sure why that would matter?18:31
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in cinder.conf
SpamapSgreghaynes: harder to test broadcast systems18:32
SpamapSgreghaynes: and some environments constrain such things18:32
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in ironic.conf
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in ironic.conf
SpamapSlovely spaaaaaaaaammm18:34
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user in ceilometer.conf
dprinceSpamapS: Should we squash all these rabbit_userid changes?18:36
SpamapSdprince: why?18:37
dprinceSpamapS: all seem related to me, revertability is nice but in this case I think they are close enough18:37
SpamapSWe're not going to revert these.18:38
dprinceSpamapS: When I have lots of related changes I often try to bunch them rather than split it out. Like I did for the commen-venv stuff (I could have made that 15 changes)18:38
dprinceSpamapS: all the more reason to squash them into a single commit...18:38
SpamapSI get that. But I prefer to have them all separate so there's no rebase dance.18:38
dprinceSpamapS: right, but you'll have the get all the CI jobs passing dance :(18:38
SpamapSIf we can't get 5 passes......18:39
dprinceSpamapS: do as you like. We have ETOOMANY reviews right now so I say squash where appropriate18:39
SpamapSThese are as tiny and simple as possible.18:40
dprinceSpamapS: I'm suggesting you combine them (squash)18:40
SpamapSI am fine with a squash... really. It's just not what I do by default.18:40
dprinceSpamapS: if we won't revert these in isolation to me it is about the relatedness of the change and how big the patchset is (is it reviewable). Your squashed patch would only be 5 lines18:42
SpamapSI know18:42
SpamapSmore work18:42
* dprince isn't trying to pick on SpamapS, just set a good precedent18:43
SpamapSIt's my first ever "too small" patch argument18:43
SpamapSand I have about 2 minutes18:44
SpamapSso forgive me for being annoyed18:44
SpamapSnothing to do with logic or reason18:44
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use configured RabbitMQ user
SpamapSdprince: done18:50
SpamapSand all others abandoned18:50
dprinceSpamapS: :), have a good weekend18:50
SpamapSPool is clean, and 78F, and I've a case of XX ... I expect to float my way to happiness.18:51
* greghaynes jealous18:52
SpamapSgreghaynes: yes, enjoy your clouds.18:53
SpamapSand more clouds18:53
SpamapSand piles of extra money that you don't spend on housing. ;)18:53
greghaynes:( it was actually sunny this week (I think 80something yesterday) but yes, rain this weekend18:53
* beekneemech has no clouds for the first time in a week18:53
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Reinstate Trusty as default for Ubuntu
adam_gSpamapS, ^18:54
greghaynesadam_g: \O/18:54
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adam_gcheck-tempest-dsvm-virtual-ironic-nv should hopefully pass with that change18:55
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victor_lowtherdid they have to change the SSH host keys in Gerrit?18:55
adam_gvictor_lowther, yeah18:56
victor_lowthergit-review is whining.18:56
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beekneemechYay heartbleed18:56
victor_lowtheradam_g: OK, cool.  As long as it was not enemy action. :)18:56
SpamapSadam_g: \o/18:58
openstackgerritVictor Lowther proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Make diskimage-builder work in Docker.
SpamapSadam_g: fix that commit msg ;)18:59
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Reinstate Trusty as default for Ubuntu
openstackgerritVictor Lowther proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Let run in a Docker container.
victor_lowtherIs there a awy for me to indicate that a change in a project depends on another change in a different project?19:25
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greghaynesvictor_lowther: We usually put change-id in the commit msg and possibly WIP until the depended on change lands19:26
greghaynesbasically its all manual19:26
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victor_lowtherah, OK, because relies on
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: dpkg: support pkg-map in bin/install-packages
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Yum: support pkg-map in bin/install-packages
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: opensuse: support pkg-map in bin/install-packages
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add pkg-map element.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Set DISTRO_NAME in OS environment.d
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Update base element to make use of pkg-map
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: MySQL: Ensure libssl-symlink corrects exits on failure
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tchaypogreghaynes: It looks like it does a lot of what we need: it looks like it would be easy to build the state object on top of it, and it handlesdetecting missing members20:41
tchaypoand broadcasting to live members nicely20:42
tchaypoFor leader election, it just picks the node with the lowest port number. That might be fine for us, we can implement put own election via the state machine20:43
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tchaypoBigger problem is that it sets quorum to (n/2)+1, which seems good, except that n is the number of currently live nodes. If we have 7 and lose 4, quorum is now 2 rather than an unacheivable 420:45
greghaynesI guess my thinking was we could use the underlying log for picking who the leader is for a given operation20:46
greghaynesnot sure if it exposes it, but id be surprised if we cant just make something ontop that uses it20:46
tchaypoAfaict we need to either patch it to make the quorum not drop as members leave, or re-implement the liveness/quorum checking on top20:47
greghaynesah, yes thats annoying20:48
tchaypoYep, we should be able to do that. I don't think the leader election really matters: whoever makes a successful proposal is the de facto leader for that proposal20:48
tchaypoIf each node comes up and proposes itself as leader, then looks for other proposals and approves the earliest outstanding one it sees, we should arrive at consensus fairly quickly20:49
tchaypoIf the existing leader re-proposes after n seconds and everyone else proposes after 2n we should keep an existing leader unless they die20:50
tchaypoIt's not unfixable, but we didn't have a use for it ready just then so I left it alone20:51
greghayneswell, I dont think you even need to wory about that leader logic - paxos should take care of that20:53
greghaynesall we have to care about is what proposal actually gets commited to the log20:53
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openstackgerritJordan OMara proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Adding missing setup for instack
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul is being restarted with some dependency upgrades and configuration changes; ETA 221522:00
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Do not exit 1 from
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is going down for a short database upgrade23:27
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Configure NTP for overcloud compute

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