Tuesday, 2014-04-22

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lifelessSpamapS: how did you go with CI ?00:24
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greghaynesI was expecting to find a nasty set of functions for the current heat stack-update routine and instead found a nice 10-liner :)00:44
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lifelessSpamapS: jobs aren't running00:47
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greghaynes\O/ I think I finally understand that heat convergence IRC over etherpad convo01:00
greghaynesnow back to HA01:00
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SpamapSlifeless: oh, nodes were spinning up.. are they unrecahable?01:03
SpamapS2014-04-22 01:11:30,504 - util.py[WARNING]: '' failed [2/120s]: url error [[Errno 113] No route to host]01:05
SpamapSnovacompute5 appears to have frozen01:15
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/os-cloud-config: Add a register-nodes command and associated API  https://review.openstack.org/8493301:21
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lifelessSpamapS: thanks01:29
SpamapSbegs the question.. wtf01:30
StevenKcody-somerville: Hai. Ping me when you're at your keys01:30
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Make pull-tools ignore errors if USE_CACHE is set.  https://review.openstack.org/8945501:55
tchaypodevtest.sh forcibly sets USE_CACHE to 001:59
tchaypoand requires that I pass -c to turn it back on01:59
tchaypo*shrug* i can live with that02:00
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cody-somervilleStevenK: pong. :)02:11
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lifelesstchaypo: user interfaces, FTW02:39
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lifelesspopping out for a little, if I'm needed I'm on hangouts / mobile phone.02:49
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tchaypolifeless: i was going to ask if you thought it was worth tweaking to respect USE_CACHE...02:59
tchaypobut then I realised you'd tell me that the best way to find out would be to submit a patch for review03:00
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:03:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1309027 in tripleo "rabbitmq nodes repeatedly reporting the master node as being 'down' then 'up'" [Undecided,New]03:00
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lifelesstchaypo: ah no, so its deliberate03:21
lifelesstchaypo: the rationalise-ui goal is to remove env variables03:22
lifelesstchaypo: in favour of crisp clear interfaces, with plumbing-access reserved for special cases03:22
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greghayneslifeless: for the VIP's on control node, do you know if theres any WIP for that?03:24
greghaynesor anyone who was looking at it03:24
lifelessgreghaynes: I don't believe so03:24
tchaypowhat does plumbing-access mean in this case?03:24
lifelessgreghaynes: I was hoping to do so, but ETIME03:25
lifelesstchaypo: e.g. setting PYPI_FUNKY_SETTING or something03:25
lifelesstchaypo: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-incubator-rationalise-ui03:25
greghaynesawesome. How granular should we make each vip? One per node, one per service, something inbetween?03:25
lifelessgreghaynes: we can alwys change in future03:26
greghaynesok. I kind of want to do minimal to make merge.py happy with scaling control node03:26
greghaynesso probably one for the node03:26
tchaypooh yes - the things we expect users to twiddle are flags, the deeply embedded should-only-need-to-tweak-this-in-strange-corner-cases stuff is okay to still have an env variable03:27
lifelesstchaypo: or to have a passthrough facility in the json schemas we come up with03:28
lifelessgreghaynes: I'd say 'one for all services' or something for your start point03:28
lifelessgreghaynes: because one per node is definitely broken :)03:28
greghayneshaha, right03:28
greghaynesdoesnt really buy much if you do one per node ;)03:29
lifelessexactly ;)03:31
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tchaypoI never cease to be amazed by how much the battery life estimates increase from "powertop --auto-tune"03:48
tchaypoalso by just how much USE_CACHE still downloads fresh content from the interweb03:48
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lifelesstchaypo: USE_CACHE shouldn't do anything (other than the install-deps stuff, which if you setup your local pip conf shouldn't grab anything from the net03:49
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tchaypo"shouldn't do anything" meaning "shouldn't touch the net" or "shouldn't change anything"?03:59
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lifelesstchaypo: shouldn't touch the net04:01
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lifelesstchaypo: assuming local pip and ubuntu mirror04:01
tchaypoI'm using devtest.sh directly rather than the sub-scripts - does that assumption still apply?04:01
tchaypoI was assuming it didn't, since the first failure I noticed is that it does an apt-get update and then barfs if one of the upstreams can't be reached04:02
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tchaypobut maybe "local ubuntu mirror" covers that - I've updated by main ubuntu repos to point to my local mirror but haven't changed the ppas and such yet. I've got them mirrored just haven't changed sources.list04:03
lifelesstchaypo: the only place I know that would still hit the net with -c is install-dependencies, and then only if you don't have local mirrors04:03
StevenKtchaypo: Uh, yeah. Now your review is making me WTF, because pull-tools isn't even called if USE_CACHE is not 004:05
StevenKAnd is using ==, grrr04:05
StevenKlifeless: Is it useful to argue for my viewpoint of I'm happy to target bash, but would ask we nack bashisms iff the POSIX way is easy04:06
StevenK(Examples: [[ versus [ ; == versus =)04:06
tchaypobut maybe the apt-get behaviour I saw was before I figured out I need to use -c, setting USE_CACHE is ignored04:07
tchaypoStevenK: my understanding is that [[ is better than [ in some cases (and worse in a few), but I don't remember details.04:07
lifelessStevenK: I'm a huge [ = ] bigot :)04:08
lifelessStevenK: what review are you reading?04:08
tchaypoin any case, patch abandoned.04:08
StevenKlifeless: The counter-point is set -o pipefail, but POSIX doesn't have anything close, and trying to implement it in POSIX is liable to make people's eyes bleed04:09
tchaypolifeless: bigoted in favour of, or against?04:09
lifelesstchaypo: I far prefer [ = ] to [[ == ]]04:10
StevenK== is a pattern match04:10
SpamapSnovacompute9 paniced04:10
tchaypo98-source-repositories is currently barfing on me because it gets an answer it doesn't like talking to a git server (i think it's git.openstack.org)04:10
lifelesstchaypo: what doth the error read ?04:11
lifelessSpamapS: kernel ?04:11
tchaypogive me a minute and I'll have it for you again.04:12
SpamapSlifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88384/ <-- trusty passed CI.. before CI went into the weeds again04:12
StevenKSwitched to a new branch 'double-things-make-me-double-sad'04:13
SpamapS2014-04-22 04:11:22,278 - util.py[WARNING]: '' failed [116/120s]: url error [[Errno 113] No route to host]04:13
SpamapSI think might need to restart openvswitch agent04:13
SpamapSon the compute nodes04:13
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tchaypoi think i can see the problem04:18
tchaypo-c can04:19
tchaypo-c can't use cached images if the images haven't been built yet.04:19
StevenKtchaypo: Yeah, so if you're going to hack on a plane, then you'd probably build the images before you leave, and then use -c while disconncted04:21
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StevenKAnd there's an option for building only that escapes me04:21
SpamapSI think that's new04:21
lifelessSpamapS: cool04:22
lifelessSpamapS: no route to host - metadata agent on the router04:22
lifelessSpamapS: *or*04:22
lifelessSpamapS: is gro off ?04:22
lifelessSpamapS: on the control node04:22
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove obvious bashisms like [[ and ==  https://review.openstack.org/8947104:23
SpamapSlifeless: generic-receive-offload: on04:24
SpamapSthought we had that in a post-up04:24
lifelessSpamapS: apparently not04:24
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SpamapSah looks like I had to restart openvswitch-switch04:26
SpamapSbut.. why... ??04:26
tchaypoI think for now I'm going to switch tack and resume hacking on my hetzner box, and finish off building images on my laptop once I'm on proper wifi tonight04:26
tchaypowell, first I'm going to finish getting through the weekend email/review backlog04:27
StevenKtchaypo: Proper wifi?04:27
StevenKlifeless: You were talking about being in Sydney with L and C soonish, is that still happening pre-summit ?04:28
tchaypoas opposed to being in the back of a moving car on 4G04:28
StevenKtchaypo: Who kidnapped you, and do I need to send help?04:28
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lifelessStevenK: next week04:29
tchaypovery polite kidnappers, to allow me to continue to work and communicate while they're taking me into the coutnryside04:29
SpamapS+ os-apply-config --key keystone.db --type dsn04:30
SpamapS/usr/local/bin/cleanup-keystone-tokens.sh: 4: /usr/local/bin/cleanup-keystone-tokens.sh: os-apply-config: not found04:30
SpamapS+ KEYSTONE_DB=04:30
SpamapSour cleanup tokens thing is still not working right04:30
lifelessStevenK: shared the tripit with you04:31
SpamapSnovacompute9 is backonline, seems to be booting vms04:31
StevenKtchaypo: Haha04:31
lifeless-> picking up C04:31
StevenKlifeless: I'll talk to Sarah about dinner with you/you and L sometime next week, then04:32
*** SpamapS changes topic to "FIREDRILL: CI down - Hardware issues and kernel panics causing mayhem | tripleo-cd running preserve-ephemeral WIP patches and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62042/ | Using OpenStack to deploy OpenStack;meetings Tuesday 1900 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt"04:32
greghaynesNow with 100% real kernel panics04:33
SpamapSIt's what plants crave04:33
greghaynesoh the irony of that movie title04:34
* StevenK twitches over memories of Idiocracy04:34
SpamapSPut this one in your ear, this one in your mouth, and this one in your butt.04:34
SpamapSno wait..04:35
SpamapSIt says you're totally tarded. That's ok, my sister's tarded.. she's a pilot.04:35
StevenKSpamapS, greghaynes: One comment I heard about the movie is that the actor on "Ow My Balls!" is the smartest guy since he knows he is an actor04:36
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SpamapSthat sounds like a quite rich beer conversation to be had04:36
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StevenKI may have to copy it my laptop so I can study for the conversation while on the plane04:37
SpamapSso it looks like there's something horribly wrong between ovs and neutron-openvswitch-agent ..04:38
SpamapSso dhcp seemed wedged04:43
SpamapSunwedged it.. and now neutron-server is _pwned_04:44
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SpamapSoo.. I see slaves starting04:50
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SpamapSCI jobs flowing again04:55
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SpamapSWe really need HA...04:58
SpamapSand better hardware04:58
SpamapSthe amount these go down is just insane04:58
SpamapSperhaps we should ask a hardware company known for having awesome servers to provide us with some of their awesome servers. :)04:58
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cody-somervilleSomeone should just try ordering some and see what happens ;p04:59
StevenKSpamapS: Totally04:59
StevenKSpamapS: What are they, out of interest?05:00
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StevenKgreghaynes: I did mean POSIX in the commit message05:09
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greghaynesReally? that reads odd.... not that its a big deal05:09
StevenKgreghaynes: And =~ is a bashism, but POSIX doesn't have a analogue05:09
greghaynesyea, so doesnt that need to be left as bashism?05:10
greghaynesas in [[ ]]05:10
StevenKLet's find out05:11
StevenK./tripleorc:8: ~ not found05:11
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StevenKgreghaynes: I will try and reflow the commit message05:12
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greghayneseh, really dont mind :p05:12
greghaynesMy nit there is the if and only if actually05:12
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StevenKgreghaynes: I'm trying to avoid people (including myself) writing eye bleeding shell to avoid set -o pipefail05:13
StevenKgreghaynes: There are a number of things that POSIX doesn't support easily or well. [[ == ]] is not one of them05:14
greghaynesyes, so I think id say 'support POSIX if its easy'05:14
greghaynesI think youre right though05:15
greghaynesand I should remove that comment05:15
greghaynesIm still curious about the bashism though - I wrote a little test.sh that didnt seem happy about doing =~ in [ ]05:15
StevenKTripleO is targetting bash for scripts, but I think we should try and05:16
StevenKavoid bashisms, preferring POSIX constructs if they are easy-to-use.05:16
StevenKgreghaynes: ^05:16
greghayneshehe, yes, /me admits sillyness on review05:16
StevenKgreghaynes: Have you met /usr/bin/[ ?05:17
StevenK+    elif [ -z "$SUCCESSFUL_MATCH_OUTPUT" ] && [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then05:18
StevenKTempted to switch that to -a05:18
StevenKLike other places05:18
StevenK[ ] && [ ] is POSIX, but bloody hell -a has existed for YEAS05:19
greghaynesI actually have been doing [ ] && []05:20
greghaynesbut not for any good reason05:20
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove obvious bashisms like [[ and ==  https://review.openstack.org/8947105:20
StevenKgreghaynes: Now you can shout POSIX05:20
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greghaynesStevenK: actually, wait_for has the same thing going on05:23
StevenKYeah, I see it05:23
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove obvious bashisms like [[ and ==  https://review.openstack.org/8947105:24
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greghayneslifeless: ran into http://goo.gl/f991oE in my fees and seems similar to the heat-convergence proposed design05:30
greghayneser, in my feed05:31
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lifelessgreghaynes: heh, yes05:59
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Store seed details in the JSON  https://review.openstack.org/7905106:31
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Small fixes for dhcp-all-interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/8813106:40
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Build os-cloud-config in setup-clienttools  https://review.openstack.org/8493506:41
openstackgerritJuerg Haefliger proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add sysv support to elements/dhcp-all-interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/8629906:43
greghaynesmarios: ping06:44
greghaynesmordred: Need to hed to bed, but added a (hopefully not too confusing) response to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83296/. Thanks again!06:46
greghayneser, marios ^06:46
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mariosgreghaynes: thanks07:03
* marios looks07:03
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rpodolyaka1morning tripleo07:14
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lifelessmorning rpodolyaka107:51
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove quota restrictions on undercloud's nova  https://review.openstack.org/8712608:00
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Make time out 60 mins like the Heat default.  https://review.openstack.org/8711808:00
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: SSH key and virtual_power_driver not used on H/W  https://review.openstack.org/8377008:01
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openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834008:04
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Allows user-specified PXE timeout for overcloud  https://review.openstack.org/8660508:19
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Correct hard-coded IP ranges  https://review.openstack.org/8630808:24
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Bridge physical interface to the seed.  https://review.openstack.org/8408308:28
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix up ensure-test-env  https://review.openstack.org/8847208:35
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Move the testenv json file to /etc  https://review.openstack.org/8847308:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Remove py3kcompat module  https://review.openstack.org/8764208:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Fixing manifest.in  https://review.openstack.org/8691608:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Delete horizon.d3linechart.js  https://review.openstack.org/8637908:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add Django 1.5 and 1.6 to tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/8755808:45
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1309027 in tripleo "rabbitmq nodes repeatedly reporting the master node as being 'down' then 'up'" [Undecided,New]09:00
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fixes for manual installation  https://review.openstack.org/8795509:09
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Haproxy should listen only on vip  https://review.openstack.org/8951709:20
openstackgerrittherese-mchale proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Create ~/.my.cnf with root user/password  https://review.openstack.org/8952009:41
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Nasty hack to work around pip's case-sensitivity  https://review.openstack.org/8494609:44
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openstackgerritCian O'Driscoll proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test the upgrade codepath works as well.  https://review.openstack.org/8775809:58
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proffalkenSpamapS: on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85557/5/elements/rabbitmq-server/os-refresh-config/post-configure.d/40-rabbitmq you've said that hostname -s will suffice10:23
openstackgerritCian O'Driscoll proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Store ssh host keys on ephemeral partition  https://review.openstack.org/8952910:23
proffalkendoes hostname -s automatically lowercase then?10:23
proffalkenor have I missed something else in your comment that does this?10:23
howleytCan I get some core reviews of these please?: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81920/ and  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81934/10:28
lxsligreghaynes: Hi Greg, for t-i-e element openjdk-7-jre you said to update packages-map, did you mean map-packages in various dib elements? If so that'll have to be a separate review, happy to do it though10:29
derekhNg: would you have any idea if there is net issues currently where the HP rack is hosted, getting a fair few nova api timeouts to the ci-overcloud, the timeouts don't seem to be happening if using the nova client from the rack itself.10:32
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Ngderekh: hmm, if there were an issue there it wouldn't automatically drift across my radar. how long's it been going on/10:33
tchaypoNg: oh hai10:34
Ngtchaypo: hey10:34
derekhNg: I've been trying to figure out problems for the last 2 hours, and have been geting timeouts all along, so at least 2 hours but I don't know how much longer10:37
Ngderekh: but ssh into the rack is stable/10:37
derekhNg: the zuul queue still has things in it from yesterday, which is what I was looking into10:37
Ngwhy can I not type a question mark today10:37
derekhNg: which may be related10:38
NgI'll check with our NOC folks10:38
derekhNg: ssh is working (although does seem slow but I could be just imagining that)10:38
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Map openjdk-7-jre to RHEL+SUSE  https://review.openstack.org/8953110:42
openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834010:48
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: mysql-common requires python MySQLdb  https://review.openstack.org/8396911:27
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openstackgerritCian O'Driscoll proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Store ssh host keys on ephemeral partition  https://review.openstack.org/8952912:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add selenium test-case  https://review.openstack.org/8634712:24
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openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834012:33
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Haproxy should listen only on vip  https://review.openstack.org/8951712:48
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openstackgerritPeter Belanyi proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Implement finding by name  https://review.openstack.org/8834512:56
openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Introduce configurable virtual ip in templates  https://review.openstack.org/8955612:57
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openstackgerritRyan Moore proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Read libvirt block_migration_flag from nova.conf  https://review.openstack.org/8465712:57
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derekhNg: the api problem I was observing this morning seems to be gone, although we still have a lot of vm's going to the error state13:25
Ngderekh: the cloud giveth, the cloud taketh away13:26
Ngderekh: any indication what's causing the erroring?13:26
derekhNg: nothing obvious :-(13:27
openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834013:27
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dprinceslagle/derekh: you guys approved this before https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76966/13:32
dprincederekh: thanks!13:37
derekhdprince: np13:37
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funzoderekh: hello. i saw some work you had done on nova-docker. I'm interested in working on nova-docker, are you still involved in that effort?14:00
derekhfunzo: cool, yup I'm just waiting on the ci job to be created, so we can then build on the what is there https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86910/14:02
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hewbroccafunzo: wooo nova-docker14:22
hewbroccafunzo: Slow is also working on it14:22
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funzohewbrocca: awesome!14:27
hewbroccafunzo: getting the band back together :)14:27
openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Use config baremetal seed ip addr not  https://review.openstack.org/8727614:27
funzohewbrocca: srsly. derekh I will crash the thursday hangout to listen in, maybe we will need the same work done and can join forces14:27
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funzoderekh: other than the CI job creation, do you know what's next? from the mailing list, I gathered that nova-docker needs test coverage before it can be considered for the nova compute service14:29
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funzohewbrocca: derekh if we use this channel to coordinate nova-docker effort, is it too much noise? should we be talking about it in a different channel?14:30
derekhI think test coverage is the main thing, yes lets take this out of #tripleo :-)14:31
funzoderekh: any opposition to creating #nova-docker?14:32
derekhfunzo: fire ahead, brb14:32
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hewbroccafunzo: you might ping Slow when he gets on and let him know14:32
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funzoderekh: hewbrocca: #nova-docker created14:32
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make bin/ensure-bridge executable  https://review.openstack.org/8959314:38
openstackgerritRyan Moore proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Restructure the nova.conf to match documentation  https://review.openstack.org/8382114:41
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openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add allow_empty to metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8959714:46
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add mode to metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8959814:46
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8203814:46
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Allow multiple passes of template evaluation  https://review.openstack.org/8830814:46
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8203814:50
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add allow_empty to metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8959714:50
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Allow multiple passes of template evaluation  https://review.openstack.org/8830814:50
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Add mode to metadata header  https://review.openstack.org/8959814:50
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302881 in tripleo "incloud CIDR can overlap custom baremetal-network" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1309027 in tripleo "rabbitmq nodes repeatedly reporting the master node as being 'down' then 'up'" [Undecided,New]15:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311103 in tripleo "undercloud fails with UNDERCLOUD_TUSKAR_PASSWORD: unbound variable" [Undecided,New]15:00
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openstackgerritDmitry Shulyak proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add virtual ip create to devtest_overcloud.sh  https://review.openstack.org/8961315:23
dshulyakhi guys, i've added WIP patch that allocates virtual ip from baremetal network range ^^15:25
dshulyakand I would like to discuss how we should approach its creation15:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add set-pip-vars script to simplify pip manifests  https://review.openstack.org/8319415:26
dprincedshulyak: it might be nice to see that integrated into the JSON format here: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-incubator/tree/scripts/devtest_setup.sh#n11515:27
dprincedshulyak: I suppose this is really just overcloud though so maybe the env variable is acceptable for now?15:29
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dshulyakdprince: i think env variable is good enough, but i will check how it can be integrated better15:32
dshulyakdprince:  should we hardcode it outside of network range?15:32
dshulyakbaremetal network15:33
dshulyakor allocate it via neutron?15:34
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dprincedshulyak: if we are going to pull this from the undercloud range then doing so dynamically would be best.15:34
dprincedshulyak: the value you have coded in now will likely almost always file right (because the single undercloud node would usually get that one?)15:35
dshulyakdprince: thanks, it seems i was right with my approach, i will polish it a bit and send on review15:46
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goneribnemec: hi! thanks for the review, FYI Jenkins validated the patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86955/15:50
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bnemecgoneri: Actually, the tripleo-check job hasn't finished yet because of the CI issues we were having yesterday.15:52
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goneribnemec: oh, I misunderstood15:55
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openstackgerritPhil Neal proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add Ceilometer to control node by default  https://review.openstack.org/8962515:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Implement finding by name  https://review.openstack.org/8834516:09
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: RabbitMQ - Ensure node name comparisons are case insensitive  https://review.openstack.org/8555716:37
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bnemecjogo: Regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87978/2 , I'm a little confused as to why anyone would have compute nodes without proper network connectivity in the first place.16:39
bnemecI think there's more information needed about the use case they're trying to address there before we can decide where it needs to live.16:39
jogobnemec: if network fails?16:39
jogobnemec: re: hardware failures.16:40
bnemecjogo: Yeah, I guess I'm not sure monitoring is part of the tripleo mission.16:41
bnemecThat seems like a separate thing, that tripleo could then potentially use.16:41
openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: RabbitMQ - Increase restart timeouts  https://review.openstack.org/8964016:44
openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: RabbitMQ - Consistent PID file location  https://review.openstack.org/8560416:44
bnemecjogo: Also, we wouldn't want to schedule around a disconnected compute node, would we?  Isn't the right thing to do if you detect a broken node to evacuate all the instances on it and disable it completely?16:46
bnemecMaybe I just need to comment on the review. :-)16:46
jogobnemec: yup. this is a more general problem16:47
jogobnemec: how do I detect bad nodes  and take them out of rotaation16:48
openstackgerritMatthew Gilliard proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove quota restrictions on undercloud's nova  https://review.openstack.org/8712616:50
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openstackgerritMatthew Gilliard proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove quotas on seed and undercloud's nova  https://review.openstack.org/8712616:52
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openstackgerritsowmini proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Config updates for dhcp, metadata, l3_agent  https://review.openstack.org/8964417:06
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SpamapSdprince: I notice that most jobs in the CI queue are waiting on f20 .. is the RH region up and stable?17:08
dprinceSpamapS: yes, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83057/17:11
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SpamapSdprince: wait so how are the current f20's happening?17:22
greghayneslxsli: Yep, the map-packages. Youre right about the separate review but that one would need to land first to keep CI passing17:23
dprinceSpamapS: the intent is that we'll be another provider who can run any distro17:24
dprinceSpamapS: current F20 runs are running on HP sir :)17:24
SpamapSdprince: OH :)17:24
dprinceSpamapS: sorry, I missed the gist of your initial question. Sounds like F20's are just slow then?17:25
dprinceSpamapS: let me poke around, derekh would know better but I might be able to have a look too17:25
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openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834017:29
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openstackgerritColeman Corrigan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: reset-db to get all db parameters from the config  https://review.openstack.org/8834017:42
SpamapSdprince: I keep forgetting that the testenv's are where the OS stuff happens anyway17:42
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absubramhi.. I'm trying out devtest and I keep hitting this timeout issue when it runs the heat/requirements17:59
absubramTimeout: (<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x9336cac>, 'Connection to pypi.python.org timed out. (connect timeout=15)')17:59
absubramanyone hit this also?17:59
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lifelessabsubram: are you behind a corporate firewall ?18:05
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lifelessabsubram: you may want to create a local pypi-mirror, there are some docs for that in diskimage-builder/elements/pypi/README.md18:06
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absubramlifeless: ah.. thanks.. that might be it.. let me give this a shot18:10
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openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Slight increase in testenv disk space  https://review.openstack.org/8845918:17
openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Slight increase in testenv disk space  https://review.openstack.org/8845918:17
SpamapSlxsli: Nice job on the o-a-c header spec. I added some comments.18:18
SpamapSlxsli: I suggest sending a link to the etherpad/blueprint to openstack-dev for wider review.18:19
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lifelesslxsli: what tz are you in ?18:20
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/os-refresh-config: Use FHS-compliant default base directory  https://review.openstack.org/8966718:31
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/os-apply-config: Use FHS-compliant default template location  https://review.openstack.org/8966818:31
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NobodyCamquestion. has anyone tested with the opensuse element? how about suse enterprize?18:40
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greghaynesI tried it a while back, put up patches to fix a few super low-hanging-fruit bugs but then ran into other issues18:42
greghaynespretty easy to test though - just set NODE_DIST18:42
NobodyCamgreghaynes: ack....18:47
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lifelessanyone wanting a cheap make-CI-faster thing - fix horizon to not recompress stylesheets etc on every os-c-c run.18:49
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tteggellifeless: lxsli is UK so UTC +118:54
lifelesstteggel: thanks18:54
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lifelessmeeting time!18:59
jdobdamnit, wrong window19:00
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lifelessrpodolyaka: joinging the meeting ?19:12
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add passthrough configuration glue.  https://review.openstack.org/8784319:20
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tchaypoI think that defaulting to things that one set of production-hardened people want won't always remove the need to make something configureable20:01
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SpamapStchaypo: absolutely, but it reduces the priority for working passthrough. :)20:01
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tchaypoif only because we can defer adding it until we know we need it20:06
tchaypoWe should just go for the simpler option20:06
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tchaypoinvent an Artificial General Intelligence to create the config files for us.20:07
greghaynesreally we should just ship a grammar for the config file in a given template :p20:08
SpamapSso.. CI.. ok.. does look like the compute nodes are MIA20:09
SpamapSok I'm going to need some lunch in me before I attack this.. again.20:10
greghaynes+1 on lunch -> noms20:10
tchaypogreghaynes: one grammar config file?20:11
tchaypohang on, let me come back and re-parse that later. Still not sufficiently caffeinated20:12
greghaynesjust map each config file to a BNF grammar20:12
greghaynes(not serious)20:12
tchaypowe can take the sendmail approach20:13
tchaypohave heat provide a dict, which we parse through a series of M4 macros into a turing-complete config language20:13
SpamapStchaypo: I KEEEEEL YOU20:14
SpamapStchaypo: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/220/5/1/I_KEEL_YOU_by_burning_blizzard.jpg20:14
tchaypoc'mon, have you met eric? he's a lovely guy.20:15
tchaypowhy are you hating on his seemed-sensible-at-the-time choices? :p20:16
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tchaypooh yeah, our config-complete language has to be whitespace-significant too20:17
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jprovaznSpamapS, greghaynes: hi, to make sure I'm not duplicating work, anyone of you is looking at makng control node scalable when generating overcloud heat template?20:36
tchaypoi think greghaynes isworking on something like hat20:36
greghaynesI was just about to get started but the more the merrier20:37
greghaynesRight now it seems like we need to do the VIP's for each service before that will work20:37
jprovazngreghaynes, well, same VIP can be used by multiple services20:39
greghaynesYep, actually had that chat with lifeless yesterday - was planning on just one vip for all the services for nows20:40
jprovazngreghaynes, I don't expect it to be usable now, but I think it would make testing of HA work easier if everybody could simply deploy >1 control node20:40
greghaynesI *think* thats really the only thing blocking merge.py 'just working'20:41
tchaypoif we can roll out >1 control node we can find the bits that are missing/broke and start hacking on them20:41
jprovazngreghaynes, great, it's EOD for me anyway. I can ping you tomorrow and check with you if I help is needed on this20:47
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jprovazngreghaynes, or just pick something else20:47
jprovazns/pick/I'll pick/ :)20:48
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greghaynesjprovazn: Ill see how far I get today, and ill try to at a minimum get a WIP up for you by your tomorrow morning20:54
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jprovazngreghaynes, cool20:58
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vinshgreghaynes, got 3 control nodes up here.. but the 2 nova nodes failed to boot :-/21:16
vinshthis isn't a flexible method.. just a long section duplicated overcloud-source.yaml.21:17
vinshhaving issues getting the rabbits to cluster.21:17
vinshhm. well on this run I got 2 computes a 1/3 controls up. Random.21:17
vinshugh. this thing again "++ os-apply-config --key db-password21:19
vinsh[2014/04/22 09:18:22 PM] [ERROR] key db-password does not exist in ['/var/lib/os-collect-config/heat_local.json', '/var/lib/os-collect-config/ec2.json', '/var/lib/os-collect-config/cfn.json']21:19
vinsh+ db_pass=21:19
lifelessvinsh: failed to get metadata21:19
lifelessvinsh: this is (IMO) a bug in os-collect-config - it fails open rather than closed.21:19
vinshYeah.. I told devtest_overcloud to wait for 5 nodes.. "computescale+3" but that never works.21:20
lifelessvinsh: but it might be a design limitation rather than a bug - just changing it could lead to permanently wedged machines21:20
vinshso I have to leave it at compute+1.. and I guess it doesn't inject that data in time?21:20
lifelessvinsh: not sure what the issue triggering this is for you, but we don't inject any data, its all pull-based21:20
vinshoh... so it means whatever is in my template isn't complete enough to provide that info21:21
lifelesslikely, yes21:21
vinshyet.. there it is "        db-password: unset"21:22
lifelesson the box21:23
lifelessrun os-collect-config --print -v21:23
SpamapSlifeless: I agree on the failing open21:23
vinshlifeless, thanks! thats the command I was brainfarting.21:23
SpamapSlifeless: we need a good way to notify about failure though, since it is the way we configure signalling.21:24
lifelessSpamapS: and bootstrap and so on21:25
lifelessSpamapS: the thing that leaps to mind for me is a different orc script dir for bootstrap21:25
lifelessSpamapS: vs 'all sources up'21:25
SpamapSlifeless: I've thought about that too.21:25
lifelessbut I haven't thought deeply about this at all21:25
lifelessso its probably bong21:26
SpamapSlifeless: no I think we should manage a limited subset of things that need to happen before everything else happens.21:26
SpamapSlifeless: It could work as symlinks to the regular orc dir21:26
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SpamapSas in, bootstrap/pre-configure.d/##-something -> /opt/stack/os-config-refresh/pre-configure.d/##-something21:27
SpamapSlifeless: that would also solve the signalling problem as we could have special bootstrappy signalling instructions in the bootstrap error.d21:29
SpamapSassuming https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83634/ ever lands21:29
SpamapSand with that, I remember that I'm supposed to be investigating downed CI machines21:30
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lifelessSpamapS: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83634/2//COMMIT_MSG21:33
lifelessSpamapS: I did note it in patch set 1 for you :)21:34
lifelessSpamapS: I also +2'd :021:34
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SpamapSyeah mega doh21:34
SpamapSnovacompute8 looks frozen21:34
SpamapStwo different boxen like this now21:35
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SpamapSlifeless: I think we need some kind of incident log. Any ideas on how we should do that?21:35
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SpamapSBack in the day, I used to use nagios for that.21:35
SpamapSSince you could do passive checks and we'd have a "KNOWN_OUTTAGE" check which we'd twiddle off and on with information about why.21:36
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SpamapSquite helpful for mining for "oh look every tuesday box 7 gets hot and dies"21:37
SpamapSresetting novacompute821:40
lifelessSpamapS: journal items in the etherpad for now?21:41
SpamapSthe etherpad?21:46
SpamapSwe have so many.. :P21:47
lifelessthe one for outages21:47
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: update opensuse element to have correct BASE_IMAGE_NAME  https://review.openstack.org/8970321:47
lifelessSpamapS: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloud-outage21:47
SpamapSthe one not prefixed with tripleo .. of course21:48
lifelessdon't blame me :P21:48
SpamapSI blame the huns21:50
vinshHey.. where are heat errors logged.. say I run devtest_overcloud .. and nodes go right to "ERROR"21:52
vinshwhere do I dig in to find out why?21:52
lifelessheat event-list overcloud21:53
SpamapSvinsh: nova show <name|uuid>21:53
lifelessthen heat event-show overcloud <event-id>21:53
SpamapSoh right first might want to read event-list21:53
vinshah-hah "| fault                                | {"message": "No valid host was found. ", "code": 500, "details": "  File \"/opt/stack/venvs/nova/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/scheduler/filter_scheduler.py\", line 108, in schedule_run_instance |"21:53
vinshi'm doing things that confuse it.. trying to get multiple control nodes up :)21:53
SpamapSThat means it didn't have enough.21:54
lifelessvinsh: before you start21:54
lifelessvinsh: check nova hypervisor-stats21:54
vinshyes.. I was checking that.. only has 3 nodes21:54
lifelessvinsh: hypervisor count - running vms == available nodes21:54
vinshohhh OK21:55
SpamapSwell crap.. have to go to the DMV to renew my driver's license21:55
SpamapSdamn procrastination21:55
vinshSO. whats the trick to up that count?  which script sets that up?21:55
* SpamapS will be back in a few.. annoyed most likely.. ;)21:55
lifelessvinsh: setup-baremetal / register-nodes21:55
vinshOK.. so I bet that devtest_undercloud calls that out.. and the fact that I am trying to brew more nodes after the fact means I need to back track and tweak that.21:57
vinshI can't tell heat to bring up 3 control nodes.. if it only has 1 to work with :)21:58
vinshI didn't realize in which phase of this that was done till now.  SO much to learn still.21:58
lifelessyou could scale the hypervisor count to 021:58
lifelessI don't know if that would work21:58
lifelessbut in principle ... :)21:58
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vinshi'l give it more G's  4G 5G21:59
vinshup the G's.21:59
vinshhigher octane. done.21:59
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greghaynesI wonder if youre hitting the disk space bug I ran into22:01
greghaynesI bet you are, actually22:01
lifelessSpamapS: ok, do you need help with the cloud ?22:02
lifelessI'm finally out of my morning meeting hell22:02
vinshgreghaynes, ah, hence your patches for "slightly" more space.22:02
lifelessclarkb: speaking of; how goeth the region bringup ?22:02
greghaynesI mean, youre first hitting the lack of bm nodes, but secondly youre going to hit the space bug22:02
clarkblifeless: got distracted by gerrit stuff, about to approve the nodepool config change now22:03
greghaynesvinsh: yes. That one shows as scheduler couldnt find node even though one is available and then if you look in nova logs youll see an out of space error22:03
lifelessgreghaynes: vinsh: oh; use ironic.22:03
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* vinsh applies ironic. its super metal-y.22:05
greghaynesoh, ironic doesnt do the iscsi + dd deal?22:06
lifelessgreghaynes: it does, but same image for all nodes22:06
greghaynesah. That would help22:06
lifelessgreghaynes: indeedily22:06
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vinshgreghaynes, when you have a minute or 2.. could you translate that for me?22:11
vinshId like to understand what he means :)22:11
greghaynesin devtest_variables therse a USE_IRONIC var. About the dd thing, we image bm nodes by mounting their drive over iscsi and dd'ing an image onto them22:12
greghayneswell, not just bm nodes22:13
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vinshYeah, I got that part.. have watched dd progress even22:13
greghaynescool. So currently we make a copy of the image per node when we are deploying from undercloud22:14
greghaynesbut theres really no reason to do that22:14
vinshsince its same image for all 3 control nodes right?22:15
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clarkbimages just started building in red hat cloud22:25
vinshgreghaynes, so we would want to set "OVERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS nova-ironic"22:26
vinshvs -baremetal ?22:26
vinshoh nevermind22:26
vinshI see the flag.22:27
greghaynestheres a bit more22:27
greghaynesyep, exactly22:27
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lifelessvinsh: yeah redo the undercloud22:31
lifelessvinsh: and the deploy ramdisk22:31
vinshIt looks like I have to add more entries to "testenv.sh" for it to provide more nodes to deploy to?22:32
lifelessvinsh: devtest_testenv can do that for you22:32
lifelessvinsh: I don't think we've got it fully automated to do additive stuff though, so some assembly may be required22:32
openstackgerritGregory Haynes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add OVERCLOUD_CONTROLSCALE support  https://review.openstack.org/8329622:38
greghaynesrelevant patch ^22:38
derekhclarkb: cool, thanks22:43
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davidlenwellhappy birthday SpamapS22:54
devanandalifeless: hi! do you have a fairly recent tripleo deck that I can pilfer some slides from? :-D22:56
vinshlifeless, do you have an example of a nodes list to feed devtest_testenv?22:57
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vinshIt seems to only start with the entry for the seed vm.. then grows during the run22:57
lifelessvinsh: nodes doesn't include the seed vm at all22:57
lifelessvinsh: devtest_testenv has the code to create vm based nodes, and sets up the list for you22:58
lifelessdevananda: LCA?22:58
lifelessdevananda: but that wasn't really tripleo specific; whats the topic ?22:58
vinshlifeless, Ok, so how do I tell it to create more nodes?22:58
devanandalifeless: openstack bare metal things. it's a ~25min overview at linuxTAG22:58
greghaynesvinsh: check out that patch not far up in scrollback22:59
greghaynesvinsh: specifically the edit in _testenv22:59
vinshACK. doing so now.22:59
greghaynesit might be enlightening on what it does :)22:59
vinsha-hah. light bulb goes on.23:00
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clarkbderekh: red hat cloud seems to be doing things with new images23:03
clarkbf20 images are already being used and precise nodes should show up momentarily23:03
derekhclarkb: woot, :-)23:04
derekhclarkb: I see them being created havn't seen any getting used in the zuul queue yet though ( I think)23:05
derekhprecise nodes being created now23:07
bnemec-2 all the things!23:08
bnemecThat should help our review stats a bit. :-)\23:08
greghaynessuddenly we have the lowest collective approval stats23:08
lifelessHATERS UNITE23:09
derekhclarkb: looks like the jobs are failing as soon as they start logs.openstack.org/57/84657/3/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-overcloud-f20/084e46f/console.html23:10
clarkblooks like the remote end is killing the ssh connection?23:10
clarkbderekh: seems like this one https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/check-tripleo-overcloud-precise/491/console is working23:12
clarkbso not all of them are dying23:12
clarkbderekh: is it possible that fail you have there is related to a job cancellation?23:12
clarkbderekh: looking at that change I don't see it reporting to gerrit23:12
derekhclarkb: ahh ok, possibly23:15
clarkbI think we are ok23:15
derekhclarkb: yup, I've found others that are running23:17
lifelessSpamapS: ping23:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Correct hard-coded IP ranges  https://review.openstack.org/8630823:19
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SpamapSlifeless: ok back23:41
vinshgreghaynes, 3 control nodes up now. nice!23:42
vinshrabbit.. not well though23:42
vinshnodes in question: ['rabbit@overcloud-controller1-q4fqxcrhepw3,overcloud-controller2-56gybpwerze3']23:42
vinshhosts, their running nodes and ports:23:42
vinsh- unable to connect to epmd on overcloud-controller1-q4fqxcrhepw3,overcloud-controller2-56gybpwerze3: nxdomain (non-existing domain)23:42
vinshprobably because those are some bogus names... can't resolve them maybe.23:42
clarkbthat is exactly what I would expect nxdomain to imply23:43
vinshcurrent node details:23:44
vinsh- node name: 'rabbitmqctl18084@overcloud-controller0-h7elsdlhfkdq'23:44
vinsh- home dir: /mnt/state/var/lib/rabbitmq23:44
vinsh- cookie hash: SPE7wCKCwmg57PQAlN3GQQ==23:44
vinshstrange names anyway on itself.23:44
SpamapSlifeless: so it looks like what may be happening is we get network blips.. and that makes openvswitch/gre freak out. Restarting openvswitch-switch seems to fix things.23:44
SpamapSlifeless: hard to know without good monitoring23:44
SpamapS# ls -l /var/log/upstart|wc -l23:46
SpamapSthats also.. concerning23:47
SpamapS# cat /var/log/upstart/dhcp-all-interfaces-qvo058d5d26-a5.log23:47
SpamapSInspecting interface: qvo058d5d26-a5...Device has generated MAC, skipping.23:47
SpamapSWe may want to suppress that23:47
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greghaynesvinsh: awesome!23:51
vinsh-ish ;)23:52
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lifelessSpamapS: so restarting ovs on the compute nodes or control plane?23:59
SpamapSlifeless: compute nodes23:59
lifelessSpamapS: I suspect mellanox then23:59
SpamapSlifeless: the symptom shows as 0 traffic on br-tun23:59
SpamapSlifeless: agreed23:59
SpamapSlifeless: so.. options.. 1) manually upgrade mellanox on all of them23:59
SpamapS2) deploy trusty23:59

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