Thursday, 2014-03-13

openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fix nova-bm race condition with cached images.
openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for baremetal nodes before creating undercloud stack.
lifelesstomh_: hi ;) - sorry for stomping on your change, was meaning to save you effort (and I had to scratch the itch as I was hitting the race myself)00:01
lifelessalso LOL gerrit race conditions00:02
lifelessclarkb: ^00:02
lifelessclarkb: have a look at that patch00:02
clarkbthats awesome00:03
clarkbit thinks patchset 4 is the latest00:03
lifeless*how* good was the timing on that00:04
lifelessSpamapS: real    23m8.952s00:04
lifelessuser    0m45.666s00:04
lifelesssys     0m13.251s00:04
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lifelessSpamapS: thats devtest end to tend with --trash-my-machine -c00:05
ccrouch1lifeless: Ng: thank you kindly re:
ccrouch1baremetal fedora deployments salute you!00:08
* lifeless runs another timing test00:09
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openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for baremetal nodes before creating undercloud stack.
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Set -x on under and overcloud scripts.
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SpamapSlifeless: I suspect I am waiting on my disk for some reason00:18
StevenKlifeless: 80104 failing on overcloud is likely very related to my review comments.00:19
slaglereview plz: (it has passed CI)00:20
lifelessStevenK: thanks00:20
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Stop editing config.json.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Put overcloud state into testenv.json.
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tchayposlagle: i like your comments about not needing ./ at all00:25
lifelessslash dot dash dot00:25
tchayposlagle: but I'm thinking that in that case doesn't need to use $(dirname $0)/ either - it will have the scripts in the path as well00:25
tchayposo rather than trying to figure out some awk magic to make it replace $(dirname $0) with one string on some lines and a different string on other lines - I'll just remove it in all cases except for the line that sources devtest_variables00:26
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tchaypodoes that sound reasonable?00:27
StevenKlifeless: Okay, so, run testenv with one extra node, _seed, setup-baremetal and then _overcloud, right?00:27
StevenKlifeless: Or shall I spend time on a CI job for CIing CI changes? :-)00:27
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SpamapSStevenK: that failed my internal CI00:28
SpamapSresult: english-language-parse: SUCCESS, recursive-logic-completion: SUCCESS, funny-or-serious: FAILED00:29
StevenKSpamapS: I have a ensure-test-env change I'd like to test, and while lifeless was telling me how to do so locally, came up with the idea that we could have a CI job that does it for us.00:30
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lifelessStevenK: I don't think thats an exclusive condition :>00:30
lifelessStevenK: but for now, suggest manual testing is all we need00:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add heat.stack_domain_admin_password
lifelessStevenK: since the testenv plumbing is relatively rare to change00:31
* SpamapS wonders how those words will taste...00:32
lifelessSpamapS: did not say does not, just relatively :)00:32
SpamapSslagle: I recheck no bugged
SpamapSslagle: do you expect to push another revision?00:34
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SpamapSgah.. makes me cry01:11
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rbradySpamapS: if you have any time, I'm looking to get reviews on my cinder element refactor:
SpamapSrbrady: a bit head down on HA stuff right now, but I'll make sure it gets a look when I sweep reviews next01:19
rbradySpamapS: thanks.01:20
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slagleSpamapS: i don't plan to...unless it needs it01:37
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StevenKlifeless: setup-baremetal died in the same way as yesterday with a fresh seed :-(02:16
StevenKIn other news, I have successfully battled EEM02:18
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lifelessStevenK: what way is that?02:22
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StevenKTiming out after 600 seconds:02:34
StevenKCOMMAND=nova baremetal-node-create devtest_canary 1 1 1 11:22:33:44:55:6602:34
StevenKThat's calling setup-baremetal $TE_DATAFILE --service-host seed --not-first with a fresh seed02:35
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lifelessStevenK: so what happens if you run that by hand02:53
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lifelessStevenK: after sourcing seedrc ?02:53
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lifeless(or undercloudrc, if it times out on the undercloud)02:53
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lifelesserm, seed. right.02:54
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StevenKlifeless: Ah ha02:58
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lifelessStevenK: ...03:08
lifelessStevenK: by which I mean, tell me more.03:09
StevenKlifeless: sourcing in the seedrc was the step I was missing03:20
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lifelessStevenK: right, but whats happening, do you get an error ?03:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Enable extlinux support for (non-Ubuntu) Debian platforms
StevenKlifeless: Hah, I just had undercloud die horribly03:38
StevenKEr, overcloud03:38
StevenKToo many clouds03:38
StevenKmv: writing '/tmp/image.9nVeGnDO/mnt/opt/stack/keystone/.git/objects/95/6126d8c830e3dd30cc39068a757c61a5816dc0': Read-only file system03:39
StevenK[58326.947957] loop: Write error at byte offset 16596992, length 4096.03:39
StevenK[58326.947959] loop: Write error at byte offset 16601088, length 4096.03:39
lifelessStevenK: you might try this patch
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StevenKlifeless: You don't seem convinced about that patch03:50
lifelessStevenK: I'm worried about the perf implications03:51
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StevenK+ IMAGE_NAME=/home/steven/.cache/tripleo/deploy-ramdisk03:51
StevenK+ cp /tmp/image.m3nkqph6/mnt/tmp/ramdisk /home/steven/.cache/tripleo/deploy-ramdisk.initramfs03:51
lifelessStevenK: I'm also skeptical that the explanation about mv's behaviour is correct.03:51
StevenKcp: cannot open '/tmp/image.m3nkqph6/mnt/tmp/ramdisk' for reading: Permission denied03:51
lifelessmv -v might show it more usefully03:51
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StevenKI think mv does unlink() after a file is copied, but I'm not certain if mv -v shows that03:52
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StevenKWaiting for the overcloud stack to be ready04:45
StevenKlifeless: Do I then inject my image into the overcloud?04:46
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lifelessStevenK: under04:52
lifelessStevenK: testenv is deployed on bm04:52
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lifelessStevenK: unless you built it with vm, of course04:52
StevenKlifeless: It is built with the vm element, yes04:53
lifelessStevenK: in which case, yes :>04:53
StevenKlifeless: So I source overcloudrc and then glance it in?04:54
* lifeless fails at a droll but not nasty comeback04:55
lifelessStevenK: (yes, thats what you should do)04:58
openstackgerritOm Kumar proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add build-essential for RHEL Cloud Images
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openstackgerritOm Kumar proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adds local storage Boot support in case PXE boot fails.
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StevenK% glance image-list05:17
StevenKYou must provide a password via either --os-password or env[OS_PASSWORD]05:17
StevenKWAT ?05:17
xuhaiweiyou haven't set the environment variables05:18
StevenKOh, blah, it's $OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD05:18
StevenKSo it's probably ''05:19
StevenKWhich it is05:19
StevenKWhere did that get written too ...05:19
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tchaypoI noticed that we set a bunch of passwords to something like "unset" or "undef" or something05:20
tchaypovery amusing05:20
StevenKThat's the default05:20
StevenKThey get overwritten05:21
xuhaiweiI think it's just the OS_PASSWORD for the openstack, not related to OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD05:21
StevenKHurray, glance image-list works05:25
lifelessStevenK: . os-overcloud-passwords05:41
lifelessxuhaiwei: see overcloudrc05:41
StevenKlifeless: Yeah, I've gotten the image into glance, now I'm trying to get nova to boot it05:42
lifelessStevenK: but will obviously change things05:42
StevenKERROR: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.05:42
StevenKa3dfcfa3-ab31-425b-9608-98cab306eae6 | testenv | BUILD  | spawning05:45
StevenKAwww, ERROR | -05:50
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Give the user instructions they can follow instead of $(dirname $0)
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StevenKlifeless: Do I need to console one of the bm VMs to get nova logs?06:01
lifelessStevenK: ssh heat-admin@....06:03
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StevenKlifeless: Sorry to be dense, and then what?06:05
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lifelessStevenK: ubuntu? logs in /var/log/upstart06:05
StevenKHaha, heat-admin can't read them06:06
lifelesssudo su - :)06:06
StevenKITYM sudo -i06:06
StevenKFile "/06:08
StevenKusr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 728, in createWithFlags\n    i06:08
StevenKf ret == -1: raise libvirtError (\'virDomainCreateWithFlags() failed\', dom=self06:08
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StevenK)\n', u'libvirtError: Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer\n'06:08
StevenKSo, firstly, tracebacks in logs makes me unhappy. Secondly, connection reset by peer in libvirt? :-(06:09
lifelessqemu right?06:09
lifelessif so flavors with > 2G of RAM simply won't work.06:10
lifelessno matter the size of the host VM06:10
lifelessif you needed a largish flavor for the disk image06:10
StevenKI picked flavor 2, which was 204806:10
lifelesstracebacks in logs are (in the absence of oopstools ;)) a great way to permit post-failure introspection06:10
StevenKSure, they absolutely have benefits, they just make me unhappy06:11
lifelessmisinterpreted, sorry06:12
* StevenK tries with flavor 106:12
lifelessso anyhow, last time I saw that, it was actually failing to create the domain due to a qemu limitation, the monitor thing was a distraction06:12
StevenKFlavorDiskTooSmall: Flavor's disk is too small for requested image.06:18
StevenKSo now I need a new flavor06:18
lifelessyeah, see devtest_overcloud for an example that works with qemu06:19
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Extract move cache logic to a function
StevenKlifeless: I just created a new m2.tiny flavor with 1G and 20G of disk06:20
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lifelessStevenK: when you deploy it be sure to override the testenv count heuristics06:25
lifelessStevenK: since the machine its deploying to is rather small :>06:25
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* tchaypo is enjoying gerrit and git review06:28
tchaypomaybe it's my previous experience with its ancestor systems, but I'm more and more convinced that is mostly driven by the author not understanding gerrit - most of the things he says it lacks are actually there06:30
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SpamapStchaypo: agreed. If we were all git wizards with monk-like email discipline we could this without gerrit .. but we're not, so gerrit makes it all happy times06:31
tchaypothere's no incentive to lump unrelated change together, when git review -d makes it so easy to chain them. There's no hidden history, that's there in the patchsets on the change06:31
tchaypowe'd probably all have to use mutt06:31
tchayposo we could have fancy little shortcuts to do the right git things with the patches we got by email06:31
tchaypoi'm sure that would be popular06:31
SpamapStchaypo: wait till you find -x (cherry pick) .. :)06:31
tchaypooh really?06:32
SpamapStchaypo: well, I use sup.. which is a console email program. But only because it is the fastest e-mail deleter ever. :)06:32
tchaypoi've been doing that manually. hrmf.06:32
SpamapStchaypo: me too.. I'm glad I could save you a few weeks before finding it in anger like I did. :)06:32
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tchaypoin other news. my hotel bill, converted to AUD, verifies that I am 133706:32
tchaypoalso, reimbursement has been processed already. I've never had anyone process a reimbursement that fast. I'm totes amaze.06:33
tchaypovery reimburse. much 1337. wow06:33
* tchaypo goes to german class06:33
SpamapStchaypo: HP has a deal with amex.. pay fast, get discount.06:33
StevenKSpamapS: Which tchaypo didn't use, since no corp card yet06:33
SpamapSsame system, different payment destination06:34
SpamapSthe point being, they have incentive to pay fast06:34
SpamapSwhereas many other corporate expense systems with no such deal find it in their best interest to drag things out as much as possible06:34
StevenKSpamapS: Discount on what, though?06:34
SpamapSStevenK: probably actually in the form of cash rebates.06:36
StevenKMuch active.06:36
StevenK6017d97e-33e6-4927-b537-d5ff7330a968 | testenv | ACTIVE | -          | Running06:37
StevenKSo, now to figure out how to connect to the machine06:37
lifelessStevenK: nova floating-ip-create ; nova add-floating-ip06:41
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StevenKAnd I guess I need to play with sec policies06:43
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lifelessneutron examples in again06:45
StevenKI see them, but: Multiple security_group matches found for name 'default', use an ID to be more specific.06:50
StevenKlifeless: I need to head out, I'm going to pause the running VMs and pick it up tomorrow06:52
openstackgerritOm Kumar proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Refactor code to select boot kernel
lazy_princein case if you have time, please review and
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GheRiveromorning all07:47
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SpamapShrm.. pausing/resuming my vms doesn't seem to work very well07:48
SpamapSas in "at all"07:49
SpamapSoh lovely07:50
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SpamapS .. that can't be good07:53
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fix nova-bm race condition with cached images.
lifelessSpamapS: lol07:56
SpamapShm.. seed had to be rebooted07:57
SpamapSnow dhcp agent won't work07:57
SpamapSbecause of a _really_ nasty looking trace07:58
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SpamapSahh, of course.. os-collect-config --one --force08:00
SpamapSthe answer to all that ails ye08:00
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SpamapSlifeless: so, rebooted seed, rebooted undercloud.. now on seed I don't see replies to bootp reqs08:05
SpamapSlifeless: before I get too deep into analysis... seen this?08:05
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lifelessseed doesn't see *replies* ?08:06
lifelessSpamapS: what interface are you dumping?08:06
SpamapSI'm tcpdumping on br-ctlplane, and I don't see bootp replies08:06
SpamapSonly req's08:06
lifelesscheck the agent is running08:06
lifelesscheck that it sees the requests on the namespaced interface08:07
SpamapSMar 13 07:59:28 ubuntu dnsmasq-dhcp[2460]: DHCPDISCOVER(tap0d877eec-19) 52:54:00:b4:44:cd08:07
SpamapSMar 13 07:59:28 ubuntu dnsmasq-dhcp[2460]: DHCPOFFER(tap0d877eec-19) 52:54:00:b4:44:cd08:07
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lifelessif it doesn't, restart the ovs agent and then the dhcp agent in that order08:07
lifelessthat looks like a reply to me08:07
SpamapSlifeless: yes, one that did not go out on br-ctlplane08:08
SpamapSlifeless: note that when I dump that interface inside the netns, I see no traffic08:09
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lifelessSpamapS: add -nl to your dump08:11
SpamapSI reflexively always use -n08:11
lifelessyou'll need -l too08:13
lifelessnetns does something odd to the fd08:13
SpamapSlifeless: no change08:14
lifelessSpamapS: if dhcp is logging it08:15
SpamapSlifeless: in ovs-vswitchd.log ..
lifelessSpamapS: it must be seeing the request ;)08:15
SpamapSlifeless: ovs-vswitchd thinks the tap interface doesn't exist.08:16
SpamapSlifeless: anyway, this has drained the life out of me08:16
SpamapSso.. I am going to just leave it as-is and go sleep08:16
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jprovaznlifeless: Hi, are you still around?08:30
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lifelessjprovazn: yesish08:40
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jprovaznlifeless: I bet that what you need before sleep is one review ;) - any chance to look at ?08:46
lifelesswe're going to need two more nodes in the test cluster aren't we08:48
lifelessfor control plane08:48
lifelessjprovazn: its too much for me to sanely review, but I have the tab open and will look tomorrow08:49
lifelesstonight, I mean08:49
jprovaznlifeless: great, thanks08:50
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lifelessbah still ambiguous. I mean, too much to look tonight, I will look tomorrow;)08:56
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Qiminghello, anybody can help me debug this template?
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dtantsurHi everyone. I'm currently using the following script to bootstrap Tuskar[-UI] on devtest: Just wondering if it is of any use for someone but me :)09:50
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openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adding more .deb dependencies for pypi-mirror on 13.10
lazy_princeHi all..09:56
lazy_princeI am building a RHEL 6.5 image using dib and tripleo-image-elements but its keeps failing at os-collect-config installtion. the relevant logs are can someone please help me in finding out what is causing the failure..09:57
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openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adding more .deb dependencies for pypi-mirror on 13.10
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add source-repository element var setting script
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add source-repository element var setting script
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Remove tools/
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Using flavors from Roles
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Fix of Overcloud Update
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adds NFS backend support for cinder-volume
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openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Enable sorting for the timestamp column
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Node profile suggestions
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Node profile suggestions
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Make @handle_errors support any kind of function
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Adds "element-provides" support to element dependencies
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Ensure json file is initialised
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openstackgerritTrent Geerdes proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adding more .deb dependencies for pypi-mirror on 13.10
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Make @handle_errors support any kind of function
openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add script to replay elements in an existing image
openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add utility to mount and unmount images
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jp_at_hpIs anyone looking at the CI problems?  The gearman server appears to be out of action, and jobs are looping doing nothing for 2+ hours...12:51
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Fix the layout of deployment design page
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Link db sync utilities to /usr/local/bin...
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Refresh the deployment progress page every 30s
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Better describe the compt mode being echo'd
openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Fix validation for scaling
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NobodyCamgood morning TripleO14:28
NobodyCamping StevenK14:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Delete obsolete template.
NgNobodyCam: it's the middle of the night in StevenK-land :)14:31
NobodyCamahh yes:)14:31
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GheRiveromorning all14:38
rcarrillocruzmorning GheRivero14:42
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GheRiveromorning rcarrillocruz14:48
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devanandaramdiskimage-create seems to be failing for me if not run as root. is that expected?15:02
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killer_princeI am building a RHEL 6.5 image using dib and tripleo-image-elements but its keeps failing at os-collect-config installtion. the relevant logs are can someone please help me in finding out what is causing the failure..15:06
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ifarkaskiller_prince, isn't it because the rhel instance is not registered?15:10
ifarkaskiller_prince, the line after + install-packages says: "This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register."15:10
killer_princeumm.. i have other fedora epel configured to workaround it.. this used to work but for a while it has stopped working..15:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Create a git manifest from source-repositories
killer_princenot sure if there was any change in o-c-c that is anti RHEL or something else.. I can pass on complete log if needed..15:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Better apt-sources docs.
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killer_princeifarkas: if i just use rhel with base element, it works but i fi use any element which has dependency on o-*-*, it fails.. stange thing is i do not get any error message..15:14
ifarkaskiller_prince, that's weird... so you can run "sudo yum install build-essential" without problem and your workaround with epel repos works, right?15:15
killer_princeifarkas: yes.. it has worked in the past.. i am using patch for build essentials.. I have log for past working build15:18
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devanandais there an ENV flag to tell DIB not to rebuild an image if a cached copy exists?15:20
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openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for baremetal nodes before creating undercloud stack.
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openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for baremetal nodes before creating undercloud stack.
killer_princelet me clear all cache and then try again..15:26
giulivokiller_prince, ifarkas that should be just an informative message, I think it went past that step and the problem arised when installing setuptools15:27
gilliarddevananda: USE_CACHE ?15:27
giulivoor actually, os-collect-config15:27
giulivokiall, are you able to build yourself the venv and perform installation of setuptools and os-collect-config in it?15:28
Nggilliard: that's not actually passed to di-b in any way :)15:28
Ngdevananda: no, we do that logic in the devtest scripts15:28
devanandaNg: right. I see --offline for dib, which avoids downloading a new base image15:29
Ngdevananda: right15:29
killer_princegiulivo: let me try that and get back to you.15:29
devanandaNg: but it still re-creates the target image, which in turn, requires downloading things, so it's not really offline :)15:29
Ngdevananda: yes, it is not a good name for the option ;)15:29
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devanandaNg: it seems the best way for devvstack $OFFLINE to work with DIB is simply not to call it15:29
Ngdevananda: agreed, which is what we do in the devtest scripts15:30
NgI think, without a fully-end-to-end declarative image builder, being able to say "what you asked for exists, so I refuse to build it again" would be super hard and not really in-scope for dib15:31
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devanandaNg: fair enough15:33
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ifarkasgiulivo, ahh, you are right15:39
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Fix validation for scaling
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add Ironic bits to _undercloud
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: 98-source-repositories tries to return from script
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SpamapSlifeless: FYI, the weird ovs fail I was having: had to restart openvswitch-controller16:21
SpamapSnever had to touch that one before. :-P16:21
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SpamapSHm.. I notice neutron-dhcp-agent sets the DNS server to the network-node's IP.. but that dnsmasq doesn't provide DNS services.16:22
SpamapSI wonder if we could just set it to the external IP of the seed/undercloud, configure vanilla dnsmasq, and have DNS work out of the box.16:23
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* SpamapS tries hard not to spend time fixing reboots of the undercloud16:37
SpamapSSomething wrong in our sequencing.. hopefully that will be fixed by the HA setup and eventual removal of the seed.16:37
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openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Wait for baremetal nodes before creating undercloud stack.
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install libffi-dev in the glance element
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Wait Condition to Block Storage Templates
openstackgerrittom-howley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: WIP: Add standalone script to build all images.
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lifelessSpamapS: re DNS there are open bugs17:41
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lifelessslagle: SpamapS: (passed CI) and the one above it too17:48
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greghaynesbnemec: You tried with 5.5?18:06
bnemecgreghaynes: I tried to build an image with 5.5, but it failed because of the issue I mentioned on the review.18:07
greghaynesArgh, was about to try that to see if it fixed18:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Put overcloud state into testenv.json.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Stop editing config.json.
SpamapShey, it kind of looks like we're already using wheels..18:15
SpamapS2014-03-13 17:34:12.815 | Downloading/unpacking setuptools>=1.0 from
SpamapSoh, any18:15
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SpamapSok so we need to start tracking failures due to network blips.. I think we should probably aim at having local mirrors and having CI use the 'pypi' element to help avoid this.18:16
SpamapSand also gooo fastttuurrr18:17
bnemecgreghaynes: might help in my case.  It's failing on the mv for me.18:18
* bnemec will try18:19
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bnemecOh, I see SpamapS already pointed that out. :-)18:21
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SpamapSslagle: looks like we both triaged bug 1292141 at the same time. :)18:22
SpamapSslagle: Marking as critical.. we've been hitting it at an alarming rate.18:22
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slaglefair enough :)18:25
slaglei figured there was a workaround...try again.18:25
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Wait Condition to Block Storage Templates
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Wait Condition to Block Storage Templates
SpamapSslagle: Totally, but it is a workaround which blocks patches for many hours. :-/18:29
SpamapSslagle: so I think the impact outweighs all else. :)18:30
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SpamapSOh nice18:33
SpamapSGlance landed a backward compatibility patch for the known_stores issue.18:33
rcarrillocruzguys, I noticed that running devtest in a stock ubuntu 12.04 fails at some point with "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connection attempt failed (No such file or directory)" . This is due to the fact that the OS does not have linux kernel sources package installed, thus openvswitch-datapath-dkms package installation hook is not able to compile the module18:35
rcarrillocruzshould I open a low bug for this to include the kernel source package as a requirement to tripleo?18:36
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Support adding DHCP interfaces one at a time.
SpamapSslagle: passes CI now, so perhaps you can un-WIP it and we can "whip it good" ?18:40
SpamapSinto shape18:40
SpamapSgo forward18:40
SpamapSmove ahead18:40
* Shrews vomits18:40
SpamapSShrews: it's not too late18:40
rwsuhi, can someone approve ?18:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Set -x on under and overcloud scripts.
Shrewsthere should be a "no devo" rule... everywhere18:41
SpamapSrwsu: .. /var/lock is state as well...18:42
SpamapSShrews: except at 80's parties. But there should also be a no 80's parties rule.18:45
rwsuSpamapS: ok, for my understanding why do we count that as state? and what about the pid file?18:47
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SpamapSrwsu: well it is more that it is a file that has to be written18:51
SpamapSrwsu: pid file too18:51
SpamapSrwsu: that should all be in /var/run18:51
SpamapSwhich I'm actually surprised the packages don't already do18:51
SpamapSunless there is something weird about rsync locks that you want them to survive reboot (seems unlikely)18:52
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rwsuSpamapS: ok and if they are in /var/run, they don't need to be on /mnt/state right?18:58
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Stop using all ports option w/ neutron-ovs-cleanup
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Refactor ensure-bridge for persistance
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Wait Condition to Block Storage Templates
SpamapSrwsu: right, /var/run is a tmpfs partition19:05
SpamapSand will be writable no matter what19:05
slagleSpamapS: i am pleasantly surprised that passed CI19:07
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SpamapSslagle: it is entirely possible that the bugs have been fixed in openstackclient and keystone. :)19:20
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SpamapSmy god what have we done19:33
* slagle pleads the 5th19:38
SpamapSslagle: it is perfect in its logic and composition..19:38
SpamapSbut my god19:38
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Ngwe are the new java19:40
SpamapSjava is the old us19:40
Ngwe are the land java of the sea19:40
* SpamapS [knock knock]19:40
Ngwho's there?!19:41
SpamapSland java19:41
SpamapSpizza man19:41
SpamapSwhoa what the heck is cffi tryign to do here?
SpamapSdoes it.. write/compile.. at runtime?!19:43
lifelessSpamapS: yes19:45
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SpamapSlifeless: w ... t... f ?19:48
SpamapSso.. users be damned.. make sure to run the full unit test suite as root before you give it to users?19:49
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* SpamapS lunches20:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Nova: don't hard code the venv dir
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Move install type enablement out of source-repositories
lifelessSpamapS: so thats a cryptography bug20:25
lifelessSpamapS: erm cfii bug20:25
lifelessI suggest everyone vote for this :)20:26
lifeless or referenced from that issue may be suitable for fixing20:28
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Always export IMAGE_NAME
* lifeless shaves yaks20:37
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Lotus907efiif I am trying to setup a mirror system for the pypi repos how big are they?21:31
SpamapSLotus907efi: the whole of pypi or just for openstack?21:33
GheRiveroLotus907efi: with pypi-mirror ~ 200 megas, fll pypi > 50GB21:34
SpamapSGheRivero: 200MB of download, but you end up using 500M extracted and C modules built.21:34
GheRiveroanyway 500M <<<<<< 50GB  (or even 70GB) i don-t know21:35
SpamapSLotus907efi: entirely managable, and a smidge smaller than Ubuntu mirrors which run in the hundreds of GB.21:35
GheRiveromy current ubuntu saucy + debian sid (both i386 and amd64) is ~196GB21:37
lifelessSpamapS: btw21:39
lifelessreal    19m54.131s21:39
lifelessuser    0m49.715s21:39
lifelesssys     0m13.927s21:39
SpamapSlifeless: bragging?21:39
lifelessSpamapS: full cached run using
SpamapSlifeless: my problem was that I didn't have the unsafe bit yet.21:40
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SpamapSlifeless: and I don't have an SSD21:40
lifelessSpamapS: thats not on an SSD21:40
lifelessSpamapS: thats on my home server21:40
lifelessSpamapS: which is spinning rust21:40
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SpamapSsingle laptop spinning rust?21:43
lifelessSpamapS: no, 8 WD RED's :)21:43
lifelessSpamapS: in RAID 6 for worst-case write performance though :>21:44
lifelessGheRivero: du -sh /var/spool/pypi/21:44
lifeless76G     /var/spool/pypi/21:44
lifelessLotus907efi: ^21:44
Lotus907efiand guns21:45
SpamapSlifeless: straight line yes you'll get worst case write, but spinning up 3 vms in parallel you'll blow me away.21:45
tchaypothat awkward moment when you restart irssi and now your windows aren21:50
tchaypo't lined up the same so muscle-memory for finding your channel doesn't work21:50
greghaynesalt-a to victory21:51
SpamapSI seem to recall that you can assert window #'s in the config somehow21:51
SpamapSbut I always just move the important channels around :-P21:51
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fix nova-bm race condition with cached images.
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lifelessGheRivero: ^ fixed by removing the echo; I propose adding -x elsewhere so its redundant21:53
StevenKSpamapS, tchaypo: I have important channels in the config so they have a static number.22:01
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tchaypoStevenK: what's the config for that?22:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Neutron: don't hard code the venv dir
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StevenKtchaypo: It's in my config as windows = {};22:25
StevenKWith a bunch of data22:25
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tchaypoyeah, i had been tinkering with that but it seemed to open them up in a random order on startup anyway. Now that I've done a /layout save; /save again, it seems to be consistent now22:26
tchaypoin other news, would love some attention from a core22:27
StevenKtchaypo: /layout save will have written out the list in windows = {}; to your config.22:28
openstackgerritstephen-mulcahy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add basic timing instrumentation to
openstackgerritstephen-mulcahy proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add basic timing instrumentation to
SpamapStchaypo: whitespace issue.. otherwise cool22:34
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Extract move cache logic to a function
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tchaypoSpamapS: fixed22:37
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Move install type enablement out of source-repositories
SpamapStchaypo: cool +2'd22:38
lifelessgreghaynes: are you working with john still ?22:39
lifelessgreghaynes: seems to be back in the regular swing of things, but I've a bunch of stuff mid-air right now...22:39
greghaynesyep - hipchatting currently22:39
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greghaynes(woo hipchat :/)22:39
lifelessoh, I should log in22:39
clarkbit sends me an email when people say my name22:41
clarkbI don't know if it does that by default but it is amazing22:41
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Move install type enablement out of source-repositories
greghayneslike, if they say your name anywhere?22:41
greghaynesor are there special rooms youre supposed to join?22:41
lifelessgreghaynes: which channel ?22:41
greghayneslifeless: just 1 on 122:42
greghayneschannels sounds like a good idea though22:42
lifelessthere is a tripleo channel22:42
* greghaynes joins22:42
clarkbgreghaynes: anywhere if I am not logged in22:42
greghaynesoh, so if I start talking about you in a 1 on 1....22:43
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tchaypoyou have to @mention someone to trigger the email22:48
tchaypoI don't think @mentioning even works in a 1on122:48
tchaypo@all will spam everyone who is in the channel but not currently online though. @here will ping just the people currently online22:48
greghaynesoh, tchaypo is wise in the ways of hipchat22:49
greghaynessurprised you offer that info freely22:49
lifelessgreghaynes: his prior employer was atlassian22:49
greghaynesthat would do it22:49
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tchaypoI need to build up my alibi22:52
tchayposo that when I go @greghaynes people go "haha, he hasn't recovered" rather than "what a weirdo, thinking this is hipchat"22:52
greghaynesAs long as you dont hashtag in IRC we can probably manage22:53
StevenKBlah, so <(cat file) > file doesn't work?22:53
lifelessStevenK: if you have a command it should, though note that > file may open the file early22:54
lifelessStevenK: whats the exact example ?22:54
StevenKI know enough that < file > file is terrible and won't work. The other way I can solve it is < file | sponge file, but that requires moreutils22:55
SpamapSStevenK: errrr22:57
SpamapSStevenK: jq takes a file as a parameter22:57
lifelessSpamapS: won't fix the issue22:57
lifelessSpamapS: fd's are setup before fork22:57
lifelessSpamapS: pipelines are assembled from the end backwards22:58
SpamapSoh I see the > is too early22:58
SpamapSso yes, > $tempfile && mv ..22:58
lifelessor DATA=$(...)22:58
lifelessthen write to the file22:58
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SpamapSYeah we don't need no steenking tempfiles22:59
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lifelesswe need an atomic sponge I guess :)22:59
SpamapStrouble is you only want to overwrite the real target if the source was successful23:00
StevenKIt's *tiny*23:00
lifelessso we need a call-this-and-handle thing23:00
lifelesssounds almost like a function23:00
lifelesswe don't care here23:00
lifelessif it fails, it bails23:00
SpamapSso variable + printf to file seems simplest23:00
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StevenKI was hoping jq would just deal by reading the file and then writing to it, but no such luck23:03
StevenKI ponder a variable and then using <<<23:03
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Remove $(dirname $0) from docs.
slaglelifeless: SpamapS : Ng : could i get some reviews on when you're able?23:05
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lifelessslagle: I'd like to get 80203 in if I could :) - its nearly passed overcloud23:19
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SpamapSslagle: reviewing now. That is a great change. :)23:26
lifelessslagle: reviewing your think in a secnod23:26
lifelessslagle: SpamapS:
tchaypoSo I want to check to see if the user has enabled the serial-console element23:28
lifelessslagle: I love your commit message.23:28
tchaypoI was going to just check DIB-COMMON-ELEMENTS but then I realised it could be in DIB_EXTRA_WHATNOTS or SEED_DIB_EXTRA_THINGS or a few other places as well23:29
tchayposo then I came here to ask for brainwaves on how to check all of them and realised that the script must already be compilating them into something23:29
lifelesswhy do you want to check ?23:31
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tchaypo - if serial-console is enabled I want to pass an extra flag configure-vm23:32
tchaypomaybe I'm doing this wrong, and the element should be setting an unambigious flag that configure-vm (and other things that need to do things to enable a serial console) can read?23:33
lifelesstchaypo: well you've got a fairly large ordering problem23:33
lifelesstchaypo: configure-vm is at the same level as buying hardware23:33
lifelesstchaypo: e.g. in CI it's not run at all23:34
* SpamapS -> kids23:35
tchaypowhen you said "ordering" i was going to pretend I'd misunderstood and say that my smartbuy order wasn't *that* big, but then you referred to "buying hardware" in your next sentence and now I really wish I had gotten the joke in in time23:35
lifelessLet me lol I like I would have.23:35
* lifeless lols23:35
lifelessso I *think* what you're doing is making it possible to use a serial console with the seed (why?)23:35
tchaypoI'm fine with it not being run in CI; this is something that is only ever going to be useful in the case where someone is manually running this manually on headless hardware where it's easier for them to "virsh console" then use vnc to check the console23:36
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lifelesstchaypo: are you aware that virt-manager on your desktop can seamlessly glue the vnc stuff together23:36
lifelesstchaypo: in virt-manager 'File' , 'Add connection', SSH, whatever username and host name23:36
lifelessand then you can just open the VM and it will tunnel VNC for you23:37
tchaypoif i was running these scripts on my desktop, that'd be nifty. When I'm running them on a machine on the other side of the pacific via a macbook air, not so nifty (afaict virt-manager isn't even an option in that case)23:37
lifelesstchaypo: SSH doesn't work over the pacific?23:38
lifelesstchaypo: I'm happy to help you with the serial console patch structure23:38
lifelesstchaypo: just trying to understand all the things23:38
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lifelesstchaypo: if you can SSH into the VM host you can use virt-manager locally with a connection to libvirt on the VM host via SSH. And consoles Just Work.23:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Fix nova-bm race condition with cached images.
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lifelessslagle: reviewed; minor nits.23:57

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