Tuesday, 2018-09-25

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pkaralisHi all, I've deployed the XCI for scenario SFC and having HA topology. My aim is to include the barbican API in the topology. The reason is to face the fernet keys problem for HA environment. Meaning, how to retrieve the fernet keys when they are stored to different blades.09:14
pkaralisCan ask some questions about this?09:14
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egonzalezpkaralis sure09:59
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pkaralisegonzalez, thanks11:41
pkaralisegonzalez, so, I'm wondering the way of the message's sequence. Meaning, I'm trying to create a new VIM, so the tacker container communicates with the keystone container or with the barbican container? Which should be the proper interaction?11:44
pkaralisAccording to the logs , I can see that the keystone container is responded and the URL authentication is failed11:45
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egonzalezpkaralis tacker will communicate with barbican, but first need to validate its credentials with keystone13:27
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