Thursday, 2015-10-01

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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker: Fixes VNF state being stuck in PENDING_CREATE
openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker: Fixes VNF state being stuck in PENDING_CREATE
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker-horizon: Fixes VNF state being stuck in PENDING_CREATE
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tbhbobh, Hi03:24
bobhtbh: hello03:24
tbhbobh, when I tried to onboard VNF, I got HTTPBadRequest: Unrecognized attribute(s) 'vnfd' error03:25
tbhis it a known error03:25
tbhI am using template in your patch03:25
bobhtbh: Is this using one of the sample templates?03:25
tbhbobh, yes03:26
bobhtbh: I haven't seen that error03:27
tbhbobh, let me figure out what's the problem then03:28
tbhI will get back to you03:28
bobhtbh: ok03:28
tbhbobh, the problem is here
tbhbobh, I got extra keys as vnfd03:43
bobhtbh: what does your command line look like?03:44
tbhbobh,  I ran from the dashboard03:44
bobhtbh: interesting - could be a new bug03:45
tbhbobh,  regarding http ping driver, it is almost same as ping driv er03:49
tbhbut I am taking HTTP method and port number to check03:49
tbhso only is_pingable method changes03:49
bobhtbh: sounds good.  These will be good reference implementations and others can get more complex as needed03:49
tbhbobh, okay03:50
tbhbobh, I will try to push http ping driver today and will update devrefs too03:51
tbhbobh, sorry for the late, had been working on ovs firewall driver03:51
bobhtbh: no worries - I've been way behind too.  Way too many things to do and all at the same time03:53
bobhtbh: time to call it a day.  ttyl03:53
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker: Fixes VNF state being stuck in PENDING_CREATE
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openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed stackforge/tacker: HTTP ping monitor driver for Monitoring Framework
openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed stackforge/tacker: HTTP ping monitor driver for Monitoring Framework
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openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed stackforge/tacker: Add unit tests for heat infra driver
sridhar_ramhi tackers - please come over to #openstack-meeting for the weekly mtg16:01
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sripriyatbb: hello17:00
tbhsripriya, hello17:00
sripriyatbh: i have not yet deepdived into monitoring code, but can we discuss the issue you were facing17:01
sripriyatbh: where exactly is it choking up?17:01
* sripriya looking17:04
tbhsripriya,  I haven't seen the exact cause, but checking the working of HTTP ping driver17:04
sripriyatbh: i will have to pull your code and check to see the issue, just the exception is not helping me in this case, is this happening with HTTP ping driver only?17:08
tbhsripriya,  no with ping driver also17:10
sripriyatbh: i see17:11
tbhsripriya, I will try to figure out the issue17:12
sripriyatbh: i will also try to look in parallel17:15
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tbhsripriya, I just tried to look at the problem, I think we are adding template_id param here
tbhbut not here
tbhsripriya,  so I thought that is making the problem, will have to look exactly17:18
sripriyatbh: create_vnf is calling create_device internally which in turn is calling _create_device, so the template_id should be reflected all the way down up to _create_device17:22
sripriyatbh: are you calling create_device directly?17:23
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tbhsripriya, sorry I haven't looked that call17:26
sridhar_ramtbh: sripriya: as seen in #link .. there is no code change by bharath in any of the areas like create_device ...17:48
sridhar_ramso.. wondering how such template_id issue would crop just for this17:50
sripriyasridhar_ram: i see vnfd_id getting trickled down to vm_db in device_dict.17:54
sripriyatbh: sridhar_ram: found the root cause of the issue18:17
sridhar_ramsripriya: please explain if you've a min18:17
* sridhar_ram pulls the chair to listen18:18
sripriyathis is an issue where the vnf response is still used after returning from create_device18:18
sripriyathe vnf is while returning back modifies tenant_id to vnfd_id and returns back the response of vnf dict18:18
sripriyabut in background the thread is still active for create_device_wait which now will use the modified vnf dict18:19
sridhar_ramouch... race condition18:19
sripriyawhich refers to vnfd_id18:19
sripriyayeah we can say that, cos vnf create would have already returned from the call to send the right response18:20
sripriyain create_vnf we pop the template_id back to vnfd_id before sending the response18:20
sripriyabut background create_wait thread is still running18:21
sridhar_ramhmm... create_device_wait running in the background is the expected behaviour.. nothing wrong w/ that18:23
sripriyasridhar_ram: yes, rather send a copy of vnf response instead of modifying the actual dict.18:24
sridhar_ramdo you have a line # for template_id to vnfd_id switch ? that piece doesn't sound correct18:24
sripriyathis is done to reflect "vnf" response as seen by the user18:27
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tbhsripriya, I think this should work ?18:33
tbhI just got my setup working, I will try with this18:33
sripriyatbh: yup! that is what needs to be done!18:38
sripriyatbh: did the issue get resolved after this fix?18:39
tbhsripriya,  checking  that now18:39
tbhsripriya, that's working18:42
tbhnice, thanl you18:42
tbhsripriya, have you raised this bug in launchpad?18:46
sripriyatbh: sure, sorry this was caused due to the new changes we integrated for MANO api. i'm going to raise a bug for this18:46
tbhsripriya, sure thanks18:47
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker: Fixes VNF state being stuck in PENDING_CREATE
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vishwanathjtackers, would appreciate review of, not too much code changes, but definitely a better user experience once this gets reviewed, approved and merged21:12
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed stackforge/tacker: Fixes vnf create failure even if all parameters are supplied
openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed stackforge/tacker: Handle vnf response appropriately for MANO API
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