Tuesday, 2017-06-06

kota_Dw_Sn: key/password pair for tempauth or keystone will be AccessKeyId and Secret04:01
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Dw_SnI know I did ask this question before, with AWS/S3 signed URL there is something called in the URL AWSAccessID= , is that supported in swift/s3 ?09:53
Dw_Snany doc. where I can see all AWS / S3 translation ?09:53
Dw_Snalso now I have something a bit weird.. when I sing a URL and the headers has temp_url_expires and temp_url_sig, it works " if the key is not correct it give me error, if I used any other things in URL like AWS Expires= and Signture=.. THe URL pass " since the bucket is public.. am I mising anything to use AWS / S3 Translation ?10:47
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