Wednesday, 2017-03-15

kota_timburke: I'd like to catch up the current status with the change around pulling auth functionality from tempauth and take it into the swift3 so that if you have time tommorow moring (my time, after swift meeting), please take a time to have swift3 irc meeting10:24
timburkekota_: yeah, that sounds like a good idea. i'd also like to take another look at now that has landed15:56
timburke(adding support for v3 Keystone responses)15:56
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kota_hello timburke23:01
timburkehi kota_!23:01
kota_ok, let's get started23:02
kota_ is what I was trying to make it in the last week23:03
kota_before making sure the current patches status, i'd like to hear your opinion on the ptg23:04
kota_how's working for you?23:04
timburkewe didn't have too much for swift3 there :-/ mainly discussion about the security bug and how we could (finally) close that out23:04
kota_i think, we could have a little time23:04
timburkei want to try to get more people from the larger swift community involved in swift3, especially if notmyname continues wanting to eventually merge it back with swift23:05
timburkemaybe runway will help with that23:05
timburke(i still need to try that out...)23:05
kota_exactly, i support that opinion too23:06
kota_and unfortunately the ptg was shorter than the past hackathons23:08
kota_that is one reason why it was hard to make the time.23:08
timburkei guess i'm hopeful for the future of the ptg model? still a little skeptical though23:08
timburkei guess we'll see how the forum goes in boston23:08
kota_no idea right now how the forum works :/23:09
kota_ok, keep my mind that, we feel to need more interests from swift community to swift3 for next something (ptg or hackathon or...)23:11
kota_moving on to the current status23:11
kota_i saw all the patches for the security bug landed, IIRC23:11
kota_but it seems notmyname had thought on the signature calclation should move to swift323:12
kota_and I saw the draft at the gerrit from you23:12
timburkeyeah, it also has the benefit of getting us v4 signature support for tempauth23:13
kota_ ?23:14
kota_but it looks for swift upstream23:14
timburkeyes, and for swift323:14
kota_ah, this one23:14
timburkeif we land the swift3 patch, i'll take off the WIP for swift23:14
kota_starred and add me to the reviewes23:15
* kota_ is reviewing quickly23:18
timburkewe could finish the meeting first :-)23:18
kota_timburke: the swift3 one looks like still WIP too? i found some print statement in the request.py23:18
timburkeunfortunately, i've gotta go pick up my daughter before very long...23:18
kota_check_signaure method23:19
timburkeoops! yeah, i should take that out. unintentional23:19
kota_at SigV4Mixin23:19
kota_ok, otherwise, it looks good (only quick view on main code, on testing not yet)23:20
kota_but it looks small enough to look at in this week23:20
timburkethanks again23:21
kota_is that related to keystone v3 patch you specified last night?23:21
timburkethey're orthogonal, but will definitely be nice going forward (it'll let us test against keystone master again)23:22
timburkewe should also get some eyes on karenc's versioning work, but that might be a little harder to squeeze in this week23:24
kota_that patch looks failed at ceph-s3 gates, with changing the keystone branch to tset, it could be resolved?23:24
kota_not yet looking at the failure reason at the gate log23:25
timburkeas i recall, i just need to rebase it. i can do that tomorrow23:25
kota_timburke: thx23:26
timburke(does make me glad that i made the job non-voting for now)23:26
kota_ok, I think I'm now following current status, anything else you keep in your mind?23:27
timburkenope, i think those are the big three23:27
kota_k, thanks for working on the great jobs then sorry my slow responsibility23:28
timburkethanks kota_!23:29
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