Wednesday, 2016-06-22

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kota_anyone else here?23:02
kota_hmm.. it seems better to skip today.23:04
kota_adressing to the next week.23:05
kota_looking at the logs, timburke already done to rebase existing patch but we are now forcusing on upstream swift crypto-review.23:06
kota_probably sig4 follow up is priority one though.23:06
timburkebah, sorry23:06
timburkeyeah, i think crypto is starting to take priority for me23:06
kota_tiburke: :-)23:07
timburkefwiw, i did a bit of follow up on and saw...23:08
patchbottimburke: patch 331291 - swift3 - Don't try to read a body if the client didn't send...23:08
timburkewhere'd i put it...23:08
timburkeno, i'm just looking on my machine :-)23:09
kota_ah, yeah. that one.23:09
timburkeso trying to do a bulk delete with no body gave me a 400 / MalformedPOSTRequest23:10
kota_and s3 actually works for no body?23:11
timburkecuriously, if i did it without a content type set, it responded with 412 / PreconditionFailed (??)23:11
timburkefor bucket PUT, yes23:11
timburkestill haven't tried the other places (ACLs, multipart uploads)23:11
kota_oh what? bulk delete is a *POST* right?23:12
timburkei expect them to behave more like bulk delete23:12
timburkeyep. but it also uses .xml()/.read()23:12
timburkewhich was where things blew up23:12
kota_k, let me resolve the tangled ones.23:13
kota_bulk delete with no body -> 400 MalformedRequest23:13
kota_this seems correct, right?23:14
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kota_bulk delete with no body without content type -> 412 PreconditionFaild23:15
kota_weird but possible if the content-type validated before the body validation.23:15
timburkeyep. which reminds me of the 412s you can get from versioned_writes -- both seem like they don't really fit for a 412, but whatever23:16
timburkedefinitely client error, so as long as it's a 4xx i suppose...23:16
kota_ah, ok. that is one we should fix.23:16
kota_and patch 331291 seems a different one to me, right?23:17
patchbotkota_: - swift3 - Don't try to read a body if the client didn't send...23:17
kota_that hits an eventlet bug which is able to raise TypeError unexpectedly.23:17
kota_if the request have neither content-length nor transfer-encoding.23:18
timburkewell, they're related. i need to make that patch more specific. i suppose another option would be to require eventlet>=0.18.0 (which includes
timburkei *think* that would also fix the issue i saw, but i'm not sure/haven't tested23:20
kota_yup, it *looks* to fix the problem.23:21
kota_thanks for the link.23:21
timburkethe only hesitation in requiring a newer eventlet is that our min swift version only requires eventlet>=0.9.1523:22
timburke...which may be an argument for upping the min swift version...23:22
notmynameFWIW, when lands, I'll want to bump swift's version to use that23:23
timburkeeven master only wants eventlet>=0.17.4 though23:23
kota_newer swift has larger min eventlet version, right now?23:23
kota_now looking at swift repo23:23
timburkenotmyname: thanks for the input. good to know23:23
kota_notmyname: oh, thanks23:24
timburkeyep. so currently, nothing else requires 0.18.0 or later... which makes me more inclined to work around the bug, at least for a while23:25
timburke(fwiw, 0.17.4 is what my company ships with its product, and the version on which i noticed the bug)23:26
kota_right now, I don't have strong opinion for this23:28
kota_but that's ok either to fix this with 0.17.4 or waiting 0.18.023:29
kota_but anyway, I'm realzing it may be a time to consider min swit version for swift3 in this cycle.23:29
timburkefair enough. there's not a big rush; i still need to check the behavior for the other req.xml callers23:30
kota_bump mim version of swift, i mean.23:30
timburkeyeah, not a bad idea23:30
kota_i know we have some places to be compatible with older swift.23:30
timburkefwiw, it looks like 2.3.0 was the last kilo release, 2.5.0 the last liberty23:32
kota_i'd like to set the new min version as... the min version which is not eol yet at that time.23:33
kota_2.5.0 seems reasonable for now.23:34
kota_oh, timburke, when your change for object listing reverse mereged?23:34
timburkelemme look...23:35
timburkestart of mitaka23:35
timburkeany particular place we'd want to use it?23:36
kota_IIRC, though.23:36
timburkethe main thing i can think of is versioning, which really demands something like
patchbottimburke: patch 214922 - swift - Add "history" mode to versioned_writes middleware23:37
kota_that one was top of swift community dash board until starting crypto-review :P23:39
timburkeyep :-) but still few reviews23:39
kota_hah, yeah23:40
timburkeit felt like a fairly large patch until i started going through the crypto stuff :P23:40
kota_and also versioned_writes are now complicated due to the implementation history23:41
kota_I also keep a patch for versioned_writes though23:42
kota_that was affected from copy middleware change... :/23:43
timburkeyeah, that was somewhat unfortunate. at least it's smart enough to try the reverse listing first then gracefully revert23:43
timburkeah, yeah... i'd nearly forgotten about that one23:43
kota_patch 20931523:43
patchbotkota_: - swift - Refactor versioned_writes middleware23:43
kota_right now, failed at only functests !?!?23:44
kota_missing branch at unit!?!?23:44
kota_that's the place I've stopped.23:44
kota_anyway, we could take a time to rework/review after crypto work.23:45
timburkeoh, weird... i guess we must be missing some coverage in the unit tests... yeah, i'll take a look after crypto23:46
kota_i'm expecting, not so big middleware pipeline change happen after that soon23:46
kota_or, i failed to rebase unit conflict :P23:46
timburkeoh, there was another bug that fell out of the sigv4 work. should be fixed in -- there's a related patch for swift that *should* also fix it...i think...
patchbottimburke: patch 330888 - swift3 - Stop using email.utils.mktime_tz23:49
patchbottimburke: patch 331369 - swift - Always set swift processes to use UTC23:49
kota_timezone is always fighting to me :.823:50
timburkeyeah, i know the feeling23:51
timburkeevery time i start looking at how dates and times are handled in python i lose several hours and get a headache :/23:51
kota_but it seems nice work, thanks for taking it anyway.23:52
* kota_ will take a look23:53
kota_is that all for today? we are closing to 1 hour spent.23:54
timburkeyeah, i think that's it from me23:54
timburkeon the version bump, do you want to propose that or should i?23:54
kota_i can take it23:55
* kota_ will do later23:55
timburkesounds good23:55
kota_i thought to ask you and bill about barcelona summit but23:56
kota_he is absent today, so it's ok to take it later.23:56
timburkei've claimed my ATC pass, and booked some flights. i suppose i haven't officially gotten permission to go, but if not, looks like i'll have a nice vacation :-)23:57
kota_so quickly!23:57
kota_I've just done only my ATC pass registration yet.23:58
timburkegoing a week early with my wife, so we wanted to arrange flights sooner rather than later23:58
kota_i see.23:58
timburkeespecially since it's a little complicated - we're going to see her parents on our way out and leave Teagan with them23:59

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