Tuesday, 2016-06-14

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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift3: Deny all access to controller instance method  https://review.openstack.org/32926504:52
kota_timburke: here?04:53
kota_If you have a time, I hope you could take a time to review https://review.openstack.org/329265 as soon as possible.04:54
timburkehi kota_! yes, but probably not for very long04:54
kota_I don't think it's a significant security issue but04:54
kota_it could be a risk of any verb attack for all s3 controller requests.04:54
timburkeah, good call. indeed. will make sure it's reviewed quickly04:55
kota_timburke: thanks04:55
kota_the reason it exists is why current swift3 checks only existence of each verbs (like GET, PUT) and nothing denied if *it exists*04:56
kota_I noticed that when reading the conversation between jilichli and notmyname for encryption reviews in this morning :)04:57
kota_decrypter seems to have same issue and I'm feeling swift3 too!04:57
timburkeyeah, i saw that convo too. i might need to audit some swiftstack middleware now...05:05
kota_ok, thanks.05:10
kota_wooo, handling AttributeError seems worse? :P Since continuing to read the rest of conversations....05:20
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