Thursday, 2015-12-03

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gmmahagood afternoon kota_ timburke05:17
gmmahasorry for missing the meeting.. for some reason when i read your msg of "no meeting yesterday", i assumed you meant the week05:18
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timburkeno worries gmmaha; there's always next week! was there anything in particular you wanted to bring up at the meeting?16:49
gmmahatimburke: no just understanding the priorities for this cycle and what needs to get done and how we are do16:50
gmmahahow we can help with them.. ;)16:50
* gmmaha needs english classes16:50
timburkeeh, you're fine. we were trying to think of some areas that might be good to get started; two ideas that came to mind were non-printable metadata support (S3 seems to use encoded-word format? it would warrant some testing against AWS), and reviving outstanding patches that have merge conflicts (patch 155221 might be good; it should be similar to what i'd done with patch 155199)16:55
patchbottimburke: - Fix Delete Multiple Objects process when multipart...16:55
patchbottimburke: - Fix DELETE Object to delete segments when it is mu... (MERGED)16:55
gmmahaaah cool.. yeah i did get to follow the chat..16:57
gmmahathose will def be awesome to get started.. our lack of knowledge will def keep us busy trying to figure out wha tneeds to get done16:58
timburkeFWIW, my usual approach is to try to use Swift3 with various libraries/applications, watch for errors, and then see what went wrong :)17:01
gmmahaany particular setup that you would recommend for newbies? :)17:03
timburkethe libraries do some weird things sometimes. like adding 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' to a request that doesn't include a body. or `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' on deletes17:03
timburkein terms of swift setup, or client setup? or both?17:03
gmmahathe client setup to test the swift setup17:04
gmmahai think swift setup the steps were fairly straightforward and i was able to get it working17:04
gmmahaAny good client to mimic AWS calls would be of great help17:04
timburkeoh good. i'd been playing with making a swift3 branch for but if you've already got a setup, great17:05
gmmahaaah automatiing it has to be done.. :)17:05
gmmaharight now mysetup was by hand..17:05
gmmahai do like the idea of adding it into the vagrant setup17:06
timburkei've mainly been using boto and aws-sdk-java in my testing. someone around the corner from me works a lot with ISVs to test already-developed applications17:07
timburkethere are some things to tweak, though; i usually need to turn on path-style access (since i don't usually set things up for virtual-host style requests). and you may need to override the signature algorithm (as swift3 currently only supports v2 signatures)17:10
gmmahathanks for the info.. time to go and figure out what they are all and come back hopefully with less stupid forms of questions17:12
gmmahamy SAIO is setup to use v2, so think i am set on the auth part17:12
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alpha_orikota_: yt?23:42

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