Tuesday, 2015-11-17

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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift3: Change HomePage from stackforge to openstack  https://review.openstack.org/24635712:23
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gmmahai had quick question with S3 and keystone. If i have an existing keystone service running on my machine, all my functional tests start failing16:43
gmmahathe setup_keystone script doesnt seem to check if there is an existing keystone service. Is this intentional to get a kosher environment?16:44
timburkegmmaha: i'd expect it's because when the func tests go to start keystone, the port is already in use. i've run into similar issues when i've left swift running16:50
gmmahatimburke: right. and setup_keystone also tries to modify mysql dbs using a password of its own :(16:51
gmmahashould we put a check and if there is existing keystone read the creds off some conf file for our testing?16:51
gmmahaor even ignore the setup process completely?16:51
timburkegmmaha: i think i'd have to defer to kota_ on that; i'm not necessarily opposed, but at least for me, shutting down the offending service is low-enough overhead that i haven't felt the need to make the func tests smarter16:55
gmmahaaah but the offending service here is keystone itself.. Just setup by me16:56
gmmahaso its keystone trumping keystone16:56
gmmahaif you ask why i was running keystone already, that was just to test keystone with swift.. so given an existing setup, i didnt want to bring it down. but i see your point. Shutting down that keystone does make it wokr16:57
timburkei could certainly see it being useful, though, to be able to run func tests against an already-running swift(+keystone)(+whatever) instance; it would probably make some development easier. (i'm thinking of the signature v4 work in particular, which will require changes not just to swift3, but to swift and keystonemiddleware as well)17:02
gmmahatimburke: i am very new to swift3, so not very sure what signature v4 work involves.17:08
gmmahabut more of the ease of dev (setup a system and dont touch it again) was what i was shooting for17:08
gmmahatimburke: is there someway i can get to read about the signature v4 effort17:55
timburkegmmaha: i think it's just a set of patches currently: patch 211933, patch 21548117:57
patchbottimburke: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211933/ - support AWS signature v417:57
patchbottimburke: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215481/ - Add S3 signature v4 checking17:57
gmmahatimburke: thanks a lot.. will check it out17:57
timburkethanks! i've been meaning to do a thorough review of the swift3 part, but haven't gotten around to it17:59
gmmahai will try and review it with my limited knowledge of almost everything in there. :)18:15
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift3: Accept URL-encoded x-amz-copy-source headers  https://review.openstack.org/24601821:38
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