Thursday, 2015-10-01

kota_anything else for this meeting?00:00
timburkekota_: that (new release following security issue resolution) seems like a good idea00:00
hrouHey alpha_ori kota_ bill_az, we actually started some symmlink work as of today here at IBM, should have something to share soon (if maybe just some questions about implementation details / edge cases to start), just an fyi00:00
alpha_orihrou: that's great to know!00:01
timburkegood to know, thanks!00:01
bill_azhrou:  Hi, thanks for joining!00:01
kota_hrou: great00:01
kota_hrou: if possible, I ping my collegue who is interested in symling too.00:01
kota_maybe in 1 hour?00:02
hrouI'll deffinetly keep you in sync alpha_ori !  We had a email chain going for a bit, but just communicating our intention that we were willing (and eager) to help.00:02
kota_via E-mail? or IRC?00:02
hroukota_, sure thing !  I think what I'll do is setup a etherpad so we can share some ideas, get your input !00:02
alpha_orihrou: that would be great; keep me in the loop.  Yes, an etherpad would be great.00:02
kota_via etherpad, seems like great.00:03
hroukota_, oh either : )  I have a college who's working on it as well so etherpad would probably be best (oh we can always chat on irc !)00:03
hrouJust an FYI didn't want to hijack the meeting : )00:03
kota_hrou: thanks for the info00:04
kota_we have done all agenda for today.00:04
kota_thanks for working swift3, love swift3 team.00:04
timburkethanks kota_!00:05
chscthank you00:05
bill_azthanks kota_, great meeting!00:05
timburkeoh, kota_: mind taking a look at some of lyrrad's changes? if swift work isn't too crazy00:07
kota_security one?00:07
lyrradI also have 5 pending patches.00:08
kota_ah, yeah sorry.00:08
timburkeno worries; just figured i'd prod you a little :P00:08
kota_ok I'll add a task walking through pending patches in this week.00:10
kota_if you have urgent one or two rather than others, please let me know00:10
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kota_I'm off a bit to head my office, see you.00:14
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bill_aztimburke, kota, alpha_ori are the experts though14:10
bill_azsorry - wrong window :-)14:11
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