Thursday, 2021-09-09

diablo_rojoWe said we wanted to meet today?18:05
* diablo_rojo is late18:05
fungii can18:14
fungiimproved feature for our container-based service deployments in opendev... virtual web browser screenshots are now fairly trivial to add to any job:
fungithat's probably good enough for us to ditch what we were previously trying to do with the storyboard-dev previews for webclient changes18:17
diablo_rojoOh that would be cool. 18:19
diablo_rojoWhat needs to happen to get that setup? Just get things setup like I did for the ptgbot like we've talked about?18:20
fungiyeah, basically18:21
fungihere's a cool example, comparing the same page on gerrit 3.2 (what we're running now) and 3.3 (what we hope to upgrade to soon):
fungisome not so subtle differences, like removal of the comments column, addition of the assignee field...18:23
fungicode review icon changed from a clock face to an hourglass18:24
fungicolor change to a lighter blue for the active status badge18:25
diablo_rojoOh that is pretty cool. 18:25
diablo_rojoYeah you can see them well when you flip back and forth between the images18:25
fungiaddition of the only comments slider and comment threads column18:25
diablo_rojoThat is super cool!18:26
fungibut yeah, basically you just add the screenshot role to the job and specify what url you want to screenshot and what filename you want it saved as18:26
diablo_rojoMakes sense. 18:26
diablo_rojoGot a link to what that role looks like?18:27
fungii take back what i said about a role, it's happening in the testinfra script, so a python function definition (but a simple one!):
fungiplus the addition of "from util import take_screenshots" at the top of the script18:29
fungiianw did a bang-up job of generalizing this to make it more reusable18:30
fungibut also that is a great example of how we might more generally test changes with a mock storyboard server deployment18:31
fungiyou can see examples in there of things like checking that the robots.txt exists and has specific content, that services are running and listening and logging correctly18:33
diablo_rojoOkay. That's not so bad. 18:33
diablo_rojoianw is awesome like that18:33
fungieven an example cors header test in the mix18:33
diablo_rojoSo one would need to make a script like this for storyboard. 18:44
diablo_rojoAnd it would live in this test infra folder. 18:45
fungiyep, that's where we keep the set of exercises for mock deployments of services we run in opendev, essentially18:46
diablo_rojoYeah, looking through the rest of the dir, thats what I gleaned. 18:46
fungidiablo_rojo: they can start off very simply too, like
fungithat simply tests that a service started and bound a listening socket18:51
diablo_rojoOh yeah that is super simple. 18:52

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