Thursday, 2021-04-08

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diablo_rojoSotK, fungi meeting today?17:58
fungii'm really slammed today, but if folks want to meet i'll try to pitch in18:02
diablo_rojoI am fine to not. I don't have anything and have mostly been doing code reviews on other projects and ptg things so I haven't thought much about sb in the last week18:03
diablo_rojoGiven the silence I am concluding we are skipping this week and will hopefully all have more bandwidth next week! We can talk about if we want to schedule last minute PTG time.18:10
diablo_rojoOr perhaps I will start a ML thread for that.18:10
diablo_rojoWe'll see.18:10
diablo_rojoHave a good week everyone :)18:10
fungithanks, you too!18:30
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