Monday, 2019-08-26

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fungiso the good news is after tweaking the long_query_time value i'm seeing entries in the mysql slow log16:24
fungithe bad news (which maybe is also good news?), is that i had to turn it waaay down to start seeing any hits16:25
fungithere was a 20s query logged yesterday, and today once activity picked up i have (so far) 6 hits where a query took barely longer than 2s to return16:26
fungiso either the server is performing much faster than it used to, or the recent-ish query improvements have made a sizeable impact16:27
fungiright now i've got it logging any query which takes at least 1 second to complete16:28
fungibecause i have a feeling many of the delays are related to making multiple moderately-sluggish queries rather than one really long query, so speeding these up further could still help a bunch16:29
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