Wednesday, 2019-06-26

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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed opendev/storyboard master: Add StoryBoard Story Tags to Docs
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cloudnullanyone have a snippet for adding stories to a worklist and worklists to a board?00:35
cloudnullsomething using the python-storyboardclient ?00:35
cloudnullI can create worklists and boards but I just cant quite figure out how to add things to them00:36
fungipossible that's missing from storyboardclient, if you can't determine it from comparing the available object methods to the rest api docs00:51
cloudnullthat's what I was thinking, sadly.00:58
cloudnullI'm just doing what i need using requests00:58
diablo_rojocloudnull, dhellmann probably does00:59
diablo_rojocloudnull, we need more hands. Until more recently no one was really trying to use the cli so it hasn't gotten much care and attention.01:00
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fungiwell, to call it a cli is a bit inaccurate ;)01:28
fungiit's at best a python sdk. there is no included cli wrapper for it01:29
diablo_rojoFair :)01:35
cloudnullwelp, just to share, I fully migrated from trello into storyboard -!/board/174 - and did so using just the API (the python client where I could requests where I couldn't)01:51
cloudnullthanks again for all your help diablo_rojo fungi01:51
cloudnulland anyone else I'm forgetting to thank :D01:52
diablo_rojocloudnull, not sure I did anything, but sure! No problem :)01:52
diablo_rojocloudnull, if you have a script for that we'd love to see it01:52
diablo_rojoThought about making a repo for tools surrounding storyboard and that might be a good thing to add.01:52
fungiyou wouldn't be the first to mention moving from trello to storyboard01:52
* diablo_rojo has to drop for a bit as the coffee shop is closing, but will be available via the other nicl01:53
fungiwould be consistent with the fact that we have a tool for migrating from launchpad to storyboard01:53
cloudnullits fugly, im going to clean it up ( A LOT ) but here it is
cloudnullit did what I needed it to01:53
fungiglad there's at least available interfaces to enable such things01:54
fungihit any new bugs in the process?01:54
fungior just the several you already pointed out? ;)01:54
cloudnullno new bugs, since the noted bugs were fixed it all seems to be working well01:55
fungiwell, except the multiple simultaneous tasks creation bug01:55
cloudnullI did hit all kinds of bad return values and headaches with the py-cli, but meh. it needs some love :)01:55
cloudnullWith the script I worked around that but simply adding one task at a time01:56
cloudnull**by simply adding...01:56
fungii figured01:56
cloudnullhere's the source trello board -
cloudnulli didn't bother migrating people assignments01:57
cloudnullbut i think i got just about everything else01:57
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cloudnullok, i think i've had enough cloud for the day. take care all02:00
fungithanks again, you too!02:00
cloudnullas always, I appreciate all the help02:00
fungias we appreciate yours02:00
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fungimeeting this week, or no?19:01
SotKI don't have anything in particular to talk about and am also in the middle of cooking steaks19:05
diablo_rojoI dont have anything in particular19:05
diablo_rojoexcept to ask for reviews of my two open doc changes19:05
SotKyeah sorry I've not got to that yet19:06
diablo_rojoI'll update the meeting channel with the decision19:06
SotKoh should we arrange a call for more/finishing triage?19:06
diablo_rojoSotK, no worries.19:06
diablo_rojoOh yeah we can do that.19:06
diablo_rojoUmmm Friday should work for me again.19:07
diablo_rojoI think a little earlier would be better?19:07
diablo_rojo16:00 UTC?19:07
SotKyeah that works for me19:07
diablo_rojofungi, did you wanna participate again?19:07
fungii can probably do that but have a lunch appointment so may miss the first few minutes19:07
SotKI might be a few minutes late too but that's hardly a change :)19:08
fungi(1600z is noon local here at the moment)19:08
diablo_rojofungi, so thats a no go?19:08
SotK(I have a meeting that finishes at 1600 UTC)19:08
diablo_rojoCould do 16:3019:08
fungiwell, i'm planning to do lunch 1500-1600z19:08
fungii'll likely be back by 160019:09
diablo_rojoOkay so lets do like 16:15 then19:09
fungijust warning that i may run long19:09
diablo_rojoso fungi and SotK can have some buffer19:09
diablo_rojofungi, no worries if you're late19:09
SotKsounds good, thanks19:09
diablo_rojonot doing anything mega important19:09
* diablo_rojo will send out meeting thingy19:09
fungisounds good then19:09
diablo_rojoIf anyone else listening in this channel is interested in joining us, let me know and I would be happy to extend the invite!19:10
fungialso i haven't gotten around to any of the things i said i'd do after the last call, but maybe i will tomorrpw19:10
diablo_rojoYou have till friday at 16:15 UTC ;)19:10
diablo_rojofungi, SotK calendar invite sent19:17
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armstronghello @diablo_rojo19:23
armstrongdid all OpenStack projects migrated from launchpad to storyboard?19:23
fungiarmstrong: no, only a fraction of them have migrated19:24
fungii do not know what percentage19:24
armstrongand with their existing history? For example if there was a bug report in Launchpad for a project did that migrated to storyboard with all the review information as well19:24
armstrongok fungi thanks19:25
fungiyes, we import all historical bugs if the projects ask us to do so (which they pretty much always do ask for)19:25
diablo_rojoThere have only been like two that have migrated and not wanted their history migrated19:26
fungii don't recall, unless you're including the recent one that changed their mind a week after moving and asked to have their bugs imported after all19:26
diablo_rojoI think Trove was one of them19:28
diablo_rojoand maybe like..19:28
* diablo_rojo cant remember19:28
fungipretty sure i imported bugs for trove19:28
diablo_rojo....maybe I'm misremembering then19:28
fungiahh, nope, seems not19:30
fungicheck the merged bugs there, not many and all are fairly recent19:30
fungithey also haven't done anything at all to indicating they've moved19:30
SotKI feel like glance? were threatening to do that in Dublin but decided to wait until after we did the attachments stuff19:30
fungiyeah, maybe19:31
diablo_rojoYeah they wanted the attachment stuff19:34
diablo_rojobut they were definitely joking about leaving everything behind19:34
diablo_rojo(could have been serious too I suppose)19:34
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armstrongstoryboard is really great seems its more flexible than Launchpad.19:59
armstrongdo I need to link bugs (stories) to reviews in Gerrits working with storyboard?20:00
diablo_rojoarmstrong, yeah you need to add the task id to the commit message. Let me grab ome docs20:02
diablo_rojoarmstrong, look at the commit messages section here:
* diablo_rojo is dipping out for lunch20:05
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armstrongthanks @diablo_rojo_phon20:40
armstrongthanks @diablo_rojo its helpful20:41
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cloudnullfungi wrote a blog post about the trello to storyboard migration I ran last night - - the gist is sill online but the blog post explains things in a bit more detail.22:54
cloudnulltoday was our first full day of use, so far things are working great!22:55
cloudnullthanks again ffor all the assistance all22:55
fungiooh, great!22:57
fungicloudnull: and sorry it's so slow. we're trying to get a handle on that. if you know anybody who enjoys doing database query optimization in their spare time... ;)22:57
cloudnullI cant think of anyone i'd recommend off hand, however, if i find someone I'll point them your way22:59
fungialways appreciated!22:59
fungiwe had an outreachy intern who was going to work on it, but then they found a proper paying job and cancelled on us (good for them!)22:59
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