Wednesday, 2018-07-11

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fatema_fungi, I guess tosky is the one meant in the mention xD00:59
fatema_SotK, I can't seem to understand ^^01:00
fatema_how can this be solved?01:01
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SotKfatema_: The best solution will be to send a change which replaces MySQL-python with pymysql in the deps list here:
SotKyou'll also need to modify the config file used by the tests by using pymysql+mysql:// instead of just mysql:// to connect to the database09:58
SotKthat's here:
SotKthe specific issue causing the error is that the ConfigParser module was renamed to configparser in Python 3, but the MySQL-python package doesn't account for that (and apparently some other things too) and fails when used with Python 310:03
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fungii'm not really around for the meeting... assuming diablo_rojo_phon isn't either19:04
diablo_rojo_phonI can be.. but definitely didn't update the agenda.  Not much to talk about either.19:07
diablo_rojo_phonExcept to ask for reviews on my docs update.19:07
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cfriesenwhat's the recommended way to distinguish between stories that are bugs and stories that are features?19:55
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fungicfriesen: you could use tags... how do you normally distinguish them in other task/defect/request trackers?19:57
fungidiablo_rojo_phon: another easy +3 at
cfriesenfungi: well, in nova we had bugs/blueprints as separate entities in launchpad.19:59
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fungiand for "features" you used blueprints instead of bugs, or blueprints together with bugs?20:02
cfriesenfungi: instead of  (and of course nova also uses the nova-specs repo for more detailed specs requiring iteration and feedback)20:02
fungiwhat are the characteristics of an lp blueprint which distinguish it from an lp bug?20:04
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fungifor infra we've basically just used stories to track specs tasks like bug fix tasks, so curious how other teams have approached it (we never used the blueprint feature of lp because it seemed really hollow/featureless)20:05
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fungito hear the lp developers talk, the blueprint system was a hacky and incomplete thing which never got properly integrated with the tracker20:06
cfriesenI'm still new to storyboard...but in launchpad the blueprints had things like which release it was intended to go into, which milestone, a set of related commits across multiple repos, etc.  it may be that these are more unified in storyboard making the distinction less critical20:08
cfriesenis there a way to specifically search for tags in a story?20:08
cfriesenor rather stories with specific tags?20:08
fungiyou can find stories by tag, yes20:08
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cfriesenis the search grammar defined somewhere?!/search has nothing helpful20:10
fungifor example, the zuul team has been using release-specific tags to indicate which release they targeted20:10
diablo_rojo_phoncfriesen: you should be able to just search for the tag name and add whatever project group or project you want to filter by.20:12
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cfriesendiablo_rojo_phon: okay, I see the auto-complete.20:14
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diablo_rojo_phoncfriesen: no problem :)20:15
fungifor example20:18
fungibut yeah, we could probably better document the webclient url parameters20:19
diablo_rojo_phonAgreed. I can probably take that work item. Since I'm doing a bunch of other docs changes.20:20
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