Monday, 2018-06-18

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strigaziHello, how can I setup mail notifications for a project? I want to get an email for all changes for magnum.11:43
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SotKstrigazi: subscribe to the project group by clicking the star next to the group name on!/project_group/8711:55
SotKthen make sure "Enable notification emails" is checked on!/profile/preferences11:55
strigaziSotK: thanks I had the email enabled, but I missed the star option11:56
strigaziSotK: and one more, can I set that a task concerns a specific release? I can't find it :(11:58
strigaziI try here to assign 22208 to master and queens11:58
SotKnot in the UI, but you can do it with the api12:02
SotK is the branches for openstack/magnum12:02
SotKso you'd want to create a task with project_id = 1032 and branch_id = 380 (the queens branch for that project) using the API12:03
strigaziSotK: so I can do a put with this object?
SotKyou'll want to do a POST to create a new task, since tasks have a 1:1 mapping with branches at the moment12:04
strigaziok, so a task per "bug" per branch12:06
strigaziI can do this, but I'm not sure about other or new contributors, thanks SotK12:06
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SotKthe intention is to expose it in the UI, we've just not gotten to that yet12:10
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jungleboyjdiablo_rojo_phon:  The link you sent me for Cinder's test migration gives me a 404 error:!/project_group/5415:42
jungleboyj404: GET /api/v1/project_groups/54: Project Group 54 not found15:43
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diablo_rojoNot sure what I did wrong, but that should work now16:30
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo:  Thanks.  That works.  smcginnis thought the link worked on Friday but wasn't working today.16:33
diablo_rojoI can add that to my already lengthy todo list.16:41
diablo_rojoEither way- its there nopw16:41
diablo_rojofungi, SotK so this is now the second case where I have created a project group and then someone say the link doesn't work. I think I noticed it once before that but thought I was just crazy.16:47
diablo_rojoLooks like I create the project group- the number in the URL increments- and the URL works for a while and then it breaks and the project group doesn't show up on storyboard-dev anymore.16:49
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fungii would count that as strange. maybe related to how we don't manually create project groups in production?17:17
diablo_rojoThat was my guess as we've never had this happen in production18:18
diablo_rojojust dev18:18
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ndahiwadediablo_rojo, ping20:53
ndahiwadeHi All, I am new to storyboard, is there a way to search for stories using tags?20:57
diablo_rojondahiwade, yes you can search for stories if you know the tags- the advanced search (magnifying glass on the left if you are looking at the webclient)20:58
ndahiwadediablo_rojo, thanks, for some reason, it was taking a lot of time to retrieve the list....21:00
diablo_rojondahiwade, yes thats a known issue right now, the way the query is being done isn't optimal and we have a todo to fix it.21:02
ndahiwadediablo_rojo, one more question, is there a way to link a story to multiple projects without having to create tasks in other projects?21:02
diablo_rojondahiwade, no there's not as a story doesn't have any ties to projects, its the individual tasks in a story that are associated with projects.21:03
ndahiwadediablo_rojo, got it thanks:)21:03
diablo_rojondahiwade, no problem :) Let me know if you have any other questions!21:04
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