Wednesday, 2018-05-09

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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Gate fix: Cap hacking to avoid gate failure
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toskyI guess that there is no way to specify dependencies between tasks (even in the same story), right?09:00
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SotKtosky: not at the moment no11:51
SotKyou could document it in task notes, but that's a little suboptimal11:52
toskySotK: was it discussed and documented as possible enhancement (in some story for storyboard), or was it never discussed, or was it discarded?12:09
SotKI don't have any memory of discussing task dependencies specifically12:15
fungiyeah, focus so far has mostly been on gaining sufficient feature parity/analogues with launchpad so that projects could migrate their task tracking to storyboard with a minimum of pain, before setting out sights on ways to make it even better12:37
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add articles to email template
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* fungi is around for a meeting if others are interested18:57
* SotK also is18:57
diablo_rojoSotK, fungi we should work on populating the etherpad:
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Generate a tarball when running `grunt build`
SotKI think that should *finally* fix the tarball publishing21:53
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fungiany idea what triggered the recent slew of pep8 issues on the storyboard repo?22:28
fungidid we upgrade to checking with newer pycodestyle?22:28
clarkbfungi: hacking updated which pulled in newer pycodestyle22:30
clarkba bunch of openstack projects have been affected by it22:30
fungiso same thing which was hitting ironic i guess22:31
clarkbya I think so22:32
fungiSotK: diablo_rojo: can you think of anything clarkb should add to the storyboard slide of his infra project update deck change?
* diablo_rojo looks22:42
diablo_rojoWe can add the migration with tags filter, but I think you covered all the big things22:44
diablo_rojoGetting an outreachy intern?22:45
diablo_rojofungi, ^^22:45
diablo_rojoEither of those relevant?22:45
fungioh, sure22:45
fungiboth are, in my opinion22:45
clarkbfor the migration tags filter: "Improved migration process including migration of tags" ?22:46
fungithough where it talks about improvements based on user feedback, were there any major bugs or other improvements in the past, say, 6 months?22:46
diablo_rojo'Tag based filtering on migration to support splitting Launchpad project into per repo projects.'22:46
diablo_rojoclarkb, ^^22:47
fungicould be shortened to "migration of bugs based on specific tag sets"22:47
clarkbdiablo_rojo: wfm, woudl that be based on user feedback? or just  something we needed to do22:47
diablo_rojoYeah it was something Sahara needed and helped with starting TripleO too22:48
diablo_rojoThey had all their bugs in a single lp project but used tags to tie things different repos/squads22:48
clarkbdo we know what the outreachy intern intends on working on yet?22:49
diablo_rojoYeah let me grab the stories22:49
clarkb(also if outreachy intern is here: HELLO!)22:49
diablo_rojoFatema :) She's not in the channel right now22:49
diablo_rojoFinals prep right now22:49
diablo_rojoThose are the two things she has on her list ^^22:50
diablo_rojoNo problem :)22:50
clarkbjust pushed a new patchset if you want to check it out22:51
diablo_rojoLooks good to me clarkb.22:52
diablo_rojoSotK should check it out too
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