Monday, 2017-10-09

*** Dobroslaw has joined #storyboard04:18
SotKpersia: thats probably a sensible idea, I'll send a new version later05:44
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Zarathanks for those12:36
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SotKyw, I'm a little concerned it doesn't entirely solve the issues given it timed out in zuul, but it makes things much tidier at least14:53
Zarayeah, at this point I think the only reason to use the ancient versions would be for debugging purposes14:55
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* SotK wonders where a good place in the docs for this is18:08
SotKI guess I'll put it in the migration README18:08
SotKand maybe write some docs for upgrading an instance in a different commit18:08
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Consolidate old database migrations
Zarathanks again19:01
Zarait may be worth including a note in the 'installing and running...' docs since they're rendered online and more likely to be seen, though I'm wondering if most folk really need to see it19:03
Zaramaybe the only people it'll apply to would be delving deeper into the repo anyway19:04
SotKmy logic was that if someone was upgrading they're probably not going to look in the installation guide19:06
SotKthen I realised we should probably have an upgrade guide on docs.o.o19:06
ZaraI agree with all that19:07
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add documentation on manually upgrading a StoryBoard instance
SotKI based that on since I wanted to include a warning about the consolidated migrations19:44
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Properly populate Worklist.items in automatic worklists
SotKwhilst people are vaguely around, I was thinking about!/story/2000132 yesterday when consolidating those migrations20:07
SotKand I was wondering how folk feel about the idea of reintroducing an optional username field, which isn't populated by launchpad20:08
SotKkind of like how Gerrit works20:09
SotKs/launchpad/the openid provider/20:10 these days, no?20:10
persiaBut, yes, I think it makes sense to allow users to add a nickname.20:11
persiaEnough people don't know my actual name that having "Emmet Hikory (persia)" would be valuable, despite my having a globally unique given name.20:11
persiaFor folk named "John Smith", this is more important.20:11
* persia once worked for a consultancy under a man named "John Smith", and was dispatched for onsite work under another man named "John Smith": it wasn't hard to figure out the thing they had in common to smooth the sale20:12
persiaDo we reliably know the user's IRC nick?  Perhaps from their foundation member profile?20:13
SotKthe member profiles have a field for IRC nick, but its optional20:18
* SotK wonders how easy it is to map openstackid accounts to accounts20:19
persia_Some will map by email address.20:24
persia_I believe it is a requirement to have the email address as one of the gerrit addresses, and email addresses are supposed to be unique.20:25
persia_We have been imposing a rule that folk cannot vote in PTL elections unless their have a matching email address between gerrit and their foundation email address, and the code that detects when things go wrong has had a few updates in the past few months, which helps with automatic mapping.20:26
persia has some code that might be relevant20:27
persiaSome folk may be missed, especially folk who don't have gerrit accounts.  I'm not sure what to do about that, precisely.20:28
persiaMaybe just do the lookup of email addresses in the member directory directly?20:28
persiaAnd if it doesn't return anything, notify the user somehow?20:29
SotKthanks for the link, it does indeed look useful20:30
persiaNote that the code in question is scheduled for refactoring and may move away from that location, so be careful about how you depend upon it.20:30
persiaThat said, all the folk who have expressed a desire to do anything with it are likely fairly busy through at least mid-November, so it won't change right away.20:31
SotKI wonder how best to implement this, since ideally the nickname field wouldn't be tied to foundation membership except for storyboard.o.o, and yet it'd also be best to have the lookup happen when a user logs in for the first time20:32
SotKit'd be nice if we had a gerrit-like events stream...20:32
persiaWasn't there some code to do that at some point?20:34
persiaI'm not sure it needs the connect-over-ssh-... model20:34
persiaBut perhaps some port to which one can attach that steams things some other way?20:34
* persia doesn't actually know that much about secure and sensible architectures for event streams20:35
* SotK remembers that the rabbitmq notification system exists20:39
SotKsomehow in my head that only supported a subset of things20:40
persiaOr, more generally, AMQP :)20:40
persiaAnd that's precisely the sort of pub/sub model I was thinking would make sense20:40
persiaBut I'm not sure how that relates to name display20:41
persia(yes, it did take me that long to realise the topic had changed)20:41
SotKwell, I wouldn't want to hardcode a dependency on some kind of API which provides IRC nicks when queried by email address in storyboard itself, and so was contemplating a way to trigger the lookup only when a user was created20:44
SotKand apparently I forgot we already have stuff in place for things like that20:44
persiaAh, that makes sense.20:45
persiaSomething that queries the foundation API on user creation, and then sits idle and ignores everything.20:45
persiaIt might make sense to have a one-time migration to populate the DB.  I'm not sure what other deployers might do though.20:45
persia(all the more reason not to hardcode a dependency or add this code directly to Storyboard)20:46
SotKreplace one-time-migration with "a script to run manually once" and there will be no effect on other deployers20:47
persiaHrm?  What about the on-new-account-do-something-to-populate-the-field?  Where would that live?20:48
SotKit could be an openstack-specific plugin similar to those for subscription events and emails, I'm not settled on where exactly the code should live though20:50
persiaThat makes sense.20:54
* SotK adds some tasks to!/story/2000132 based on the above21:05

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