Wednesday, 2017-08-16

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SotKI feel bad doing this since there has been no meeting for a few weeks, but I'm not really going to be able to chair the meeting today and idk if Zara is around, so maybe we should cancel it yet again?18:27
diablo_rojoI am around, but I have a lot of other things going on so I can go either way.18:32
diablo_rojoSotK, will you be at the PTG?18:32
* diablo_rojo crosses fingers18:32
SotKI don't think so sadly :(18:38
diablo_rojoSotK, dang :/ We really need to all get together and push through some things.18:45
fungithanks for the heads up on the meeting18:59
fungialso, happy to do sb stuff at the ptg, especially mon/tue i expect we'll have at least a few teams dropping in curious about whether/when they should consider migrating19:00
diablo_rojofungi, I plan to focus on that Mon/Tues too. Get some reviews done, see if I can get my testing configuration figured out lol19:18
fungidiablo_rojo: feel free to join us in the infra/qa(/relmgmt/stable/reqs) helproom19:21
SotKthanks for informing -meeting fungi :)19:24
SotKdiablo_rojo: yeah, my lack of holidays left this year is a bit annoying :/19:26
diablo_rojofungi, will do!19:26
diablo_rojoSotK, I can think of a way to get more holidays ;)19:27
Zarasorry, I've been sick, thanks for taking care of it everyone20:40
diablo_rojoZara, no worries. You are also traveling still right?20:42
Zaraam in canada, got here on mon20:48
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