Friday, 2017-06-02

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jdandrea_Q: Is there a consistent way for me to look at "bugs fixed in release XYZ" for a given project?13:40
persiajdandrea_: Do you mean to query for bugs that were open, had a task against some specific release, and had that task closed, or do you mean determine what bugs were fixed by all the changes between one release and the next?13:42
jdandrea_Something along these lines:
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jdandreaThis is really handy! (Spoiler: We're already in Launchpad now. Brandy new. Yaaaay!)13:43
jdandrea(Correction, we're already in *Storyboard* now!)13:44
persiaSo, "no".13:44
persiaThere is limited API support for "milestone" in Storyboard, but I keep intending to submit a patch to make it go away (I am having some issues with the migrations)13:45
persiaDo you usually use that report to plan a milestone, or after a milestone has been released?13:46
persiaIf the former, I suspect you'll find that creating a worklist in Storybord achieves most of what you need.13:46
persiaIf the latter, I would recommend querying the git history (either with relno or something else, depending on what sort of output you need).13:47
jdandreaI use it for both. Better yet, I don't create it. It's automagic, and I can direct folks to it without having to use lower level tools.13:47
jdandreaHmm. Maybe there's something I can do with tagging.13:47
persiaYou don't create the milestone names?13:47
jdandreaSomeone creates the milestone names, yep. But the list is populated automatically and then folks can just look at it. I'm trying to think of a way to do that in Storyboard.13:48
persiaIndeed.  You could tag things with something like "milestone-heat-pike-1" and set up an automatic worklist that would be similar to the LP repor.13:48
jdandreaMaybe I just tag it?13:48
jdandreaThat's good!13:49
persiaAnd if anyone wants to add something, they just add that tag to a story, and it automatically joins the worklist.13:49
jdandreaEr, um, I mean boom. :)13:49
persiaThe only inconvenient bit is that when things are resolved, they won't display on the worklist by default.13:49
jdandreaOhh, if they aren't complete. Oops. Hmm ...13:50
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persiaSo if you want a retroactive report showing not only what needs doing, but what has already been achieved, I suspect you'll need to play with the view settings a little.13:50
jdandreaFun things to ponder... thx!13:50
persiaI don't beleive that resolved tasks are removed from the worklist, just not shown by defaut, so it ought be easy to find them, although maybe less easy to share a URL that shows them.13:51
SotKmerged/completed things should appear in the worklist I think, unless you explicitly filter by only active stories/unmerged tasks13:51
persiaSotK: Ah, cool.  Thanks for the clarification.13:52
jdandreaThat would be superb. :)13:52
SotKif they don't, I'd class it as a bug :)13:53
jdandrea*reading the Boston Summit slides* "Automatic Lanes" - checking those out.13:53
persiaNote that the semantics are a bit confusing.  If you use Storyboard in a similar way to launchpad (one task per project per story), then the report will be very similar (filter for tasks in your project that have the appropriate tag).  If you use Storyboard with many tasks per story, and want to have different tasks in the same story in different milestones, that might be harder to do.13:53
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jdandreapersia: Makes sense. I'm wanting to exploit the features that make Storyboard awesome while still having some of that automatic list fu I see in Launhpad, basically.13:54
persiajdandrea: I'm sure you'll find the right balance over time: in my mind, tools should be flexible enough to let anyone do what they want, mostly how they want, and still share data with people who do it the other way.13:55
persiaUnfortunately, this means the tools I like tend not to have much in the way of "the way to do it".13:56
persiaI know that some teams that use Storyboard have found the UI limiting for some of the reports they want, etc., and have written small clients to extract data from the API directly.  I don't think you need that now, but you might keep it in mind if you end up reaching the limitations of automatic worklists.13:57
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jdandreaRight, flexibility is paramount! Where "the way to do it" helps me is I can use aspects of what I already know in other projects. It may be that this naturally evolves over time so that it's a non-issue, and without hampering flexibility.14:19
jdandreaAnd the API-first thinking is great.14:20
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fungipersia: jdandrea: discussion from today's release team meeting is timely...
fungibasically there is work underway to get the same integration in the release tools as we have leaving comments on lp bugs right now when commits appear in a new release and indicate in their commit messages that they close specific bugs (those "fix released in version <blah>" comments on lp bugs)17:27
fungiso hopefully in the very near future, projects under release management will be getting those comments in their stories automatically where some task is covered in a commit appearing in a new release17:28
fungiand the release management tooling is freely available for others to run independently as well17:28
persiaHmm...  This is another case where the semantics are tricky.17:30
persiaThat functionality seems like it will update a *story* when the story is referenced properly in a commit performed in the milestone (unless I misunderstand the tool in question).17:30
persiaBut if anyone has a story where there are multiple tasks against the same project in different milestones, it is confusing.17:31
fungiyes, the data model will need some tweaking for storyboard to identify which specific tasks were merged in a release17:31
persia(launchpad didn't allow that, which is one of the complaints against launchpad, but it seems we rely on it in some ways)17:31
fungithe data model for the release tooling will need tweaking, i mean17:31
persiaI suppose that as long as developers include task numbers in the commit messages, the tooling can extract that, and provide a summary of which tasks are included in a milestone release.17:32
fungiright, and including task numbers is encouraged anyway since that's what drives the gerrit its-storyboard plugin automation to automagically transition task states for you17:32
persiaHeh, yeah, and now you have filled my mind with schemes to store useful task activity metadata in ways that allow post-commit manual adjustment to be comprehended by external tooling (e.g. release tooling), which I fear is a larger problem than I can comprehend on a Friday afternoon.17:36
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jdandrea@fungi thx!20:39
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