Monday, 2017-05-22

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Zaramorning, storyboard08:33
ZaraI just misspelled my own first name08:33
ZaraI think it's morning08:33
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mordredSotK, Zara: moring!14:13
mordredI am creating a story and the "Save Changes" button is not active, but I can't tell why ...14:13
Zarahm, can you take a screencap?14:14
Zara(my guess is maybe no project selected for the default task)14:14
mordredZara: oh - I also changed the name of the default task -is that ok?14:16
Zarait should be fine14:16
mordredZara: ^^14:16
Zaraokay my guess would be that it isn't recognising one of those tasks' projects for some reason, and the project needs to be selected from the dropdown instead of typed into the box14:17
Zara(assuming the story title is fine, I don't know what else it would be)14:18
mordredgotcha. I'll try reselecting each task project14:20
ZaraI hope that works, sorry it's a pain. :S14:21
mordredZara: k - I made a new one with only the default task and that worked - and I'm going to just add tasks to it14:21
mordredZara: I tried re-doing the project selections and that didn't fix it ...14:21
* SotK thinks he has hit this issue before14:21
mordredZara: next time you get bored, might be a fun thing to chase :)14:21
Zarayeah, ugh, that's annoying. :/ at least it's work-aroundable.14:21
ZaraI tried making a test thing in -dev just now but it worked, so no ideas yet14:22
Zarathanks for flagging it up! :)14:22
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fungidiablo_rojo: are we still go for the pending migrations scheduled to begin in about 15 minutes? i haven't seen any replies to your e-mail from the project contacts19:41
diablo_rojofungi, I haven't heard anything to the contrary but I can try to ping people just to confirm.19:42
diablo_rojoConfirm there are no issues.19:43
fungidiablo_rojo: i'm cool either way, but since i don't think we got any confirmation from them on our proposed schedule it might catch them by surprise19:43
fungioh, i guess i should also propose the related project-config change for these19:44
diablo_rojoI tried to phrase the email as, let us know if it doesn't work, but yeah- probably good to check.19:44
diablo_rojoI pinged Cloudkitt19:45
diablo_rojopinged Craton too19:46
fungithanks! i'm working on the project-config changes now19:47
diablo_rojoCraton says go for it!19:49
fungithe project-config changes are (craton) and (cloudkitty)20:04
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diablo_rojoThanks fungi :)20:14
fungii just asked in #openstack-infra for expedited reviews on those so i can get moving on it20:15
fungii should remember in the future to propose them in advance :/20:15
diablo_rojofungi, we are still learning :)20:16
fungiwell, i should have learned this lesson in one of the several other recent imports20:16
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diablo_rojofungi, not sure it matters now, but Cloudkitty said go go go!20:41
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fungiawesome. i'll get 'em both knocked out here shortly20:48
diablo_rojoSweet! Thank you.20:49
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SotK\o/ thanks folk :)21:10
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