Tuesday, 2017-03-21

fungiZara: SotK: hogepodge: migration completed for all monasca, defcore and refstack00:52
fungithey'll probably want to close down their lp bug trackers like infra did for theirs00:52
zara_the_lemur__I'm about to go to bed so it's good timing :)00:54
fungii checked all the other potential project names in lp corresponding to their repos and none existed, so that should be everything01:03
fungiworth noting, i realized there is no openstack/monasca repo, so i migrated the lp bugs for monasca to their openstack/monasca-api project in sb01:04
fungithey had been using bug tags named for their repos instead, so those tags imported and they should be able to query on them for the imported stories01:05
fungior i can maybe manually switch the individual projects for them based on existing imported tags01:05
fungiwith a db update query01:06
zara_the_lemur__yeah, I think that would be slightly nicer to use01:10
zara_the_lemur__(though my main thought around that is that filtering by tag will probably get awkward once there are lots of stories, so depends how many they have)01:11
zara_the_lemur__(might be fine to leave it for a bit... though probably better for people to get used to a workflow earlier01:11
zara_the_lemur__regardless, thanks for everything!01:11
* zara_the_lemur__ goes to sleep01:12
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SotKfungi: \o/ thanks06:26
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Wiki is broken with database problems, we are working to resolve it08:34
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Wiki problems have been fixed, it's up and running08:43
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Zarawow, early morning wiki fix10:09
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stevejimshi, anyone able to answer a question about launchpad->storyboard migration? specifically the monasca migration yesterday12:00
* SotK can try12:02
SotKwhat's the question?12:02
stevejimsso we were wondering what happens to blueprints, whether they get migrated to a particular project etc12:03
SotKhm, so unless they show up when requesting the list of bugs for a project using launchpadlib, they won't've been migrated I think12:07
* SotK has not considered blueprints12:07
SotKI think the eventual plan for them was that blueprints should also be stories12:07
SotKstories in storyboard aren't directly mapped to projects, instead tasks within stories are12:09
SotKa story will show up in a list of "stories for this project" if it has one or more tasks for that project12:09
SotKso a blueprint will end up mapped to any project that is has a task for12:09
stevejimsOK SotK - thanks, i'll have a look through, but your suspicion is that they might not be migrated?12:22
fungistevejims: to positively confirm, the community as a whole has been moving away from "blueprints" to specs and general task tracking, so blueprint importing was never identified as a major need for storyboard12:30
fungithe idea though is that if you have stories/tasks associated with a spec, you can track their overall progress using worklists or kanban boards in storyboard12:31
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stevejimsok thanks fungi13:18
fungistevejims: the zuul v3 spec and associated boards are an example of how the infra team has been leveraging some more advanced task tracking in storyboard13:19
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stevejimscool - will take a look, thanks13:36
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