Saturday, 2016-11-26

zara_the_lemursince I haven't been able to ask people on my end about 3rd party permissions for repos yet, I've found a pelican + ghpages workflow that kinda works, though it's deeply unpleasant (one branch is just the output dir, and when changing the config and content, I copy the output to a branch not tracked by git, change to my output branch, delete everything and14:02
zara_the_lemurreplace with the copied output). the alternative is to have all output copied into the top level of the directory, with the config, but I found that noisy. luckily this is just a gh pages limitation (your root needs to be the top level of your directory for that, so you can't say 'serve the stuff in the `output` folder'). so atm I have to specify absolute14:02
zara_the_lemururls to my gh in the config14:02
zara_the_lemur (that's the output generated from the config in the master branch). the template is still very close to the default15:23

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