Wednesday, 2016-11-23

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* Zara stretches and yawns18:12
Zarareminder that the storyboard meeting is in 48 mins!18:12
ZaraI'm still suuuuper sleepy, so hoping either to keep it short or for other people to do most of the talking :P18:15
Zarathough there is plenty to talk about \o/18:16
Zaracurrent agenda up here:
Zaraoh, and if anything has happened in here over the last few days, I've probably missed it in a flurry of packing and whatnot18:32
Zarameeting in 5!18:54
* SotK returns home in the nick of time18:58
ZaraI think it probably will be short, since diablo_rojo and I talked about discussing some stuff in the meeting, but I thiiiink she's on a plane right now, so I'll sum up but it probably makes sense to postpone more detailed discussion.18:59
* Zara -> #openstack-meeting19:00
SotKI hope this more famous than Bury's World Famous Market19:01
* Zara doubts Bury itself is world-famous19:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix install instructions for MySQL
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* SotK decides he likes the book icon20:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update Angular from 1.3.13 to 1.5.8
Zaradouble woop!20:07
* SotK hopes that doesn't come back to ruin his Thursday20:08
Zarahah, if it ruins anyone's, it'll be mine20:08
* Zara will feel honour-bound to fix it20:08
Zarariiight I am heading off to eat food and suchlike20:09
SotKhave fun20:09
* SotK is waiting for his food to be delivered20:09
Zarahah, I am SO TIRED20:09
SotKtakeaway, every day20:09
ZaraI should do that20:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make subheading more succint
Zarasandwich is current plan; sandwich is more effort; wish me luck20:10
SotKgood luck20:10
SotKsandwiches are hard20:10
SotKlarge effort, not the best reward20:10
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to a problem with the cinder volume backing the log server, jobs are failing with POST_FAILURE. Please avoid issuing 'recheck' commands until the issue is resolved.21:11
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*** ChanServ changes topic to "StoryBoard - A task tracker for OpenStack development needs :: ::"22:55
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The affected filesystems on the log server are repaired. Please leave 'recheck' comments on any changes which failed with POST_FAILURE.22:55

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