Thursday, 2016-11-17

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SotKmorning storyboard!08:37
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Zarayou're up early09:09
SotKI am09:10
SotKit feels good :D09:10
Zaracool, every time I need to wake up early for something, I'll just ask you to do it instead :P09:11
Zarahm, wonder if zuul folks would find an automatic board more suited to their needs09:14
SotKis there some backscroll which triggered that?09:16
Zaraoh, mailing list09:16
Zaraboards are hard for them to use atm because of ACLs (fair enough since we don't yet have the 'openstack users' group or a way to attach a team to a board), so for now the plan is for people to update the status of tasks and SpamapS to update the board to reflect09:17
Zaraso if it's currently being used to visualise status, automatic might work better, though the tags-not-to-tasks thing might be the trouble there09:18
SotKyeah, it sounds like SpamapS is currently acting as a human worklist filter09:19
SotKbut I'm not sure our current filters allow the query they want09:19
SotK("Tasks with status Foo in stories tagged with zuulv3")09:20
Zarayep, if it's 'tasks in stories tagged x'09:20
Zaraish, I was just assuming status09:20
Zaragah, I knew that bug would be painful09:20
SotKso I feel like this raises two pieces of work that need doing09:20
SotK1) finishing the board/worklist permissions to use teams09:20
SotK2) adding the ability to filter tasks by story tag09:21
Zarathat's where I'm leaning, though I should ask more about they're using it09:21
Zarawell one of us should ask more, my thought is that I can probably get to it first09:21
SotKI'm not entirely happy with worklist filters and how they are different from the browse API09:22
SotKhmm, reading that email I wonder if there is a desire for a different type of board than our current public/private09:25
SotKas in, public-and-publically-editable09:25
SotKprobably something worth chatting with folk about09:26
Zarathat's the other option, figured you could get the same effect with 'public and team 'all users'', but it depends what's easiest to implement any time soon09:28
ZaraI agree there's desire for it09:28
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* Zara ponders feasibility of task_tags - field for tasks in db; nothing corresponds in UI; maps story tag(s) to the tasks in that story. then could filter on that for tasks and just call it 'tags' in the ui when applying filter.09:51
Zara*nothing corresponds in story detail ui09:52
SotKmeh, we can just do the same thing without a database field09:53
Zaraheh, I defer to your expertise09:53
SotK(since tasks have a story_id and we map tags to stories somehow, we can just do a join using that)09:55
Zaratrue, I thought it might get complex following the mappings, but then I don't really like the idea of making the db massive either09:55
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Zaraseems simple enough, anyway09:56
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SpamapSZara SotK I have many thoughts on work boards and story tags, I've been taking notes.13:22
SpamapSAn automatic board for tasks of stories with a tag would indeed be super useful.13:24
SotKSpamapS: It'd be great to see those notes sometime :)13:28
SotKI'll bump filtering tasks by story tag up my priority list and hopefully get to it relatively soon13:28
SpamapSSotK: one thing I'd really really like is a log of changes.13:42
SpamapSSo if the board was automatically generated, that would suffice13:42
SotKSpamapS: there is currently a log of changes, its just not displayed in the UI anywhere13:45
SotK and for example (worklist 155 being the backlog lane in that board)13:46
* SotK realises the first query should probably return events for the lanes too13:47
SpamapSSotK: oh cool!13:48
SpamapSthat's exactly the data I was hoping to see13:49
SpamapSso yeah, if that makes it in to the UI some time that's double plus extra points13:50
SpamapS(having it is more important than making it easy to see... there are just times I need to know who moved a card)13:50
SotKgood :)13:50
SpamapSSotK: another thing.. the story vs. task icon is _way_ too similar.13:50
SotKyup, the plan was always to put it in the UI somewhere, we just haven't had time to figure it out yet13:50
SpamapSThey both just look like bulleted lists13:51
SotKSpamapS: yeah, I don't like the task icon and wish I could find a better one13:53
SpamapShow about a thumbtack?13:56
SpamapSSotK: ^ something like that?13:56
SpamapStask.. tack.. ?13:57
SpamapS <-- another possibility13:58
SpamapSjust something that isn't the same thing... 3 lines stacked on eachother13:58
Zarawe currently use fontawesome for icons, so it'd be good to have a look through that library and see if there's something you'd prefer that we're not using elsewhere14:02
Zarawe didn't want to get stuck bikeshedding task icons and nothing stood out, so we deferred it, but I don't think any of us like it being the same thing14:02
Zarahere's the link:
Zaraoh, although we're using version 4.5 at the moment, so the newest ones won't be there (and we should update sometime)14:04
SotKit won't be an issue to update :)14:07
Zara(oh, I was thinking of worklists/boards icons being the one we didn't want to bikeshed, but I bet that's the reasoning behind many earlier icon design decisions, too)14:07
SotKyeah, I'm pretty sure its the reason for the task icon14:08
SotKwhich used to be a tag icon, which was handy due to being different, but not so handy due to being a tag14:08
Zaraaha, that was it14:09
ZaraI think I was actually the one who patched that... yay, hivemind14:11
Zara(though maybe I wasn't)14:11
Zaranope, it was you, I think I just noticed it then14:15
Zaraoh no it was me, I can't read14:15
Zarait doesn't matter at all14:16
Zarait was just bothering me14:16
Zaraoh, I forgot to ping; will repeat with ping since the above is waffly (sorry)14:25
ZaraSpamapS: 14:02 < Zara> we currently use fontawesome for icons, so it'd be good to have a14:26
Zara              look through that library and see if there's something you'd14:26
Zara              prefer that we're not using elsewhere14:26
Zara14:02 < Zara> we didn't want to get stuck bikeshedding task icons and nothing14:26
Zara              stood out, so we deferred it, but I don't think any of us like it14:26
Zara              being the same thing14:26
Zara14:04 < Zara> here's the link:
Zara(we currently use v 4.5 but can update to 4.7 easily enough if needed)14:26
SpamapSZara: oh cool, I'll look at those icons.14:26
Zaranp :)14:27
SpamapSWhat if you made story ?14:28
Zaraheh, I think I'd be fine with that; I can't think of anything else it would get confused with. I'm not particularly attached to anything as long as we make sure our users know about it so they can find things.14:31
Zarathere are bonus points if you can find a good icon for boards and/or worklists (we're currently reusing the tasks icon for those)14:32
ZaraI don't know that the bonus points count towards anything, but they're there14:33
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zara_the_lemur__for anyone bothered by strange looking board cards,  fixes it!18:54
zara_the_lemur__it has a +2 but is in need of +1s18:54
zara_the_lemur__meanwhile, angular update has +1s but no +2
zara_the_lemur__why must the world be this way18:55
zara_the_lemur__oh, and I thought this had gone in, but apparently it's also awaiting +1s
zara_the_lemur__that is a patch to update our installation docs18:56
zara_the_lemur__so that they are correct18:56
zara_the_lemur__most people can work out the problem if that's missing, but it would catch a new developer out18:57
zara_the_lemur__I'm probably going to be around-but -distracted this evening18:58
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make subheading more succint
zara_the_lemur__the exclamation mark might be a bit much19:14
zara_the_lemur__and yes, I have gone back on myself with that19:14
zara_the_lemur__I saw it and it bothered me.19:14
* zara_the_lemur__ stops procrastinating from packing19:15
zara_the_lemur__that page definitely needs some love19:16
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