Friday, 2016-08-26

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Hide timeline events and comments of private stories
Zaramorning, storyboard!09:27
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Zaraevents timeline patches are now in merge conflict. daresay this is known10:03
* Zara is gerritbot anyway10:03
SotKyeah, it is known10:04
Zarait is known10:07
* SotK rebases it10:10
SotKopenstackgerrit is still asleep again10:11
Zaracool, I don't want to merge stuff late in the afternoon so I'll try to be quick10:12
Zarahah, it's easier to navigate to the right patch in gerrit from a storyboard email sent via the gerrit plugin than from a gerrit email10:13
Zara(because gerrit puts the useful link further down, and it's easier to click other things by accident)10:14
Zaraoh, summit schedule's up10:37
matthewbodkinI don't think the draft link for the new sidebar patch works10:39
matthewbodkinHowever when I copy the link into firefox it works fine10:39
matthewbodkinMight just be chrome idk10:39
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Zarahm, yeah, it doesn't work for me on chromium either11:22
Zarano idea what's going on there11:22
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Zara(it'd be handy for the sort_field to list valid fields when it's given a dodgy value, the same way the event_type filter does.)11:25
Zarafor timeline events, that is11:25
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Zarahuh.. my instance is saying I have about 20 active access tokens. that seems weird12:36
ZaraI can only assume I was failing at syntax a while ago, since just tried a worklist PUT with the python client and it works12:50
Zara(didn't try anything fancy, just changed it to automatic)12:50
matthewbodkinCan't for the life of me get truncate working with `Webclient version: ...`, can anyone shine some light for me or would it just be easier to give it another class and the target that in `src/theme/base/typography.less`?13:20
Zarahey! :) it should work if you turn the interpolated value into a string (ie: put it in "")13:22
Zarasomething like Webclient version: {{"<%- sha %>" | truncate: 10}}13:23
* SotK would probably truncate to 7 characters to match git's default behaviour13:24
matthewbodkinyes I was going to do 7 :)13:25
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matthewbodkinhmm no it's really not having it13:30
Zarahm, that works on my instance13:38
matthewbodkinon mine it literally just says what you're typing13:40
matthewbodkinI feel like I'm having a moment here and missing something obvious13:40
Zaramine works with single and double quotes. it fails if I type two single quotes next to each other13:41
Zaraso it might be something like that13:41
Zaraif you paste what you have, we might be able to spot what's going on13:41
matthewbodkinokay :)13:42
matthewbodkinis what I have put in13:44
matthewbodkinis what I get13:45
matthewbodkinsorry the second what should be a 7 it's just because I've tried with both numbers and left the 10 in13:46
matthewbodkinsecond one*13:48
Zarahuh, I tried pasting your input and it still works on my machine. I wonder if anything's odd about the surrounding code13:49
matthewbodkinI've done it13:52
Zaraaha! what was up?13:52
matthewbodkinI was being v.stupid13:52
matthewbodkinplain and simple13:52
ZaraI doubt it, especially if you fixed it13:53
matthewbodkinmeh thanks for the help anyway :D13:57
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tweak 'about' page
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make sidebar submenu the same length as sidebar
Zarawell TIL that I have a confused understanding of tasks.py14:45
Zaraand api things in general; where things were acting as filters for queries I thought they were defining values for certain vars...14:46
Zaraso I guess they were defining values, but for filters.14:47
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Zaraokay, heading off. been staring at this blankly for a while and I'm too tired to concentrate. don't yet know how/if it's possible to alias something in the api so you can direct the webclient to that (wanted to do that before db migration, figured it'd be smoother and handy to have a process if we needed to plan migrations in the future)16:09
Zarait seems like it populates things with the keys from the db but I feel like it must be possible to play with16:10
Zara'night! :)16:12
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