Tuesday, 2016-07-19

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pedroalvarezyay, instance upgraded :)09:04
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Zarathat storyboard is such a pretty colour...10:01
ZaraI think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/312666/ is ready for a rebase now10:01
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories  https://review.openstack.org/31266610:39
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ZaraI'll be away shortly for lunch (for a change!) will be back in a bit.11:55
Zarapedroalvarez: btw, how's the ansible role? any docs we can shamelessly link to? :)11:59
* Zara actually goes off for lunch11:59
pedroalvarezanisble role is uptodate12:10
pedroalvarezbut docs12:10
pedroalvarezi'm sure I can find some time soon to update them :)12:11
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Zara\o/ I think we have another person who'll try spinning up an instance soonish13:20
Zaraso that's why I wondered, thank you!13:20
pedroalvarezI see13:21
pedroalvarezThis would be good if what is trying to do is to set up a production environment13:22
pedroalvarezfor development might not be the best choice13:22
Zaratrue, I was thinking of it as the best option for a quick setup, but I guess that's not great when it's also designed for production13:23
Zaragoing to start on the python client again now13:26
Zarasomehow it's already half 2 ;_;13:26
Zarahm, storyboard really doesn't like underscores in project names13:38
Zaraor long ones. it's a shame so many puppety things fall into both categories!13:38
Zarahm, I think storyboard automatically creates a branch for each project. maybe this is known already.14:05
SotKsounds plausible14:05
Zarayeah, my instance has 21 branches and I've never created them manually14:06
persiaWhile branch support in the UI was never implemented, I believe every task is actually against a branch, rather than a project.14:10
Zarathey're against both, I think.14:10
* SotK can confirm that is the case14:12
persiaThere may be an optimisation in the DB to be able to get the project from the task without going through the branch, but that's an implementation detail.14:12
persiaNote that in practice, this doesn't matter much, because of the lack of validation, testing, and UI exposure of the branch model :)14:13
ZaraI either can't remember the syntax for POSTing with the client, or I can't get it to work for branches, or both. all expected things are present for a GET, anyway14:31
Zaraand PUTs work fine14:34
persiaThe branch API might not be very rich yet.14:34
persiaAnd I think POST is change, and I have trouble imagining how one changes a branch without it being confusing.14:34
ZaraI figure if it can make them automatically, it's probably possible for me to do it, I just don't have the right syntax (post is create, put is change)14:35
persiaAh, indeed.  I cannot imagine an API that permits change without create.14:36
Zarayeah, I think I'm just missing some runes14:36
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Zarait did try to post, but gave 400s each time with varying errors. well, I'll see what happens with milestones, and if it's weird there, too, I'll paste some things14:40
Zaraso this is the same syntax as PUTs, but it's much disliked14:59
Zarawhen I print the results of that, I get...15:00
ZaraI may just have a cooked brain15:00
ZaraI also tried putting an object in there but got:15:04
ZaraTraceback (most recent call last):15:04
Zara  File "testscript.py", line 14, in <module>15:04
Zara    milestones = storyboard.milestones.create({'name':'cat'})15:04
ZaraTypeError: create() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)15:04
Zarawhich isn't very surprising, since that looks weird even to me. :P15:04
persiaMaybe quote the JSON string in the python, so it becomes a string object?15:07
* Zara gives it a go15:07
Zarasame error15:08
Zaraoh well, I can carry on with GETs for other things and just try a new thing every so often15:08
ZaraI think I did POSTs for stories last time around15:09
Zaraso at some point I knew how15:09
Zaraunfortunately I can't find any examples lying around in my files15:09
persiaTry create(json="...")15:12
* persia is looking at BaseManager._put()15:12
persiaOh, nevermind.  That doesn't work.15:14
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Zarahm, my access token expired partway through. it better not be that15:21
Zaraokay, doesn't look like it. the error didn't seem to suggest that, either, so I guess that's just as well15:23
anteayaregarding markus_z's question about having a meeting to discuss blockers, I want to talk to individuals first please15:31
anteayawhen I am ready to have a meeting, I will call one15:31
* SotK wonders how any POSTs work15:32
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anteayamarkus_z: hello15:37
markus_zhey ho15:37
anteayathanks for having some time15:37
anteayaso I'm going over your list, I haven't read all the back scroll of your prior discussion15:37
anteayaI'd like to start with the question, if were were to migrate to storyboard tomorrow could you get work done?15:38
markus_zthe short answer is "no"15:38
anteayaokay thank you15:38
anteayawhat is the top thing that is missing or not availalbe for you to be able to work?15:39
markus_zE011 worries me the most15:40
markus_zAfter that, E00415:40
anteayalet's discuss E011 first15:40
anteayaif we move to storyboard-dev15:41
anteayacan you tell me how you set up your dashboard so you and I can see the same event?15:41
markus_zI use this script to query LP: https://github.com/markuszoeller/openstack/blob/master/scripts/launchpad/bugs_dashboard.py15:42
markus_zI need to rewrite it for SB15:43
anteayayes, I believe that15:43
anteayabut let's identify what functionality launchpad is providing for you in your script15:44
markus_znote: that's only one of the many LP scripts which are around. https://github.com/openstack-infra/release-tools has a lot more.15:44
anteayaI understand15:44
anteayais bugs_dashboard_template.html an endpoing that launchpad provides?15:45
markus_zno, it's a jinja template I created to display the LP queries for
anteayaso this is your jinja template15:46
markus_zthe rendered result, to be precise15:46
anteayathank you, and yes, let's be precise15:46
markus_zthe template is here: https://github.com/markuszoeller/openstack/blob/master/scripts/launchpad/bugs_dashboard_template.html15:46
anteayaokay so can you help me understand the format of the launchpad query?15:47
markus_zThe most simple one is this: https://github.com/markuszoeller/openstack/blob/master/scripts/launchpad/bugs_dashboard.py#L267-L26815:48
markus_zIt utilizes "launchpadlib" (https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib) to query the LP database.15:49
anteayaI have had no knowledge of launchpadlib prior to this moment15:49
fungii think it's a good takeaway to see the sorts of interactions these tools have with launchpad so we know what kinds of api calls are useful to consumers, though it's also worth noting that no matter what task tracker we switch to it will never be a bug-compatible reimplementation of the launchpad api15:49
markus_zfrom what I saw of your API docs, SB can do that, but I need time to rewrite it.15:50
anteayaokay yes, I agree15:50
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fungianteaya: we use launchpadlib in infra to update bugs and blueprints (things the its-storyboard plugin for gerrit will be taking over)15:50
anteayafungi: ah thank you15:50
anteayaso yes, from my understanding of lp_project.searchTasks(status=["In Progress"],15:50
dmsimardoh, sorry if this has already been proposed somewhere -- but know how the openstack bot will link the bug and description when we link a launchpad bug ? It should do that for storyboard too :)15:50
anteayastoryboard can search tasks based on task status15:50
fungidmsimard: yes, there's a gerrit plugin to do that now15:51
anteayaI don't know if we offer an omit_duplicates flag15:51
markus_zI can filter that on the client side if necessary15:51
anteayamarkus_z: okay thank you15:51
dmsimardfungi: I don't think we're talking about the same thing, I don't mean the "Closes-Bug: #" links from gerrit15:51
anteayamarkus_z: or we can get that into storyboard, we can accept patches, if that is easier15:51
anteayadmsimard: can I finish with markus_z first please?15:52
dmsimardanteaya: yeah sure15:52
fungidmsimard: oh, you're talking about the code we have in meetbot. yes, adding a lookup for that should be pretty trivial15:52
anteayadmsimard: I would really like to ensure I understand his needs so I can help address them15:52
anteayadmsimard: thanks15:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1592564 in neutron "gate-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal is failing" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Elena Ezhova (eezhova)15:52
dmsimardfungi: ^ like this15:52
markus_zanteaya: It's not critical IMO and could be added in a later step15:52
anteayamarkus_z: sorry what part is not critical?15:52
markus_zthat the SB API provides a filter for duplicates15:53
anteayamarkus_z: ah thank you15:54
anteayamarkus_z: okay so what is critical right now?15:54
anteayalet's see if we can get back to that15:54
fungii would say, from a broader perspective, storyboard does not yet have the concept of marking one story or task as a duplicate of another15:55
anteayafungi: okay thanks15:55
fungiat least as far as i'm aware15:55
anteayamarkus_z: we were talking about E01115:55
SotKindeed it does not15:55
* SotK has done it with tags a couple of times15:56
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anteayamarkus_z: and I see what you are talking about, in my dashboard event stream Zara added this comment: https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/story/23#comment-12715:56
anteayayes clicking on the link in the event stream takes me to the story, not to the comment15:56
anteayamarkus_z: and you would like the event stream link to take me to the event, not to the story on which the event occured15:57
anteayaI think this is possible for comments as comments have permalinks now15:57
markus_zanteaya: sorry, I got lost. Do we still talk about E011?15:57
anteayaSotK: is it possible to add the permalink for comments to the event stream15:57
anteayamarkus_z: yes, sorry I am still talking about E01115:57
anteayaand I apologize for the confusion15:58
markus_zanteaya: I don't see the connection between E011 and the story event stream.15:58
anteayaoh sorry15:58
anteayathen I don't yet understand the point of E01115:58
anteayacan you try to tell me again15:58
Zara(hm, aiui it's fine to have multiple conversations simulatenously on irc, and I was under the impression that dmsimard was talking to me and sotk about a completely separate thing? please correct me if my understanding of irc is mistaken, since we often do that in this channel...)15:59
anteayaI'm really trying to understand markus_z15:59
anteayaif it would be easier for me to move to the -sprint channel to chat with him I can try that16:00
dmsimardI wasn't talking to anyone in particular, I was asking if anyone had thought of the feature I was talking about in general :/16:00
anteayabut so far I don't yet know what he wants16:00
anteayaand he says that right now he can't use storyboard16:00
anteayawhich is a concern for me16:00
anteayaso I would like to ensure I can understand him16:00
SotKdmsimard: to answer your question, I think that it was planned to be done originally, and I imagine will be done as part of the migration16:01
markus_zanteaya: I'd like to rewrite my launchpad scripts *before* we switch to SB and query the most current "shadows/copies" from the LP bug reports.16:01
anteayamarkus_z: oh yes, that is fine, I totally understand that16:01
anteayamarkus_z: and yes we still have to go through the tc once we have identified the storyboard gaps16:01
markus_zanteaya: Part of my concern is, that I don't know how the transition will look like.16:01
SotKanteaya: yes it is possible to add the permalink for comments to the event stream, but that won't work for events that aren't comments16:01
anteayamarkus_z: which is my role here16:02
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anteayamarkus_z: ah okay that is a good question16:02
markus_zanteaya: It's not a technical issue with SB, more a process "issue".16:02
anteayaSotK: thanks, I am no longer sure if that is a concern of markus_z's, it seems like it isn't and I made a mistake16:02
anteayamarkus_z: that is very legitimate16:03
anteayamarkus_z: this is the process we have agreed to so far: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/task-tracker.html16:03
markus_zanteaya: I stated that in Q003 below.16:03
anteayaoh okay great16:04
anteayaokay there is an agenda item on it16:05
anteayaZara: what other questions came up if I might ask?16:05
markus_zanteaya: I don't find a section which explains how the bug reports get transferred between LP and SB.16:06
anteayamarkus_z: currently I am working on steps 1 and 2 on phase 116:06
anteayamarkus_z: right, are you available to attend the infra meeting today?16:06
markus_zwhat time is that?16:07
anteaya19:00 utc today16:07
anteayain -meeting16:07
Zaraquestion 1) was re: cross project meeting, since I was planning to ask fungi at what point he thought it would be sensible to do that step (though you've since said you want to organise that, so maybe we don't need to discuss it any more :)) and the other was the q00316:07
anteayagreat thank you16:07
anteayayeah, I am not ready for a meeting on this16:07
markus_zanteaya: yeah, I think I can attend from home16:07
anteayaI am still talking to individuals16:07
anteayamarkus_z: wonderful thank you16:07
anteayaso yes, we successfuly migrated the infra bugs from launchpad to storyboard when we migrated infra over a year ago16:08
anteayabut it would be good to go over that process again and to ensure that folks involved are clear on the steps16:08
anteayasince I believe some that were involved are no longer available to help16:09
markus_zwas there a period of time where bugs existed in both, LP and SB?16:09
anteayaso thank you16:09
anteayaone or the other, not both at the same time16:09
anteayaif they existed on both then updates for one would get lost16:09
fungimore accurately, the bugs continue to "exist" in lp after the migration, but bug tracking gets disabled in lp so that no new bugs can be opened16:10
markus_zMaybe we can copy bug reports once, re-write the LP scripts to work with SB within a specific timeframe, clean the SB bug report DB and make the real transition.16:10
anteayafungi: ah, thank you for accuracy16:11
fungiit's a little fiddly on the lp side though, as people can technically still update existing bugs there and we've not (afaik) found a way to stop that16:11
markus_zfungi: well, I know how to write a LP script which checks updates and leaves a comment to stop doing that :)16:12
fungithe import script is incremental though, so we can rerun it to update the import as long as nobody edits those stories in storyboard between import runs16:12
Zara(so re: using #sprint, yeah, I think I'd recommend it (or something similar) for times when we want to have a moderated discussion on one specific subject, since otherwise people coming to this channel for support or to ask more general questions don't have a place to be heard.)16:12
anteayaZara: I can do that16:13
anteayaI do need to have uninterrupted conversations at times like this16:13
markus_zfungi: Some (a lot?) scripts make changes to bug reports / user stories.16:13
markus_zFWIW, I like SB more than LP already, but it's very hard to find people who do bug triage. If SB makes that part harder, I'm not in favor of using it.16:15
anteayamarkus_z: well let's identify missing features then16:15
fungimarkus_z: right, i just meant as far as having a trial import teams can check their tooliong against, it's feasible as long as we don't officially start telling the public to start using storyboard for those projects until a firm coordinated cut-over date16:15
anteayamarkus_z: as my role is to identify missing features16:15
markus_zfungi: yes, exactly16:16
markus_zanteaya: Then I would move to E00416:16
anteayamarkus_z: so have we addressed E011 to your satisfaction?16:16
markus_zanteaya: After todays infra meeting, I think.16:17
anteayaokay so E011 is how do we migrate?16:17
markus_zanteaya: yes16:17
anteayagreat, thanks, are you willing to update your etherpad to reflect our agreement on the definition of E011?16:18
fungithis is the catch-22 we're desperately trying to push past. it's hard to have a solid migration plan without knowing what everyone needs, but if people won't tell us their needs without a migration plan we're sunk16:18
anteayafungi: agreed16:18
markus_zI understand that16:19
anteayagreat, thank you16:19
anteayaand I just realized I was looking at the wrong section of the etherpad16:20
anteayaI was looking at F01116:20
anteayaand we have been discussing E01116:20
markus_zanteaya: I'll update E011 after the infra meeting16:20
markus_zAh, yeah, now I get the confusion :)16:21
* anteaya looks at the E0 section of the etherpad now16:21
anteayasorry about that16:21
markus_zThe "F" section are minor nitpicks, not worthy to discuss it now.16:21
anteayaah yes, thank you16:21
anteayaokay so E011 has an agenda item and it looks to me like we can all make it to today's infra meeting16:22
anteayaso E004 is the next item you would like to discuss?16:22
anteayayou would like to add an additional task status entitled "incomplete" is that correct?16:23
markus_zAround 1/3 of Nova's incoming bugs need more information to be actionable.16:23
anteayagreat thank you16:23
anteayaI'll create a story16:23
markus_zor "needs information" or something like that16:23
anteayawould you like it to be needs information rather than incomplete?16:23
persiamarkus_z: Would you say that the "incomplete" state applies to a task or to a story?16:24
markus_z"needs information" is the term bugzilla uses and explains a little more what it symbolizes: The report is not actionable yet and we need more information from the original reporter.16:24
anteayamarkus_z: thank you16:24
markus_zpersia: I guess both, to be honest16:25
SotKin my mental model of storyboard the "incomplete" part would be the story, but I may be wrong16:25
SotKsince the filer of the bug may not know what tasks are required to fix it, but should at least give a good description of the issue16:25
markus_zI can have tasks in different openstack projects, Neutron and Nova for example. The path forward could be clear for Neutron, but Nova isn't there yet.16:26
persiamarkus_z: Thanks.  In my head, it applies mostly to story, but I can see task as well, to some degree, if there is dispute over a specific activity within a story (rather than whether the story is even meaningful).  As a matter of note, I believe most stories are likely to have one task, for the common case of bug reports and minor features.16:26
anteayamarkus_z: does this communicate what you would like? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067416:27
SotKmarkus_z: to me that would still be the story being incomplete, it is missing tasks, rather than the tasks themselves being incomplete16:27
markus_zanteaya: yes, that fits.16:27
anteayamarkus_z: great thank you, are you willing to subscribe and keep us updated on your feedback on that feature?16:28
fungiin lp's model, the incomplete status applied to a bugtask rather than the entire bug, however lp's bugtasks were somewhere between what a story is and what a task is since they aren't as fine-grained as sb in that regard16:28
markus_zSotK: That's the general confusion with "incomplete".16:28
markus_zanteaya: subscribed16:28
anteayamarkus_z: thank you16:29
persiafungi: Do you mean because one cannot have two LP tasks against the same project (ignoring branches for now)?16:30
markus_zJust as reminder where I'm coming from, I'm mostly working with bug reports. I see that "user stories" are a generic thing for bugs / RFEs / workitems. I evaluated SB only from a bug reports point of view.16:30
anteayamarkus_z: thanks for sharing that perspective16:31
persiamarkus_z: That is the best viewpoint from which to evaluate in order to understand whether SB is suitable for tracking and triaging user reports.16:31
fungipersia: that basically, yes16:31
anteayamarkus_z: and yes storyboard should be usable from a bugs only point of view16:31
anteayamarkus_z: while you are here, are there other items on your E0 list you consider critical?16:32
fungipersia: that because a bugtask is per project/branch, you can declare this bug incomplete for nova stable/mitaka (and lp tasks have no real description beyond a project, branch, status, asignee and target milestone)16:32
* SotK wonders if being able to tag a story as "needs-more-information" or something works without needing any extra work (except auto-subscribing users to their created stories)16:32
anteayaSotK: can you add that as a comment to the story?16:32
markus_zanteaya: I added a "summary" below the Exxx section. "absolute essential aka "things will burn if not available": E001 + E002 + E004 + E008 + E011"16:32
markus_zsome may sound trivial16:33
persiafungi: Ah, so "maybe does not apply to this project(branch)", rather than "this task may not make sense" or "this story isn't complete enough to resolve".16:33
anteayamarkus_z: okay so we have discussed 11 and 0416:33
anteayamarkus_z: which is the next most important?16:33
anteayamarkus_z: no no, I don't know how you work16:33
fungifrom a "what can we live with for now?" perspective, could we get by just having an incomplete state or tag for the story plus the ability to leave comments on the story explaining why you set that status or tag (perhaps for a project-specific reason) be enough?16:33
anteayamarkus_z: which is why I want to talk to you, not just read lists, this helps me understand better how you work16:33
persiaSotK: I think that works for the "this story is not actionable" case, but less so for "we don't know what this task means" or "we don't understand if this project also needs a patch".16:33
anteayafungi: can you add that as a comment to the story?16:34
fungianteaya: sure, which story?16:34
anteayafungi: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067416:34
anteayafungi: thanks16:34
anteayatracking blockers that are identified and agreed to is important when I present to the tc16:34
anteayaif/when they are agreed to16:35
anteayamarkus_z: sorry so which is the next most important blocker?16:35
anteayagreat, thanks16:36
markus_zNova gets ~5 bug reports per day. Quite often people don't know what information they have to provide to write an actionable bug report.16:37
markus_zLP allows to specify a text below the description field when I create a new bug report.16:37
SotKis the desire for a global template or is each project likely to want different things?16:37
anteayamarkus_z: this is a reasonable feature request16:37
markus_zWe added a template there which can be used by a bug reporter to check if the needed information is attached.16:37
markus_zIf the information is not provided, we specify what's needed and switch the status to (LP's) "incomplete" status.16:38
markus_zIf it's "incomplete" for 60 days, LP closes the bug report automatically. I quite often close them earlier if the reporter doesn't provide the information although we asked 2 times.16:39
markus_zgot it16:40
anteayamarkus_z: thank you, does the title description and task communicate what you want from this feature?16:41
markus_zyes, I also left comments16:41
anteayamarkus_z: thank you16:41
anteayamarkus_z: have you a link to launchpad to show how this template is displayed to bug reporters?16:42
markus_zone sec16:43
anteayapersia: can you add your comments to https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000674 when you have a chance?16:43
persiaanteaya: I have nothing to add at this point: I only wanted to clarify the issue, and I think the current story and comments capture it well.16:44
anteayapersia: okay thank you16:45
anteayaI just didn't want to miss anything16:45
markus_zpuh, not sure if that works: http://tinypic.com/r/mvkw0m/916:45
anteayamarkus_z: I find imgur has less advertizing for sharing images16:45
anteayathat site is giving my pop-up windows16:46
markus_zyeah, let me re-upload that, that was ugly...16:46
anteayait was so16:46
* anteaya waits16:46
persiaNote that LP only shows the template for the first task creation: when someone creates a second task, the template for the second project is not displayed.  I don't know that this affects anything about the issue, but want to make sure we have a common understanding.16:46
anteayapersia: that would be a wonderful comment on the story16:46
persiawhich story?  I thought we had moved from "incomplete" to discussions of templates.16:47
markus_zIf I make frontpage with that? http://imgur.com/uaBVjD216:47
fungiyeah, it may be that we show the bug policy for a project _if_ someone follows the "add story" link from a project page16:52
fungithat's the closest thing i can come up with given the workflow16:52
fungibug policy and/or list of things the project expects you to provide in a bug report16:52
persiaThat matches the LP workflow fairly closely.  It's perfectly possible to create projectless bugs in LP, and add the tasks later, but there's strong social obstacles to doing so, which are probably easily translated to SB.16:53
fungiit still have the same problem lp does, in that you only see that when opening a single-project story and not when you add other project tasks to it later16:53
fungier, has16:53
persiawill have?16:53
fungiwas-will have16:53
anteayapersia: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067416:53
anteayamarkus_z: thank you that url is better16:54
persiaanteaya: I don't believe it belongs there, unless we expand the story considerably.16:54
fungibut yeah, the only workflows i can come up with to make bug policies/templates active for a tracker that spans multiple projects are pretty vile. the idea is far better suited to single-project trackers16:54
anteayapersia: okay, I'm interested in getting markus_z the feature he wants so he can agree this is no longer a blocker16:54
anteayaI'm not interested in expanding16:55
persiaanteaya: Yep.  I remember a similar request from the past.  I'm hoping someone can find the template story.  If not, I'll create a new one.16:55
anteayapersia: I don't understand, I have created a story16:56
SotKpersia, anteaya: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/15716:57
anteayamarkus_z: so we have communicated your needs for E008 in the story? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067516:58
anteayamarkus_z: yes?16:58
persiaSotK: Yes.  That's it.16:58
anteayaSotK: thank you16:58
markus_zanteaya: yes16:58
anteayamarkus_z: wonderful16:58
anteayamarkus_z: what is your next most critical blocking feature request?16:59
anteayamarkus_z: okay so this is about sharing query ursl17:00
anteayamarkus_z: how much time have you spent with the search feature in the api?17:00
markus_zyes, exactly.17:00
SotKI think this is this story: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200053617:01
anteayaokay great17:01
markus_zWe use it to paste browser URLs in IRC chats17:01
anteayamarkus_z: can I bounce E002 back to you as a request to investigate the search queries in the api?17:01
anteayamarkus_z: I understand and right now I believe the search features in the api will get the information17:01
markus_zanteaya: I don't think that would solve it. The story SotK posted is the issue.17:02
anteayathe longer conversation is the kind of guis people want to display the information17:02
markus_zAlthough, after thinking more about it, we could mitigate it with "worklists".17:02
anteayamarkus_z: could we?17:03
persiamarkus_z: I don't know what searches you are using, but when I used to do a lot of bug triage with LP, the searches were usually "things with tag X" or "things with status Y", perhaps mixed with team assignment, etc.  I think automatic worklists are probably the best way to capture that, so that you can edit the criteria (if needed) without remarketing the URL.17:03
persiaThat said, your needs may differ.17:03
markus_zI think it would fit 80% of the use cases (at least for me).17:04
anteayamarkus_z: can I give E002 back to you for further investigation?17:04
anteayamarkus_z: if using worklists can suit the need here, that would be ideal, as they are already built17:04
markus_zanteaya: yes, I add a note that it's not critical and can be mitigated17:05
anteayamarkus_z: wonderful thanks so much, please practice with worklists especially sharing them and do come back if you discover an edge case there17:05
anteayamarkus_z: also if you could comment on https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000536 that would be great17:06
markus_zwill do17:06
anteayamarkus_z: thank you17:06
anteayamarkus_z: do we have any critical blocking feature requests remaining on your list?17:06
markus_zsounds extremely trivial, but we need that to avoid confusion and to work properly with worklists matching tags17:07
anteayamarkus_z: no no, I agree with you17:07
Zarashould we remove e002 from the summary on line 167?17:08
anteayaother wise you get lhf Lhf LHF low-hanging-fruit low-hf17:08
markus_zbackground: we tag bug reports with "libvirt" (for example) and a subteam in Nova queries for that tag. They don't find bug reports tagged with "lib-virt"17:08
markus_zZara: removed17:08
anteayado we have a story going about tag completion or viewing tags already in existance?17:09
Zaramarkus_z: thanks :)17:09
anteayaor some way of knowing what syntax to re-use an existing tag?17:09
anteayaI can create one but thought there might already be something in the works17:10
* anteaya creates one17:11
anteayamarkus_z: does that communicate the functionality we are looking for here?17:13
anteayaSotK: Zara when I create an automatic worklist, can I filter on a tag?17:14
markus_zanteaya: Maybe adding something like "... accesses a list of existing tags >which match the users input< to select from to add a tag to a story"17:14
markus_zBut that's maybe already implied ^17:14
markus_zI don't want the user to scroll a full list of all tags. Nova uses a lot.17:15
markus_zexample: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tag_Owner_List17:15
persiaType ahead is likely the most accessible UX.17:15
anteayamarkus_z: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/12917:15
SotKpersia: +inf17:15
Zaraanteaya: yes17:15
anteayamarkus_z: can you add that comment to the story?17:15
persiaOr edit the description, if that is the intent.17:16
anteayaZara: awesome, I didn't see a way to do that in the gui, is that only availalbe via the api right now?17:16
markus_zanteaya: added it17:17
anteayamarkus_z: thank you17:17
Zaraanteaya: it should work if you search for 'tasks' matching... and then start typing; tags should be suggested17:17
Zaraso it's available in the gui17:17
anteayaZara: ah thank you17:17
Zarasorry, *stories matching17:17
markus_zZara: I saw it somewhere, I think when creating a worklist.17:18
anteayaZara: thank you, that worked17:18
Zaratags gave us some trouble, so that's always nice to hear xD17:18
markus_zthey are absolutely necessary. Nova has ~650 bug reports, that amount is not comprehensible by a human17:19
markus_zwe need to create sub-sets17:19
anteayamarkus_z: does the story https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000676 accurately communicate the feature needed here?17:20
anteayaare there any other critial migration blocking features requested on your list?17:21
markus_zno, that's it. Be aware that the other items on the "E" list can be mitigated and are not yet resolved.17:23
markus_zI only noted things which really hurt. And that only from my very personal point of view.17:23
anteayamarkus_z: let's have another discussion if any of the items on E become a migration critical blocking feature17:24
markus_zI do recommend to check with other projects (Cinder, Neutron, ...) too17:24
anteayamarkus_z: oh I am going to17:24
anteayabut I wanted to start with you first17:24
anteayamarkus_z: are we agreed that as of today this worklist communicates our agreed work items that are critical for storyboard migration, as far as you are concerned: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/12917:24
markus_zyes (I'm torn with E003 though: not having "critical" as an importance level).17:25
anteayadid we discuss E003?17:26
markus_zno, sorry, we didn't17:26
anteayaokay let's discuss it now17:26
persiamarkus_z: https://review.openstack.org/312666 changes that in such a way that it becomes impossible to have E00317:26
markus_zsure, it's pretty straight forward17:26
anteayaso right now we have high medium and low17:27
persiaInstead, you'd use a manual worklist to assign those.17:27
anteayamarkus_z: you would like high medium low and critical17:27
markus_zanteaya: yes17:27
anteayaokay thank you17:27
anteayanow, as persia points out high medium low and critical conflicts with another design direction17:28
anteayathe design direciton of removing high medium low and critical17:28
anteayaI can't say as I agree with this design decision17:28
markus_zsec, I'm trying to understand the change17:28
anteayabut as persia points out a patch exists to impliment it17:28
anteayamarkus_z: take your time17:28
markus_zwhat does "simple/global priority" mean?17:29
anteayapersia: can you explain17:29
* persia hunts for the wiki page17:29
anteayamarkus_z: I don't understand it well myself, I'm not the best person to explain17:30
persiahttps://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Task_Lists is one of them17:30
persiaThere was another17:30
persiaAnyway, the main point is that different people and groups have different priorities for different tasks.17:30
persiaSotK: Thanks.17:30
Zarayeah, so atm a task has a priority, that's the same for every user. in practice, different developers have different priorities, depending on the priorities of their managers, etc.17:30
Zaraso the patch is designed to show the prominence of a task or story in the worklist of someone a developer cares about17:30
Zaraeg: their manager17:31
Zarait might not be a manager, that's just an example17:31
persiaSo the idea is to be able to expose this, so that a project team can set priorities, or a single manager at an org can set priorities, etc., without these coming into conflict.17:31
persiaAnd users can select which priority authorities they wish to honor, and understand priority that way.17:31
Zaraso I guess you could have 'nova super important worklist', put tasks in that, and it'd show up in the relevant stories17:32
Zaraiff you subscribed to that worklist17:32
persiaFor clear things, like regressions, information leakage, data loss, privelege escalation, etc., tags tend to be more useful.17:32
persia(these are many of the noncontroversial sources of "critical")17:32
fungii think it reflects reality more than just having priority/urgency categories set by a specific bug team (which they then end up overloading with other meanings anyway that aren't necessarily reflected in those rigid names)17:32
fungiactual prioritization would let you specify that for a particular team or assignee even, this one critical task is going to get worked on before this other critical task17:33
markus_zOK, I see where you're coming from. Innovative and I can see it work. I suggest to communicate that very very good.17:34
anteayamarkus_z: agreed17:34
persiaWhich model can work well in a strictly hierarchical organisation with clear delineation of tasks, but works less well in a non-hierarchical environment with elastic resources and loose boundaries.17:34
fungiand when you increase the priority of a task, you immediately see the effect it has on deprioritizing other tasks17:34
Zaraooh, that's true, I hadn't thought of that17:34
anteayamarkus_z: having your input on the communcation workflow would be my ideal here17:34
markus_zanteaya: to be honest, I'd like to have shorty (<2min) youtube videos on that.17:35
markus_zbut I'm very visually inclined. Others love text.17:35
anteayamarkus_z: well videos are hard to maintain17:35
anteayamarkus_z: I too am visually inclined and have thought about it, but videos once out of date need to be completely redone17:36
anteayabasically we would need a full time person to keep up17:36
anteayabut I hear where you are coming from17:36
markus_zI think we only would need them for the transition period. After that it's tribe knowledge and gets spread by mouth to ear.17:36
anteayamarkus_z: can we agree to discuss E003 again later in the week?17:36
anteayaafter you have had a day or so to digest and perhaps have a play with the worklists with this in mind?17:37
markus_zI already played around with worklists and boards, I think I get the possibilities.17:37
anteayaso given we are going to discuss some workflow to communicate critial, can we agree this is the list of critical blocking features as far as you know, today? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/12917:38
markus_zTIL: "MoSCoW model"17:38
markus_zanteaya: yes17:38
anteayawe have gotten to yes!17:39
anteayathank you markus_z17:39
anteayaI really appreciate your time and help here17:39
anteayaZara: and SotK I'm assuming you already are aware of the existance of https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/12917:39
markus_zsure, you're welcome.17:40
markus_zI'm heading home, have dinner and will then be at the infra meeting. Which channel will it be?17:40
anteayamarkus_z: wonderful, thank you17:41
markus_zokily dokily, see you later17:41
*** markus_z has quit IRC17:41
anteayathank you17:42
anteayadmsimard: thanks for your patience with me17:42
anteayadmsimard: were you wanting to discuss storyboard gerrit integration?17:42
dmsimardanteaya: no17:43
anteayaah I mis-understood17:43
anteayawhat feature were you looking for?17:43
dmsimardI wanted to know if someone had though of doing17:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1592564 in neutron "gate-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal is failing" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Elena Ezhova (eezhova)17:43
dmsimard^ this17:43
dmsimardbut for storyboard bug links17:43
dmsimardthe bot describing the link17:44
anteayagood question17:44
anteayayes, I haven't heard of that discussion previously17:44
dmsimardif I'm pointed in the right direction, I can probably look17:45
dmsimardI glanced at the meetbot code but that doesn't look like the right place (there's no mention of launchpad anywhere)17:45
anteayaaccording to fungi he feels the code resides in our meetbot17:45
SotKit was on the old roadmap17:45
anteayaSotK: oh was it?17:45
SotKidk if/where the related discussion to that is17:45
anteayafair enough17:45
SotKhttps://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Roadmap in part 1.2.317:46
fungidmsimard: i'll find the link, though i believe it's a plugin17:46
dmsimardfungi: I looked here: https://github.com/openstack-infra/meetbot17:46
anteayaSotK: thanks I had never seen that page before17:46
SotKnote that the roadmap is totally deprecated since its from before Zara and I took over17:47
anteayaSotK: noted17:47
anteayabut thanks for sharing, history can be useful17:47
fungidmsimard: it appears it's a separate plugin we install from an outside repo https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot/tree/manifests/init.pp#n1817:48
fungidmsimard: *shudder* with bzr!17:48
fungidmsimard: might be able to just fork that and make a similar plugin for sb that can load alongside it17:49
ZaraI discovered fossil recently; that was exciting.17:49
fungidmsimard: or perhaps submit a patch to lp:ubuntu-bots if you can stomach bzr for a few minutes17:50
fungithey might not mind it supporting our storyboard url17:50
fungithough it really seems openstack-specific enough we likely need a separate plugin17:50
persiaA separate plugin is probably best: there are a number of storyboard instances in the wild, so there's a higher chance of more folk sharing if it isn't a single solution (unless folk want to maintain a lookup table and only trigger on things like "openstack story #1111"17:53
anteayaZara: SotK are you able to work on any of these stories? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/12917:58
anteayaor if you don't know the answer, do you know when you would know the answer?17:59
Zarawe might know next monday, though I think a list with input from multiple projects may be necessary18:06
anteayaoh well actually I was hoping we could address these first18:07
anteayaas this is blocking nova18:07
anteayaso it isnt' going to stop blokcing nova even if noone else agrees18:07
anteayamy process is to talk to one person at a time18:08
anteayaclarify their list18:08
anteayaget agreement18:08
anteayaaddress their blockers18:08
anteayathen talk to others18:08
anteayahopefully as conversations progress we get fewer or no blockers18:08
anteayauntill everyone we talk to says let's move tomorrow18:08
anteayaat best my group of stakeholders for this part is about 5 peole18:09
anteayaI'm not going to go to groups until these blockers are addressed18:09
anteayaI don't need a mob to tell me that markus can't get work done withouth these features18:10
Zarawell, at the moment the wording of the stories specifies implementations; there's a chance projects might change their views on the exact needed implementations of things if they conflict with other projects' priorities, if the problems can be addressed in a form that works well enough for the short term, so it's hard to estimate work with accuracy.18:10
anteayaZara: okay can we change the wording of the stories?18:10
anteayaand remove the implimentation parts?18:10
Zarayeah, I think that would help18:11
anteayado you have time to work with me on that?18:11
anteayaif not, when would you have time?18:12
Zarasure. :) so something like 'make it clear when a story is incomplete' instead of 'add a story status' and 'make it clear when user has not submitted enough detail in a bug report' instead of 'add bug template'. then it should be fine if people discuss suggested implementations in the description18:12
anteayakeep in mind I am in portland and am going to attempt to squeeze into the meeting room if I can18:12
Zaraand comments18:12
Zarahehe, thank you :)18:12
anteayaoh wonderful, I can do that18:13
* SotK worries that this approach will lead to an endless cycle of fixing people's perceived blockers18:14
anteayaZara: how's that? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067418:16
anteayaSotK: well that is my role, to determine the list of people to approach at this stage and to clearly identiy work items and missing features18:17
anteayaSotK: if you feel you are in an endless cycle of fixing people's percieved blockers do say something, as it is my role to ensure you can make progress, not waste your time chasing your tails18:18
anteayanot everyone will be ready at the same time18:18
anteayaI am asking stakeholders and then will report to the tc for a decision18:18
anteayasome parts of the community may never be ready, I accept that18:19
anteayasome people may never be happy, I also accept that18:19
Zaraanteaya: that looks fine to me.18:19
anteayaZara: great thank you18:19
anteayaSotK: but if you feel you are going in circles do say something18:19
anteayaalso please don't work on anything that I did not mark as a critical blocking feature thinking it is a critical blocking feature18:22
anteayathat is my role here, to go through the process with stakeholders and clearly identify and agree what the critical blocking features are18:23
SotKso, I think that that sounds sensible, but I think that delaying talking to others until the previous person's blockers are addressed will lead to us (a) potentially doing more work than we need to and (b) implementing something in such a way that it causes further problems for someone else18:23
anteayasince I'm using a tag, it is available to anyone, but please only consider the ones that I added the tag to18:24
zarowould anybody be interested in adding some documentation to docs.o.o for gerrit storyboard integration?18:24
anteayaSotK: okay that is fair18:24
anteayazaro: good question18:24
anteayazaro: what do you envision the docs communicating18:24
zaronot sure if it would be more appropriate in gerrit or storyboard section though.18:24
anteayaSotK: are you or Zara willing to claim any of the tasks as they stand now?18:25
anteayazaro: well we can always put it in one place and link to the other18:25
zaroanteaya: so i see there's a bunch of info on how gerrit is integrated with other tools http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/gerrit.html18:25
anteayastoryboard docs would probably migrate faster18:25
anteayamerge faster18:25
zaroi'm thinking it would make sense to add a section for storyboard integration18:26
anteayaSotK: I would like to move through these as they come up, rather than gather an huge list (which others will have an emtional response to, they can't help it) can create an emotional response of "storyboard isn't ready"18:26
anteayaSotK: I'd like to keep the list small and work through items18:27
ZaraI share SotK's concern that people will add items as we go.18:27
anteayaright now the list is 3 items long, that gives me a sense of comfort and manageability18:27
anteayaI'm the only one adding items18:27
anteayaif folks other than me are adding items please ignore anything I dno't add and direct them to me18:27
anteayaand the way I want to add items is by going through the process that I went through with markus18:28
anteayaI can't guarentee that is the only way I will add items but that is my preferred way18:28
anteayasomeone saying "I want this" doesn't make it a migration critial feature18:29
anteayado you have any feedback on the process in which I engaged with markus18:29
anteayado you disagree with any of the items on the list?18:30
anteayaI had offered to take this role as I had felt that you trust me18:30
anteayait appears I have been presumptive18:30
anteayait appears you don't trust me18:30
anteayathat's fine18:30
anteayais there anything I can do to earn your trust?18:31
anteayais there someone you trust more than me that you would prefer in this role?18:31
anteayaif I go through all this work and you don't want to implement the features, that really is a big waste of my time18:31
anteayaand yours18:31
anteayaplease tell me whether or not you want me to continue in this role18:32
anteayabecause if you don't want to work on the features that I whittle down as critical with stakeholders, I'm really doing the community a dis-service by staying in this role18:33
ZaraI said I might have information later because I cannot speak for my manager (who has gone home for the night!). a list that is less liable to change is easier to present to my management. there's nothing personal about it.18:34
* SotK would like you to continue, I do trust you :)18:35
anteayaI can make zero guarentees on change18:35
anteayaSotK: thank you Adam18:35
anteayaI can say that an implemented feature (like worklists) will be offered as a solution to a percieved need (sharable urls)18:35
anteayaif the feature is implemented18:36
anteayawhich is my strategy to avoid bikeshedding18:36
Zaraand please don't confuse us giving you our concerns on an approach for rejecting everything you do, we want to be able to say when we see things that might cause problems down the line18:36
anteayaagain, I can't please all the people, nor do I have that as a goal18:36
anteayaZara: great, I am glad to hear your feedback18:36
anteayaI value it18:37
Zaranp. I often don't say when I appreciate things as I'm too busy focussing on anything that I'm worried about, but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate it! :)18:38
anteayaokay great18:38
anteayaI have worked very hard to get to this point18:38
SotKregarding what tasks to claim, I'm happy to claim the "reuse tags" one now but can't claim any others yet18:38
anteayaI guess I had expected more enthusiasum for an actual list of actual agreed upon blockers18:38
fungias far as finding conflicting requirements as we go, i expect that to not actually happen as long as we hold stakeholders to the "but is this something you already have with launchpad?" test18:39
anteayaSotK: claiming that helps me, thank you18:39
anteayaI appreciate it18:39
SotKyw :)18:39
anteayaSotK: can I make that story better so it removes implimentation details?18:39
fungipeople are always happy to provide suggestions for features, and i really want to make sure that "requirements" only reflect features people are already using in the existing tracker (lp) rather than things they would like to use but don't actually exist18:40
SotKI also kinda think there is more discussion to be had on the other two, but that can take place on the stories themselves as we work out how best to solve the issues18:40
funginot just things they already use in the tracker they have, but things they use that are essential they be able to keep using in sb18:41
SotKanteaya: nah, its a fairly simple story I think18:41
anteayaSotK: okay thank you18:41
anteayaSotK: yes, agreed18:41
anteayaI'll fix the language in the bug details story18:42
Zarathank you :)18:42
anteayaZara: do we like this language better? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200067518:44
anteayaZara: thanks for sharing your needs with me, I appreciate it18:44
Zarayes, that wording works for me, thanks!18:44
anteayaif I am not working in such a way that I am giving you want you need to implement work, then I'm not doing my job properly18:44
anteayaZara: thank you18:44
anteayaif I'm not doing my job properly I need you to tell me what you need so I can get it for you18:45
anteayathank you18:45
* SotK 318:45
* SotK can't type18:45
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