Monday, 2016-07-04

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: setuptools 24.0.0 broke dsvm tests, we've gone back to old images, it's safe to recheck now if you had a failure related to setuptools 24.0.0 (processor_architecture) - see bug 159852508:16
Zaramorning, storyboard!09:07
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: An alternative approach for making required fields clear
Zarathat just uses asterisks. it doesn't give as much info as the current suggestion, but it's less cluttered and fewer loc. we may want to keep the ticks and crosses and just replace the help text with an asterisk, idk12:55
* Zara leaves #storyboard-favicon13:05
Zaraseems I was in that channel for about 2 weeks13:05
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Zarahah, when I try updating the old 'clarify required fields' patch, I get a bajillion errors as it's so behind.13:59
Zaraand now npm is doing exciting things! \o/14:01
Zaranpm ERR! peerinvalid The package karma@0.13.22 does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!14:02
Zarathat's new.14:02
Zaranpm ERR! peerinvalid The package karma@0.13.22 does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!14:07
Zaranpm ERR! peerinvalid Peer karma-requirejs@0.2.6 wants karma@>=0.914:07
Zara0.13.22 is >=0.9 ...14:07
Zarahm maybe not14:14
Zaraconfused by semver again14:15
persia0.13.22 should be >= 0.914:16
Zara:/ I should stop doubting myself then14:18
Zarathis is what happens when I try to run the webclient:
ZaraI think 'npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer grunt-karma@0.9.0 wants karma@~0.12.0' may be reasonable14:21
Zarasince iirc that's '0.12.x, but not 0.13.x'14:21
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Zaranot even sure why it cares about those packages yet14:27
* Zara narrows eyes at angular-moment14:28
Zaraand angular-local-storage, possibly. I'll try updating those jic.14:30
Zarasince karma things are listed under their devDependencies14:30
ZaraHmmmm.... package in bower.json says '0.1.5'. Me: 'hm, maybe I can update it. I'll just search that package.... wah, latest release is 0.1.4?'14:42
Zaraaha, that's latest release, not latest tag14:43
* Zara notices that she got emails for some comments on contact info story from earlier, but not emails re: ajaeger's comments. hm.14:51
Zarawe've wondered if emails have gone missing before, but I think that's the first definite example I can point to14:52
Zarain other news my webclient continues to be un-runnable14:55
ZaraI don't get why it's suddenly confused now15:09
anteayaso I'm back now and just getting my high priority emails out of the way15:09
anteayaI'll offer up an other api doc patch soon, thanks for the reviews15:09
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Zarahi! :) thank you!15:09
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anteayaZara: :)15:14
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* Zara resorts to deleting all node_modules and reinstalling15:21
Zara~the old failsafe~15:21
Zarayay, that seems to have worked15:49
ZaraI mean -_-, since everything broke and I still don't know what happened or how to prevent it in the future... but \o/15:49
ZaraI'm so happy that wasted 2 hours of my time15:49
Zarahm, still needs +1s16:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add boards
Zara:D thanks, NikitaKonovalov!16:13
Zarathe skies are scary. I'm going to head out but will be back online in a bit, for a bit.16:15
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Zarawell, I got rained on, but I think I avoided the worst of it16:34
* Zara rebases ancient branch first this time, in hopes of avoiding horrors again16:45
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* Zara is finally learning how to do pagination things...17:13
Zaragot the list of boards to paginate with a hardcoded limit. it doesn't display the current page number properly. whatever,
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP 'All Boards and Worklists' Page
Zarafigured I might as well put the work so far up before I vanished for the evening. I wouldn't recommend anyone else look at it yet.17:40
Zaragiven I just looked at how to do pagination in the last half hour and atm it's a bit mess of code tweaked from elsewhere.17:40
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
anteayaI realize it is late for folks, but if anyone can review/merge 332946 I'd be grateful then I can get started on other api doc patches, and thank you18:30
anteayapleia2: I got the following when trying to create a project using the api:
anteayaeither my command is wrong or I can't create it if I don't have admin permissions19:13
anteayaif you feel like testing my command, I would be interested in learning if it works for an admin user19:14
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Testing - do not merge
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Testing - do not merge
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zara_the_lemur__oops, went off and had food and things. I've +1d it now, anyway. 'night again!20:58
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anteayaZara: thank you23:08

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