Monday, 2016-06-13

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Zaramorning, storyboard10:25
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Zaralatest version of will need a +1 from somewhere14:29
Zara\o/ thank you, pedroalvarez!14:32
pedroalvarezonly one line changed from the version I already reviewed :)14:36
Zara has been changed the same way14:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Implement UI for managing team membership
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Make is_superuser a public field for users
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pedroalvarezit looks like I'm going to update my instance soon :)15:23
Zarawell, the teams  patches so far let you make teams, but you can't do anything with them yet15:24
ZaraSotK has fixed looooads of little bugs the last week or so, though15:24
Zaraso might be worth it just for those15:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a modal to create Teams
anteayayay teams15:27
anteayaso I have a local gerrit instance with what I believe to be a working installation of the storyboard plugin15:28
anteayathis week I hope to get it connected to storyboard-dev15:28
anteayaand see what it can do15:28
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anteayaI am thinking I may need a test repo set up on storyboard-dev that I can create in my local gerrit15:53
anteayasomething with the snappy name of anita-gerrit or something15:53
anteayadoes anyone object to creating a repo on storyboard-dev called anita-gerrit15:54
Zara:D nope, but to add a project on storyboard you have to be an admin user, so it might not be possible15:54
anteayaand if noone objects, would someone with the ability to create said repo feel like creating it15:54
anteayayeah I can't do it15:54
anteayaI'm appealing to those with Admin permissions15:55
* anteaya appeals15:55
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Zarayeah, I'm not an admin on that instance either; I think those people are people with infra root, though I'm not sure.15:55
anteayaand if this appeal doens't sway you do share what yo uneed15:55
ZaraSotK and I should probably have admin perms on storyboard and storyboard-dev tbh15:55
anteayaah okay thanks let me ask15:55
anteayawell storyboard-dev at the very least15:55
anteayalet me work on that bit first15:56
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zaroanteaya: maybe create sandbox on both review-dev and storyboard-dev?16:37
ZaraI'm heading off soonish; anything urgent before I go?16:50
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Zara'night, all!17:01
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anteayazaro: that would be a great idea18:21
anteayazaro: right now I'm in the position to start testing my local gerrit with storyboard-dev18:21
anteayaI have to get something to eat and then I want to see what I have to do to get some interaction with my local gerrit with storyboard plugin and storyboard-dev18:22
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zaroanteaya: ok, get someone to create sandbox on storyboard-dev and i’ll add it to review-dev.  that will give us a test project to work with when we are ready to test review-dev <—> sb-dev integration.  right now you can probably just create sandbox on your local gerrit for testing?18:29
anteayagreat idea thank you18:29
anteayawe are working on getting Zara and SotK Admin access on storyboard, at least storyboard-dev and Zara said they would look to submit a patch to allow those permissions to be in place18:30
anteayathen hopefully one of them can create a test repo on storyboard-dev18:30
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anteayazaro: there is this repo:!/project/218:44
anteayazaro: we can use that once we get to review-dev interacting with storyboard-dev18:44
anteayabut I think I need a separate repo on storyboard-dev for me to work with on my local gerrit, I'm thinking it should be called anita-gerrit18:45
anteayazaro: what do you think, or do you think I can tie my local gerrit into the sandbox repo currently on storyboard-dev?18:45
zaroyou should be able to map any repo on your local gerrit to talk to any repo on sb-dev.  you just need to configure it in your gerrit config.18:48
anteayaoh okay great18:48
anteayawell that is easier than getting new repos created on storyboard-dev18:48
anteayaI'll work on that18:49
anteayazaro: can you share a sample config that I can follow?18:49
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zaroanteaya: i think the paste i shared from a few days ago has it.  section is something like.  it’s the commentlink config that does it.  your really mapping change number to story/task id.  so when you enter a comment into gerri the plugin will look at the change id and know to insert the comment into the corresponding sb story using the story id.18:55
zaroso actually you don’t map projects your actually mapping change id <—> story id18:57
anteayaawesome thank you19:00
anteayaafter I finish eating I will look at my notes and try to get something working19:00
anteayazaro: here is the commentlink portion of my local gerrit.config
anteayazaro: when I am trying to submit a patch to my local gerrit, it asks my gerrit username but then it asks for my gerrit username's password, why would it do that, I have an ssh key in my preferences19:51
anteayazaro: is it looking for my http password?19:52
anteayazaro: it seems I am not configured to generate http passwords19:54
anteayazaro: okay so I can generate an http password it just takes a while, so I'm doing something wrong here:
dmsimardIs there an ETA for all those nice comment/storyline improvements to land ?20:32
anteayaZara said SotK was not feeling well today20:33
anteayasome team creation patches landed today20:33
anteayamy experience is that patches get landed with great speed on this project20:34
dmsimardok, StoryBoard is already an easier sell with the revamped timeline, can't wait :)20:36
anteayadmsimard: are you aware there is a bug sprint next week?20:41
anteayawould be great to have your participation20:41
dmsimardyeah I saw that somewhere on the ML20:42
dmsimardI will try and contribute feedback/bugs but unfortunately don't have the bandwidth to also fix them :)20:42
anteayabeing able to review is helpful, thank you20:43
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anteayaoh my goodness, I got it to work21:09
anteayanow it has a merge conflict that it tells me I need to rebase21:11
anteayaokay so for starters, this patch has a link to storyboard because it uses the Story: <story-id> syntax:
anteayazaro: how do I get the same behaviour in my local instance, or should I bother trying?21:17
zaroyou need to setup an ssh key for ubuntu1 user and add that to gerrit21:20
anteayazaro: thanks I did that but I just did it again21:26
anteayaI don't know what I'm doing wrong21:28
anteayazaro: anyway I don't have to worry about the ssh key thing, it isn't critical,21:31
anteayazaro: what do I need to do to test the storyboard plugin?21:31
zaroanteaya: are you cloning with ssh?  do it just like this..
anteayaI don't know if I am cloning with ssh21:36
anteayashould I be?21:36
anteayaokay thanks, i will re-evaluate21:36
anteayazaro: thank you, that seemed to be helpful21:48
anteayaI don't have a merge conflict anymore21:49
anteayanow onto the bit about interacting with storyboard21:49
anteayaso far it is not creating a link to a storyboard story when I have Story:<story-id> in the commit message21:50
anteayaI didn't have Story:<story-id> in the commit message for the first commit21:51
anteayaperhaps that makes a difference?21:51
anteayaI've merged that patch (that was fast) and will try again21:52
anteayanope, not creating a link on the story id in the commit message even when added on the first commit21:59
anteayaso I have a patch that has Story: 11 as the last line of the commit message, I have added two comments to the patch, one comment has a +1 vote with it, I see no additions to Story: 11's event timeline!/story/1122:18
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anteayaI'm going to get a walk in22:37
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