Monday, 2016-05-23

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix and extend the object model documentation
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Close card-details modal when clicking on the Story link
Zara:) morning, storyboard!10:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make the docs-draft build point to storyboard-dev
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Zaraanyone got a moment to review: ?12:24
Zarahm, I forgot about teams pagination patch, sorry12:25
Zara and still need rebasing (+ former tested in instance with a bunch of data)12:26
Zarayay spring-cleaning12:26
Zaraooh, spec update12:35
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Avoid false positives when filtering projects by subscriber
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Zarahm, I kinda wish there was a sb status for 'in review but needs a rework' so I wouldn't have things come up on my list of things to review13:08
Zarabut would also signal that people could find the work somewhere if they wanted13:09
SotKif it needs a rework change the status back to in progress maybe?13:09
Zaramaybe that's what we should use the progress status for13:09
Zarait was a slow snap but I didn't see it13:09
Zaraokay, social convention, that's how I'm using 'progress' from now on \o/13:10
persia+1 on that social convention13:14
Zara(I've updated the board a bit, made new lane for it but have titled it 'review-needs-rework' rather than 'progress' so I don't forget what it means immediately)13:16
SotKI'd probably just have moved things back into either "doing" or "backlog" in the board13:17
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persiaI think the kanban convention of "doing" matches the task status of "in progress"13:17
Zarabacklog wfm, I wanted to avoid 'doing' since it implies it's being worked on currently and then it's less helpful for managing workload13:18
* Zara makes the new lane vanish again :P13:20
ZaraI wish every sb user could have their own notepad, accessible from every page.13:23
* SotK wonders what for?13:24
Zarabecause atm sb is good for recording things, but less good for planning things, as there's no quick place to scrawl notes (task notes are closest, but that requires navigating to a specific story). so I spend a lot of time tabbing between notepad and sb in order to write things up. it's not really a 'sb should have this', though, more a 'I would like it better if it had this'13:26
SotKI suspect there already exist better tools than storyboard for planning things in note form (etherpads, text editors, physical notepads)13:28
SotKunless I misunderstand what you mean by "planning things"13:28
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Zarayeah, the point wouldn't be to replace all the functionality of those, more to let people keep notes in one place. but I could see it being very susceptible to feature-creep.13:30
pedroalvarezmaybe... if you could access your notes from other places? like from a board? of from "task assigned to you"?13:33
Zarayeah, I was thinking how much I wanted a button in the header that'd open up 'my notes', and those would be the same everywhere. I could only have one, and it wouldn't be shareable (other tools will do that much better). used exactly the same way as the notepad I use atm, just slightly less clicking to get to it. xD13:35
ZaraI refrain from saying that storyboard should have this, though, as for all I know it's a workflow unique to me.13:36
anteayaZara: like notes accessible from the dashboard13:39
anteayaftw I use tomboy notes for this purpose13:40
Zaraanteaya: right, but in my mind it would be accessible from any page, so that the user doesn't have to navigate away from a story if they remember something relevant to it.13:41
anteayafair enough13:41
Zarayeah, I just have a notepad open all day every day. it gets used for all sorts of misc. (same when I'm doing stuff on a home computer)13:42
ZaraI was just thinking more generally about what steps one would have to cut out to manage workflow completely in storyboard; for me there are two things-- irc (never changing!) and notepad (could potentially go).13:43
persiaI think that's a dashboard app, not SB.  I'd want my dashboard to also show stuff in other tools (e.g. gerrit)13:43
persiaFolk seem to like things like couchdb as a notepad-like backstore.13:44
SotKpersia: +1 for stuff in other tools13:44
persiaI also think etherpad won't go away: there is lots of value to real-time collaboration13:44
SotKI used tomboy notes a long time ago, I don't really know why I stopped13:44
persiaI stopped because it defaulted to a backing store I didn't trust, and I couldn't be bothered to reconfigure it :)13:45
anteayaI don't think it is a failing of storyboard that users would also use other tools simultaneously while using storyboard13:45
anteayaI think it is a feature that you can13:45
SotKI agree13:45
anteayaSotK: I love the fact that I can import them across laptop changes13:45
persiaOne of the nice things about the REST API is that it is relatively easy to integrate SB data into arbitrary dashboards13:45
anteayanew laptop, all my old tomboy notes13:45
Zarayeah, I don't think that it's a weakness of storyboard per se. It does make it harder for me to work with it.13:47
Zarawhat I really need is a window manager that lets me make my notes a sticky and magically adjusts other windows to fit around them13:48
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Zarahm, just got a 500 on the s.o.o project groups page, refreshed without thinking so idk what was up13:51
persiaZara: I tried one of those once: it isn't all better (one sometimes wants more pixels for apps, and less for notes)13:52
Zarahm, I wonder how much a tray like windows' would help me here.13:54
anteayawhat window manager do you use?13:57
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Zaradon't actually know, it's a gnome desktop environment if that helps?14:00
* anteaya shrugs14:04
anteayaI'll be emotionally supportive, how about that?14:05
anteayago Zara14:05
Zarayeah, gnome shell, there are extensions and things but nothing seems right, probably not worth looking for ages14:07
ZaraI just hit critical irritation today :P14:07
anteayaI understand14:08
pedroalvarezanteaya: which one is your favourite? :)14:15
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anteayawhatever shows up with my ubuntu install14:16
anteayaI just take the default14:16
pedroalvarezunity then14:18
pedroalvarezI think that's the one I like less14:18
anteayawhat was the one before unity?14:18
pedroalvarezgnome2 I think14:19
pedroalvarezthat was great :)14:19
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fungii'm preparing to, as we discussed last week, set up an ubuntu 14.04 lts server to replace the current 12.04 server running storyboard.openstack.org14:53
fungiare there any safety issues with launching it? presumably it's not going to lock any tables in the db unless someone actually logs into the webui and interacts with it, right?14:54
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fungi(or makes requests of the api or something)14:54
SotKI'd imagine not, but I've not actually tested two instances using the same database before14:55
fungiwell, i'll give you a heads up when it's booted just in case14:55
fungii've set the ttl on the a/aaaa records down to 5 minutes, so we can make a dns cut-over pretty quickly (maybe more or less seamless)14:56
Zara(I also don't know of any issues, but then I have less theory than SotK anyway)14:57
Zaraso that's not very helpful of me.14:57
fungii'm going to stick with 4gb ram for the replacement since it's looking sufficient on the existing server
Zarayeah, it seems to be fine15:00
Zarathank you15:00
fungionce use ramps up, assuming this replacement goes as smoothly as i'm expecting, we can easily launch replacements with greater memory capacity15:03
Zaraokay, that's good to know; I don't know what's a usual capacity for the amount of use we're expecting, so I'm happy with anything that lets us adjust as we find out.15:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add offset/limit pagination for teams
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Replace placeholder teams UI with the real thing
* krotscheck just enabled emails.16:32
Zarathey get spammy fast, recommend setting up a filter asap16:33
krotscheckZara Already did so.16:36
krotscheckZara: Going to debug a few things on them. There's some email headers in there that should permit better threading.16:36
krotscheckAlso, the batch template may be useful.16:36
Zara(I'd say more but it's nearly the end of the day for me and I haven't been able to concentrate all day anyway \o/)16:41
krotscheckGo go go.16:43
krotscheckGo do things that will allow you to concentrate tomorrow16:43
Zaraokay! :D16:44
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anteayaso the infra team doesn't have a puppet-cacti repo represented in storyboard16:58
anteayaand we need one16:58
anteayawhat has to happen to grow such a repo in storyboard?16:58
anteayaoh wait, I don't know as we have a repo, puppet-cact16:59
krotscheckanteaya: project-config "use-storyboard" needs to be set to true.17:00
anteayaI'll do that17:01
anteayaturns out we don't have the repo created yet, I have to do that17:01
pedroalvarezthreading sounds exciting17:24
pedroalvarezI failed to understand how to implement that17:24
krotscheckpedroalvarez: I can talk about a generic way to do threading.17:25
krotscheckAre we talking python threading or javascript threading?17:26
krotscheckOh, threading.17:28
krotscheckEmail threading.17:28
krotscheckJudging from my inbox, it's already threading by task ID, which is nice.17:28
persiaIs that because the headers are set correctly, or us your client conflating based on subject?17:34
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SotKI don't recall it threading by task ID for me, so I suspect its the client17:37
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fungijust a heads up, i successfully booted a replacement storyboard.o.o running trusty. it's not switched over in dns yet, but let me know if you notice any weird behavior on the current production one in case having the new one running at the same time is causing any issues17:49
fungii'll working on coordinate the dns change once i finish eating lunch17:50
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