Thursday, 2016-04-28

* Zara gets back to looking at the emails spec00:38
Zaragah, storyboard keeps logging me out with a 401. fails to get systeminfo.  hasn't been an issue for ages; guessing it might be to do with my laptop time changing a bunch00:39
SotKhave a look at when your tokens are expiring, see if anything looks weird00:59
Zaraokay. I've finished commenting on emails spec, I thiiiink01:08
ZaraI confess I haven't thought deeply about the technical side at all01:08
Zaraand so most of my comments are just 'could you rephrase this sentence so it's easier for me to read on not-enough-sleep?'01:09
Zaramy hope is that other people will offer more interesting commnets01:09
Zarahmm... the active token seems to think it's 8pmish, but the current token seems to think it's sometime between half midnight and half one01:12
Zara*the most recent active token01:13
Zaraso now... my computer is living in the past, I guess01:13
Zaraoh, no01:13
Zaraoh, yes01:13
Zarait thinks it was issued on the 28th.01:13
Zarawhich is probably true in manchester01:14
Zaraso... storyboard doesn't cope well when a user changes the time on their machine a bunch, I guess01:14
persiaNothing does, really.  Don't do that.01:23
Zaragoogle images in america is strange!01:31
Zarathere are keyword suggestions at the top!01:32
Zaramaybe it's just new google, I don't know, eep!01:32
* Zara stops looking at pictures of food and goes back to reviewing01:32
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Zaramooorrrniiiing storyboard14:24
betherlymorning morning14:31
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Zaraaw, I meant to go to the session nikitakonovalov was speaking at, to say hi18:17
Zaraaw, hi, anyway.18:17
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Get storyboard resources by properties other than ID
Zarahaha, I thought that was in the same state as the patch in review, but turns out it had some other drafty changes.... yeahhhh...19:11
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Get storyboard resources by properties other than ID
persiaZara: is there still an upstream for the common client stuff?  Might be possible to change the local copy.20:37
persiaReading the code, it looks like it was deprecated in kilo and folk are supposed to use python-opensracksdk20:38
Zaranot sure, and I'd have to ask around to find out how far storyboard fits in with that (eg: if it's like devstack and centered around building an openstack cloud). just working with what we've got for now, but one to investigate in the future...20:44
persiaThere's a local copy in the storyboard code, with all the labels.  My thought was that if there isn't an upstream from which this is pulled, it ought be subject to modification.20:46
persiaBut if there is an upstream, it probably wants an update (and keeping it pristine makes sense)20:47
* persia goes to look at g.o.o to understand the current state better20:47
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Get storyboard resources by properties other than ID
persiaAnd I got lost in a tangle of ancient documents that barely exist and recent things that have no mention of what I seek.20:52
* persia decides not to have an opinion about how to coordinate with theoretical upstreams for long-deprecated code20:52
Zarayay, build passed, at least20:56
Zarascript using it is still tripping up over some unicode thing20:56
Zaradefo need to look at improving handling unexpected characters etc20:57
persiaWhen you say "Unicode", what do you mean?21:00
* persia notes that ANSI terminal control characters are not valid Unicode21:00
Zarathe error mentioned unicode, s'as far as I got since I'm not looking at it right now; one to come back to! :D21:00
persiaAs in "not a Unicode character"?21:00
persiaBut fair :)21:00
Zaraheh, I closed the tab. It was similar to this:
Zarastill had that tab open21:02
Zaraso figured 'some unicode thing' encompasses all things mentioning unicode. =D21:03
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betherlyHi all, welcome francoblanco - hes new to the community and interested in learning front end code-y things so have advised him that storyboard and horizon are good places to start to look at UIs and that sort of awesomeness :)21:16
Zarahi, francoblanco! :)21:17
francoblancoHola amigos! (Don't let that or my name on here fool you, I'm not actually Spanish, I'm English)21:18
francoblancoLooking forward to getting involvedand learning lots so i can help you out with stuff soon21:18
francoblancoHi Zara nice  to meet you!21:19
francoblancoWell sort of meet you anyway!21:19
Zaraalways good to hear. :) pretty busy this week with summit stuff so sorry in advance if we're a bit slow to respond, business as usual from next week...21:20
Zarabut still, if you have any questions, feel free to ask in here and we'll answer as soon as we can. :)21:22
betherlyZara: yay for summit mental craziness! will be weird sitting at a desk again next week lol21:23
Zarahah, suspect I'll just sleep21:26
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betherlyZara: ++21:27
francoblancoThanks so much Zara , I really appreciate it. Hope the summit is going well for you too?21:29
francoblancoI imagine you and betherly are both pretty equally shattered21:30
SotKwelcome francoblanco21:32
francoblancoo/ SotK21:36
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Zaraheh, not as tired today as earlier in the week, at least. storyboard docs are here if useful
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francoblancowell glad to hear the jetlag has worn off a little at least Zara  - thanks for the docs link btw yeah that will be helpful i'm sure22:13
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add tables for story and task permissions
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow the creation of private stories
Zarau da man22:51
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