Thursday, 2016-04-21

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alexismonvillethanks for the link Zara (with some delay ;) )06:25
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Zaranp :)09:39
Zaraand morning, storyboard!09:55
ZaraI'd love to be able to edit a worklist filter10:01
Zarahuh, automatic board worklists are the same colour as manual ones, what's going on10:04
SotKthey weren't last night10:05
* SotK does ctrl+f5, and it is fine10:06
Zarayeah, I remember they were fine last night, huh10:06
Zaradifferent laptop10:06
Zaraah yeah, refresh fixes it, thanks10:07
Zaraso, I was thinking last night about times that dragging a card from automatic to manual would be useful, trying to work out in general how useful it is to combine types of lists10:08
Zara(because it's going to be tricky if we do it and I wanna work out if it's useful first)10:08
SotKautomatic -> manual is useful ime10:08
Zarathe kind of workflow I imagined was this:!/board/410:09
Zarawhere yeah, you could drag from left to right, from the auto to the manual worklists immediately to their right10:09
SotKyeah, that's similar to what I had in mind10:10
* SotK realises he hasn't made automatic worklists omit contents that are already elsewhere in the board10:10
Zarathat's great10:10
ZaraI was about to ask about that10:11
Zarabecause I think it'd be more of a 'copy' motion10:11
Zaraotherwise how do you code for 'and hide this one' (how would it decide which to give precedence)10:11
SotKmanual worklists would need to have precedence10:11
Zara(so I was worried a convention like that would result in errors...)10:12
Zarafor that workflow I think it's okay for things to be in multiple lanes, since something could be a priority and unassigned10:12
Zarabut ymmv10:12
Zaraoh I thought you were listed as owner for that10:13
* SotK agrees but likes kanbans more as a "organising my brain" tool than a "seeing the flow of work" tool10:13
* Zara fixes10:13
persiaThat breaks the kanban paradigm.10:13
ZaraI'd argue only the manual lanes form the kanban, the rest is a way of quickly seeing how to populate them.10:15
Zarabut if having stuff in multiple lanes is confusing, then hey10:16
persiaHrm.  Good point.  Maybe "boards can be kanbans" is more correct than "boards are kanbans"10:20
Zara:) that's how I pictured it, but it might be one of many things I never actually wrote out anywhere or checked for consensus on.10:27
Zaraah, adam framed it in those terms in the spec (line 43)
Zaraso I probably went with that10:28
persiaThe spec should be considered authoritative :)10:36
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OVH servers are down, we are working to solve it. This will cause that jobs queue is processed slowly, please have patience.10:38
Zaramore boards: this is an automatic board for sb development that I made last night.!/board/14 this is effectively two boards, but there's overlap, so I stuck them together:!/board/1510:48
Zarareally it'd make sense to put 'adam review' next to 'zara todo' and vice versa10:49
Zaraif I were using it to manage my workflow10:50
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Don't try to update tasks if they don't have an ID
* persia is confused: does this still allow one to set status when creating a task, but with this all happening at once, or does status setting when creating get lost?11:34
SotKat the moment setting status works when creating but causes an error to pop up saying: "400: PUT /api/v1/tasks: Missing argument: "task_id""11:35
SotK(it works despite the error, I should say)11:36
SotKanyone opposed to me merging in about an hours time, please shout within the hour :)11:38
ZaraI'm okay with it, if someone will have time to fix today or tomorrow in the event of it introducing strangeness (I can't promise that I can do it)11:39
* SotK can do11:44
Zaraohhhh you have irc on your phone? that was weird11:46
Zarahuh... is there no way to build a schedule online this time?11:51
Zaraah no, the button was just tucked away11:51
Zaraoh... it's openstackid? do I even have that? I don't think I've ever seen it before???11:55
Zarawell, I'm aware it's been discussed, I thought it was still under development...11:55
Zaraactually, no, I remember people mentioning this re: summit schedule, just forgot, gah11:56
SotKlog in with openstack id, then each thing has a little "my calendar" (or similar) button in the top right11:59
Zarayeah, found it now12:00
Zaradon't think I actually had an openstack id (or at any rate, didn't have a password for it)12:00
Zaraalso, hm. browsing to the event details for every single thing to make a schedule... pen and paper time, then..12:02
Zaraoh no, there is another button12:02
Zaramissed it the first time12:02
ZaraI wish it were possible to view event details in a new tab; probably too late for anyone to change it :(12:04
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* SotK also had to reset his password12:41
SotKalso yeah I have IRC on my phone12:41
SotKdoesn't everyone?! :P12:41
* SotK also wishes that12:41
SotKits been an hour, I'm pressing the button12:48
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OVH provider is enabled again, please wait for the job queue to be processed12:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Improve 'Tasks Assigned to Me'
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Zaraaw, I thought this was an actual bbq: then I saw nikitakonovalov was presenting, cool!15:42
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* SotK paginates worklists17:44
SotKmaybe I'll send a patch tomorrow once I've done boards too17:44
SotKs/worklists/the list of worklists/17:44
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zara_the_lemurahaha, I wondered what had happened with the cores party-- we're on release:independent. I'd be sad, but I'm terrified of social interaction, so it's probably a win all around.20:19
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* SotK wonders what release:independent is21:00
krotscheckSotK: You do your own thing. As in, you're not part of the integrated-release.21:24
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zara_the_lemurstok: (going by ML, only release_managed cores were invited.)21:50
zara_the_lemurthough I'd assume in practice it was a bit broader than that.#21:51
SotKmakes sense, thanks22:19
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