Monday, 2016-04-11

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Zaramorning, storyboard!09:39
SotKgood morning!09:39
ZaraSotK: so yeah, infra's having a bug-squash on Weds, using storyboard09:54
Zarastarts 15:00 UTC, continues to 15:00 UTC Thurs09:54
SotKooh, sounds exciting09:55
* persia likes to think about that sort of timeframe as being from 4am Wed (Kirtimati) to 3am Thu (Niue), although I usually try to start/finish at midnight when scheduling such things, to avoid the need to specify a day.09:59
persiaoops: that's 4am Thursday (Kirtimati)10:00
Zaraif I knew what that meant, maybe I'd agree, but I don't so I'll stick with my way. :P10:10
ZaraI mentioned it beacause I said 'hey, we'll be there!' because, well, we would be, but speaking on behalf of sotk while he was away and yeahhhh...10:11
Zarathought he might like to know, at least :P10:11
persiaTimezones. is the first place (of which I know) where it becomes a day.  It is Tuesday there now. is the last place (of which I know) where it remains a day.  It is Sunday there now.10:14
persiaSo I like to plan "all day" things to last from midnight in Kirtimati to midnight in Niue.  Most folk like 24-hour blocks for some reason.10:16
Zarahow come you like to do it that way?10:29
persiaSo people do not have to think about timezones.  If it is e.g. Wednesday, then it is time for the thing.11:04
* SotK was just looking at that11:14
* SotK is confused by it11:14
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Zarakrotscheck: is ^ npm weirdness? (how) should we be updating our npm? my approach to storyboard's node/npm is 'it works, leave it alone!' but that means it's pretty old. I don't really know what's going on with server upgrades, etc. SO HI.12:32
krotscheckHuhn, that's a new one12:33
krotscheckThat error message isn't helpful either, it doesn't say where it's coming from12:34
krotscheckZara Are you running into this locally?12:35
Zarakrotscheck: not seen it, but I haven't done anything special to test it, so I'm not sure if I would12:36
* Zara remembers the git branch is called what-is-this and laughs12:39
Zarayeah, so locally, it just works, but I haven't tried running the tests locally (well, except linting) so I guess if that's looking for something else...12:40
krotscheckZara: Have you tried running it locally? Maybe update the various karma bits to see what's going on?12:41
Zaratrying tests now...12:42
ZaraINFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox12:42
ZaraERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox12:42
ZaraCan not find the binary firefox12:42
ZaraPlease set env variable FIREFOX_BIN12:42
ZaraWarning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.12:42
krotscheckWhat operating system are you on?13:05
krotscheckInfra installs it like this:          sudo apt-get install -y firefox dbus13:09
Zaraoh, hm, so it's not an issue with the test, I just didn't have it...?13:18
Zara(it's a vm so it's mainly just got default stuff on it)13:19
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Zarahm, docs should probably mention python client xD13:42
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix filtering of automatic worklist contents
* SotK apologises for the fact that some contents have been missing from automatic worklists for two weeks :)13:54
* Zara apologises for just ignoring automatic worklists entirely for two weeks :)13:55
pedroalvarezit's okay guys, I'll forgive you two13:55
Zaraokay, so I just installed firefox on the vm13:57
Zaraand wow, these are some error messages13:57
ZaraRunning "karma:unit" (karma) task13:57
ZaraINFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.23 server started at http://localhost:9876/13:57
ZaraINFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox13:57
ZaraERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox13:57
ZaraINFO [launcher]: Trying to start Firefox again (1/2).13:57
ZaraERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox13:58
ZaraINFO [launcher]: Trying to start Firefox again (2/2).13:58
ZaraERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox13:58
ZaraERROR [launcher]: Firefox failed 2 times (cannot start). Giving up.13:58
ZaraWarning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.13:58
Zarammmkay real helpful13:58
SotKI guess it couldn't start firefox :D14:02
SotKI had a similar problem when I tried to run the unit tests on my vm, I suspected it was because I was using the server version of trusty and some other things needed to be installed, then gave up14:03
Zarakrotscheck ^14:04
pedroalvarezthis guy managed to figure otut what was wroing in firefox:
Zara~we're so helpful~14:04
Zaraoh, cool14:04
Zarapedroalvarez saves the day14:05
* Zara hasn't even clicked the link14:05
Zaraahh, the errors look a bit different, but I might just not have WARN on14:05
krotscheckAre y'all running them headless? If so, you'll need to install Xvfb14:06
krotscheckIt's hard to run a GUI interface when you don't have a screen attached :)14:07
pedroalvarezX forwarding?14:07
krotscheckIt pretends to be a monitor14:08
krotscheckThere's some fiddlyness to get it set up, gimme a sec...14:08
Zaraheehee, yeah, this instance has no GUI, allllll command-line. I can see storyboard in my browser, but that's it.14:08
pedroalvarezyeah, I mean, isn't enough to ssh in using -X and then run firefox?14:08
pedroalvarezZara: I believe your VM is a openstack VM, so might be able to see the "screen" from there?14:09
pedroalvarez(i may be wrong)14:09
Zaraah, it is an openstack vm, yeah14:10
pedroalvarezZara: hm.. but an ubuntu cloud image I expect, so imposible to log in using the console (IIRC)14:10
krotscheckI dunno, X-forwarding is juju I haven't touched in ages.14:10
Zarathough I don't think I have a screen for it14:10
Zarajust a console14:10
Zaraand yeah, I can't login14:10
Zarait's ssh-access-only14:11
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Zarawhoops, rebooted it by accident14:11
pedroalvarezhahah, this OpenStack UI...  :P14:11
pedroalvarezdon't terminate it :)14:12
ZaraI sent it a ctrl+alt+del by mistake14:12
Zaraso yeah, it rebooted14:12
Zaraeh, maybe turning it off and on again will help14:13
Zarafirefox still ain't happy14:13
pedroalvarezthen follow the Xvfb suggestion14:13
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Zaraso... how do I see it if it's up?14:54
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Zara(I did the build and start commands at that link)14:59
pedroalvarezI think now, you can `xvfb-run <whatever you do to run the tests>`15:02
pedroalvarez(answered after reading a bit of
ZaraI'm sorry I'm so lazy, I should be searching more before asking tbh15:03
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pedroalvarezI would be interesting to figure out how to see that "xvfb" screen to see firefox error message, if any15:04
Zaraxvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start15:04
pedroalvarezhave you run:
Zaraand if I try to run it again I get Fatal server error:15:08
Zara(EE) Server is already active for display 9915:08
ZaraIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X99-lock15:08
Zaraand start again.15:08
pedroalvarezaha, so it should be running15:09
Zarayup, I may just not be looking in the right place15:09
Zaraif I have to direct my browser to it15:09
pedroalvarez"xvfb-run hides error messages by default... give it a -e /dev/stdout to see what the problem is"15:10
Zaramaybe I'm doing a strange command?15:11
Zaraubuntu@zara-storyboard:~/storyboard-webclient$ xvfb-run tox -egrunt_no_api -- test --hostname -e /dev/stdout15:11
Zaraxvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start15:11
Zara(that's just my sb test command shoved in the middle)15:15
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pedroalvarezxvfb-run -e /dev/stdout ....15:23
pedroalvarez:) don't worry, some times these things are not really obvious15:24
Zaraheh, and I thought maybe 'Xvfb failed to start' was just the only error msg. :D15:24
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* Zara tries again15:25
ZaraFatal server error:15:25
Zara(EE) Server is already active for display 9915:25
ZaraIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X99-lock15:25
Zaraand start again.15:25
Zaraso... where is it?15:26
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Zarasotk: so, when I try to checkout that worklist bugfix, and make a new branch, then rebase it on master, I get a *massive* list of commits that seems to go right back to the start of the project15:30
Zaraoh hang on I'm being weird15:30
Zaramystery solved, sorry for noise15:30
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pedroalvarez(checking out in a different git repo? :P)15:31
pedroalvarezI've seen that before15:31
Zarapedro gets the prize15:31
ZaraI've done it a couple of times ;_;15:32
Zarathat time I was checking out storyboard in storyboard-webclient15:32
pedroalvarezso.. that error with xvfb.. sounds like the thing you ran  ( might not be needed15:33
pedroalvarezso if.. you can kill that15:35
pedroalvarezand try again?15:35
Zaraokay, now running the command works, and I get: Running "karma:integration" (karma) task15:38
ZaraVerifying property karma.integration exists in config...ERROR15:38
Zara>> Unable to process task.15:38
ZaraWarning: Required config property "karma.integration" missing. Use --force to continue.15:38
Zaraand there's nothing about karma.integration in karma-unit.conf.js , though perhaps that's not the relevant place15:40
pedroalvarezso that means it manages to launc Firefox this time?15:41
pedroalvarez+h somewhere there ^15:41
Zarait seems to... will post full thing, hang on15:41
Zaraso yeah, seems like unit stuff succeeds but integration stuff fails?15:43
Zaraworklist bugfix seems to work well for tags, will double-check the other filters15:46
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Zaraokay, so using it testing, by making lots of filters I've found it's annoying having to delete a filter to amend it (after it's saved)16:01
* SotK agrees16:02
SotKI ran out of time before my holiday to make the UI nicer IIRC16:02
ZaraI should've done it, really, but didn't spot it 'til now16:03
* pedroalvarez spots "Fatal error: options must be a string or an object" in
pedroalvarezI don't know how to continue investigating.. Zara, you might try using '--force' (I don't know where this time)16:10
pedroalvarezmaybe `xvfb-run -e /dev/stdout tox -egrunt_no_api --force -- test --hostname`16:10
pedroalvarezor at the end16:11
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SotKI think at the end is the right place16:13
* Zara tries it16:14
Zaraokay, so it got past that bit16:15
ZaraRunning "karma:integration" (karma) task16:15
ZaraVerifying property karma.integration exists in config...ERROR16:15
Zara>> Unable to process task.16:15
ZaraWarning: Required config property "karma.integration" missing. Used --force, continuing.16:15
Zarabut then...16:15
ZaraRunning "protractor:dist" (protractor) task16:16
ZaraStarting selenium standalone server...16:16
Zara        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event16:16
Zara              ^16:16
ZaraError: spawn ENOENT16:16
Zara    at errnoException (child_process.js:1011:11)16:16
Zara    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:802:34)16:16
ZaraFatal error: protractor exited with code: 816:16
ZaraERROR: InvocationError: '/home/ubuntu/storyboard-webclient/node_modules/.bin/grunt test --hostname --force'16:16
Zara______________________________________________________________________ summary _______________________________________________________________________16:16
ZaraERROR:   grunt_no_api: commands failed16:16
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* pedroalvarez <- don't have more ideas16:26
pedroalvarezI'm just confused, I can't see these things running in the console log16:27
Zarayeah... idk what's up. we might get more clues with other patches. if it's a one-off... eh.... :S17:07
Zarawe shall see.17:07
ZaraI'm heading off for tonight17:08
anteayaso May 16th is a Monday17:37
anteayaso is there a Monday meetup thing happening that night?17:37
anteayaalso I probably will hang out on the Tuesday17:37
anteayaunless I'm told I can't17:37
anteayaregarding the storyboard meetup17:37
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