Tuesday, 2016-04-05

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Zaramorning, storyboard!10:11
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Zaraquiet day, had to look at some other stuff this morning, should now be back to sb again.11:35
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ZaraI should set my desktop background to the gerrit stream events, so I look like a super hacker12:26
* Zara goes back to the python client13:07
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Zaraokay, so users have an  is_active field, but afaict it's not used. was it something that was planned but never implemented? deprecated?14:44
pedroalvarezZara: hmm.. I think it's being used14:45
pedroalvarezif you go to the admin menu, and edit an user, there is a check-box called "enable login"14:45
pedroalvarezthat might be it's use?14:45
Zarahuh, I wondered because it's not showing up on the requests I'm making with the python-storyboardclient (after adding it to users.py), but might be a case of lookign at the wrong user14:46
Zaracreated_at and updated_at seem to always be None for users, though maybe it's possible to update them and it's just that nobody has14:49
Zara(or I haven't found the ones that have updated)14:50
Zaralast_login seems to work, anyway14:51
Zaragood, the python client won't let me list anybody's user tokens14:52
Zaraahh, there's also an enable_login field14:54
Zaraso I think that's different to is_active14:54
* Zara tries to hook it up to her storyboard instance to check the superuser stuff14:57
Zararequests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol14:57
Zara127.0.0.1 - - [05/Apr/2016 14:57:00] code 400, message Bad request syntax ('\x16\x03\x01\x01')15:00
Zara127.0.0.1 - - [05/Apr/2016 14:57:00] "" 400 -15:00
ZaraI got it to do that! :D15:00
Zararequests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:510: EOF occurred in violation of protocol15:01
Zaraso many errors are possible15:02
Zarayay, got it working15:05
Zaraturns out you should probably look at the url the webclient's already using for your instance, and base your request url on that15:05
Zarawho knew15:05
Zarahahahahaha, I forgot how I named one of the tasks in my instance...15:08
Zara<Task assignee_id=None, branch_id=2, created_at=2015-09-22T08:45:42+00:00, creator_id=1, id=30, link=None, milestone_id=None, priority=medium, project_id=2, status=todo, story_id=26, title=heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayay15:08
Zaraayaya heyayayayayaya heyayayayayaya, updated_at=None>15:08
Zaraso I guess the next thing to work out is how to format a 'put' with the things I want...15:10
Zaraand similar for posts...15:13
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krotscheckUrgh burked registry15:55
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ZaraPOSTs work, anyway ¬_¬16:00
Zaraer, wrong emoticon16:00
Zaralike how did I even do that16:01
Zaraokay, I don't really know where to start with a PUT16:03
Zarait's saying ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded16:12
Zaraso I would guess that after the task id, I need valid json with the fields I want to change16:12
persiaDoesn't that get rendered automatically by the client?  I'm imagining a program flow wherein one authenticates, instantiates a variable with a GET, changes some property of it, and then uses that instantiated variable to populate the PUT.16:21
ZaraI might be currently trying to do it in some weird way16:23
Zarastoryboard.tasks.put(id, SOME_OTHER_MYSTERY_THING_I_DON'T_KNOW_YET)16:24
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Zaraoh my, what wonderful timing!16:41
ZaraNikitaKonovalov_: hi! :) I was wondering how to do a put for a task via the python-storyboardclient (plan is to hook it up to gerrit, down the line). I don't know the syntax for it16:42
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Zara:D https://github.com/openstack-infra/storyboard/blob/428bd522f20951e0f2a5e9b6b12fe4561e213e97/storyboard/api/v1/wmodels.py#L9216:58
ZaraI still have no idea how to do this put, mind.17:08
Zarathis kind of thing works for a post: testTask = storyboard.tasks.create(title="hiiiiiiiiii", project_id=2, story_id=3)17:11
Zarabut I tried swapping 'create' for 'put' and adding the task id; it wasn't having it17:11
pedroalvarezhm... try passing json in "SOME_OTHER_MYSTERY_THING_I_DON'T_KNOW_YET"17:12
ZaraI tried it earlier and it said it couldn't handle one keyword argument and one not-keyword-argument17:13
ZaraI'll try to get the exact error again...17:13
pedroalvarezso if you:17:14
pedroalvarezimport json\n dict = {}\n dict['foo'] = "bla blabla"\n json_thing = json.dumps(dict)17:14
Zaraahh, well I don't think I'm even importing json yet17:15
Zaraso that might help xD17:15
Zara(my json may not even be right anyway, I have:17:16
Zara    testTask = storyboard.tasks.put(task_id=42, {"task":[{"title":"hi how are you"}]})17:16
ZaraSyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg17:16
pedroalvarezthat error means that task_id arg, which is a keyword arg, has to go after the other argument, which is non-keyword arg17:18
pedroalvarezalso, that thing is a python dict, not a json string I'd say17:19
pedroalvarezif you quote it, might be valid json17:20
pedroalvarezthat is: "{ .... }"17:20
persiaWhile it can be made to work with JSON, I think the point of the python client is to not have to think about JSON (note that this bit may be unimplemented)17:20
pedroalvarezyeah, sadly I have no idea without playing with any of this17:21
Zarait's working pretty nicely up to here, so there's a good chance I just don't know the right syntax for the request, which is annoying17:21
ZaraI've kinda worked out the previous ones mainly through trial and error and commonsense.17:22
Zaraand stackoverflow for helpful print functions17:22
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persiaLooking at base.py, I think you want foo.update for PUT if foo.create is working for POST17:27
ZaraI think you're right!17:28
pedroalvarezthat was a good catch indeed17:28
Zaramy print looked like this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/493041/17:29
Zarafor tasks17:29
Zaraso I completely missed update, and just saw 'put'. will try that, thanks17:29
Zaraboom, it works17:30
Zaralet's check status17:30
persiaI don't see where the "put" method is defined.  I wonder what it does.17:30
ZaraI'm still pretty hazy on a *lot* of things in here17:31
Zaraas always!17:31
Zarastatus seems to wrok17:31
Zaraace, and if you set it to something totally wrong, you do indeed get an error17:31
persiaAh, found it.  In openstack/common/apiclient/client.py.  Yes, that is for JSON, if you have it.  Don't use that :)17:31
Zaraso the python-storyboardclient can update a task status, if you can give it 1) address of sb instance, 2) user token, 3)task id, 4) status to change it to17:32
persiaAlso avoid "head", "post", and "delete" :)  "get" is safely overridden.17:32
Zaraso... now I need to find some way of getting relevant stuff from gerrit stream events...17:33
* persia wonders if base.py should use "retrieve" instead of "get" to allow access to the RAW HTTP, but can't really imagine why one would want to do that.17:33
Zaraas long as I can use it to do stuff I'm fine to leave it well alone17:33
Zara:) I'm so dull!17:36
Zaraanyway, I... really have no idea how I'm going to do the gerrit side yet. I remember there was a library linked the other day, to make it easier to manipulate stream event data, iirc?17:37
Zaraahh, gerritlib, I think17:38
Zarathis is why it's nice to be able to concentrate on a project; I can actually hold this stuff in my head.17:38
pedroalvarezyup, gerritlib17:40
Zaragot the api reference up now... :)17:40
Zarastill not totally sure about how I go about importing it; guessing I install it first.17:41
* pedroalvarez nods17:41
persiahttps://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html may also be useful to read once you attach17:41
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Zaraheh it's called gerrit, so 'from gerritlib import gerrit', not 'from gerritlib import gerritlib'17:48
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pedroalvarezyou can `import gerritlib` to get it all. It might have more things than gerritlib.gerrit17:59
persiaIt doesn't.18:00
persiaJust gerrit.GerritWatcher and gerrit.Gerrit18:00
persia(so importing the entire thing just forces extra typing because of namespacing, etc.)18:00
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Zarahi! :)19:17
anteayaStoryBoard? Storyboard?19:19
anteayaI always forget which19:19
Zarait *should* be StoryBoard19:20
Zarain practice, I tend to write storyboard19:20
Zarabecause I'm too lazy to capitalize anything19:20
ZaraI've assumed it's that way so it looks a bit like OpenStack; don't really know the history there19:20
anteayattx would probably know the history19:21
Zarathat reminds me of the pic I found of storyboard as a baby: http://ttx.re/storyboard-sprint-in-brussels.html19:23
persiaWhen I first heard about Storyboard / StoryBoard (early 2014), a mix of "StoryBoard", "Storyboard", and "storyboard" seems to have been used in etherpads and wikis.19:23
persiaAmusing that "...ability to use non-Launchpad OpenID for login" was a goal, given the hardcoded single-authentication-provider implementation :)19:24
ZaraI think someone wrote a custom openid provider for another instance19:34
persiaOh, it's pluggable.  You can use any OpenID provider, as long as every user uses the same one.19:38
persia(or, at least, that was the case last time I fussed with that bit)19:38
Zarathat matches my understanding, I haven't really looked at it though19:38
persiaIt's a balance between asserting unique identity and convenience.  Having a single trusted provider makes life easy, because one can control the provider, and assure conformance to certain guidelines (e.g. people have unique "username" or "email address")19:41
persiaOn the other hand, supporting federation means anyone with an OpenID can use the one they have, and life goes on (although there is no promise the data is reliable, as "the internet" has no SLA)19:42
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jtomasekHi, we're using gate-{name}-npm-run-{command} jenkins job in tuskar-ui and we started hitting this issue today: http://logs.openstack.org/40/300240/2/check/gate-tripleo-ui-npm-run-test/8421582/console.html20:13
jtomasekhas storyboard been hitting this too?20:13
jtomasekI suspect that it might be caused by nodejs version that is used by jenkins (in ubuntu-trusty)20:13
jtomasekoh s/tuskar-ui/tripleo-ui/20:14
Zarahmm, I haven't seen it today but I don't think I've uploaded any patches for the webclient, which is the bit that uses node20:15
Zarakrotscheck might have seen it on another project20:15
jtomasekwe started hitting it today. the package it fails on has not been updated to a newer version. it is quite strange20:16
krotscheckjtomasek: I'm aware of it. It's an error that occurrs reliably, but usually on different packages, leading us to believe that it's an issue with the NPM registry.20:16
jtomasekkrotscheck: is that supposed to go away eventually?20:17
krotscheckjtomasek: The current plan is to A) Wait it out, and in the meantime B) finish building the NPM mirror so we're shielded from these issues in the meantime.20:17
krotscheckjtomasek: I hope so. I do not have much confidence in npm.inc20:17
jtomasekkrotscheck: thanks!20:17
jtomasekZara, krotcheck: maybe a bit unrelated you think it would be ok if I created a patch for that jenkins job so it could be configurable which node is used? right now it has ubuntu-trusty hardcoded while other jobs allow to specify which node (os) to use20:18
ZaraI don't think I have a problem with it; I *think* production sb is on precise anyway...20:20
jtomasekZara: ok20:20
krotscheckjtomasek: I don't think that's a good idea. The version of npm available on precise is even older than the one available on trusty.20:22
krotscheckjtomasek: Frankly, I'm hoping things remain reasonably stable until we can go to xenial LTS nodes, which comes with Node 4LTS and npm 2 LTS20:23
Zaraah, I defer to krotscheck in this, then. I thought it might be a problem with a change that had been brought in in a newer version of node, since it worked before20:23
krotscheckjtomasek: Also, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ centos, rhel, etc.20:23
jtomasekkrotscheck: I am not 100% confident, but we'd probably want to test tripleo-ui on centos7 as other tripleo ci runs there too (afaik)20:23
Zara(but the registry is constant, so if it's that, then... yeahhh)20:24
krotscheckjtomasek: Are your tests doing things that are different based on the operating system? JS is usually hosted and then run in the browser, no?20:24
krotscheckjtomasek: If it's a horizon thing I can understand that you'd want to test the python code on centos, but most of the JS pieces don't care about operating systems, they care about browsers.20:25
jtomasekkrotscheck: you're probably right. I said I am not 100% confident:)20:25
jtomasekkrotscheck: my point was that different OSes have different nodejs versions, so it would be nice to specify which is used... but I am not confident it is necessary to do right now.20:28
krotscheckjtomasek: Found the bug! https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/1219620:29
krotscheck(Courtesy of tsufiev)20:29
jtomasekkrotscheck: nice!20:30
krotscheckjtomasek: "Having consulted with @npm/registry-team about the current CDN configuration for the primary npm registry, I'm going to call this issue resolved, barring some hiccups as cached metadata ages out. "20:30
jtomasekkrotscheck: yes so 'wait it out' is confirmed as a solution...20:31
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zara___I just saw this and what? https://github.com/openstack-infra/storyboard/commits/master22:08
zara___says the last commit was Oct 28th, 201522:08
zara___sticking it up here so I see it tomorrow22:08
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* pleia2 sees Commits on Mar 22, 201622:10

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