Tuesday, 2016-03-29

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Zaramorning, storyboard! I'm having a nap, but back in a bit. :)09:40
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pedroalvarezmorning Zara09:40
krotscheckhi hi!10:25
* Zara gives up and gets up again10:35
Zarahi all! :D10:35
ZaraI'm planning to blow some cobwebs off python-storyboardclient; does anyone know anything about that thing?10:35
Zara( most is copyright mirantis so I'm guessing Nikitakonovalov's the expert?)10:37
Zaraoh, and also, I looked at socket.io a bit this weekend in the hopes of working on making a live-updating storyboard10:41
Zarabut concluded that socket.io is all express-based magic and I have no idea how any of it works10:42
persialive updating with REST ends up being interesting anyway.  You'd want to expose some other sort of eventstream that could be consumed.10:44
Zarafor context, I wanted to spend fri morning investigating an improvement on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275193/ , but other things got in the way. can't say I'm obsessed by kanbans but it seemed like a straightforward place to start.10:48
* Zara kinda wanted to put a 2p game in storyboard for april fools ;_;10:48
Zarakrotscheck ^ (ie: know anything about the history or current state of python-storyboardclient?)11:10
krotscheckZara: Put an alert message into StoryBoard saying that we're recommending they use Launchpad instead.11:11
krotscheckZara: Don't know much about the client, to be honest I don't think there's much that uses it right now.11:11
Zarayeah, just thought it was time for an update since we've changed a bunch of stuff. never actually used it...11:20
Zarahm, adam's listed as an author. well that's not right.11:36
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ZaraI don't know how to use this thing at all11:56
ZaraI can still update it, I think, but I don't know how to test it yet.11:59
ZaraI don't even know if it's installed properly. =D12:00
Zararunning tox, things are happening. are they the right things? who knows!12:03
Zarapy27 works, py34 fails; I literally just ran `tox` so I feel like I've probably missed some config12:04
Zara(that was after `python setup.py install`12:04
Zarapy34 can't install the dependencies, py27 and pep8 tests pass12:05
pedroalvarezyou should be able to run `python`12:06
pedroalvarezand then12:06
pedroalvarez`import storyboardclient12:07
Zaraahhh, I tried something like that earlier and got an error so I thought I was doing the wrong thing12:08
ZaraImportError: No module named pbr.version12:08
Zara  File "storyboardclient/__init__.py", line 15, in <module>12:08
Zara    import pbr.version12:08
Zararight at the start, yay!12:08
pedroalvarezI don't know what else you can do without looking at the code12:08
pedroalvarezthat should be a common error, google might help there12:09
pedroalvarezmaybe you are missing `pbr`12:09
* Zara looks at the __init__.py12:09
Zaraimport pbr.version12:09
Zara__version__ = pbr.version.VersionInfo(12:09
Zara    'storyboardclient').version_string()12:09
Zarathat's the whole thing...12:09
NikitaKonovalovZara: did you have any questions about python-storyboardclient?12:23
Zarahi, NikitaKonovalov! :D12:24
Zaraer, pretty much everything12:24
Zarahow do I install it, how do I run it, etc.... ^^'12:24
NikitaKonovalovinstallation is pip install python-storyboardclient12:25
ZaraI don't think it's listed in pip; I tried that and it wasn't found12:25
NikitaKonovalovIt's all based on openstack http client from oslo12:25
NikitaKonovalovif it's not in pypi, you can just pip install the git repo itself12:26
pedroalvarezthat is `pip install .` I believe :)12:26
NikitaKonovalovThe only difference I've added to the openstack cleint is the support of nested resources like users in groups and projects in project groups12:26
Zaraah, okay, I cloned the repo and did `python setup.py install`; is that likely to have the same result as pip install?12:27
Zaracool, step 1 complete! :D12:27
NikitaKonovalovMost of it is quite declarative, just the set of models and contrllers to handle them12:27
Zarathanks, yeah, it looked quite straightforward :)12:28
Zarathough I still don't actually know how to run it...12:29
* Zara is a complete newb for this sort of thing12:29
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NikitaKonovalovit's not runnable actualy12:32
NikitaKonovalovyou can import it to other projects, then instantiate the Client object with url and credentials, and then make calls to manangers to manipulate data12:33
NikitaKonovalovas far as I remember the only way you can authorize is by simply giving it a user token12:34
Zaraaha, thaaat would explain why I couldn't find how to run it. xD12:34
Zarathank you12:34
Zaraso to see how it works atm, I guess I'd need an example project I could import it into12:35
NikitaKonovalovyou can make a simple python file to import it, initialize, and make some calls12:39
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Zarasorry, got very distracted for a bit13:45
Zaraso, I started by trying the tests; getting errors because no oslo_utils13:46
Zaratried to install oslo_utils, got13:47
ZaraImportError: cannot import name IncompleteRead13:47
Zaraoh, seems pip install isn't working for anything13:48
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Zarapip install oslo_utils15:14
ZaraDownloading/unpacking oslo-utils15:14
Zara  Real name of requirement oslo_utils is oslo.utils15:14
Zarathis is why I hate that package.15:14
ZaraI pick a dot or a hyphen or an underscore at random.15:17
pedroalvarez`pip install .` should intall all the dependencies, I believe15:17
ZaraI think it's working now; had to reinstall pip because I managed to break it15:18
Zaragoogle suggested I'd hit a known bug, at least15:18
* Zara installs all the things, just in case. should be able to update installation docs today, at least15:27
Zaramy python is pretty much nonexistent, bit it's a good way to learn.15:28
Zaraso, newb question, but how do I instantiate the client object wiht the right url and credentials? is there a guide I should look at for this sort of thing in general?15:45
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Zaraoh hang on16:03
Zarathere is literally an example in a comment in the code16:03
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Zaramy client stuff seems to be talking to itself correctly; though I don't know how to populate it with the actual data.16:56
Zarajust spent a while wandering around trying things out16:56
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Zaraseems to have same behaviour whether or not I mention the address, so I assume I'm missing something17:07
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Zaraah, I think it's working17:41
ZaraI just don't know any of the syntax for doing gets etc17:42
Zarabut print storyboard.stories.get(50)17:42
Zaragave me something that looked like a sensible thing17:42
Zaraworks with a loop for the first ten stories; I have no idea about PUTS and POSTs but I'm probably not going to look at those today.17:47
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Update Docs  https://review.openstack.org/29891017:57
Zarait seems like the fields in the class don't make a difference.... huh18:11
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pedroalvarezZara: I have a few comments on your patch. I'll try to review it tomorrow. Ping me if I forget,23:56

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