Tuesday, 2016-03-15

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SotKZara: For the cancel button, I set the ng-model of the text fields to reference an object that isn't the actual story/task ($scope.modifications): https://github.com/openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient/blob/master/src/app/boards/controller/card_detail_controller.js#L2809:27
SotKThen in the `toggleEditTitle` function for example, if the title isn't currently being edited (ie, when you click to enter edit mode) the relevant attribute of $scope.modifications ($scope.modifications.title) is set to the story/task title09:29
SotKthe cancel button also calls that function, which doesn't do anything special that way, but it means that the next time the edit button is clicked $scope.modifications.title will be reset to the original task/story title09:30
SotKThe final thing is the functions which save the edits (eg. editTitle()) use $scope.modifications to update the story/task, and then sets the original story/task title (card.task.title for example) to the new value, as returned from the update09:32
* SotK goes back to curling up in a ball of fever and coughing09:33
* fay_ hopes SotK feels better soon09:35
* SotK too :(09:36
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* Zara three10:15
ZaraSotK: thanks for the tip. :) I had no idea how it worked and tried all sorts of weird things with angular.copy, to little avail10:16
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ZaraI'll take another look at that modal today, and ask around about emails once more people are up.11:00
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is going to be restarted11:15
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit had to be restarted because was not responsive. As a consequence, some of the test results have been lost, from 08:30 UTC to 10:30 UTC approximately. Please recheck any affected jobs by this problem.11:34
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit had to be restarted because was not responsive. As a consequence, some of the test results have been lost, from 09:30 UTC to 11:30 UTC approximately. Please recheck any affected jobs by this problem.11:37
Zara(ahaha, so I remembered I'd been looking into updating the db schema diagram, and got completely distracted by it, because pictures! found some things, managed to almost make it. only, the resulting svg has displayed all the tables on top of each other, so their relations are a mystery.)11:47
Zarahttp://imgur.com/HH2FdYu for the curious11:57
pedroalvarezhah, I  understand now12:01
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Zaraversion where all fields are readable, though still no relations; I'm not going to spend any more time on it today: http://imgur.com/zfAoD1C12:11
Zarait's vaaaaaaguely grouped according to what things are12:12
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* Zara : 'why isn't my code working?'13:49
Zara"Error: $scpoe is not defined"13:49
Zarathe weirder thing is that there was nothing called 'scpoe' in my code, and it worked fine on a reset13:53
Zaracancel button finally works properly, anyway13:56
ZaraI ended up rewriting the whole thing13:56
Zarasince I didn't know how to adapt SotK's approach to what I'd already done, and using the same approach made it consistent with the existing code anyway.13:57
Zarait looks better like this, anyway, though I'm a bit sad13:58
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Edit task notes from board  https://review.openstack.org/29175514:01
Zaracode's still got a bunch of odd leftovers hanging around, will tidy it up now-- but it should work14:01
ZaraI also redid the html. which means we have markdown previews this time.14:02
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Zaraargh, it stopped working again, what14:21
Zaraoh, it just changed the branch it was running from14:24
Zaramust've got stuck when I rebased or something.14:24
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Zarahm, my network just went14:26
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Edit task notes from board  https://review.openstack.org/29175514:53
Zara^ actually ready for reviews now, I think14:54
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Launchpad OpenID SSO is currently experiencing issues preventing login. The Launchpad team is working on the issue15:00
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Zara^ means I can't login to s.o.o or my test instance15:14
Zaraentertaining since I was writing a patch to improve the behaviour of task notes when logged out15:14
Zarabut now I can't check if it works when logged in :P15:14
Zaraiiits back15:18
pedroalvarezyou could configure your storyboard to use a different one15:20
pedroalvarezalso use incognito windows instead of loggin out15:20
pedroalvarezbut anyway, it's back15:20
Zarayeah, I haven't needed to use a different so far and figured it was more trouble than it was worth to set up, but it's nice having the option15:21
Zarahadn't thought of using incognito windows15:21
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make task notes visible for logged-out users  https://review.openstack.org/29295715:26
Zara^ small tweak; they were invisible before because I hadn't got round to hiding the edit buttons15:26
Zaraso should now be visible to all but editable only to logged-in users15:26
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Launchpad SSO is back to normal - happy hacking15:33
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* Zara fights with some css, gives up15:58
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ZaraI've noted reasons for wanting sb dev instance on sb dev instance story16:30
Zaramay have missed some16:30
Zarahttps://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000028 , anyway16:30
ZaraI'm heading off soon, in advance of infra meeting, will be back in a bit16:38
* Zara wonders if our board should have a 'needs-rework' lane to differentiate from 'doing (not yet pushed to review)'16:47
Zara(brackets mine, but that's how it feels like it should be used)16:47
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Zarawould love review for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/291755/ , if anyone has time16:52
* pedroalvarez is going to be busy the next few days/weeks. Apologies.. :(16:57
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Zaranp, thanks for the heads-up17:25
* Zara runs away17:25
pedroalvarezhah :)17:25
Zaramost of my patches are tiny, anyway; that's the only one I care about merging asap. aaand we can't really merge it until SotK is back, anyway. so I can't make a fuss. :P17:27
betherlyHaha Zara! Thursday for sure17:30
betherlyJust so you all know I'm off tomorrow17:30
betherlyHeading out now and back Thursday am :D17:30
Zaracool, have a good holiday! and thanks for letting us know in advance17:31
ZaraI'm in a good mood because I remembered to buy ketchup.17:31
Zarayesterday I cooked chicken + chips, then realised I had none. was gonna go with salt and vinegar... but there was no vinegar, either17:31
Zaraso I raided the condiments and went with soy sauce and mustard, was... okay...17:32
ZaraI'm not sure I should be allowed to make my own food. anyway.17:33
Zarawanted to ask about email config, but it seems zuul has been on fire today17:33
Zaraer, in a bad way17:33
pedroalvarezis the meeting still going?17:34
Zarathe storyboard meeting?17:36
ZaraI'm not sure, if it's just me then I think I'll cancel17:37
persiaThe infra meeting is at 19:00 UTC.  The Storyboard meeting is at 15:00 UTC tomorrow, or else my clock is broken.17:37
Zaraoh, I thought pedro was asking if we were still doing the meeting tomorrow, since SotK might be ill and betherly will be on holiday17:38
Zaraif other people want a meeting then we can have one, if it's just me then I'll skip it17:38
persiaAh, that makes more sense than my interpretation.  I'm likely confused because all the local clocks changed a couple days ago.17:39
pedroalvarezoh, my comment was regarding raising the emails issue in the infra meeting17:39
persiaLast week the meeting seemed to have moderately wide attendance: if it is to be cancelled, I think sending something to a mailing list announcing the cancellation today would be best.17:39
persiaThat hasn't started yet.  Another 80 minutes (I think)17:39
Zaratrue, I'm okay with running a ghost meeting (I don't want to cancel now in case SotK's well tomorrow), so I'll probably just do that instead17:41
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Zaraah, I was planning to mention emails in infra's open discussion17:42
Zarasuppose they might not get to it, though17:42
Zarashould we put it on the agenda?17:43
persiaCould do.17:43
persiaMy understanding of the issue is that all the patches to make it work appear to have landed, but it isn't working.  Is that correct?17:44
persiaIf this is correct, just asking in -infra is probably more productive.17:44
persiaIf folk have time to look at it, they can do so.  If they don't, they won't.17:44
persiaIn the meeting, folk definitely don't have time.17:44
Zarayeah, would feel a bit pushy putting it on the agenda17:45
persiaAgenda means someone has to take a note and examine it later.17:46
persiaJust ask in -infra :)17:47
* Zara does so17:48
Zarainfra-incident has quieted down now17:48
persiaheh :)  I should watch that more carefully to know when is a good time.17:49
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Zarathere was a lot of traffic today. I didn't pay attention beyond 'zuul is being weird'17:50
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persiaUnless one is active in infra, the volume, frequency, and timing of messages on that channel is more informative than the content17:53
persiaWell, active in incident response, really.17:53
Zarawe have a response in -infra if anyone with some exim knowledge is about17:56
pedroalvarezI'm reading the conversation, and it's going on the right direction17:57
pedroalvarezwe basically need to figure out what email use to send emails17:58
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pedroalvarezwe are  +1 workflow away :)18:21
Zaratbf it could all still fail for some unknown reason18:21
* Zara is jaded18:22
Zaraif they do merge for tomorrow, I hope SotK is well enough to see it18:28
Zarawell I hope he's well anyway, but you know what I mean18:28
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Zarasuch a momentous occasion; maybe I'll have to -1 so he doesn't miss out18:29
persiaPlease no :)18:31
Zarapah, have it your way! ;_;18:35
Zarahe's alive! :D19:07
Zarahow're you doing?19:07
SotKcoughy with a sore throat to the extent of hardly being able to talk, but much improved on yesterday and the weekend's horror19:10
Zarawell, not \o/ about the weekend being horrible19:10
Zarabut glad you're feeling a bit better19:10
* SotK is also glad19:11
ZaraI should probably be telling you off for being on irc, but eh, it probably isn't making any difference to your health.19:11
SotKhopefully I'll be something approximating fully healthy in the morning19:11
Zarayeah, but take it easy19:12
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ZaraI'm missing some context19:14
Zaraabout kro_sinus_hell / kro_death_by_sin /krotscheck19:15
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