Friday, 2016-03-04

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Zaraanteaya:[C[C[C[C#/c/280259/ is a patch to revmove the priority button, which makes room for task links in the ui (since priorityies can now be expressed through boards/worklists). it needs a +1.  once that's merged I think I can bug people to merge the task links ui patch. :)14:17
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Zara___in case that didn't send, sorry for typos, netwoooooork14:22
Zara___my screen is completely frozen14:22
SotKit sent but was a little weird :)14:22
SotKassuming you mean the message about removing the priority button14:23
Zara___ah, there was an apology for typos just after that14:23
Zara___but it applies to both14:23
ZaraI'm back!14:24
Zarasort of14:24
Zarahm, maybe not, still frozen14:24
Zaraahahahaha this is great. I can't see my messages in my terminal, but I can see them on the webchat after I send them14:25
Zaraso I can only see stuff after it's sent...14:25
Zaraseems a bit better now, anyway14:25
Zarasorry for noise14:25
Zara___arrrgh it froze again14:27
Zara___now I have all these notifications for this channel updating with my own comments via a different network14:28
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anteayaZara___: can you tell jeblair about the patch to remove the priority button?14:52
anteayaZara___: when I told him about the intent he seemed uncertain14:52
anteayaI believe he likes the priority button in storyview14:52
anteayahowever it is possible that I failed to convey the big picture14:52
anteayacan you talk with him about it?14:52
anteayaand thanks for pinging me14:53
Zaranp. :) yeah, I can do that, proooobably not today because my network connection is too unreliable.14:54
persiaIs there a draft UI for showing worklist membership in story view?14:57
* persia is not convinced that the priority button can be removed from the story view without being replaced with that, and worries that the priority removal patch is described as "making room"14:57
Zarait boils down to 'if we add task links to what's already displayed, there's too much and it's hard to parse. so reviewers get to pick which they want more!14:58
persiaWhile I'll argue all day against the idea of a single "priority" field, I do think it's important to be able to answer the question "who needs this done" when looking at a story.14:58
* persia goes to reluctantly -1 the task list patch14:59
Zarapersonally links > global priorities for me, but I@m not interested in forcing it through; just interested in making things useful15:00
persiaI'd agree with that, but for me expressed priorities > task links15:01
persiaAnd you presented this as a XOR condition15:01
Zara:) yeah, it is for now, even if not theoretically! (resource/time constraints)15:04
persiaUnderstood, hence the -1.  At a high level, I'm in favour of task links and not having global priority, but not this way: I think it makes the tool less useful for now.15:07
persiaIn the current system, it is possible for a project lead to triage a set of stories, and identify ones that have priority in such a way that others notice this.15:09
persiaWIth the proposal in 280259, this becomes more complicated.15:09
persiaWhich makes it very hard to deal with elastic resource situations: where one doesn't know the set of folk that might do work, but wants to be able to indicate what work ought be done if hands are free.15:10
ZaraI suppose someone could link to a 'priority tasks' worklist in the story description, or even use the task link field to write 'HIGH PRIORITY' instead of a link if they really wanted. but if people find the global priority button more useful day-to-day, I won't deprive them of it.15:30
persiaUsing the "task link" area for freeform priority text seems to have all the problems of the global priority, and none of the search/filter related benefits.15:32
persiaPutting a priority tasks link in every story in a worklist, and managing that, seems painful enough to drive folk back to etherpads.15:32
persiaPeople *really* like having priority.  I dislike global priority, but understand the need to express priority.  Worklists are one way to do this in a multi-dimensional way, but there needs to be some expression of this, or it becomes a waste of time, as people cannot usefully express their opinions about priority in a way that others can see.15:34
persiaAnd if one is building a worklist just for oneself (or a small team), an etherpad does a fine job.15:34
persia discusses this in more depth.15:38
persiaMind you, it is painful and costly to maintain global priorities, so removing them has some benefits, but I fear having no expressed priorities becomes confusing.15:39
SotKpersia: what should I see in the place where I see "the set of worklists/boards I care about that this thing is in" if I haven't subscribed to any worklists?15:39
persiaYou ask the hard questions :)  "Nothing" is my first response, but I can see an argument (e.g. for not-logged-in) of having a magic set on a per-project basis.15:40
SotKif "nothing", that is no better than just removing the priority button15:41
persiaWell, no better for folk not subscribed to anything.15:42
persiaI agree that needs thinking about and improvement.15:42
persiaI don't know that it's worth not having anything just because we haven't considered the best way to express things for people not subscribed.15:42
persiaMaybe "everything"?15:43
SotKI think everything makes more sense than nothing, but might be overwhelming depending on how much people make personal worklists which contain the same thing15:44
SotKI suspect that won't be too often though15:44
ZaraI'd suggest people with strong feelings on this have a go mocking up the basic UX, since I have no idea what kind of thing people are envisioning, and trying to convey it verbally to me will just confuse me. xD15:48
ZaraI use storyboard a bunch, I don't use the priority button at all, priority for newcomers here depends on a mix of things including their existing circumstances, and best asked about on irc. the sb kanban is reference for the people on the project, etc.15:52
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Display a modal when a card is clicked on
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Show a modal to confirm archiving cards
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add Due Dates to boards
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Zaranight, storyboard!19:00
SotKnight :)19:19
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ZARA_forgot to say before I went home: the final due-dates patches need review, and
ZARA_after that, the work should actually be visible... :)19:55
ZARA_real night!19:55
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SotK\o/ almost there :D20:18
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