Thursday, 2016-02-11

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Zaramorning storyboard!10:23
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make header 'quick navigate' and 'search' clearer
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Zaraooi, how come the quick-navigation bar in the header wasn't deemed suitable for small screens?14:12
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* krotscheck doesn't remember14:15
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Zaraheh :) I don't actually *have* a smartphone so I'm the worst person for knowing this sort of thing... I want to free up space on the sidebar for a boards/worklists icon, and I don't want to increase the number of icons (slippery slope to a million buttons, imo). so on large screens, planning to move 'search' icon to text saying 'advanced search' under quick navigate bar in header. On small screens, may ju14:22
Zarast move icon to the header, if we shouldn't have the bar.14:22
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krotscheckWell, thankfully chrome will simulate that for you.14:43
Zaraoooh, neat14:47
Zara(I'd been zooming to 300% as a workaround)14:47
Zarathanks for the tip14:48
* SotK tries to figure out how to make assigning a due date to a card in a board sane15:32
SotKI'm not sure how to know what to do when the user changes the due date a card has, does this assert the new due date for the task and leave the old one, or unassert the old one and assert the new one15:37
SotKI'm also not entirely sure how we should be picking which date shows up on a card, other than "earliest one assigned to it that is visible in this board"15:38
Zaraby 'assert'/'unassert', do you mean create/destory?15:40
Zaraor 'say this one is important' vs 'ignore this one'?15:40
SotKI mean say "I think this task should have this due date"15:41
SotK(so, assigning the due date to a task)15:41
Zaraso is this changing which target a task is working toward (which might involve making a new target), or changing the date of a target?15:43
SotKthe former15:44
Zaraokay, I think unassert the old one and assert the new one, since I'm not sure when it'd be useful to display both (could be wrong on that though?) (also, I actually think it should display 'latest one assigned to it')15:51
Zarasince I'm guessing within a board that'd be the most relevant.15:51
SotKbut, latest one assigned to it by whom?15:53
Zarauntil we have filter-dates-by-creator, I'd default to 'all creators and users of the board' and see what happens.15:55
ZaraI guess the alternative is archiving old targets when they're not relavant15:57
Zaraor removing them from the board15:58
ZaraI'd be wary of someone changing a date and it removing a target from a board by default, though.15:58
Zara(yeah no that really wouldn't work because they could be relevant to other tasks in the board, so nvm that last bit)15:59
Zarasummary: it has to display the new one, otherwise you have no way of updating a task's due date in a visible way without getting rid of the associated target.16:00
Zarab/c either you're manually unasserting, so you definitely want the new one, or you're not, in which case, unless the target goes, you've just made an invisible due-date afaict16:02
SotKthat makes sense, but what if the previous due date still needs to be asserted (ie, it was asserted by a PM and is now being replaced by a dev's personal target)? :/16:03
Zarawe can't do personal targets without filtering by user16:03
Zarahm, I'm trying to think if there's a way around that16:04
SotKeven with that, what happens if a user is in the "owners" group for more than one date on a task?16:05
Zaraso, this is multiple targets applied to a task, and we're actually saying 'which target is more important?' (sorry I don't want to use 'date' here because it confuses whether we're referring to the date or the object that includes a date)16:06
ZaraSo I think in the case where there are multiple targets, a user needs to be able to filter the view by target, without dissassociating those from the board for everyone16:08
SotKthis is when someone creates a target/due date, assigns it to a task, then later on creates another target/due date (which is later than the other target) and for whatever reason also assigns that target to the task16:09
Zararight, so in that case, I think you'd end up with multiple dates on the card by default16:10
* SotK thinks that will look really messy16:10
Zaraso we'd want the view to be able to filter by target16:10
SotKmy understanding of "filter by target" is "only show cards whose tasks or stories have this target", does that match yours? :)16:11
Zaraah, no, I was thinking 'only show dates on the cards that match this target'16:12
Zarathat's ambiguous, sorry, 'only show dates that are part of this target on the cards'16:12
Zarabecause I don't see how storyboard can guess which target is the most important, but it can remember a user's preference for that.16:13
SotKthis is all getting really complex again :(16:17
Zaraso sb shows all the cards on the board, and if, eg, 'deliver demo' target is checked, it shows dates for that target on the cards (and other cards without dates). if 'deliver demo' and 'make a thing' are checked, sb shows both dates per card (a tricky thing is making it clear which date applies to which target)16:17
Zaraso the best option to begin with is to just show the most recent date, and not do personal targets16:19
Zarabecause that will require filtering dates by user or target or both and that will be tricky.16:19
SotKI think that is the pest option permanently tbh, but we'll see if people really want to start putting personal targets on shared boards16:19
Zarayeah, I thought doing it this way lets us be flexible enough to incorporate iff we need it16:20
Zara*incorporate it16:20
* SotK decides the next problem is, "what if the user changing the due date doesn't have permission to unassert the previous date?"16:21
Zarathen they can't change the date, hahahaha16:21
Zarain seriousness, I think that's right. they'd have to get permission or get someone with permission to do it.16:22
Zarapermissions just apply within a specific board, right?16:22
SotKnope, they are per-target for the purposes of asserting/unasserting targets16:23
SotKhmm, that has made me think about what happens when you add a user to a board16:28
Zaraoh, I thought the date was asserted just in the context of the board?16:28
SotKnope, the date is asserted storyboard-wide16:28
SotKone date can be in use in many boards, and can be asserted on many tasks/stories16:29
Zaraand tasks can have multiple dates?16:29
ZaraI still don't understand 'assert' in this context then! xD16:30
* SotK types up his understanding to paste it somewhere16:31
Zararight, I thought a task had multiple targets. which target is relevant depends on the board (and there could be more within a board, but we're ignoring those for now). so asserting = saying which one is relevant, rather than adding a target to a task16:33
Zarathat was what I thought was going on16:33
Zaras/which one/which target16:34
SotKaha, I was using "assert" = "assign a due date to a task"16:34
Zarahah, you've probably said that like 5 times and I've read it figuratively or something16:35
Zararight, so if I've follwed this time, assigning a date would remove the old due dates where that's what it means to 'assert'.16:35
SotKwell, I don't really know what is the right thing to do16:36
Zaraah, right, I misunderstood before. I think we should keep all the dates16:36
SotKbecause you might assign a new date to replace an old date, or you might assign a new one because none of the old ones match your opinion16:36
Zarabut we decide relevance at the board level.16:36
SotKrelevancy is a whole different kettle of fish, which I think *should* be per-board, editable by people who can move cards in that board, and one-date-per-card16:37
* SotK hopes you agree :P16:37
ZaraI think where someone assigns a new one to replace an old date16:37
Zarait's up to them to remove the old one from affected boards16:37
* SotK is fine with that16:38
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SotKok, we can also use the per-card "relevant due date" to get the count of cards per-due-date in the board16:38
Zaraand yep totally (we may differ on potential number of dates per card but that's a long way off so :))16:39
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SotKI think people's personal dates belong in their own personal boards xD16:40
SotKbut I might be wrong :)16:40
Zarabtw, I definitely got confused by 'date' as 'date' and 'date' as 'target, including a name and a date'; so if we can change the terminology now +6 to changing 'due_date' to 'target'16:40
Zaraalternatively, we need to stipulate people use due_date to refer to the due_date, and not the due_date_date.16:41
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Zarahaha, I wrote that wrong16:42
Zarawhat a day16:42
Zaraalternatively, we need to stipulate people use due_date to refer to the due_date, and not use 'date' to refer to the due_date16:42
Zara^ was what I meant to type16:42
SotKthat makes more sense, and is what I kept doing in my laziness16:42
* SotK apologises for piling on the confusion16:42
Zararight, I'll never ever refer to filters again, and you'll never refer to dates, and life will be amazing16:43
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP Search Changes
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP Task Links
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Zarahm, I haven't got much done today. where did the time go?!18:00
* Zara hopes to be more useful tomorrow, 'night! :)18:07
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