Tuesday, 2016-01-12

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SotKpaulsherwood: oh, I didn't realise it fell back to gravatar10:10
SotKin that case we should use libravatar10:10
Zaraoh, ace10:15
Zarathanks for the tip!10:16
ZaraI'm suure we've gone over this, but am I right in thinking that automatic worklists will mean things work two ways? ie: updating a task's status makes it change lane in the board, and moving a task to a different lane updates its status? guessing that's (one of) the thing(s) that makes it so complex.10:21
SotKnope, just the first way I'm afraid (updating status changes it's lane)10:23
SotKautomatic worklists won't be manually orderable10:23
Zaraahhh, right10:23
Zarathat works too then10:23
ZaraI was more worried about them getting out of step10:23
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Zara...git keeps freaking out for me12:19
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add rudimentary templates for tags  https://review.openstack.org/26632712:19
ZaraEnter passphrase for key '/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa':12:20
ZaraErrors running git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD12:20
Zarafatal: Unable to read current working directory: No such file or directory12:20
Zara^ this kept happening, then I'd leave the directory and come back and git status would be fine12:20
ZaraI would *guess* that maybe it's because I created the directory as part of the commit12:20
Zaraand going back to early stages involves working from a version without the directory that I was operating from12:21
Zarabut just guesswork, anyway12:21
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add rudimentary templates for tags  https://review.openstack.org/26632712:27
ZaraI still don't know how to get the story urls into the templates12:44
SotKjust construct it using resource.id I guess12:45
Zararight, but it's the 'storyboard.openstack.org' bit that's confusing me12:46
Zarasince that varies between instances12:46
SotKoh yeah, I didn't think of that12:46
Zaradarn it I was hoping I was missing something xD12:47
SotKyou can probably pass the pecan request object to the template, which will have the origin URL I believe12:48
ZaraI got excited because I thought I just needed to pass 'path', but that was just the v1/stories/{id}/tags bit.12:58
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Rudimentary Templates for Tasks  https://review.openstack.org/26425513:29
Zaraso I think I know why persia lost the -1 button the other day13:33
Zaragerrit sometimes goes to an older patch set (maybe the last one the user was looking at?)13:33
Zaraand all your replies default to that, and you can't score it13:33
Zarahow does storyboard currently handle things if someone has asked to be informed if task assignee changes but not if task status changes (eg)13:55
Zarabecause maybe we could apply something similar re: the ttasks email templates13:55
Zara(sorry I have lag expect lots of typos)13:55
SotKIt generates the task_assignee_changed event separately from the notification hook I think14:02
SotKI updated http://storyboard.sotk.co.uk/ with my WIP new "add card" UI, I'd appreciate comments on how it could be improved if anyone has time :)14:13
Zaraokay, seeing the arrows, I now realise that those make me think of links (ipmlying 'go to this story') so maybe a 'plus' button would  be better there14:19
pedroalvarezSotK: really nice the UI to add cards14:22
SotKgah, noticed a "long titles with no spaces break things" bug, I thought I'd found them all!14:27
Zaralooks way nicer now, anyway :)14:37
Zaraso storyboard meetup-- should I change wiki etc so it's just the 17th? does anyone have a strong preference for 2 days instead of 114:57
Zarait was originally just the one day anyway, then I extended it trying to avoid clashes but they're unavoiable14:58
Zarapedroalvarez: are you in openstack-infra? if not I can copy paste; have had responses re: the storyboard ansible role15:14
pedroalvarezoh, I'll read15:14
SotKI wonder why stories are so much slower to browse than tasks15:15
* SotK begins investigating15:16
Zaramaybe more metadata associated with them that's being loaded?15:16
Zarano idea15:16
pedroalvarezZara: oh, so it looks like they are happy to host it15:19
Zarayup, openstack/ansible-role-storyboard seems to be the most conventional way to do it.15:21
ZaraI daresay you saw, but odyssey4me suggested recruiting reviewers from openstack-ansible15:23
ZaraI feel a bit weird wandering around there when I know so little about ansible15:23
Zaraso it's all yours! :P15:24
pedroalvarezyeah, thanks!15:29
SotKsome investigation reveals storyboard.db.api.stories.story_get_count() to be slow15:31
SotKand the mystery is solved15:39
SotKI guess we need to rewrite all the get_count functions15:39
ZaraI know just the person for that15:42
Zarahis name's SotK15:42
Zarahe loves doing that sort of thing15:42
ZaraI am 100% sure of this15:43
pedroalvarezyeah, he is a nice guy :)15:48
SotKthe workaround suggested in that link doesn't seem to be all that helpful (I don't have the sqlalchemy-fu to retain our filtering without using a subquery)16:03
SotKI wonder if it is quicker to execute the query itself and get the length of the list16:04
SotKdoesn't seem to be...16:09
* SotK digs deeper16:09
SotKhmm, actually executing the query seems to take far longer, it must be constructed slightly differently I guess...16:18
Zaraso sleeeeeeeeepy16:20
SotKsomething really weird is going on16:33
Zarabtw, I'm getting errors searching via stories searchbar16:35
Zara400 'Unknown argument: "status"'16:36
Zarasearch still works, but guessing that filter is failing16:36
SotKis that when you try to search with a string, rather than a filter?16:36
Zaraah, yeah16:37
Zaraif I type something then press 'enter' wihtout selecting from the dropdown16:37
SotKyeah, its because the /v1/stories/search method doesn't support the filter parameters16:38
SotKit probably should do16:38
Zaraoh! that reminds me!16:38
ZaraI was thinking about the 'lots of criteria' problem for header search16:38
Zaray'know, I'm not sure it's actaully a big problem16:39
Zaraeven if there weren't an 'advanced search' option, the bar could get bigger vertically16:39
Zaraor even if it does nothing, gerrit's searchbar is tiny and I haven't had a problem with that aspect of it16:39
SotKI hate gerrit's searchbar :)16:40
ZaraI hate it but for different reasons16:40
Zarait's size relative to criteria doesn't bother me, but the fact that the strings searched are really long and it can't match part of a string16:40
Zarathat bothers me16:40
Zaraoh and you can't type in things *without* criteria iirc16:41
Zarahaha I dislike a lot of things about it, just not the area which overlaps here16:41
ZaraI'd be inclined to try it and move filters over into an 'advanced search' if it's horrible to use.16:42
SotKif it grew vertically, would the header bar expand too?16:42
ZaraI think that would make sense16:43
Zaraif it looked really weird we could change it (I'd kinda like it to expand out of the header bar when clicked but I suspect that'd be a pain)16:43
SotKwhere would the results of the search appear?16:44
ZaraI guess you'd still have them below it; I don't think someone would use so many filters that they'd go off the page (assuming search behaves as it behaves now)16:45
SotKI don't really see that filtering gives much of a benefit if it was just to populate a tiny dropdown box though16:46
Zaraatm we have the first option in the box leading to a page of search results when clicked16:47
Zaraor that page is accessed when enter is pressed16:47
Zaraso I think we'd need to make that clearer, but I don't see how any of the other search bars actually do any better on that score16:47
ZaraI just found the various bars with differing behaviour confusing, because they looked pretty similar16:48
Zarathey're all bars that you can type in with a magnifying glass in the corner, two say search. so even if they're designed to work differently for different use-cases, it's not obvious to a user.16:50
Zaramaybe there should be two bars in the header, one for quicknav, one for search, have them behave differently to each other, and remove other bars.16:51
Zarabehave differently and look different16:51
Zaraie: an arrow instead of the magnifying glass16:51
SotKI'd certainly be in favour of making the current header bar look different to the other search bars16:52
SotKI think two bars in the header would be confusing though16:52
Zarayeah, might look weird. but I think we need search accessible from all pages. nobody wants to click on a dedicated search page.16:53
ZaraI think we need some way of doing it that's also going to be obvious. I'm guessing web browsers choose search or navigate via syntax, but I'm not sure if that could work here.16:55
SotKin that case, lets keep the top option of the header bar a "go to search" option, but not allow advanced filtering on the header16:58
SotK(it only shows the first 5? results in each category anyway, and would quickly get too long if it showed more)16:58
SotKwe'd need to come up with something for mobile users too, since they don't have the header search bar16:59
Zaraokay. maybe a magnifying glass icon in the header, with a popout search bar or something? so it doesn't look like two bars17:01
Zarabit like the 'new...' modals in appearance17:01
Zaraagain that requires a user to click to search, so I'm not sure whether it's that different to thing on sidebar.17:03
SotKyeah, that wouldn't gain us anything really (and a page is probably marginally nicer than a modal for mobile)17:04
ZaraI like the idea of the search selecting default filters depending on which page it's clicked from17:05
SotKand remove the filter bars on list pages? that could work I guess17:06
Zarayeah, I'm wondering how it'd be implemented, but 2 bars would be better than 5 imo17:06
SotKtrying to optimise the stories GET is apparently impossible17:07
ZaraI'd still kinda like it to display results in the style that they're displayed on the list pages, though, in those cases, since that'll be the relevant bit to the user17:08
SotKit is taking the same amount of time no matter what I do, even if the get_all function reaches it's end faster17:08
ZaraI'd love to have the two functions in the same bar in a way the user can guess, argh. ;_;17:08
* SotK can't think of a way to do that sensibly :(17:09
* SotK disappears for a while17:09
Zaraokay. it'd be good to talk to some UX people and see if they can help with that, so I'll have a look around17:09
* betherly reading chat history17:17
Zarait's very exciting honest17:18
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betherlyso re expanding the header im not sure thats the most user friendly17:36
betherlythen the results are pushed down the page17:36
betherlymaybe they can be displayed absolutely over the top of the results17:37
betherlyand on scroll down or click off they can be hidden so they're not hiding anything?17:37
Zarathat would work for me.17:38
Zarathough I'm still wondering about how to make it clear when it searches vs when it works as a quick-navigate17:39
ZaraI'm trying to think of searchbars that work similarly, but so far the only thing I can think of is the one in the webbrowser. I suppose I don't question it on windows search (win7 and earlier anyway); maybe that's to do with the amount of space between the search and results, or familiarity, not sure17:40
betherlycan you explain more how you mean re quick-navigate?17:41
Zaraso atm if you type something into the search bar, you get a dropdown17:41
Zaraitems on the dropdown are links to the relevant stories17:42
Zarathere's also a magnifying glass in the dropdown17:42
Zarathat functions as a 'search for what I've typed so far'17:42
Zaraand pressing 'enter' also does 'search for what I've typed so far'17:42
Zaraso currently the bar functions as both a search without filters, and a quick way to get to a story/project you want17:43
ZaraI only found out how it works earlier this week, because other bars in storyboard behave solely as search bars, but with filters. so I don't think it's that obvious.17:45
Zarabut yeah, I think people need to be able to both search and quickly navigate to a specific story from every page, instead of choosing between the two. I don't think people need to be able to filter search results from every page, as long as they can easily get to a page where they can.17:51
Zarabut people may disagree on that. maybe the answer is only allowing a small subset of filters17:51
betherlymaybe you could have a different font style in the results17:52
betherlyie the results that link to specific stories are bold and with a light background of some sort17:52
betherlydoes that sort of make sense?17:52
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Zara(also SotK pointed out that the header search doesn't work on a mobile; to me it makes more sense to change that than to have two search buttons to work around it (maybe bar could just be replaced by an icon on mobile, idk)17:54
ZaraI'm not sure if that'd just make someone skim over the search option in the list and assume it wasn't interactive.. maybe the answer for that bit is as straightforward as replacing the magnifying glass in the drop down with the words 'search for...'17:55
Zara(I've been skimming over the search option, maybe because the hover just says 'Text: ', I'm not sure)17:56
ZaraI think that'd make sense for a list with a mix of search options and links. atm we have one option which means 'click here to search' and then all the other things in the dropdown are links17:57
betherlyye that makes sense17:58
Zara:) ideally it's just me who skims over the search option and we just need to work out how to adjust the header search to work nicely with filters and do something nice on a mobile.17:59
ZaraI don't like a whole slot in the sidebar being taken up with a search icon for a dedicated search page that I never use17:59
Zaramaybe I'm overthinking it and we can just move the link to that page to an 'advanced search...' option in the header search dropdown18:01
Zaraand list working filters on that page so users know how to make their search more advanced, haha18:02
Zarazzz, idk, sleepy. 'til tomorrow!18:02
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SotKits not that it doesn't work on mobile, its just not there :)18:29
SotKthat last idea sounds like the best one to me18:31
Zarasorry, I phrased it badly, I'm not saying that's not the intended behaviour-- rather that it shouldn't be.18:32
Zaracool \o/18:32
Zaraoh, hm, searching a user should give that user's created and assigned stories18:53
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