Monday, 2015-12-07

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SotKgood morning!10:02
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* pedroalvarez has noticed this weekend that the 401 never happens from his phone10:30
* Zara tweaks 'about' page so it reads: "Storyboard: For Phones Only"10:31
Zaraproblem solved =D10:31
pedroalvarezwhat I wanted to point out, is that it works for some environments..10:47
Zarayeah, it's interesting. I wonder whether that means it's more or less broken on phones10:48
Zaraie: whether the code that says 'log out this user' isn't working, or whether the code which says 'log this user back in' is working10:49
pedroalvarezwell, for an user it looks like it's working properly, which is good10:52
pedroalvarezI noted also that when you save the preferences, the green "pop up" doesn't appear until you go to another page..10:52
pedroalvarezthis might be related10:53
pedroalvarezwho knows! but one day we will know for sure :)10:53
SotKhmm, I wonder if the mobile browser is handling the bit that refreshes the token differently for some reason10:54
SotK(ie. actually doing it before giving up on the request)10:54
Zarais there a way of seeing the relevant code for the mobile browser?10:58
Zara(idk what browser it is)10:58
pedroalvarezthis was on latest chrome for android10:59
pedroalvarezoh god, I just tried again and 401s happened..11:00
pedroalvarezI promise you that I wasn't lying .. :(11:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a preview button for story descriptions
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openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add templates for tags added/deleted subscription events
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add checkboxes for tag events on preferences page
pedroalvarezadding the checkboxes was really easy to be honest12:39
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Zaraack, just noticed that the worklists/boards page currently does one GET per worklist, one GET per board14:26
ZaraI'm guessing no one user is going to have a million billion worklists/boards, but it's still an issue.14:27
pedroalvarezis this because it would be more efficient?14:37
Zaramy guess is it was the easiest implementation, but it'll be slow/won't scale well. I'd've thought it wouldn't need to scale loads but I might not know about a use-case.14:38
SotKyeah, its very much not optimised14:39
SotKits worse than one GET per worklist too14:40
Zaraooh? =D14:41
SotKfor each board it does something like `GET /v1/boards/:id`, `GET /v1/worklists?board_id=:id`, then for each worklist that is returned `GET /v1/worklists/:id/items`14:42
SotKso 2 GETs per worklist (worklist and the items), and "2 + number of lanes" GETs per board14:43
* SotK has plans to make it less awful14:43
Zaralol, for a second I read that as 'SotK has no plans to make it less awful'14:43
ZaraI was like, '... good to know...'14:44
Zarabut it turns out it *is* good to know, so thanks :)14:44
Zarapermissions patch is merging... NOW!14:55
Zarawell, I've +1d it, anyway14:56
Zaraso hopefully pedro's patches won't be blocked for much longer14:56
Zara:P I'm pretty sleepy today, but I'll try to test the docs for setting up notifications tomorrow.15:00
pedroalvarezI'll change that 49 to a 50 and that 50 to a 51 :)15:00
SotKZara: thanks :)15:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Implement complex permissions for worklists and boards
Zarayeah, we need the resource caching :/ a story detail page on my instance is doing about 25 more GETs than it was before.15:28
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add story_title to tag events.
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Zarahmm, ugly bug in storyboard16:52
Zarahave replicated it.16:56
Zaramy guess would be that the title of a story after #25 is getting misinterpreted and we need to sanitise better, but that's just a guess16:58
pedroalvarezwow, scary bug17:01
SotKoh dear17:02
SotKwitness the horror:
Zaratried putting all the titles that looked like they had interesting characters into a project in my instance, didn't cause the problem17:07
ZaraI daresay the person with the actual database data can do a better job debugging xD17:09
* SotK is trying to figure it out17:11
Zaraso story 31 or 31 or something?17:11
ZaraI went with limit 1 and then increased the offset...17:12
Zarajobs should not be restarted indefinitely17:15
Zara^I think it's that one17:15
Zarait's freaking out about the description17:15
Zara!/story/1260910 <- stop script, then click edit17:16
Zaraand ye shall see17:16
persiaAs a data point, that last URL loads for me without stopping any scripts17:16
SotKdoes the content display properly too?17:18
persiaSame behaviour logged-in or logged-out, but I thought I'd note it since it seems different from other's experience.17:19
ZaraI'll try it in chromium17:19
Zaraiceweasel doesn't like it17:19
SotKchromium doesn't either17:19
pedroalvareznot valid xml17:21
Zaraclicking edit allows us to see the original description, unrecognised characters and all17:21
Zarawe could edit it, or change the code (or copy it, edit it, and change the code later-- though we need it to be an accurate copy)17:22
Zarawell, I'm assuming it'll let us edit it.17:22
* SotK notices its working in iceweasel on jessie for him17:23
Zaraare you also getting the page break in the zuul stories list17:23
SotKnot in iceweasel on jessie17:25
SotKseems like its coping with the error caused17:25
SotKwhich seems to be angular's html sanitiser tripping up on the story description17:26
persiaSotK: Your experience with iceweasel/jessie matches mine, so I suspect I can't help more.17:27
persiaMaybe bits of angular don't run on some browsers?17:27
Zarayeah, or the browser itself is compensating on jessie?17:28
SotKactually, having said that I don't see anything in the console when loading the story detail page17:28
SotKso I guess the sanitisation troubles are coming from elsewhere17:29
* pedroalvarez finds unicode on the description17:29
Zarayeah, it's funky.17:29
SotKI guess we need to handle the unicode on the API side, since it isn't valid xml17:30
Zaraanyone want to/agree to try editing it for now? copy the unicode characters somewhere so we can put them back in later, and remove them from the description in the meantime? assuming that getting the API to handle unicode is more than a two-minute job, anyway17:31
pedroalvarezthey are escape unicode characters I think17:32
pedroalvarezso, nothing to show17:32
pedroalvarezthis would be the description unicode free:
persiaUm.  Except for a few codepoints listed at , the rest of Unicode *is* valid XML.17:34
Zaraokay, I can't edit it because attempting to freezes my browser. xD persia or SotK, it's all yours.17:35
* persia would be annoyed not to be able to copy "12月 22" from a terminal window when showing a log file17:35
persiaZara: Use a browser in an older VM (e.g. jessie).  I'm using rekonq on trusty, for example.17:36
* SotK wonders if persia can load successfully17:36
SotK(in browser)17:36
persiaSotK: That reports "This page contains the following errors:"17:37
persiaUsing an inspector, the entire error seems to be valid XML.17:37
persiaBut it *is* an error report.17:37
* SotK gets "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed"17:38
persiaSotK: In jessie/iceweasel?17:39
pedroalvarezwell, different browsers, different errors, but the error is clear "error on line 4 at column 66: PCDATA invalid Char value 27"17:41
persiapedroalvarez: Two issues: #1: the loose escape character.  #2: that the presentation of this breaks some clients.17:42
ZaraI could make a brand new vm with a different browser, or someone for whom the page works could just edit the story for now (copying the characters to use them for testing purposes)17:42
persiaIt should work for folk not me, or even I can't use it to collaborate :)17:43
persiaZara: As everything works for me, I have no idea what to change.17:43
SotK is the offending part it seems17:45
Zarathere's a bit further on, hang on17:46
persiaSo, the issue is that the ANSI control codes (or whatever folk are using these days) are transliterated in such a way that they appear to be XML literals.17:47
persiaIt's mostly about '[', which probably ought be encoded by the content sanitiser before being stored in the DB.17:47
persiaAnd the DB should be cleaned.17:48
Zaraanywhere there's a square bracket in those pastes, there's *secretly* a unicode character17:48
persiaIt isn't secret, especially.17:48
persiaAnd, at least from the error above, it isn't even espeically unicode.17:48
Zara:P well, the pastebins don't display them. I like to pretend it's top-secret.17:48
persiaIt's valid ASCII.17:48
persiaJust terminal escape codes (which are called "escape codes" for a reason)17:49
persiaAnd if these cannot be safely stored in the DB and displayed, then nobody can copy&paste from a terminal.17:49
persiaWhich would be inconvenient.17:49
persiaSo, anyway, *this* story can be sanitised, but it would be good to check for other stories to see where else people copied text from their terminal.17:52
persiaBecause there's probably a fair number of stories in need of cleaning.17:52
Zarayeah, agreed; I think this one was only discovered because people use the project a lot17:54
pedroalvarezwow, I copied and pasted the description sanitized on my storyboard, and unicode happens again17:54
Zaralonger term, storyboard needs to handle things correctly.17:54
persiapedroalvarez: When you say "unicode", what do you mean, precisely?  Multibyte glyphs?17:54
persiawide characters?17:55
pedroalvarezthere is a 0x1b char jjust before every '['17:55
pedroalvarezon the returnted xml from the api17:55
persiaRight.  That's the "ESC" character from ASCII, used in terminal escape codes.17:55
Zaraokay, attempting to save sanitised version17:57
pedroalvarezwhat I mean is that if you create a story, without these "ESC" chars, they will appear again, so my guess is that the description doesn't have any unicode char, but the api is creating them17:57
persiaUnlikely, in that specific structure, with that specific content.17:58
ZaraI think it might have not been santized fully. I had weird issues editing it until I deleted the square brackets, too.17:58
persiaPossible, but unlikely.17:58
ZaraI'm not sure why but it seems to work, now, anyway.17:58
Zaramaybe a caching thing, idk17:58
ZaraI have the old unicode stuff saved if we need another copy17:59
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pedroalvarezthis is totally reproducible18:00
persiaPlease don't call this "unicode": it is not a unicode-relarted problem.18:01
persia"ANSI" is probably the most equivalent term, if you want a one-word entry to specify the standard under which these codes exist.18:01
Zaraokay. the zuul team should be able to see their projects, now, anyway.18:04
Zaraaw, I'm so happy, we got to the bottom of a bug! :) in record time!18:06
pedroalvarezwell.. this can happen again :)18:07
pedroalvarezin the meantime I've put 月 on a story, and that works good18:07
Zarayeah, but at least we know why ~o~18:07
Zara~you can't take my celebration away from me~18:07
Zara'night, all! :)18:08
persia月should be fine: it's nice printable unicode.  ANSI codes are explcitly non-printable, which causes the issue.18:08
SotKZara: night :)18:08
SotKpersia: how should the ANSI codes be stored in the database?18:09
persiaSotK: I'd recommend dropping them entirely.18:09
persiaThey usually indicate things like "move the cursor back over what was just written to overwrite it" or "change the color", neither of which is often interesting in log files.18:10
persia(as the log should be colorised by the log renderer, not in the log, and the overstrike is only interesting in realtime)18:10
SotKaha, that explains why I couldn't see any issue when looking at the database itself :)18:19
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