Tuesday, 2015-11-17

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix dashboard subscriptions list  https://review.openstack.org/24581210:41
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Zarayay, another bug in search15:01
Zaraso when you search via the bar on the top right, it autocompletes15:02
Zaraand you can pick from among the options. for stories and projects, you will navigate to the project/story selected, when you press 'enter'15:02
Zarabut for project groups, nothing happens15:02
Zarafor the search bar on the left navbar, it seems to work for project groups15:04
pedroalvarezZara: I've noticed sometimes that some search boxes don't behave until I click somewhere else and then click in the search box again15:04
paulsherwoodZara: first thing, remove one of the search bars... then all bugs associated with it can be closed :-)15:04
* paulsherwood wasn't kidding :-)15:05
Zarapaulsherwood: I need to work out which one is the buggiest one first ;)15:05
paulsherwoodZara: not really. is search required for anonymous visitors? i think so. hence the top left one should survive imo15:05
Zarapaulsherwood: both bars display for anonymous visitors, as far as I can tell. I want to understand the implementation before we remove things because I'm guessing there's a reason why it ended up this way.15:09
paulsherwoodZara: ack15:10
paulsherwood(but the top one is 'always on')15:10
Zarayeah, I'd rather just have the one 'always on' search in the top right15:11
* paulsherwood notices he said left, meant right15:11
pedroalvarezgood, because now I also agree15:12
pedroalvarez**unless** top left one provides extra filtering options15:12
Zaraheh. :) yeah, I just want to poke around first and find out if there was some problem with it that meant people made more.15:12
Zarayeah, exactly15:12
pedroalvarezalthough the same filtering options may be implemented in Stories/Projects search boxes15:13
ZaraI hope so. I'm worried they'll be different again...15:15
paulsherwoodwhy not have one box with a filter dropdown on one end of it (all, stories, projects)15:16
ZaraI'd also be fine with that, though I'd want to know how people are currently using it15:18
Zaraeg: if a lot of people are used to filtering by using the search on the projects or stories page.15:19
Zara(the search story is here; adding things as I find them: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000402 , feel free to add more!)15:27
Zarait seems the search on the 'stories' page lists everything but stories...15:31
Zaraanother good reason to version things again, so we can deprecate features safely.15:38
* SotK_ has been known to actually use the filtering on the stories page15:50
pedroalvarezafter all this conversation I noticed my searching in my storyboard instance is broken -.-'15:53
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Zarapedroalvarez: :/ how so?16:00
krotscheckZara: Just got a ping from betherly that you were looking for help on storyboard. How's it going?16:00
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Zarakrotscheck: Hi! :) yeah, we talked very briefly at the summit, it's roughly that neither SotK or myself are the best with angularjs, or the most experienced with UX, although we're learning. So we could do with some more muscle on the webclient side.16:01
Zarabest practices, etc16:02
krotscheckGot it!16:02
krotscheckSo, I'm ont her boss, but I'm her colleague who helped build storyboard.16:02
krotscheckAnd she asked me if she was allowed to work on this16:02
krotscheckTo which I went: "Urr... I'm not your boss, and your boss doesn't care"16:02
Zara(it seems like everyone is familiar with python for the API, but it's harder to get reviews for the webclient, too, probably for similar reasons.)16:03
Zaraooh, this sounds promising =D16:03
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betherlyhey hey16:03
Zarahi again! :)16:03
betherlyso my main biggy right now is working on this ironic plugin thingy16:03
betherlybut i am very up for helping out with the UX and front endy cool side of this and helping put it together where i can16:04
krotscheckSo you need reviews?16:04
Zarabetherly: that would be amazing, thank you so much :)16:04
krotscheckFeel free to ping me directly on particular patches. I can't promise fast turnaround, but then I've got 45 patches waiting in the queue myself, so I have some time to kill.16:04
betherlyawesome! do you want to schedule a meeting for this week some time to fill me in on where you are with it and where you need help?16:05
Zarakrotscheck: always. :) we had a flurry after the summit and I'm hoping to keep it going, but it can get slow16:05
betherlyditto to what krotscheck said. very happy to review16:05
ZaraSotK's work on worklists and boards is here: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:adam.coldrick%2540codethink.co.uk+status:open,n,z16:05
Zarathere are also the revived email notification patches, that may look rather familiar...16:05
krotscheckIs there a spec for worklists?16:06
betherlyand krotscheck - re the webclient i will try not to miss reviews you request but if theres some i havent done please ping me16:06
* krotscheck has no idea what you're talking about ;)16:06
betherlyi had no internet last week and came back to >4000 emails16:06
krotscheckbetherly: We have +2+1 on configuration :)16:06
Zarakrotscheck: spec here: https://github.com/openstack-infra/infra-specs/blob/master/specs/storyboard_worklists_boards.rst16:06
krotscheckZara I like this intro already16:07
krotscheckThe worklist criteria table I might suggest a slightly different data structure on...16:08
krotscheck...but that's beside the point right now.16:09
Zarakrotscheck: :) Heh, yeah, I think we'd like to keep things moving and refine as we go, where possible. SotK should be back from Tuesday. (He's the far more experienced developer)16:09
Zaraso he's probably the better target for any deeper questions on the API side, though I'll try to help where I can.16:10
betherlyso after today or next tuesday?16:10
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betherlyok great16:10
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krotscheckArgh, wrong window highlighted16:10
Zarabetherly: next Tuesday.16:10
Zarahahaha that gave me a scare16:10
* betherly has high school musical music in head16:11
betherly* dont ask16:11
krotscheckThat's a good list16:12
betherlysweet thanks krotscheck16:13
krotscheckSomething I really, really, really want Storyboard to do is start expressing relationships in absolute URI's.16:14
krotscheckI know this might sound wird.16:14
krotscheckBut it makes multi-storyboard task tracking way easier.16:14
SotK_krotscheck: what changes would you suggest to that data structure OOI?16:14
krotscheckBut that's just me :)16:14
* krotscheck wishlist16:14
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krotscheckSotK_: Mostly the types. The tag-search already constructs an array of criteria, which includes user:ID, type:foo, etc etc.16:15
krotscheckOnce a user has refined their criteria, it would be fairly simple to add a button that says "Save as Board"16:16
SotKthat sounds similar to how I've partially done it in the end (I've used the tag-search stuff)16:18
krotscheckCool, I'll check the reviews.16:21
SotKnot sent for review yet :)16:22
krotscheckOh. Well then!16:24
krotscheckChanged my mind on the review link. This one's a bit more refined: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+(project:openstack-infra/storyboard+OR+project:openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient)+-owner:self+(-label:Code-Review%253D2%252Cuser%253Dself+AND+-label:Code-Review%253D1%252Cuser%253Dself)++label:Verified%253D1,n,z16:25
paulsherwoodkrotscheck: hi there! how's life treating you?16:36
krotscheckpaulsherwood: Life is diaperlicious.16:36
ZaraI'll be afk for a little while but should be back in a bit16:53
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