Friday, 2015-09-04

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Zarahow's everyone doing in storyboardland today?11:39
SotKstill feeling a bit under the weather and battling with boards11:41
SotKhow are subscriptions today?11:44
Zarahahah, I suddenly made progress with it yesterday and got about halfway there for my tiny goal (getting things to refresh in the display on a click without reloading the page). now POSTs work as expected11:45
Zaraso I thought it'd be easy to get DELETEs doing the same but hahaha11:46
SotKnothing is ever easy :)11:47
Zaraatm if I click a filled star, it deletes the subscription but doesn't update the display. if I click an empty star, it posts a subscription and updates the display. If I then click on it again, it updates to an empty star in the display but doesn't delete the subscription! (and will be filled on reload)11:47
Zaraso I've screwed something up xD11:47
Zaraso atm it works perfectly if I make it refresh the page after each subscription, but that's probably more irritating for a user than waiting ages for the page to load in the first place. so I need to work out exactly what things are currently being updated on reload, that aren't updated otherwise, and update them in the function that executes when the user clicks.11:53
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ZaraI have a lot of weird stuff in that code at this point from trying things out and getting to grips with angularjs, so that's probably not helping.11:55
Zarabut I'm inching forward with it, so that's better than earlier in the week.11:56
SotKinching forward is better than getting nowhere :)12:01
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Zarajust looked at for storyboard; nice to see the list has gone down a bit from last time I dared look. :)15:42
Zarahopefully things will get more active again over the next couple of weeks15:42
* SotK has his fingers crossed15:43
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